Phobos: 1953: Game Walkthrough and Guide # 2

Home » Game Guides » Phobos: 1953: Game Walkthrough and Guide # 2
July 20, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Phobos: 1953: Passage # 2
Phobos: 1953: Game Walkthrough and Guide # 2
Where I am? Who am I? What am I doing here? Usually these questions ask themselves, coming into consciousness in an unfamiliar place. But not at this time. I know all the answers. I am Nikolaev Gleb Ivanovich, 28 years old, I live in Moscow, I work as a mechanic. Arrived on March 3 to the object in order to carry out unscheduled repair work of electrical equipment.

I am worried about other interesting questions: Like I have long been here, why was unconscious and, most importantly, how to get out?

Since after the skeleton roller, we did not fly to the room in turns of good fairies with a detailed story about our adventure and the proposal to transfer us to a warm bed, we will have to deal with what happened, and try to get home.

To begin with, turn on pockets and inspect the room for finding something useful. So, we have: skip to the object, burner from the cabinet on the left. Actually, in the dark is not very convenient to search. Let’s try to go to another room, maybe there will be.

No, the expectations were not justified – we will get out of here to the touch. The door to the next location is easy to find, but to open – difficult. For her sword. Need to find something that you can cut the brackets, and then the pass will open. Maybe on some wall there is a switch? We do not see him, but we notice on the floor next to the door Ammonia stains. We asked their burner. Now come to the generator;It was not necessary to carefully study, and so clearly, for his work it is necessary to voltage at 18 watts.Phobos: 1953: Game Walkthrough and Guide # 2

Without paper you … and with a piece of paper.

Retreat to the first room. Wrap – on the floor hatch to open. We turn on the tumblers with numbers 2, 5, 8, 5, 7, which in the amount gives 18. Switch the switch on the generator. And yes there will be light! Here, now you can see the grinding machine, which was lying all the time at the door. Do not forget to stick it into the outlet, it’s not a magical ..

Let’s go back to the first room and study it at the light. Over the table hangs the box, but it is locked. On the table lies the magazine “Radio engineering” and, in fact, everything – there is nothing more interesting here. Try before going out of the mechanical contact for the communicator.

Go to the corridor, inspect, select the invoice for drugs. Why it is still unclear. Leaky leaf, which lies beside, also grab. Around a few doors – rushing to enjoy immediately to the head of the sector, maybe he will explain what’s the matter. Alas, his office locked.

In the other end of the corridor, freshly added bricks and the door to the meeting room. Also on the left in the wall of the hatch with mysterious letters of the Futivity above it. Luke is also locked – we will look for the key. We go to the hall, but do not forget to study the campaign chanet, which hangs on the right of the door.

In the room a terrible mess. Even traces of shots and blood on the wall. Read the Crocodile, which is lying on the floor – he will hesitate. Left radiol. It works well, you can turn it on and listen. Right cabinet. Open it and find a lonely leaf. Such Chiffonier is huge, but empty, already strange.Phobos: 1953: Game Walkthrough and Guide # 2

So, where is the “Europe +”?

In the center of the room there is a table, and on it the projector. Do nothing with him. Nearby lies the key – it is necessary to grab it. Let’s go to another table in the extreme wall and carefully consider everything that is there.

So, thanks to the calendar, we find out that today is March 8, Sunday. So that there is still? The book on the study of the human brain “Thought, managing matter”. And folder with documents – watch it. Take the next lying pencil – and on the road.

What was it? Some Mr. Through the reproductor reported that he was watching someone, maybe for us? We return to the generator and go to the first room, from where they started the game. Open the box above the table using the key found and get out of there with a tenth, pliers and flashlight without batteries.

Use somehow found things while we can not. Therefore, continue to look for a way out. If you carefully examine the campaign leaflet, the one that hangs next to the meeting room, you can see the announcement that the “Political Review” radio transmission from February 22 to June 19 will be transmitted in the range of 568-476. Let’s try to set up a radar on this frequency. As soon as they did it – listen.

