Petrovich builds the car: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Character description
Although Petrovich lives completely alone (not counting the kudlata pirate), he does not suffer from a lack of friendly communication. Petrovich has a great many diverse acquaintances, which he regularly and diligently visits. The fact is that Petrovich is afraid to seem like a poor and dislike that since the morning it begins to make good deeds and booming actions. Then the kids are a bicycle replenish, then the neighbor will help. Only in the most extreme case, when it is not worthy of helping the neighbor, Petrovich closes in his deserved garage and is not tired of making something.
Uncle Fedya
Uncle Fedya – the owner of an extensive and spacious landfill. All that glorious and impatient people throw out, throw out, consider unnecessary and unsuitable for use, sooner or later it turns out to have uncle Fedi. Uncle Fedya and himself gladly picks on the streets every trash or what seems to him trash. More than once he has already come to see because of other people’s bikes and garden leek. Uncle Fedi has adorable fantasy dog. Flight – very faithful, but inhuman curiosity often makes him forget about it. It happens, pulls out of the neighboring village with a cranberry kissel or a pea soup with smoked, and a fantasy is already running there. Then the joy of uncle Fede is good asking Petrovich to find a treacherous and forgetful dog.
Klava button button
Klava – a long-standing friend Petrovich. In about the first or third quarter of the second grade, it began to mess with computers. Now Klava The button is in everywhere fond of the Internet, even prudently settled by the administrator in a popular Internet cafe. When Petrovich coming from good deeds comes to her, they definitely play some fresh computer game. True, almost always wins Klava. But they do not quarrel because of this: Petrovich got used to get up early, and therefore he quickly gets tired, begins to ask for mercy and be offended by the unbeatable clave.
Rita Reduchkin
Rita has a huge garden plot, almost plantation. She grows with a black, blue and red currants, raspberry, cherry and rootishons. She proudly repeats that only the fact that and is tasty, and useful. Although in the first place is definitely the benefit of Rita will not grow a single root plant, without having examined which exquisite vitamins it contains. The fact is that Rita thoroughly dreams to live to 150 years, and for this you need to lead the right and diligent lifestyle. Even the smallest Russian evenings of Rita inevitably plays on trophy accordion: it seems to her that his pleasant and melodic sounds also contribute to longevity.
Masha Milovidov
Masha – a pleasant girl in all respects. From her friend’s naughty, the flowers of the natives begin to smell stronger, and the kittens are climbed into the highest trees, so you have to remove these unreasonable animals from there as grunders of ripe prunes. Masha recently graduated from the institute and became a school teacher in a small and secluded town. Once the bus on which Masha goes to school, broke. She was already frightened that he was forever for a lesson, but Petrovich stopped near the lilac bush and offered her to pass. So they met. Petrovich immediately liked Masha, and she is constantly looking for a cute and unobtrusive reason to chat. But Masha can not call Petrovich, like everything, she believes that it is impolite and calling him Peter Petrovich.
Extremely cheerful person, owner worthy of the mention of the hotel and a small building for the production of fruit juices. From early childhood, he dreamed of having his own restaurant, which would have come acquaintance and unfamiliar people to celebrate a cheerful wedding or anniversary of creative activity. Only one rogue retained – he could not tolerate neither fragile kebabs, nor soft khachapuri, nor the acid tchemali. Later he married a luxurious and diagonal beauty Guliko, and together they had a happily opened their restaurant of Georgian cuisine “Gogi”, which quickly liked residents of surrounding villages.
Seryoga – Old familiar Petrovich, they know each other since then, when Seryoga was a professional car drivers. It cannot be said that his results were outstanding… Unfortunately, he never won a single serious race. But, nevertheless, he is a local celebrity, and everyone is constantly respected. Now he threw his old dangerous passion and enjoying the calm farming.
Pavel Putyagin
There is a category of people who constantly pull in search of dangerous and incredible adventures. Paul from their number. He mined gold on an incentive Alaska, drove through the green jungle Amazon in search of a lost city, looking for the Treasures of Pharaohs in the dusty deserts of Egypt, explored places where Spanish ships loaded by Indian Gold. Now he, however, he was heard a little and therefore settled in his homeland, where he spreads the thick and warm puppies.
Petrovich workshop
- Save a car
- Load car
- Go to the landfill
- Roll away the car
- Go out
After you install the game and talk to Petrovich, boldly proceed to work. Probably you no longer wait? In order to collect the car, you will need many different details. They can be found in the landfill for the workshop. Click on the yellow door, and then you will find yourself at the landfill.
