Petka 9: Proletarian Glamor: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Moscow, 2150.
So, we immediately in a distress. Petka with HIV somewhere regards, Anca one-identity. Somehow unscrewed. First you can approach the information booth and ask something. We will say to this: drive loot. Curious automatic on the right is better not to touch, otherwise we will fly away where it is not necessary (however, here after that the game does not end, and so, we will laugh at Anquia and let’s go further). Need money, and somewhere there is an automatic caviar. Go down from the booth, the left is one of the four chemicals. We also open two valves. We go to the right, we get to the boat, pick up the board, go upstairs. We go to the left, find a failure in the bridge. Apply the board on it – but Anca go refuses – afraid to fail. On the way we open another one, the last, valve. We go again to the left, climb the stairs. On the right there is another Ikrinka. We pass on the other side, pick up a flashing board. Return to our failure, put the second board there. Go to the other side. First we go to the right before the stop, turn the record (so that there is a song “the enemy does not give up our proud Varyag…”) And take a gramophone from there. We now go to the left, go down the ladder and apply gramophone on the box. Piranhas immediately float him. We have an apparatus for exchanging eggs, but not enough two eggs. We take a harpoon left there, and bypassing the machine on the other hand, we take the rope. Go to the cannon, connect the arrow and rope in the inventory, and order Anacto to shoot a little. Now we need to climb on the other side, and then climb on the tower. We will see the Petka on the roof, chatting with Kuzmich, butter. Take a caraink, we return to the car, change the eggs on the coin. This coin is fed into the information. We give a monstrous information about the conspiracy!!! It turns out that Russia has turned into a dump of waste!!! Just we did not say everything, it’s time to go to earnings again.
Unknown New Ikrinka again will appear. Three of them are again lying devils, where just like this: the first – on the 2nd floor, near the third valve. Two more on the third floor: the Ordna is straight on the bridge (will not pass by), and another one at the beginning of the stone overlap. The fourth in the room that was previously closed. Go to this very room, and the trap slams.
Play for Petka. Speak with Kuzmich about this, and especially about bees. He will say that bees smart and everyone understands. We go to the left, taking the balalaika (it turns out that Kuzmich and Petka – relatives!!!), pencil and portrait of Petka and listen to the tape recorder. Here we also learn about the conspiracy. Write on Petkin song on the “Maphon” and take it, give Kuzmich. He heard. And we at this time say a complimentary bee. We write on the reverse side of the portrait of Anke Pendash and give it a bee. Management returns back to Anke.
We look at the beginning. We take a cuckoo to the right of the entrance door, on the other hand, we take the glass cutter. I do not know why the window is in the bathroom, but it wants to fly there. Cut through the glass cutter window, inspectingly fallen a fallen bee (poor!) and read a note. After Anka destroys the message. It will be possible to play with HIV (switching characters in inventory). Captively inspecting, trying to stick the skid-stink (that the hero categorically refuses to do). Then ask help from Anki (talking with it through the pipe). She take the cuisine from the pool and wash in the toilet. Comedive inflation to float and apply it to the smelter. We are on the other side. Take the left fallen Mauser and go further. Mini-game starts, quite complicated and inconvenient in management. Want to miss her – click “U” (Russian). All, HIV will immediately be on the other side of the corridor. First you need to move through the laser rays (it is in the sewage!!!). Mauser shoot a barrel with butter and scatter through the rays. Find out in the pit. Put the cuisine on the floor, open the window – the water will rise and we are already on the other side. Come in the elevator… And again to Anke.
Helped Komdiva – you can go to the maniac. Sachka catching the skate in the pool and this slope connect to the outlet next to the remote. A centrifuge will appear to swing power. Press the button on the remote and go to swing power. Then take the bathroom shampoo and go to the shower. While Anca washes, the maniac climbs into a centrifuge. Well, we reveal it right now. Click on the button – and the maniac here is already there, no. We take the key from him, open the door. Now we have all four eggs. You can exchange them on the coin. What we do. Then into the information floor, buy information – we get a map. It is applied to the machine nearby. We moved somewhere, right there and HIV stands. Take all the Petka – and on Batiskfe, in 2008.