So, on March 7, Leningrad was awarded the Order of Lenin. Let’s look at our journal a schedule for March, we found it in the closet, remember? Some connection between the city and the date can be traced. Leningrad – March 7, Sunday. We note what else the city has been held on this day. Novosibirsk, excellent. Turn the handle of the radio to the square with the famous city. But nothing seems to have happened. Wrap-ka. Yeah, and the closet and the truth is strange.Phobos: 1953: Game Walkthrough and Guide # 2

Her and open scary.

What is this room? Cabinet Chief Section. Right in front of us a bookcase – open it, get a cigarette. In the same cabinet, the shelf below the books with the root, very similar to the cigarette cover. Coincidence? Left window, let’s look at it. On the pipes of the air duct worth marking 71-in. We remember, it will come in handy.

So, let’s examine the careful cabinet. On the coffee table, the second cigarette and a reference manual “Combat poisoning substances” are lying. We go deep into the room. We take another cigarette from the desktop, read the report and office note. On a book rack with a bust of Joseph Vissarionovich, the fourth and last cigarette.

Now we should decompose the cigarettes on the stand, which is standing on the table. The order of arrangement suggested books from the closet.

In the other end of the room there is another door – it is locked. Probably this way out into the corridor. To the left of it is hanging safe (a bit of the rover of the desktop), and next to another amazing aggregate. This is pneumatic. Well, just like Orwell in “1984”. We look at more carefully and notice that the safe is electric. But the wires are cut. Work on them first with pliers, and then, insulace … tape.

And now it remains the last – open safe. The code from it is in the folder with the documents found in the meeting room. On the last sheet with the report of the red pencil, figures are written: 2790.

We recruit the code – the safe opens. In it we turn the switch on some box. Thus, opening locked up the door in the corridor, it leads to the lower tier of the bunker. You can still read a report with a vulture “Top Secret”. Also worth viewing the folder with personal affairs lying on the sofa.Phobos: 1953: Game Walkthrough and Guide # 2

Large lantern?

Return to the corridor. Listen to another cracked monologue from the reproducer. Go down to the basement. It seems someone sprayed in the air poison. Need to hurry, it is impossible to linger here for a long time. But first let’s see what we can take? Kirka will suit. In the laboratory there is a small box with hinged lock. Break his find. Then click on the side clasps and get the key. He from the hatch ventilation.

If the screen is cloudy, and on the sides, it also blushed, it is worth interrupted. Time return to the corridor and move away.

As soon as we took the key, we run up to the hatch. Go down to ventilation and immediately twist the valve to the left of us. Op! – Pneumatic turn on. Near the phone hangs, let’s try to contact it. This is what irony, we were hoping for someone’s help, but it comes from it.

We return back to the Cabinet of the Section Chosen and taking Film Film Fallen from Pneumatic. Insert it to the projector. We apply a holey leaf to the “sheet” and copy a pencil scheme.

We climb again in the ventilation hatch. On the wall on the right hangs the shield, put on it our drawdown schedule and build the scheme in this order: PC-3, PC-4,71V, VK-2-up, the rest – down. Turn around for us another shield – turn it on.

Oh, how often letters come here. Need to check what’s there. Turned out to be some other official note.

What to do? And not to go to us again in the laboratory? We enter her, look around. On the floor next to the weights lies a balloon with a spilled substance. Probably, we poisoned. We go around and look at the room, by picking up all the paper, as well as a syringe, batteries for a flashlight and five multi-colored colums.Phobos: 1953: Game Walkthrough and Guide # 2

Weekday radio.

With their help, we define that the door is spilled at the door. We use each in turn, the desired turns into pink color. It is worth riding in the records. In the book “Combat poisoning substances” we find the name of the antidote you need. Now approach the table at the door and pick up a cure for a glass with an inscription 110mm.

Shifted – and straight to live better! Now there is a time to carefully read all the paper found. However, strange things were going on here. Well, it’s time to move on. Take a flashlight already with batteries and walk down, in the dark.

Find ourselves in a small closed corrider. Without light, with two doors. Let’s try to go to the center and look around, maybe we will find the switch?

