No Man’s SKY: Game Walkthrough and Guide (Resources, Components and Signal Scanner)

Table elements
No Man’s Sky has its own periodic table of elements that looks as extensive as the Universe Games. And add to all this also components, goods in the market and other pieces that you will find in the game. Brain can just boil! Fortunately, all resources can be divided into major categories and grouped by rarity.
In this manual, you will learn about the categories of items, learn some resources. Each section will present examples of their use. Your chemistry school teacher will be proud of you!
Oxyde elements
You will use oxide elements to create almost every thing. Defensive technologies (shields of exocosm and starship) refuel just the same oxides.
The first oxide elements encountered in the game will be iron and zinc. Iron can be obtained from almost every destroyed stone, rocks, on any planet. Sometimes it can be knocked out in space, destroying gigantic, potatoes like asteroids. Zinc can find in yellow colors.
Isotopic elements
The universe takes place due to isotopic elements. Motors of all NO MAN’S SKY stars function on fuel based on isotopes. They are used for charging the laser fuel on your star. We are talking about carbon, plutonium and element called Tamiy-9.
You can collect carbon from most plants and animals that you see on the planets. Tamiy-9 can be found in red flowers, or when destroying almost every asteroid in space. More powerful isotopes, such as plutonium, can be obtained from red crystals on the surface of the planets.
Silicate elements
Silicate elements are the main materials for the manufacture of Blocks with advanced technologies. At the beginning of the game you will have to find one of the most necessary silicate elements – Geridy. Look for rzavo-red deposits on the planets. Geridium is often produced from high monoliths by destroying them with the help of a discrepancy.Silicate element Geridium.
As your technologies become more complicated, the need for more rare silicate elements, such as platinum or crisonite. Platinum is extracted from blue colors, and crisonite – from blue crystals.
General (neutral) elements
Neutral elements perform several functions. They can be bought, sell, or use for the creation of additional elements of existing technologies. Later you can find the recipe for the crafting of neutral elements!
At the beginning of the game, you can find such a neutral element as Emeral and Nickel. With their help you can earn a few thousand units. Both elements are found on the planets not so often, but but large deposits. Emeral has amber color, similar to red plutonium crystals. Nickel is extracted from silver-white arched structures, or black towers in the form of a cylinder.
Precious elements
Collecting precious elements is an excellent way to make money selling them in the galactic market. These elements are marked with purple icons in inventory. If you are lucky, then on the interface you will see a purple rhombik – move to it to collect precious elements. If you make friends with animals (it was written earlier), you will feed them, they sometimes give you so such with rare elements.
The most common precious elements in the game are Potassium and Radohx. They can be bought in almost every trading terminal.Gem element Radohx.
Technology components
Technology components are secondary goods made from elements or other technological components. You will start making them almost immediately. These are the most carita sheets that are made of 50 iron each and are necessary for the repair of the take-off accelerator and the pulse engine of your first stars.
All components are used to repair worn stars, production of additional elements or crafts of warp-cells. You start the game, knowing the recipes of such technological components, as a bypass chip and microploral matter. Throughout the journey of these recipes you will have a huge amount. We continue our guide on the game No Man’s Sky on the StopGame portal.RU.
Alloys are valuable metals that you can get from neutral elements. During the journey, you will find the recipes of alloys that will help you make money by trading. You will get access to more powerful and best optional elements.
Energy resource
Energy resources are intended for your technologies. Protective fragments and sheets can be used to charge an excoratory shield or starship. They can be found inside the boxes or make a prescription.
Products are alien artifacts and products that you can sell for a significant amount in the galactic market. Icons of such green products, and in their description it is usually mentioned anything about a foreign race that created and uses the subject.
You can find them in neutral green boxes that are usually located near the route dots. The most valuable goods are atlas stones, which, by the way, are associated with the ending game.
Sometimes goods can be obtained as a reward for successful actions and assistance to representatives of another race, interaction with monoliths.
List of resources and components:
• Aluminum / neutral / rare.
• Potassium / precious / very rare.
• Carbon / isotope / distributed.
• CARITE sheet / technology component / craft.
• crisonite / silicate / rare.
