Neverwinter Nights: Shadows Of Undrentide: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Relieving quests and talk with characters, as always, you can be the most different ways: where is the rough strength, where to try to deceive, in trust, bribe, set up one against the other and t.D. and T.P. In each case, the response of the interlocutor may be different, sometimes the most unpredictable. In general, methods are offered a car and a small trolley and this passage is only one of the possible options.
Your adventures are beginning in the house of the DROGAN Master, where you, being his most experienced and senior student, have almost come to the final exam. That this is to be for the exam, no one says, because it is so mysterious. Take your stuff from the chest, read the magazine and go out on the door. You are surrounded by other students of the master and start cute to chatting about their problems and especially ask about the last test. From these conversations you will learn about the magic ring, which the master distributed to all his disciples. With it you can at any time (even when you kill you) teleport to the master’s house. Back to the place of death or the last use of the ring you can teleport already one lady about which a little later. Unfortunately, teleported how many times it will not work – for each movement it will be necessary “Focus Crystal”. You can do them in the DROGAN laboratory, only for this you need the following items: one crystal quartz and two more than anyone else to choose from – Amethyst, Fluorspar, Aventurine, Phenalope.
Suddenly your chatter with other students will interrupt the sounds of the battle, and everything will be cleaned to the bottom floor. Get down down (“DROGAN HOME – MAIN FLOOR”), join the battle and help kill small monsters. A certain Ayala Windspear will appear (it will be necessary to come and report on the key quests, it will also teleport you back) and will begin to treat DROGAN from poisoning. She, like DROGAN, belongs to the Harper clan and fights evil in all its manifestations. She will also tell you that your teacher has a subligate kobolds raised four magical artifacts and that you will have to return them back. This is your final test. Pass her about all four things: “Mummified Hand”, “Dragon’s Tooth”, “Tower Statue”, “Mask”. You still need to get therapeutic drugs for the Master (“Tressym Tongue”, “Charcoal”, “Helmhorn Berries”), they can be reached from the pharmacist. As long as you can wander around the house. As satellites (Hychenchmen), you can choose a Dorn’U or Xanos’a.
Go to Drogan’s Laboratory. Included you will meet a flying creature RIISI. Tell him that the master is poisoned, agree to listen to the riddles. On the first answer “yes”, ask to ask the second. Answer “I Will Be Hangan”, well, and the correct answer to the third will be “6”. If your companion will disturb you – calm him. In general, these comrades have become a little more independent than earlier, forever climb where they do not ask with their advice and wishes. By the way, the number of options, which to do with them, has also grown, and you can still change their weapons, things, looking in their inventory.
As a result, Riisi will give you the key and embankment a little focus crystals.
Return to the hall, climb up and enter the DROGAN’A room, then to the laboratory. Here you can make focus crystals, as described above, connecting West 3 crystals. Go outside.
Hilltop West.
On the road to the barn, plunge the kobolds, look into the forge to Fion’e to look at the proposed selection of weapons. Then visit the pharmacist Farghan’U and tell him about trouble with your teacher. He will give two subjects (“Trenym Tongue”, “Charcoal”), and for the third it will advise to contact Mar’e in the tavern. He also can buy a lot of pebbles for cooking focus crystals. Go to the tavern, there you will find barricaded in the kitchen of cobolov. Hell with them, but they took Mara hostage, so enter into negotiations and… here you can or cheat them, then kill, or let go on all four sides. Talk to Mara, then take the “Helmhorn Berries” from the boiler on the stove. Return to Ayala and give her three healing items. It seems to be the master while there is no danger, and you will hurry to search for missing artifacts. It seems that stupid kobolds dragged them into their caves, that in the mountains in the north…
Before leaving the cute town of Hilltop, you can talk to the magic Szaren and later with the mayor to convince him to allow the sorcerer to establish here “Thayvian Enclave”. Also, on the way, you will meet an upset Nora Blake, go to her house, climb upstairs and remove her 2-month-old baby from Kobold in exchange for some precious pebbles. Return baby mother. Finally, talking to Katriana, you will learn that the predictor kidnapped the fortune cards, want to help – ahead.
Go to the goal, talk to the guard and leave the city.
Hilltop Foothills.
On the road you will meet Ferran, who will offer to warm up with his hearth, at the same time tell about Koboldov. One group washed off in “Elven Crypt”, and the other ran to the north, in the mountains. In the north of the card, talk to Nathan Hurst, he will tell about his daughter. Her giant Rumgut kidnapped, which lives in the cave in the West. Go there and try convincing healthy to return your father’s daughter, because it still will not grow up to its size. If it does not work in a good way, then ask a rascant loan. Take it the key and open the cage with the captive. Get out of the cave and talk to Becka Hurst, later and with her dad. Awards gift. Go down to the tomb.
“Elven Crypt Upper Level”.