Moscow, 2008.
Swimming pool.
What we see: vice takes some kind of … painted, and Petka flounders in the pool with a skull. We must save a friend. Go to the lever – and there, about the appeal, there is not enough contact. that is OK. We go around the pool, we notice there a handbag. We disassemble in the inventory – it turns out the stud. This spice is applied to the shield next to the lever, pull the lever. Water merges I… Petka too… nearly. It would be necessary to pull it out. Go to the pool – Anca is no longer afraid to wet. We take pasaty, we bow out from the piano some stick. We climb on a nipple above the pool, tighten the remote to this stick. Need a crane to raise Petka upstairs. The task is not from the lungs, the panel is broken! First you need to lower it down, so that the hook approximately closed one step of the pool. And then pull to the left before Petka (not allowed, otherwise the hook will immediately go down). If it turns out, then … We will pull the helmet, and Petka falls down down. It would be necessary for him to go. We give the lever and quickly jump in the hatch.
Quickly not fast, but still stuck. The game switches to Petka. Kuzmich 2008 release is very musted. Balayku does not give up, and does not want to help either. It would be necessary to visit his honey. Take the right bidon… yes that’s just empty. Not good, someone merged everything. Who? Kuzmich of course. Therefore, we use the bidon on it, may be split? Not, not admitted… We take the right to shovel, try to dig in the Japanese garden. Kuzmich does not disrupt Feng Shui… So, exactly here is hidden! We go to the souls. In the next location, our ladies will not be allowed, so immediately in a kind of room where the underwear will dry. We notice familiar things. From Galife, you can pull out 10 rubles, and the ports are better taken with you. There we take a trank from the bench and apply it on the rat, which is spinning on the ironing board. Excellent, rat. Cut off the fan and listen to the conversation behind the wall. Go to Kuzmich, arrange a gas attack by these portals. That in cut. Copy Sadik, get a bottle with honey. We offer it woken Kuzmich. He will gladly help to pull out Ancu. That’s just she is not very… glad to save, gone, not saying goodbye. Kuzmich got under a hot hand. You can pick up balalaika. Now we use the rat to the recreation room – all the rivers felt, only Anca remained…
We go Anquie further until Petka remains (the conversation we have already listened to…). Take a ball with a billiard table, go further and meet Kohu. He really wants to see how Anca in tennis can play. Open two side cabinets, from one Brem T-shirt, Il Other – Racket. Rackets connect with a ball and apply this miracle on Kohu. Here, he will give us joy to the Racket with Schucunnikova, and Karpishchev will immediately select.
We play again Petka. Anka went far away, and the hope of Prababkina is already waiting for us. We will play a balalaika – and we will receive an invitation to the concert “Golden string”, as well as the Golden Charton.
And again we play for Ancu. Petka disappears somewhere, so go on, in the bar. We speak with HIV about this, about how he won the twin contest… Move on. Come to the bar. We take a glamorous magazine. Get to Ksyusha with a serge, try to talk… Something they dislike us. We use the magazine first at Ksyush, and then a T-shirt. King and Queen of Glamor will disappear immediately. Take a handbag, forgotten Ksyusha. We disassemble in the inventory – and there is an invitation, a canister and note about a certain dibilana, who wants to substitute the Petka. Show this very note vich – and go to the hall. But the Ancu will not be allowed, unfortunately. It is necessary to get rid of the balloon, and here just and the Petka will appear. Give him a canister and ank leaves.