Petrovich collects all sorts of glands, how much does it remember. «Never know what can come in handy tomorrow», — He loves to repeat Petrovich. And he is right — Most of things are in business. If it seems to you that there is a mess on a dump, try to sort everything. To do this, subside the subject of the mouse and take it to where he must lie.
If you find anything really useful, just drag the item to the door to the workshop. When the door opens, let go of the mouse button, and the item will wait on the floor in the garage.
It is not always clear what exactly is in front of you. To Petrovich told about the subject, click on the detail of the mouse.
Since Petrovich’s things have accumulated a lot, then they all do not fit on one screen. There are several piles of old spare parts on the landfill. For the transition between them, click on the signs.
To return to the workshop, click on the yellow door. Sometimes too many details accumulate in the garage. Then you can take a little bit and take part of the piece of iron on the landfill.
How to collect a car?
Now it’s time to collect a car. To do this, take the details and try to install them on the machine body. When the subject falls to the right place, you will hear a characteristic sound. If the item is not yet suitable, Petrovich will tell you about it.
If you suddenly be confused, click on Petrovich, and he will tell you what to do next.
To work the car, the following parts must be installed:
Engine — Determines the power of the machine, its speed and amount of gasoline consumed. There may be several motors in the car, both in front and rear.
Battery — Required in order to start the engine, and is also a source of energy for electric motors. It can be installed in the front, as well as in the back of the machine.
Benzobac — in it is fuel for the engine. Gas tanks can be somewhat. The more gasoline, the further the car erupt.
Transmission — Need the engine to drive the wheels. It must be near the driver’s place.
Torkemose — without them do not stop the car. They must be installed before the wheels on the axes.
Beep — Used to warn, such as goats and cows. Big beep is more often installed on the roof, but there are models that need to be attached near the engine.
Steering wheel — required to control the machine.
Wheels — Need directly so that the car can go. Wheels can also be replaced by caterpillars.
If you want to change some detail, you first need to remove the one that is installed on top. For example, if you’re going to change the engine, then you will have to remove the hood. As soon as you change at least one item, the car becomes «another». This means that you can lose the medals obtained earlier. So take pictures of your cars to keep them for the future.
To build a few new cars, you will need a lot of different details. Sometimes Uncle Fedya comes, a trader of old spare parts, and leaves them in the courtyard. New details can also be requested, riding on the roads and visiting his friends with Petrovich. Sometimes his acquaintances call or send a letter asking for help. Postman postman leaves naturally in the mailbox. To read it, just click on the letter.
How to save the car?
Petrovich’s workshop is the camera. With it you can make a photo of a car. Then in this photo you can restore the car in the same form and even with the same medals. To save the car:
- In the camera’s workshop on the camera.
- Right choose the photo album page where you want to glue a photo.
- Click on the photo or on the photo album page.
- Give the car name.
How to upload a car?
Old car was better? Won more medals? Or just liked you more? Then restore it by photography. For this:
- In the workshop of clicking on the photo album.
- List pages, choose a photo of the car you want to download.
- Schelni in the photo.
How to get rid of the car?
If you want to collect another car, you will have to get rid of the old. Do not forget that you can save the car before. To throw the car to the landfill, do the following:
- Translate the mouse cursor on the tool box in the lower right corner of the screen and click on it.
- Schedule on the sign «Disassemble the car».
On the way
Well, finally, the car is collected! Shchengni on the door of the garage on the left, and Petrovich will help you roll out the car outside. The road is waiting for you! To go on the road, click on the road, but if something is missing in the car, then it will not leave.
Now you will see everything from above, like on the map. At the bottom of the screen, the speedometer is visible and fuel level. You can control the machine using the mouse:
- Press the left mouse button to zoom in speed.
- Press the right button to slow down.
- Keep the cursor in front of the machine, then she will go after him, as if you pull the car on the rope.
Can be controlled from the keyboard. To do this, do the following:
- Move the cursor to the box with tools in the lower right corner and click on it.
- Road sign «Control» To select keyboard.
- To rotate right, click the right-arrow button.
- To rotate left, click the left-arrow button.
- Press «Shift» or upper arrow button to accelerate.
- Press «Ctrl» or lower arrow button to stop, or go back.
Depending on how you collect your car, she will be able to cope with those or other tasks and obstacles. Then you will be able to give a medal. The resulting medal flashes for some time on the dashboard.
Each car has a diploma. It says the name of the car, and still drawn all the medals that you with Petrovich earned. To see a diploma, click on the box with tools in the lower right corner and choose the sign “Diploma”. Diploma can print. To do this, click on the button with the image of the printer.