How is it scary next to the iron door, it becomes directly bad. Heart beats like mad, in his eyes turbines. No, you need to return.

What was it? What we were so scared? We can not answer it yet. Let’s try to open another door, suddenly it turns out. Yes, we enter the tire without problems and even on flashing shadows do not pay special attention.

So, on the left on the table lies another portion of documents. Again with not very pleasant information. Yes, we, it turns out, in the room where executions were performed! And if you believe in completely secret reports (and they are not lying), there are a lot of people here. Scroll through the documents to the end – under the folder lies a bundle of keys.

Now let’s remember that you can open the keys. It seems, under the pneumatic bedside table, and the castle is locked? Went to check what’s in it. Open the cabinet … Again, documents and pure cassette. Well, well, come in handy. We read the next report. As we already addicted to this, notice? Curious, to what science has reached, – already learned the recording with ghosts.

The keys from the arsenal were not disappeared, and this reason to think about what is still closed and not investigated by us? Perhaps this is a procedural room in the laboratory. Return to the basement. So eat, the keys are suitable for the door.Phobos: 1953: Game Walkthrough and Guide # 2

Two leaders in the same room – to the rain.

We enter the tiny room. Left a couch, next to her table, and on it an electrocardiograph (apparatus, recording cardiac rhythm). Everything necessary to repeat the experiment with records is on the other table, on the right. Create an acoustic system generator. I will open a brochure with a detailed description of the device (we found it earlier before, in the laboratory), read and install switches to the desired position. The range regulator is in the third position, because the desired frequency (1400 Hz) is in this range of waves, then twist the handle to the number 1400. Now turn on the translator, and the output will choose the second. Below the signal switch – turn it right until it stops. And last – I break the generator.

Let us raise and read all the documents in the room. For the experiment, we lack a microphone. He is in the table on the right. So, everything is ready, you can go down even lower – in Tir. We go to the middle of the room, we find a shield and turn on the toggle switch. So, the hatch in the floor is open. Gain courage and stepping down.

Before us is a green box. Put the tape recorder on it, insert a clean cassette, connect the microphone and write down. I don’t want to think about what was Gleb in those half an hour (minimum) that he spent in the pit, writing noises.

Well, let’s return to the procedural and listen that we needed ghosts?

This is the number! What strengths transferred us to this place? The room is quite large, and there is a terrible burda. Some unpleasant sounds here, maybe it’s from our steps, but the feeling that someone else walks for us. The door from the room is only one, go out, or what?

Corpse! Hour from the hour is not easier. Killed him seems to be this like that. No, it’s kirk. Better yet we did not touch her. Transferred back to the big room. Let’s go to another end. Read the report on experiments. Find a gas mask and … stand up in the wall.

If the door is alone, it does not mean that there are no other outputs from it. You can, for example, break the wall.Phobos: 1953: Game Walkthrough and Guide # 2

This is me not head, do not be afraid.

We are in the long-pretty corridor, before us shower. It is spilled in mercury, and you can only enter the gas mask. Delighted? let’s go. Gently go around mercury stains and go into the booth. Krints are spinning, but no effect. On the wall to the left of the entrance written letters with arrows. Apparently, turning the valves should be left, but how many times?

In a large room, you must find a postcard, the formula is written in it: Ouuu-XXXX = AB. We substitute instead of “y” and “x” dates from the postcard. The resulting difference between the numbers is the number of times scrolling the handle of cranes in the shower.

We return to the booth and turn the left valve three times, and right – six. A glass eye flew out of the pipe. Raise it and go back – in the corridor. To open the second locked door, you need to put an artificial eye under it.

Amazing room. There must be interrogations in it. On the table, the tape recorder with the recording of a conversation, a strange order and a metro taper. All this listen, read and take yourself.

All, absolutely everything you need to exit the bunker We have done. It remains the last time to go into shower, there (do not ask, from where) appeared in the subway tunnel.

You can look back for the last time. We helped you to get out of this strange place, but for your fears only you ..

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