• Dynamic resonator / component of technology / crafting (you can buy).
• Emel / neutral / rare.
• Geridium / Silicat / Common.
• Iron / Oxide / Common.
• Micropoter Material / Technology component / Kraft.
• nickel / neutral / non-proliferated.
• platinum / silicate / unpropered.
• Plutonium / isotope / rare.
• suspension fluid / technologizing component / craft.
• Tamiy-9 / isotope / non-proliferated.
• titanium / oxide / rare (destroying guards, you get titanium).
• zinc / oxide / non-proliferated.
Signal scanner and what is the benefit of it
What is a signals scanner?
The signal scanner emits signals from different directions of the planet, after which you can find some objects. You can simply wander around the world and stumble upon one of these places, or you can use the scanner and fly directly to the desired point.
Where to look for a signals scanner?
You can find signal scanners almost anywhere on the planet. Most often they emit a signal from shelters, but sometimes appear by themselves, just on the ground. Identify them easily on the red beam of light.So the signal scanner looks like.
Kraft bypass chip
To access the signal scanner, you will need at least one bypass chip. If you have resources, you can make so many bypass chips as you can carry with it.
To build a bypass chip you need 10 units of iron and 10 units of plutonium. Iron can be found almost everywhere, destroying rocks or cobblestones. Plutonium is often located inside the caves in abundance.
Four options to choose
When you hack the signal scanner using a bypass chip, you will see a menu with four options. Choosing a monolith, you will find various cultural or holy places of alien race. You can go to the knowledge of the knowledge and learn a new word, improve relations with the race, to which this stone applies. You can get to monolith.
The second option is a colonial cashpost. Hitting inside, you can solve the puzzle. By the way to be inside, you need to shoot in the door lock.
Either you can be at the production facility. Deciding the riddle, you will get the drawings (most often) or another useful subject. Third option – transmission, and the fourth – refuge. Read more about them below.
Monoliths a little more complicated Ruins. Next to them often a few knowledge stones, as near the ruins. But when interacting with monoliths there are nuances. When you activate the monolith, you will have to solve the puzzle. It will be based on your knowledge of the language, the culture of the alien race. Choose the correct answer. For the rays, you will receive a few new words, improve your relationship with the race, get a product or drawing. In addition, you will learn the new word of satin.
Colonial Avanpost
Scanning for colonial cashposts will allow you to get into two places – a control center or a production facility. Both of them work as the monoliths described above.Colonial cashpost, which is easiest with the help of a signal scanner.
Scanning for transmissions will find for you the nearest lighthouses, observatory or transmission towers. We continue our guide on the game No Man’s Sky on the StopGame portal.RU.
Lighthouses and awnaposts
Lighthouses are an intermediate step that will allow you to get to the nearest cashpost marked by a red square map with the image of a white house. Do not confuse with colonial cashposts described above. Inside there will be an aliens with which you can interact. Avantposts are useful in that they give access to the player to the trading terminal, without leaving the planet. Interacting with locals, you will get a new additional element for technologies or alien language word.
These buildings are easy to recognize by the presence of a dome roof. Observatory are buildings that indicate you for nearby interesting points of alien race (such as monoliths) described above). You will need to solve an arithmetic task to gain access to scan with the observatory.Observatory, to get into which you can using a signal scanner.
Transmission towers
Transmission towers indicate the nearest abandoned starship. They can be used in the same way as the observatory, deciding the mathematical task.
How to distinguish the tower from the advance?
Unfortunately, the same icon is used in No Man’s Sky to display in the transmission tower and advancement interface. Just hover your cursor to the icon to see where exactly you fly.
Using the scanner in this direction, you will find a refuge or fallen module.
Asylums are small huts, inside of which, as a rule, you can find drawings for multitula, additional elements of exocosm and research samples that will increase your relationship with the local race.
Very important detail. Almost always near the shelter you can find an additional signal scanner!
As noted in the guide for beginners, the modules allow the player to increase the number of slots in the exocosm inventory. This is a very important object! Every time you pay an upgrade inventory for 10,000 units more than with previous improvement. If you have in your hands in cash, in most cases a signaling scanner should be chosen in order to find such modules.