PainKiller: Overdose: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Well, what can I say. Painkiller Overdose is almost without a plot and personally reminded me of Doom 2 (this is a compliment game, of course). Beliel, the keeper of portals – half a demon, half angel. Now, after a long imprisonment, he will reven. Well, we start our passage of the game and sincerely hope that it will not be able to.
In the game 16 levels, 6 demonic guns, 40 unique monsters.
Level 1 – Cataclysm
Checkpoint 1
Appear with weapons: Skull, allowing red beam. Alternative fire – sound wave from screaming skull, beats within sight. Right in front of me ammunition. On the left and front of the monsters – skeletons in the fog, throw themselves with some smoke, taking 15 life, and throw them within visibility. After them, their soul remains, giving 1 life. Souls over time disappear. On the left on the screen shows the number of killed enemies, on the right of the collected shower. From the bottom to the left – life and armor, from the bottom to the right number of standard ammunition and for alternative fire (right mouse button). From above in the center of the compass.
Basically, the passage of the game looks like this: you appear in a closed space where you need to kill all the monsters, then checkpoint appears (checkpoint) and you go to the next sublevel. On checkpoint indicates a compass, after all monsters are killed, after the control point, the game is saved.
Checkpoint 2
The following weapons are immediately given: the magic cube is useful, quite powerful weapons with endless ammunition, the usual attack – the cube begins to rotate in the hand (Middle Fight), an alternative attack – a deadly beam occurs between the cube and hand. If you throw another, you can throw a cube right into the enemy, the skeleton kills immediately, perfectly spreads with skeletons and ordinary attack. After the death of ten skeletons on the left we go to the next checkpoint.
Checkpoint 3
Shotgun is given: the usual attack – a shotgun, an alternative attack – the frost of the enemy (it does not work on large monsters)
In this supreme skeletons and 2 new monster look like a burning fire that is constantly going for you.
Checkpoint 4
The action takes place on the square, there is a new monster – a fiery demon -inalide, driving on the barrel, there is a distant attack by a fiery ball (takes 15 life) and the closest attack by fire, with a near attack, die for three. In the middle of the area, the spill, it is better not to look there, some kind of joker immediately encounters down.
Checkpoint 5
New Monsters – Knights. Well killed alternative skull attack.
2 knight and one fiery demon.
Checkpoint 6
Knights pieces 9. Below in the center of the room lies 100% armor, from there you can get out of the beam lean to the wall.
Next Checkpoint in the previous room.
Checkpoint 7
We continue our passage of the game Painkiller Overdose another bloody slaughterhouse.
After activating the checkpoint, 4 knights get out.
Checkpoint 8
New monster – big such cyclops with horn. 2 fiery demons, and pieces 7 skeletons and lights.
Cyclops are quite easy to kill from a shotgun, here the cartridges are full for him.
Checkpoint 9
On the left and on the right costs 3 skeleton, 2 fiery demons run away in the center. Then another 8 skeletons come out, one demon with a horn and 2 knights.
The following room lies 100% armor and ammunition to shotgun.
Checkpoint 10
A new monster – a demon with a huge hammer and a horned helmet, it looks quite frightening, but quite easily killed from a shotgun (although if you put the last level of complexity, you need to try a bit). Meteorites fall from the sky, which then turn into fiery demons. Further the demon with a hammer, after them the soul remains red and is considered for 6 shower.
Checkpoint 11
They immediately attack the three fiery demon, then there are 4 alternate cyclopes, two demon with a hammer, 6 knights, a few lights
Left next checkpoint.
Checkpoint 12
In the passage lie ammunition and 100% armor, then the room in which 9 knights appear, on the left, the down there is 200% armor and ammunition for a shotgun when you take them, get out of 2 more fire.
Checkpoint 13
8 knights, 2 fiery demon, two daemon with hammer, two cyclop. You can subnoze to a shotgun, the ammunition is continuing for him. And to the left of Checkpoint armor.
Checkpoint 14
Boss – Large new monster with throwing mace. 2 skeletons help him, 12 knights, 8 fiery demons, 2 cyclopes, 2 demon with hammer. The boss is completely stupid and interferes, only as long as the trifle under his feet is confused when one remains, it is completely helpless. From his Bulava, very easy to confuse.
Level 2 – Japanese Massacre (Japanese Massacre)
Checkpoint 1
Angelic Demon Passion to Japan. Immediately is given Crossets: the usual attack – darts and alternative three explosive darts, a powerful weapon kills almost all from the first time. On z sniper sight. Here it warmly meets eight ninjas – practically the same as the knights, but jump as they want. Left Ammunition to Cross.
Checkpoint 2
Samurai appear with swords and several ninjas.
Checkpoint 3
Four 4 ninjas come out, then another 4 soldiers with two swords, 4 samurai with one bilateral sword almost this kind of samurai. All killed from 2 shots from a shotgun. Then there are two old people in the Chinese hat 🙂
Checkpoint 4
We return to the very first room, 4 ninjas and 2 old people.
Checkpoint 5
I urine four old men and further.
Checkpoint 6
On the bridge it runs out a whole crowd of different samurai – 10 pieces and some kind of geisha that attacks fan. At the end of the bridge there are fireworks that explode when attacking.
Checkpoint 7
Here we are dominated by five terrible geisha, then they appear in the center of 6 old men under cover 7 geish. We go to the next hall there on the right checkpoint.
Checkpoint 8
Return back to the hall there – 10 Geisha and 5 samurai.
