Petrovich builds a boat: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Although Petrovich lives alone, he does not suffer from the lack of communication. He knows every dog in the area, which can be understood literally. Petrovich has many friends whom he often visits. And it is no wonder that everyone loves him: Petrovich will never refuse to help anyone. Then the guys bike repaid, then the neighbor will help. Petrovich has a house and a barn, where he is often something cramming.
Klava button button
Klava – a long-standing friend Petrovich. In about the first or third quarter of the second grade, it began to mess with computers. Then it was a queue of hobby in the Internet, Klava even prudently settled by the administrator in a popular Internet cafe. When Petrovich came tired of good deeds to her, they were sure to play some fresh computer game. True, almost always won Klava. But since Petrovich began working on shipyard, they did not have time for games. But Klava does not forget about his friend and often sends him things that are essential in shipbuilding.
Rita Reduchkin
Rita has a huge garden plot, almost plantation. She grows with a black, blue and red currants, raspberry, cherry and rootishons. She proudly repeats that only the fact that and is tasty, and useful. Although in the first place is definitely the benefit of Rita will not grow a single root plant, without having examined which exquisite vitamins it contains. The fact is that Rita thoroughly dreams to live to 150 years, and for this you need to lead the right and diligent lifestyle. Even the smallest Russian evenings of Rita inevitably plays on trophy accordion: it seems to her that his pleasant and melodic sounds also contribute to longevity.
Masha Milovidov
Masha – a pleasant girl in all respects. From her friend’s flowers, the flowers of the nastures begin to smell stronger, and the kittens are climbed into the highest trees, so you have to remove them from there as a ripe cherry. Masha recently graduated from the institute and became a school teacher in a small and secluded town. Once the bus on which Masha goes to school, broke. She was already frightened that he was forever for a lesson, but Petrovich stopped near the lilac bush and offered her to pass. So they met. Petrovich immediately liked Masha, and she is constantly looking for a cute and unobtrusive reason to chat. But Masha can not call Petrovich, like everything, she believes that it is impolite and calling him Peter Petrovich.
Clara Carameric
If you ask who bakes the most delicious buns in the city, then any answer is that Clara is cinnamon. She doesn’t have a special secret, she only invests his soul. Clara ruins an exceptionally violent fantasy: she is bored by a stove of simple buns with cinnamon or raisins, so it invents different breathtaking additives. Then bakes buns with pink petals, and it sprinkles on bagels of roasted onions.
Lev Lodkin
Lion – an incredibly mysterious personality. Several years ago, he settled on the uninhabited island, ever with a mysterious mother-in-law fog. About the boat is known only that he is a former brave sailor and traveler. There were irrefutable rumors that on their secluded island he is looking for a treasure, buried in the last century a little known, but, undoubtedly, rich and bloodthirsty pirate.
Robert Raiter
Robert brought up grandmother. Where his parents were going, no one knows, and it laid down a deep imprint for his entire life: Robert had an obsession with the idea – to write books about missing people. But first, Robert got a brilliant education, for several years worked as a journalist in a large newspaper “Guests of the Capital” and earned a lot of ringing coins. Then I threw everything overnight: he had an insistent idea to write a novel about the famous race car driver. And he decided to plunge into a genuine atmosphere, comprehensively surrounding the famous rider. So Robert was in our remarkable city. Now he writes a book on the disappeared diver Nikita Vyskkov. He collects all sorts of material about him, and for this he will need help Petrovich.
Francesca Fifnelli
Francesca – Princess in one tiny European state. She got used to living in sophisticated luxury and comfort. She turns his nose from any food, if that is not from Paris, but on cheap things she is allergic. One day she was tired of sitting in his attraction Palace and wanted to the sea. When she was near the shipyard of Petrovich, she had another caprication: she pulled it on an exciting sea walk. And only Petrovich can please the demanding princess. But for this he will have to try.
Semen Skumbrievich
Semen belongs to the old fishing clan. And although he has no talent for fishing, nor to the construction of new boats, he is obstructed by family traditions. It is that as a meal, it consumes exclusively to the mackerel. It is possible that it is from this that Semyon is constantly frowning and looks dissatisfied. But the instructions of parents for him above all, and Semyon is forced to buy useful fish in incredible quantities.
