POSTAL 3: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Exercise 1.
We look at the introductory video, in which the dude himself gives an interview and tells about his early adventures. Our task to go through the bridge. Let’s go through a small learning procedure. We look at the mouse when the military will appear, hiding behind the machine on the left, by pressing the “space”. If some time is behind the shelter and do not get damage, then health will automatically start recovering. Click to the next machine and press the two buttons at the same time – “W” and “Space” to climb through the shelter. We run on, taking grenades from the box by pressing “F”. Kill four zombies, trying to get right in the bottom. Press the left mouse button and aims. Then throw grenades right mouse button. If you just click the right mouse button, then the pomegranate will turn into a normal mine. Next, we select a canister with gasoline and pour the enemies in the trap. Gilt the fuel right-click. We take a gas canister. With the help of it you can stun (LKM) and to upload (PKM) enemies. What are we doing with three military. Their commander arrives and sees how we are in the light dealt with his people, and prescribes us to guard the control room. Large, the red button cannot be pressed in any way! Or is it possible? Well, let’s try ..
Task 2.
We arrange to work in the sexshop and immediately proceed to work on the collection of finished napkins. Hold down the right mouse button to blow in the vacuum cleaner, lying on the floor. Soon the Momashi burst, who are against such behavior of visitors in this depraved place. So they will still go round. Collect scarves on the second floor, and we are not first with milfs. To drive them enough to shoot from vacuum cleaner by finished napkins until they start to play.
Task 3.
Need to make fifteen cats using mint as a bait. We take the cat mint from the box nearby and, seeing the cat, spray the miraculous drug on the ground. We take the twisted cat by pressing “F”. Gathering three cats, we will begin to interfere with the annoying Japs that will be revived infinite. So it’s best not to pay attention to them, but however, you can kill a couple to grieve weapons on your hands.
We are not lucky again: the employer “closed” the police and money, respectively, not to see how their ears.
Task 4.
We protect the star of Playboy Jennifer from Mad Mamash, shooting exclusively from the electric shock. To “disable” them, aims and hold the left mouse button. Just fifteen moms that need to neutralize. We act quickly and mercilessly if the police will soon appear soon. As a reward for the work done, we get a day … No, unfortunately, not money, but only an electric stroke and a shovel.
Task 5.
In search of the dough dude goes to the barberket. Here we have to make a choice, we will probably go for a kind path. We destroy fanatics that are aggressively tuned against cops. Kill the first enemy and take the ammunition to the weapon or the weapon itself, if we did not have it before. Clean the hall of the first floor, and then offices on the first and second floors. Open all the doors that can only be discovered. At the end there will be a mini boss – a guy with a badger. He is a little stronger than his allies, but still, it is easy to kill.
Task 6.
Police took a dude to work in the plot. Before becoming a full-fledged law enforcement defender, pass a small test. Lieutenant Slobosos will control our work, to neutralize homeless. Wasting shocker of all those without a form in the police station.
Related homeless arrive with reinforcement. Now they have become a serious problem. On the way to the basement to the chief, we help the cops to straighten with the enemies. We visit the courtyard, a warehouse with a weapon, Lazare. Make sure that the helmem is not behind us! Since, if it is not with us, we will not be able to advance further Lazarene.
Task 7.
Now we are in the role of a real policeman. We go to the streets of the city to deal with crime. Since there is no map in the game, you will have to navigate the area on your own. Let it not scare us, because the city is not so big here. The list of tasks consists of the following crimes:
1) “Stop the vandal and not give it to destroy the car” – neutralize the criminal pepper spray or electric shock.
2) “Ensure a drunken homeless, which is piste right on the street,” – Similarly, stop the villain.
3) “Walk through the park” – Stun the robber while he does not see us (the park is behind the police station).
4) “deal with the robbers of Lombard” – Three armed guys stand on our way, quickly separated with them.
5) “Separate two milk-seekers awaken near the pharmacy” – here it is very simple: we stun the first and catch up with the second.
6) “Stop the cat attacking people” – the cat can also be drowning with a shocker.
