Nuclear Creatures: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » Nuclear Creatures: Game Walkthrough and Guide
January 31, 2022
6 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Nuclear Creatures: Passage
Nuclear Creatures: Game Walkthrough and Guide
See The Computer, It Would Be Necessary to Turn It On, But The Electricity Is Over – The Kin Will Not Be Without Him! On The Computer There Is A Uninterruptible in The Form Of A Wheel, But Something Is Missing In It – Need Rodent. Rodent Is In The Hole On The Right, It Remains Only To Lure Him. We Take The Dead “Rat” from the Umbrella from the refrigerator, We Get Ferromons. MAJA FORMON “RATS” AND TRY TO LURE MOUSE OUT OF THE HOLE. There Is An Eternal Engine for Uninterrupted. Chat with My Friend.

In Chernobobroisk Animal…
We Take Yogurt, He Is Lucky in Bobruisk. Need A WHEELBARROW, But It Will Just Not Give Her. Can Yield It To Be Supposed?
We Take Yad and Open The Door of the Sorter. We Take A Newspaper From The Door, Perhaps Read At Your Leisure About Our Heroic Youth…
IT Would Be Necessary to Collect Harvest, You Need A Tool. But There Is No Tool, Even Hang… And Better Drink yada 🙂
That’s All The Bruno Death Of Your Came… In The Sorter There Was a Wonderful Pot, Quickly Take Him and Hand The Hand of the Leader, For the Leader Knows What to do with it.
The Instrument of Labor Remained From Death, Take It and Go to Mow Yield. From the Crop Make Self-Worker and Give Bat.

Well, Here We Are in Chernobrushsk, The Edge of Beavers, Pink Elephants and Other Radioactive Joy.
The Gate Is Closed, and We Need To Inside. We Read A Poster and Strictly Follow The Instructions. Immediately Kill It Will Not Work, But It Is Necessary To Offend – We Take An Apple. We Are Trying to Establish Contact WITH THE STALKER… Rough However. And Maybe It Is Accepted?
Let’s Talk to Him a Few Times Until He Opens The Gate. We Are Trying To Crawl, The Hole Is Not Serious, IT IS NECESSARY TO INCREASE. SPEAK WITH THE STALKER AND GET NIPPERS. We Are Trying to Expand The Pass.
STALKER SANSUKA, COULD WARN. IT Would BE Necessary to Express Him, All That Was Sore. STALKER PROPOSES TO REMOVE STRESS – REMOVE STRESS IN THE ELECTRIC SHIELD. IT Remains to Arrange A Closure. Best for this fits bob. Put The Apple In The Shield, Let The Kid Take Him There. Slash Hole.

BEFORE US (H) EBURY. We Take Mushrooms on the Bar, Suddenly You Will Need to Pass 🙂
We Are Trying to Get Inside – And Not There Was Something, A Closed Party. Take a Little Green Nasty Right, Take A Poster At The Club. Maja Rubbing Cutting Out Of The NEWSPAPER AND GLUE TO THE POSTER. Showing A Poster Bear. We Are Waiting for the Night and Go.

We Have no Grandmothers, But i Want to Drink. Jerk The Handle Several Times On The Robot Right Until It Falls Off. AND IMMEDIATELY INSERT THE ROBOT INTO THE NEXT HOLE. NOW WE ARE WITH GRANDMAS. We Look At The Menu and Take Turns Try the Range.

No Need to Drink SO Much! Moved Demons. WE Take The Tilet Paper, Turn The Valve, I Have a Friend of Bobra and Give Her Ravene. Raine Also Take. Re…Grooming The Raven All Three Ropes. WE SPEAK WITH THE STALKER. IN MINIGAM WE CATCH SMALL.

Speak Sevel Times With A Bear in Order to Fill The Face Wobble Until We Get Info Where This Spooof.
WELL, WHERE NOW LOOK FOR THIS PUBLIC HOUSE. We Are Trying to Learn from the Stalker and Remind That We Pulled It Out Of the Tried. Let Him Paper. WE FOLD A PUZZLE.
We Go To A Public House. We Speak With Dantes, Pick Up The School Near The Entrance. Go to “School 69”. We Speak With Panda and Try to Pass (Do Not Let Let Let Let Let Let Let. Panda Is Stuck and Can Not Go Through Gama, Show Class! (Dial 1000), Go to the First Door, Take Petroleum, Butter and Magazine. Small Looks Porn – Disgrace! Turn Off The Calf From The Socket (Left) – For the Nefig. Maja Oil Telek. Turn On The TV, Let the Youth Look :). I Leave The Panda, That TV Came Tryndets. Take Keys and Bottle. KEYS OPEN THE NEXT DOOR. WE Take Pushkin’s Costume. We Leave From The “School” and Go to Talk to Dantes in Pushkin Costume. He is Certainly A Split, But Who Has The Rights and the Rights 🙂

RETURN TO SCHOOL AND GO TO THE MIDDLE DOOR. We Are Trying To Talk With Fish, But We Are Expelled. Come in Again and Impose An Argument in the Form of AKM. Search Kilku. And Do Not Forget to Take a Phone Number in the Fox.

We Go to Eburchny. The Pass Is Opening The Entrance (You Have to Play Mini-Game and to Strain Memory). From the Bar We Take All The Bottles (MoonShine, Outline Urine and Whiskey). Go in a small door. Take A Wardrobe Key and A Bottle of Acid. MIX THE ACID + MOONSHINE + Whiskey + urine. Pour to Safe and Pick Up Yogurt and Balls.
The Scribe As Always Burst Unnoticed – Alarm Have Worked. Quickly Run To the Right to the Hatch, Unscrew The Nut and Wash Off.
We Go to the Left in a Hole, We Must Call. WE SPEAK WITH THE STALKER, HE ASKS TO REMOVE THE CIVILIAN FROM THE EBURY. Go to the Entrance to the Zone. The Keys Are Opening the Valve. Go to a Public House. THERE, TOOO, OPEN THE VALVE. ON THE GAS STREAM INFLATION BALLS. We Go to Ebury and Give From The Olympic Bear. WE SPEAK WITH THE STALKER. We Get The Coordinates of The Base Of Stalkers. Go there. We Wait Until The Day and Scrap Will Shoot The Statue of the Elephant. Take a Falling Trunk. Maja Trunk Vaseline and Insert Elephant In …. In Short Insert. Go to the Stalkers and Speak with Two Types of Right. One of Them Das Reactor Coordinates.
Go to the reactor. We Are Trying to Pass, But Thera Is A Watchdog Robot. Quickly Let Him Read The Magazine. I Scored in The Cell Number Of The Fox and Give The Robot – He Dumps. We Go Inside, Pass The Corridor Through. WELL, HERE’S A FRIEND.

We Are Trying To Turn Off The Cable From the Table, The Agent Beaver Helps US. We Go to the Left and Turn on the Second Time).
We Climb On The Stairs Up and Try to Turn Off The Krenovin. Round 1 Fight! We Dreamed To a Friend, Drive Into The Corner and The Mupims).
Before Death, This Bastard Has Time to Activate the Bomb. Urgently Calling Stalkers, They Throw US – Then Look AT The End.

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