Prey (2006): Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » Prey (2006): Game Walkthrough and Guide
January 31, 2022
5 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Prey (2006): Passage
Prey (2006): Game Walkthrough and Guide

Prey – The Game IS Unusual and In Many Ways, Extraordinary. One Hand, This Is a Classic “Stupid” Shooter, On the Other – There Is An Original Plot, and with the weather – There Is Everything That Was Not in Other Projects. Missions Are Often Built On Puzzles That Could Not Exist and Exist, and Which Are Listed On The Future Plat and in Part, Even the “Stupid” Component of the gameplay.

This Passage Describes Typical Tasks Associated with Innovations, As WELL AS THE MOST DIFFICULT MOMENTS OF EACH LEVEL. This Manual For Passing, Rather, Is Not Even Such – It Is More Reviewing New Features That Are So Many in The Game Prey.


We Strongly Recommend You to Use Cheats, Trains and Other Ways to Pass The Game Dishonest. The Fact Is That In The Project Itself, Cheats Are Not Provided, And The Remaining Console Teams Got Him from The Door 3 Engine, They of the game, Making Impossible to Further Pass.


Before You to Take for Solving Any Task, Which We Offer Prey, IT IS NECESSARY TO STUDY THE FEATURES OF THE GAMING WORLD GENERATED by Innovations.

Prey (2006): Game Walkthrough and Guide

FIRST OF ALL, THESE ARE THE SO-CALLED “WALL TRAILS”. They Are Only Indicated in the Picture of the Outside, But May Be in Two States – On and Off. According To These Trails, You Can Walk, But You Can Not Jump – In This Case, You Will Fall Under the Force of “Real” Gravity. The Same Thing Will Happen IF You Go From the Track, OR IF Someone Turns Off IT. HOWEVER, VERY OFTEN AT THE END OF THE WALL PATH JUST NEED TO JUMP ONTO THE “REAL” FLOOR – IN THIS CASE IT SERVES AS A KIND OF ELEVATOR, ALLOWING YOU TO MOVE FROM ONE LEVEL TO ANOTHER.

Also In The Game Used Trick with A Gravity Switching – WHEN SHOOTING IN A SPECIAL GREEN SWITCH IN THE FORM OF THERE HOLOGRAPHIC HEXAGONS, ITS SURFACE BECOMES FLOOR. Interestingly, In Such A Switching Of Enemy Die After The Fall.

Another Important Component of Gravitational Focus – Mini Planets. These ARE Small (On a Outer Scale) Balls, On The Surface Of Which You Can Walk. HOWEVER, THERE ARE NO COMMON PUZZLES USING RADIAL GRAVITY ON SUCH OBJECTS IN THE GAME, AND Private Cases Are Considered in the Passage ItSelf.

Prey (2006): Game Walkthrough and Guide Perhaps The Main Puzzle Component of the Gameplay IS The Possibility of Separation The Spiritual and Bodily Shell Of Our Hero (Although This Option Will Not Immediately). The Spirit Can Walk Through The Power Fields, Interact With the Consoles, Attack The Energy Arrows and Even Pick Up the Cartridges. But The Soul Cannot Open The Doors, Walk Through The Walls (Wall Exceptions) (Indepenently).

The Easiest and Most Common Puzzle Is to Pass Through The Field and Turn It Off From The Console from the Other Hand. Almost Always The Remote Controls Are Immediately Behind The Field, But in Rare Cases Will Have to Walk A Little Further. Another Common Option to Use The Help of the Soul – Walking On Special Bridgees, Which Are Visible Only To Her, However, to Find Out That Here IS A Special Sign on the Wall On the Wall or a Floor Next To Such A Bridge IS OFTEN TESTIFIES TO. Sometimes In Such Places You Can Pass Through The Wall in Some Secret Place with Cartridges. Often The Soul Should Run An Elevator Or A Different Mechanism in Which The Body Must Be Predetermined to Move It.

Prey (2006): Game Walkthrough and Guide Portals. Perhaps This Is The Most Beautiful Innovation, However, The Tasks Associated with It. IT IS Only Important to Remember Some Things Relative To Them: Not All Bilateral Portals; NOT ALL TWO-SIDED Views of the Portals Are Such (That IS, Going and Coming Out, You Can Be Completely Different); The Gravity of Location Behind The Portal In most Cases Differs from the Current; Through Portals Can Be Held Everything, Including Bullets and Grenades, But Excluding Ship; Some Doors and Holes In The Floor Are One-Sided Portals; In The Portals from Which Opponents Appear, In most Cases IT Im iMpossible to ENTER; Some Portals Are Disguised As A Simple Doorway. But The Most Important Thing Is That The Portal Hand, It’s Just a Hole, For Example, In The Floor, Then The Portal Can Be.

The Game Is Also Unusual In That In Many Places (Especially When The Storyline Develops) Nothing Happens Until Time. In Such Cases, You Need to Wait A Bit And Explore The Location Again (It’s usually enough to get Arround A Coupe of Rooms).

And One More Important Element IS An Explosion of Organic Barriers to Green Boshyra. This Is Often Found, And If You Saw Such A Ball (They Are Everywhere in Bulk, So in the Event of An Unsuccessful Attempts Do Not Worry), Know – Next To the Organic Barrage. To Remove It, You Need to Drive a Ball to Him and SHOOT IT to the Explosion.


The First Level Does Not Carry Any Special DiffiCulties. Will Givet to the Season of Minutes, Which After A While You Will Have to Kill Two Sex Giants Who Offended the Hero Girlfriend.

Escape Velocity

In Fact, The Training Level, Where You Will Learn to Walk Along The Corridors, Use The Wrench, Squat, Use the Consoles and Portals. IT Im Important Here Im Im Important to Direction of The Entrance and The Frame, Empty On Side, On The Other Can Be The Portal. Butt, Perhaps, The Most Important Lesson AT The Very End of the Level Is to Remember That It Is Often Necessary to Simply Wait for the Way Further Opened.

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