Shamil Shprootullin
Shamil – the main manufacturer of mackerel in the area, and Semyon Skumbrievich is the only consumer. Shamil was born and grew away far from the stormy seas, but since childhood he dreamed of opening the coast of the Crankets for the production of canned food from mackerel. So he settled next door to Petrovich. To transport canned mekumbrievich, Shamil is indispensable for friendly help Petrovich.
Father Proslarovolostenko
Good, responsive. In general, such as it should be a priest. He has only one weakness – he is very forgetful. From time to time he loses the most important book – the Bible, and then he has to heartily ask Petrovich about help. After all, a Sunday service in his church will not be able to take place without the Bible. Petrovich gladly goes to her searches, and the priest always gives him anything useful.
Build boats together with Petrovich
To build a boat, first of all, you need to choose the shape of the body and the material of the trim. This is done on shipyard. Cases drawings can be viewed on the table. If you click on the question of question, Petrovich will explain the differences between different options for the hull and the steering wheel. Click on the drawing that you liked. To go back, click on the icon in the lower right corner. You can choose the material for the trim – wood or plastic. Plastic more durable and durable material. To lower the boat on the water, click on the rails. To change the case again, you will have to return to the shipyard.
When the boat is at the pier, you can install additional parts and equipment. All the necessary things lie in a warehouse on the shelves. To move between the shelves, click on the signs with numbers. Details can be stored not only on the shelves, but also just on the floor of the warehouse or on the pier. If you want to move any things, drag them from a warehouse to the exit. So they will be on the pier.
Build boat
Not all the details are suitable for the boat. If something is not suitable, Petrovich will tell you about it. But if the item approached, she herself will find the right position. The more details on the boat, the hardest it becomes. Due to excess weight, the boat can even sink. The cargo affects maneuverability and speed. With heavy load, the boat becomes less stable and can turn over during the storm.
In order for the boat to be saved from the pier, it should be at least these components:
- Case – it can be selected on the shipyard on the table with drawings;
- Driving power – a boat can go under the sail, on oars or with a motor. If there is an engine, it will also be necessary for the benzobac (it is not needed only with small mounted motors);
- Management – To be able to control the boat, it should be steering wheel, oars or mounted motor.
The sea is a terrible force. Therefore, it is important to know the weather forecast, or at least ask Petrovich to comment on the weather. This can be done by clicking on the fluger, a device that shows the strength of the wind. From time to time the weather forecast is reported on the radio. In the lower left corner of the screen there is a cone.
It shows the strength of the wind and its direction. The farther from the shipyard and from the bay, the stronger the wind and worse the weather.
In the sea, the boat can be controlled and keyboard and mouse. If you manage the mouse, the boat will follow the cursor. Pressing the left mouse button, you increase the speed of the boat. If you drive a boat using the keyboard, use the “right” and “left” arrows to turn. Use the up and down arrows to change the speed.
When you go to the sea, dashboard appears at the bottom of the screen.
On the left in the panel there is an icon in the form of a compass. If you click on it – a map will appear.
The right is the speed and fuel indicators.
The boat can be driven by sail, motors or vests. To select a propulsion type, click on one of the buttons in the dashboard center.
To satisfy hunger Petrovich takes a supply of food with him. The amount of the provinted is displayed by the “Fish pointer” on the right on the panel. As soon as one bones remain from the fish, Petrovich will go home to eat.
Call Menu
Petrovich never breaks up with his drawer, where he has everything is stored. If you click on the box in the lower right corner of the screen, the menu will open. In the menu, you can see and print diploma, disassemble the boat and get out of the game. And clicking on the chest you can see the valuables that Petrovich have.
Saving, loading and removing boat
If you want to build a new boat, you first need to deal with the old. This can be done by opening the box with the tools in the lower right corner and selecting the “Remove Boat” button. Before this boat can be saved, photographed it. Camera hangs on the pier. There is also a photo album where you can restore the boat on the photo taken earlier.
Medals and diplomas
Here are the medals you can get, performing different tasks and participating in the tests:
For the distance – if you get a boat to Lion of Lyatkin, you can assume that you have a medal in your pocket;
For speed – this medal can be winning at competitions;
For carrying capacity – if you are able to immerse a large number of canned food, this medal will become yours;
For beauty – this medal can only issue a judge at the exhibition;
For depth – this medal will become yours, if you manage to go down to the bottom of the coveted ships;
For luxury – if Francesca Fifelli deems your yacht worthy of climbing her, you will get this medal.
Each boat receives a diploma, where the name of the boat and the medals they have received. You can print a diploma by clicking the printer icon.