Checkpoint 9
On the bridge 10 ninja and samurai.
Checkpoint 10
In a trap with spikey balls lie ammunition and pig with gold. Kill 4 ninjas for a trap and go back there are two ancient and 9 ninjas.
Checkpoint 11
A large hall with columns, 4 samurai and 2 old man appear. Then another 4 samurai and 4 old man. How to kill them around you 4 more warrior with two swords.
Checkpoint 12
We rise across the central staircase with a trap from logs on the ropes, there are 5 geish 4 old people and 3 huge monster appear later. In the center hangs 150% armor. Then another 3 giant pitching appears, they are well killed from the alternative flame fire, only the old mans appear all the time right in front of you, which prevents them from shooting.
Checkpoint 13
We rise to the 3rd floor there is the same room. 6 old men and 1 ride, 8 geyshe and 1 hypertrophied kach, after them are 6 sides. Here is the whole level.
Level 3 – Desert
Checkpoint 1
Well, I got to Egypt, no one can go away 🙂 New monsters – skeletons for some reason with knitted hands, which are fighting heads and huge beetles. New weapons: ordinary fire – rockets, alternative – machine gun.
Checkpoint 2
Here in the center of the chest lies 100% armor, pieces of 10 skeletons, 2 beetles and 4 mummies with torches.
Going further, a new monster – Scorpio, after death, the beetle clings from it, 6 scorpions and 7 mummies under the cover of all sorts of beetles.
Checkpoint 3
Nine scorpions, six mummies, several skeletons and beetles. Another new monster – Anubis on the carpet-plane, shoots fire. On the left and right in the rocks of the cave in them there are ammunition.
Checkpoint 4
Two new monster some insects jumping like fleas and toothy fish with spines, the shrinking creatures are pretty strained when there are many. Two more Anubis and several mummies and skeletons.
Checkpoint 5
4 scorpion then get out of 4 anubis.
Checkpoint 6
Four Anubis, two mummies, fleas and skeletons.
Checkpoint 7
Six Anubisov, four mummies, two fleas, several skeletons, left up the stairs there 4 skeleton run out there, a little away 5 more. In the center lies 100% armor.
Checkpoint 8
Go down on the stairs with swinging barbed balls, there are two mummies. We go further through the passage in the hall 3 Anubis and 4 mummies.
Checkpoint 9
We pass through the trap from spiny balls, 6 anubisov, 6 mummies.
Checkpoint 10
Right up to the course lies 100% of the armor, as 2 beetles, 4 Scorpion, 4 Anubis, 4 mummies and 4 new monsters – warriors appear appear. How to kill them appear 2 huge mummies. All bosses are some clumsy and slow, whatever it is interesting to pass on the last difficulty, at the other levels of complexity in general, you can sleep.
Level 4 – Asteroids
Checkpoint 1
From the desert we are reimbranged on the asteroid, which Beliel calls for some reason a cute house. On the stairs underwent a new weapon: the dagger, the usual attack – beats insects, who are a little self-goal, an alternative attack – throws a dagger who revolves in front of him and ammunition is spent at this time. Here, as usual, our local monsters – a flying robot with flamethrower and skeletons with spines who know how to teleport, go on, gas on the leg appear here, shoot a series of green rays.
Checkpoint 2
Mda … the authors clearly excess fantasy do not suffer, the new monster death with oblique, however, in a non-standard preinth, blue. Their 8 pieces, just useful dagger. Right on the right is 100% armor, take if you can 🙂 the right mouse button kills everyone immediately. We pass through the wooden bridge, go to the top there we will have a huge number of barbed skeletons (they are also easily killed from the skull, like their relatives from the previous round), several robots and one monster-shaped riding. In the center of the hole, life flies over it, however, how to take it incomprehensible, probably just hanged hanged. Go down here are another 2 robot, 4 deaths and several skeletons.
Checkpoint 3
We take ammunition on the left and go to the bridge, it breaks down and there is something like a teleport on the other side, in the form of a green cloud. Go down down, in the center of 100% armor, 4 deaths, several robots skeletons, 5 wraps.
Checkpoint 4
I appear in a round room on the sides instead of the floor of the glass, we get up on it and safely fall, there are 8 robots and 2 more further along the corridor.
Checkpoint 5
New monsters: priests with secretion – attract to themselves sucking life and slow down and priests with some butcher poisoning with gas.
There are many priests and robots.
Checkpoint 6
Go to the teleport in the hexagon. Teleporting on the platform in open space, 10 skeletons, 3 pitching, several robots. Teleporting back kill 8 robots.
Checkpoint 7
We go to the same teleport in the hexagon on the other side of the hall, it returns us to the starting room, with 4 teleports around the perimeter, the one that to the right of the exit from this hall teleports to the life of the entrance hanging in the air. We go out in the next room, here out of 4 teleports in the corners of the hall climbs any evil.
Checkpoint 8
Go down on the stairs, kill 3 skeletons, on the left teleport on the other side. Go down 4 eyes 2 skeleton. Left staircase upstairs here 3 skeleton, 4 priests with sequirs and several eyes. We leave out, 10 priests, 4 deaths, several skeletons. Further on the right more 4 priestess several robots and a new monster – humanoid lizard with spikes.
Checkpoint 9
On the stairs up we meet 8 deaths and 3 priests appear from the back. Upstairs lies 150% armor. Overlands appear 4 deaths, 3 priests are several skeletons, 3 more priests, and swing. Right teleport, there is a final fight – every little thing and 4 lizards.