Onimusha: Warlords: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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July 13, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Onimusha: Warlords: Passage
Onimusha: Warlords: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Go across the northern way and after a while get to the place where two monsters captured the princess. Commit a little with them, and the monsters are retisted, but a huge monster will appear, which still takes off the girl, leaving you with a nose. Good spirits will equip you with a magical glove, which will help you in future battles. Actually from here and the game begins.
List at the magic mirror and go to the gate. Passing through the bridge, littered corpses, will be in the thick of battle. Four monster are trying to penetrate the fence, do not let them do. When the monsters fall, take their souls and go through the gate. Before you get on fresh air, you need to go through the interior, where you will have to withstand a fight with monsters. Going out, go straight and roll to the left near the wounded soldier. In the forest near the entrance to the cave you will attack two guys with sabers, borrow them, then go inside the mountain.
Go down to the dungeon, go through the tunnel and go to the entrance to the underground temple. Here you will attack the monsters, plaguing your blood. Coming out of the battle by the winner, take a dungeon card from the chest and go to the temple.
In the corridor, destroy monsters and go to the right. At the end of the corridor, open the locker, where you can pick up the blue book. After that, go along the corridor to the hall where the sphere is located. Spice the third left jug, hiding the chest in which the magazine lies. After that, go to the sphere and take it. Thus, in your hands a new sword will appear – the sword of thunder. Next, go left from the altar, in the corridor you will find the box, which is locked on the digital code. You need to move the numbers for three strokes so that they get up in the correct sequence. First, turn the left four digits, then right, and then again the left, the chest will open, and you can pick up a rope staircase from it. After that, select upstairs.
Coming out of the dungeon, go left to the box (his edge is visible due to foliage), take the magic stone from it and use it to strengthen your power. After that, go along the trail. Near the magic mirror there is a box that needs to be discovered by answering a question. Insert 1, 3, 6 lines (numbering from left to right) and get a strength. Discover the gate and go to the bridge. Here you have to destroy four monsters, then open the box in the right corner of the bridge and take away . Coming out of the gate, turn the left, bailitate the monsters and pass through the doors in the far left corner, near which the big monster is.
Help the samurai fight off from the fools on him, after that lift the grass lying near him and go to the prolve in the wall. To go down, use the rope staircase. Then go to the passage, cut down in the rock. The drawer standing near the magic mirror will open if you enter 6, 1 and 4 string. Inside the chest is a stone strength that increases the level of health. Favoring the magic device, go left from the chest to the door with red seal. Felt the Middle Box, another chest will open under it. Inside it is a first-aid kit. After that, go to the gate, behind them is the lair of that very monster, which dragged the princess. Naturally, the monster needs to fill. Next, go to the passage, located opposite the door with red seal. Before the iron door, take the magazine number 2 from the box, and then enter. Passing along the corridor, you will find yourself in the hall where the next monster dines. He will not fight with you, but will send his servant. Conducting him will not be no difficulty, a couple of blows with a sword – and all. After that, take the sphere of fire from the stand. So you acquire a new sword and the ability to open doors with red seal. Return to the hall, where they beat with a redtime thickness, disperse with flying skulls and open the sealed door. Now you need to return to the square, where the gate of the house is sealed red seal. Climb on the rope stairs, calm the guard and flying balls and pass through the door.

Passing through the door of the house, kill two monsters, and then go to the door in the left corner. There you can persist, dial mana and strengthen your spheres and swords. Next, go through wide doors and find yourself in the room where the fighter clan is tormented by a boys. After a short conversation with a peasant, take the arrows from the box and go through the door unlocked. Having passed on the corridor, you will find yourself in the weapon room, where you can get the magazine number 3 from the box. Nothing more interesting in it in it, so come back and open the door with a red seal.
Passing through the room, you will find yourself in the corridor next to the door on which there is a big stamp. In this place you will meet your fighting girlfriend and the boy who was tormented by a low samurai. Speaking a little with them, keep moving along the corridor and go through the door. Continuing the path along the corridor, get to the stairs leading to the second floor. Near her you will have to fight with a group of monsters in green and blue kimono. After that, go to the door under the staircase, from the shelves at the end of the room, take the red book and open the chest with the code lock. Turn the left four numbers first, then right, then once again left and twice the right. For the works you will get a combat bow. After that, return to the stairs, open the chest, take the gemstone from the shelf over the chest, and then rise to the second floor.
Rising upstairs, go to the room to the right of the stairs. Take the stone of the force from the bucket, which will increase your health level. Next, go back to the corridor and go to the door, located opposite the door, closed double red seal. Without paying attention to the battle at the bottom of the hall, go through the transition to the door with red seal and open it. Complete through two rooms sided by monsters, and climb the attic. Yes, before climbing the stairs, break the standing box and take the arrows from the chest for your bow.
In the attic, take a gray book from the table, after which the reinforce your spheres to the second level using the magic mirror. So you can open the doors closed with double seal. Open the door with two red seals and pass inside. Here you will meet with a girl who will tell where the boy came from. After that you will be trapped, you will need to push the lever, and the control of the game at this time goes to the girl.
Right to the right lever and click on it, then you need to press the right lever. Next, tap the extreme left lever, and the Samanose will take the armor from the box and pressed the extreme right lever. Well, then you will leave for the last lever at the door. Passing out the door, you will find yourself in a dark room in which the source of magic is located. Come on with a string, after which use the magic of the fire sword to light the candles placed around the source. Only after that you can go through the door in the corner of the room.