Look at the “marker”, steles are disappeared with rats and go down to the lower
ELVEN CRYPT LOWER LEVEL). Go to Tomb of Nilmaldor and talk to the Spirit, he will ask you to destroy spiders and their nests. You can agree, and you can soak it, open the sarcophagus and pick up “Elven Hall of Trials Key”. You can return to top, open the door to the east, see the pedestal with the red rays diverging in all sides. In the center on the pedestal will lie down.
Go down, continue to go further, break the lounge from the boxes. On the door to the left, destroy the lair spiders and their eggs. Before the next door, tell me that you are not “Gnoll”, not a spider and no skeleton, then you will miss you. Talk to the leader of Koboldov, urko. You can ask him an artifact, but you can kill and pick up just like that. As a result, you will have the first of four magic items – “The Mummifield Hand”. If you use it, then the luminous path will show you the way. Select upstairs, leave the tomb and store the pointers in the Blumberg Gorodishko.
First you will see a dying person, then gnolls will attack you. In one of the small and even unburned horses, talk to the escaped Kobold name by Deekin. He has a second artifact, but he agrees to give it, only if you talk / kill his master and free it. There is nothing to do, you will have to obey. And you know who his master? White dragon Tymofarrar…
Return to the previous card and go to the north, in the mountains.
There are two caves here, climb in “Kobold Cave”. At the end there will be a room with a chest in the center, next to him four doors, for each of which the lever. And ahead is massive, round, wooden doors with signs. See what is drawn on the plate, and pull the lever with the same pictures around it. In the same way, discover all four round doors (the order of the levers of the C-B, Yu-Z, Yu-B, s – s). Pass on the “To Master” pointer. The way to block the hefty boulder in the shape of the head, you do not raise it. You need to talk to Master Jumper in one of the cameras in the south of the card. He will tell how Koboldy raise this boulder, agree to help if you deliver to him “Rod of Ruler”. He is located at the leader, in general, the leader here is the one who has this lever.
Talk to Chief Arzig, ask him to give “Rod of Ruler” or agree on somehow. You can just cut him down and his guard, pick up the lever for just so. Then attribute him to Master Jumper… Or approach the head, see the secret door, go inside and use the “ROD” on the mechanism.
Dragon Caves.
You can try to negotiate with the dragon and release Deekin’s kind, and you can fill up and pick up his head with you, blood, five hundred coins and another artifact – “Mask”. Also, the dragon will tell you that the Gnoll Mistress – J’nah, but then beta, so he wants to take revenge. Just he will ask you and ask for him. J’nah is in a cave with Gnolls that in High Forest. To do this, even give a powder that will help you to fight it and another key to quickly get to the surface. Insert the key into a large stone near the water – you will be upstairs.
In the shop in Blumberg, the cowardly Kobold Deekin’a will not be, where he was having, scoundrel? Calm, only calm, a little time you will meet him, and you can even include in your team.
High Forest.
On this map there are many wild animals, often large, aggressive and terrible. There are also several caves in which you can find a lot of interesting things. Go through the bridge and go to the stone mansion, there lives a hermit. For a very indiscreet fee, he will be able to teleport you to those places where you have already visited. In the cave next to this building, you walk the bandits, take useful things and the key. It will come in handy to explore two caves in the center of the map. This place was chosen by Bugbear Shaman, and well there shamanish, well, the air shake. In the central cave, turn the skeletons and mummia, take the belt from the coffin.
Gnoll Caves.
Sleeping gnoll at the gong will be waging, it’s quickly to come up, until I examined. Then there will be a lot of his fellow, free from imprisoning Glendir. Talk to their leader, Chief Gshnak. He will begin to knock you on the murder of his Mrs., that very J’nsh, who recently climbed all the power over Gnolls to her hands. If you agree to cooperate with him, give the key to the dungeon. Go down to the lower level.
Underground Ruins.
Open the multi-colored glowing doors and kill four elements in the corners of the labyrinth: Earth, Air, Water and Fire. Large doors will open, descend even at the level below.
Ancient Hall.
After the conversation scene, talk to J’nah, she will tell you her story. Then kill it and cross all her companions. Gnolls will be resorted to help you, did not deceive. Take another magic artifact “Dragon’s Tooth”. Talk to a luminous ball named Azith and use Spell on it (any, here without any difference) – immediately find yourself on the surface. Moreover, in front of you will appear Deekin, which you used to unsuccessfully looking for a Blumberg village. Tell him about the dragon (if you safely killed him or could agree) and he will give you an inadvertently broken “The Tower Statue”.
Return to DROGAN and give him all the artifacts. In fact, the main one of them is “Tower Statue”, and the rest, it seems, you can leave yourself and use otherwise, for example, to sell proven some connoisseur. Inside the broken statue, the wizard will see crystal, and then will ask to attribute this crystal Garrick Halassar in Anauroch Desert. Conversations with caravantes for your transportation to the place he takes. Agree to deliver artifact and find yourself in the desert.