After completing all these minor tasks, proceed to a more complex. You need to destroy twenty-five talibs (weapons can be applied). In fact, they are much more and scattered throughout the city. But we have enough of the amount that is indicated in the task.
Task 8.
Hurried! We will rescue the very beginning of Bol, although we understand what to do this is not necessary. Stun thirty distraught Protestants. Do not use weapons! Only electric shock and pepper spray will help us in this difficult case. We act quickly and mercilessly until they lived without saving our beloved uve.
Task 9.
Comes the phone call to the phone. The building was captured by the explosive schoolchildren. They don’t really know how to shoot, but on their replacement of Mamashi! Girls from Playboy and … Sergey Mavrodiy will deal with them … Clean the hall of slot machines from enemies, trying not to miss our allies and visitors.
Task 10.
After such a massacre in the city of Lieutenant sends us to the border to guard her from al-Qaida immigrants. We destroy thirty talibans and do not allow them to cross the territory of America. However, you can miss exactly fifteen opponents.
Next to the border there is a city in which the Taliban still lives. Search each alley in the search for opponents. They can hide anywhere, especially since their attention is directed to the extermination of the city’s inhabitants.
Task 11.
The fanatics attacked the animal laboratory and released all the distraught monkeys and cats. We will deal with their destruction. Cats are definitely easier to kill than nipples. We are separated with twenty animals and pass on through the open gate.
Our main enemy – Rhino. We use a laser pointer to control the madushka. Need to hold the LKM and indicate the place where the animal should run. We do so that the rhinoceros crashed into capsules, thereby killing himself. If the Martushka dies, then we will be bait and already try to destroy our body.
Task 12.
We will deal with the purification of the city from crime, as we have already done earlier.
1) “neutralize robbers” – stun two running away with money.
2) “stop macak distraught” – we kill ten monkeys.
3) “Teaching Granny Lesson!”- Stop the old woman until she killed the endless.
4) We pass in the alley, where we kill snipers falling on the second floor.
5) “Stop the fight” – we are separated with gang members who staged a scuffle right in the center of the street.
And last: we move forward, where they encounter fanatics attacking lovers of delicious, but harmful food. We destroy them, the wasps will help us.
Task 13.
We are issued a form and send in the bake – the Taliban camp. Kill forty opponents and get to a big red mansion. On the first floor there is a warehouse with a huge amount of weapons. Climb upstairs and go to the balcony. Turning to the left, we go to the end and stun Alla.
Task 14.
We are separated with the ecotologists who attacked the farm. Then save Randy Johnson, settled rhino. We already know that this is a dangerous beast. And it is possible to stun it only when it crashes about something. In this case, use pillars.
Task 15.
The mayor is pleased with our work and therefore gives rise to. Now we will personally protect it from encroachment. Accompany the mayor to the city, preferably on their two, and not on the segment. As it is constantly to get out of it to kill the attacking mayor of the Taliban case is difficult. Get to Davend and find out that in fact the mayor in collusion with the Taliban led by Osama Bin Laden! And all this shootout was showing.
Task 16.
We go to the pursuit of three urodes – Osama, Dave and Mayor Ron. Get to the labyrinth and turn to the left. We are chosen in the amusement park, where and overtake the enemies. Dave tries to install plutonium to blow up everything to Ebenes. All three bosses are very hardy, and therefore without competent layout can not do. Have to use shelters and run off. We try to separate and straighten with them.
Task 17.
Venezuelan troops led by Wang Chavez. Need to run from here as soon as possible. Now we have a habit of all and all. No reputation is neither angry or bad. Kill everyone who gets up on our way. The main note: do not rush, killing the fierce military. Otherwise we simply do not get out of the city. Our faithful dog champ will help us. Enemies of Venezuelan, those in blue form, treat us neutral. But if during the shootout to hurt at least one, then we will become exactly one more problems.
Get to the leader of Venezuelan Hugo Chávez. Shoot the tank, namely the rocket, machine gun and gun. Let’s start with the machine gun, then the gun and rocket. I hide behind the barricade on the left until we are separated from the machine gun. Then only we can safely run around the territory, evading rockets and killing the military. Watch the final roller.