Petka. So dibilain wants to substitute us. It would be necessary to bombard him. Kmdaem dozen to slot machine. Horsepower, however… This can be used. We go to the billiard room, taking a tape recorder from there. Disassemble it and – where logic? – We get a voice recorder. Now we use a balalaik on the bartender, he will give beer. Immediately beerly driven “leaders” for the top ten. We put the voice recorder on the machine, throw a coin – voila, we have a record. We go to a concert hall. On the stage, died under Paneur Dibil. We go back and slightly above, to the sound operator. First, cut off its gas can, and then apply the voice recorder on the equipment. Excellent, Dibilor left, and we whittle something on the stage, come to the microphone and apply a balalaik at him. Here is our second contest. Koch invites the entire fair company to the tennis tournament, and Ancu – as a member.
Perhaps the most difficult moment in the game, I do not know why, but everything is somehow… illogical. HIV take the console to the inventory and immediately use it on the window – so as not to interfere. There, on the table, there are scissors – we will take them to them. We leave out of the room. Here the full labyrinth begins. We’ll have to walk more than once along the corridors to learn where it is located. How to learn – act. To begin with, pick up the boots, which remained from two troubles of frost. In accounting it is necessary to take flowers from the vase. Then give them a secretary and will cause her chief (where logic? I used to do not???). Tyrim perfume and give their chessier, which money issues. We get advances. Go down and talk with granny. She was produced very good. We go to the buffet and spend half an advance on the sandwich (good, apparently). Give it a grandmother, and she for us is the key from the storage room. We go to the storage room, we liberate the scissors of Santa Claus. Let him Valenok. That we all truth and drops about a conspiracy. We go again to my room, watch the TV twice and swear on the selector with the editor. We go to the office to him and try to enter. (Remember, if you quarrel with him before, then the previous actions you may have to do later).
While HIV is sitting at the reception, we are piercing here. We select a brick at the Ankino Wagon and deal with the loudspeaker with the skinnikova. It would be necessary to talk to Chapa. He will say that you need to repair the racket, and for this you need a fishing line and needles. Go down to the street, find Ankin (near van). Go from the front entrance, speak with anki. Racket, it means, kokha took. Go with the rear (it’s quite difficult to get there to the reader), speak with Cokhoy and take the racket. H-yes, you will have to work hard. We go to the passing to the granny. The needles she will give us only for a glass of water. There is a circle, water remains to find. From under the tap, something (and strange even) is not recruited, so we go to our room and recruit water from the aquarium. We return the babule, we get the needles. We go and boasts. Now, finally, you can go to the editor. Nod to him with a checker so as not to challenge, and take yourself a fishing rod. We disassemble it – we get a fishing line. We are looking for a Petka – he flew far away, on the stands, to the left of the court. Give him a fishing line. He reigns, which means, a racket (first the fishing line to combine with the knitting needles, and then all this – with a racket), and gives Anke. We start the first set.
Another mini game. I do not know if it is possible to skip it or win, but it ended with me. It’s a pity…
Let’s try to fix the state of affairs. It would be necessary to put our Mouzon and the racket is normal to get. First with Muzon – ask Vice money (we could do it before), we go to the previously closed operator. We offer the sound of money and go for water.
HIV make their way to the operator (for some reason unclipped) and take the equipment. We go to my room: the window is already open, it remains only to put on the windowsill (on the window, okay…) Mouzon, and Petka shoes. Now we go beyond the racket. We go to the back door of the trailer with a sandpaper and ask Karpishchev about Usach on the door. Yeah, looked like a masseur for vica very… Go to Koha (he is all there, with the rear of the trailer), we ask him a cap. We put it on a chapany. Anquie in the car take the old racket. We go to the skinnikova (from the front door), we make her manual therapy (she will fall asleep), we replace the racket. Must be ready! Take a super boat anke.
Again she! Mini-game. But we have a super racket. I won the first time, approaching the grid and periodically pressing the right mouse button. Good luck.
After the game banquet, what to do – it is not clear. We go to the buffet, take garlic. Next – to the Cabinet of the Power Actor (next to the editorial), there are already our Santa Claus – Sidorov. Asks the key to find. We connect garlic and vodka in inventory, we use it on Petka and go to secretant. That you faint. Search for a standing locker, taking the key and take Sidorov. Watch the video – so, children, do not… And that… In Zoo Zaparem.