Room .
You need to go to the other end of the room. The task is simple to disgrace: move your heroes in squares with cross. The only clarification, both heroes should stop on squares with the same crosses. In the end, you will move on the other side.

Step 1. Displace the central blocks down, and the upper left and right to the center. After that, lift the side blocks up.
Step 2. Two central lower blocks spread around the edges, and the upper shift down. Next, move the right vertical blocks to the center, and the lower central will be transferred to the right.
Step 3. Vertical blocks lower down (half the flower will put in its place), left vertical move to the center, and lift the horizontal upwards up.
Step 4. Actually, it is already clear what you need to do. Discard the unnecessary vertical block to the left, and in its place to put the second half of the flower, and the lock will open.

Leaving the prison, go through the door and in the opening room. Pull the purple lace hanging on the wall. After your actions, lattices are raised in the corridor with levers, and the staircase falls from the ceiling in your room, go up on it. Follow the corridor with a glass floor and go down the vertical stairs. On the same staircase, go down even below. In the room where you will be taken, take the left part, then turn the sword on the mat hanging on the left wall and you will open a cache, where Magazine No. 4. Next, climb the stairs, go along the corridor and go down the vertical stairs again.

Once at thenime, roll right from the staircase and take the stone from the chest. After that, go to the end of the corridor and pass through the door. In the opening room opened, take the right half and a red book lying on the table from standing in the corner. After that, go back to the door where you can fold two half of the cross and open the door.
Beyond the door you will see how one of the demons will take off the boy, and then an unpleasant kind of samuraik will appear, who will tell you a bunch of muck and hits with impunity. After that, go to the passage on the right, from the bench at the left wall to take the seater, and from the box, standing on the shelf, pull the gemstone. Then go through the door at the end of the corridor. In the room, pick up the Red Book of the Red Book in the left corner and continue forward. Because of the paper screen, the monster jumps on you, swell it, go over the stairs and take the arrows from the box. Then go up the stairs.
Going out for the transition, disperse with monsters, and then go to the room. In the right corner of the box, take the first aid kit, and take the blue book in the left corner. In the opposite part of the room, take another blue book from the altar, then you destroy the screen in the left corner and see the glove, very much like yours, but you will not be able to pick it up. Next, rub the screen in the right corner and go to the freed passage. In a narrow corrode, you can persist and strengthen your spheres and swords. After that, go along the corridor and go up the roof stairs. There you are awaiting a battle with a healthy guy, on the hand of which is dressed in a glove with a green sphere. I don’t want to hang this guy for this boy, get the green scope of the wind. Get down from the roof along the stairs and leave the room. At the exit, roll to the right and, passing along the transition, open the door with green seal. For her you will find a boy who dragged one of the monsters.
After reviewing all the videos, leave the room where your team is sitting, and come back to the room where you found a boys. Take discontinuous bullets from the box there. After that, go to the receptionroom (where you first ended up by entering the building). Going out into the hall, go to his opposite side and go to the door in the right corner. The corridor will lead you to the door with a double blue seal, open it and go on the corridor. He will bring you to the room, where there are three spheres on the stand – alternately changing their spheres, you can open further way.
Going to the dungeon, roll right. On this path, you can get to the room where the magic mirror is worth it, which will allow you to preserve. Also don’t forget to pick up grass bunch from the box. Next, chop suction cups in the aisle behind the bookcase and pass along the corridor. In the area in front of the door, cut into pieces of disgusting type of monster, which is multiplied by division, take three books from the bookcase, and then go to the door.
Go a little on the gloomy corridor, from the floor of which the tentacles get out, kill the monster, and then go through the door on the left. You will find yourself in some storage room. Go to the left side of the room, take the dungeon map from the box, then shit the rope to which the cargo is tied. So you can pick up an amulet from the scales, which will help you hear the dead. Coming out of the storage room, roll to the left and go through the door at the end of the corridor. In the opening room, take the cleansing ball from the box, then leave the room, keeping my face between the swinging tops of the ax. Now go back to the room with a magic mirror, carry out the necessary manipulations for saving and upgrade and go out into the corridor.
Near the door guarding the souls of the dead, use the bell to open the door. Having passed through it, go to the end of the corridor, fighting off the men in red armor, and go to the door. Bullying the guys with tentacles instead of hands, open the door with two green seals. In the room, raise the book of the Apocalypse number 1, the White Bakuko Book and open the chest, locked by the digital code, turning the central four numbers first, then the left and then right. You will get a blue key. More in this room there is nothing to do, go out into the corridor and turn the left to go through the door at the end of the corridor. In the green corridor, drive through the suction cups and take the white book at the end of the passage and the beam of grass from the chest, and then return to the corridor, where you fought with monsters in red armor. Roll to the left and go through large doors by applying a blue key, and get to the west, in which you will get the lowest samurai clan ODO. After viewed rollers, the control will move to your assistant.

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