Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)

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June 17, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Prey (2017): Passage (all side quests)
Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)
This article will consider all the actions that need to be taken to pass all additional missions in Prey (2017). Part of the easiest tasks was described in separate articles on the search for the crew.

Side Quest “Fingering Corpse”

Where to get: the department of neurodes.

To start this task, go to offices after you see the killing Gavrilovich Mimica (Name Corpse Yovana Gavrilovich) in the neurodes department. Behind the first table, there is a terminal – read the letter called “URGENT!”. You will learn about some kind of body, it will start an additional task. Immediately we describe his passage, but we note – to pass the mission, you will have to visit other locations.

Go to the “Hall Talo-1” location and go to the trauma (key card at the bottom, on the rack in front of the corridor leading to the shuttle compartment). Take the bracelet-beacon from the table marked with a marker, as well as read the letter “wounded on the approach”. Task updated.

Next Purpose – Laboratory Psychotronics. When you are at a glass chamber with a corpse, which in the phantom will turn the weak, then go down on the gravyphte and see the morgue. Wait when the operator flies inside, or scroll the glass and shoot the dart into the button near the door. Naturalate Drum Dr. Silvena Bellamy to get a key card from cabin can. When you are in the residential section, then just look at the doctor’s cabin to complete the quest. Inside you will find 3 neurodes.

Side Quest “Who You’re, December?”

This quest you activate in the plot. At a certain point, the game will contact you “December” and will say that you left him a message – you need to leave Talos-1. This is one of the alternative ending, after which the usual load is happening from the last control point.

Go to the neuromode department and talk with Decabre. In the briefing room in front of Morgana Apartments Yu (at the beginning of the game), a suitcase is lying on the closet. Name it to make sure that the key card is not there (if you did not earlier). Go again to the meeting place with Decabre and see that “January” destroyed it (if a suitcase searched earlier, it will occur immediately when returning to the neurodes department). Naturally the remains of the operator “December” and from the note will learn the code from the safe in the Alexa Yu office.

When you find yourself on the Locations “Arbrair”, then follow the same way, which is described when taking a quest “Golden Pistol”. From here, find the point at which you can go above, to the Cabinet Alex Yu. Of course, you can hack a gravilute, but you need 4 skill level.

Upstairs move the box (the ability “rise-II”) and open the protective hatch to find the safe behind the wall. Entering the code, take the Alex Yu and key card from the Alelex Yu apartment.

Once in residential compartments by activating the elevator and climbing up the apartment of directors, go to the apartment of Alex and under the globe on the bedside tube, find the key card required by the quest.

Now go back to the arboretum and climb the Alexa Yu Cabinet. There is a terminal – if you hack it, the bridge will be prompted. The terminal requires “hacking-IV”. Later Alex will still give you a code. Complete in the capsule (before it, if you saw, you can fly and without a bridge) and run the evacuation. See one of the ending. Near the capsule lies the bracelet-beacon Alexu Yu.

Side Quest “Stolen Neurodes”

Where to get: note from interrogation rooms in the security office in the hall “Talos-1”.

In the interrogation room of the Security Service Cabinet there is a desk with a note. Read it to take the quest. To fulfill it, it is enough to climb the center of teleconferences (get there on the storyline) and go through the bridge in the sales department. Under the office of Juughters, 4 neurodes are lying at once. Quest performed.

Side Quest “Sleeping”

When you find yourself outside “Talos-1”, choosing there from the hardware laboratory, then fly to the corpse of Dr. Calvino. Repair the sparkling panel to the left of the door, and then return to the hardware laboratory. Climb on a gravyphter and go inside the wave laboratory. Quest performed!

There will be a terminal with information on the project “Blackbox”. So the additional quest “Project Blackbox” will begin.

Side Quest “Project Blackbox”

Where to get: Examine the data in the Laboratory of Wave Physics Terminal on Locations “Hardware Laboratory”.

To perform the task and at the same time break through the laboratory door of the wave physics laboratory, you need to find the corpse of Josh Dalton. You will do it on the location of the Sagitt (read in the article on the location of the Sagitt).

Side Quest “Pravdolyub”

Where to get: On the Laboratory of Psychotronics Laboratory Find the corpse of Annaliza Gallegos with a transcriptor. Listen to entry to start making a mission.

This task is activated after you listen to one of the records on the Annaliza Gallos Annaliza transcriptory in its office in the psychotronic laboratory. When you find yourself in the residential section, then go around Marcéra and raise from the corpse of Maria Fowles transcriptor “Request for surveillance: Annalya Gallegos”.

Go to the terminal on the first floor near the gravilipte (concierge table) and move the files about the observation. Next, when you find yourself in the cargo compartment and pass through the plot to the room with containers, do not look for the desired here. That container in which Kvinten Pervis wanted to escape is located in the following spacious hall directly opposite the door.Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)Container with corpse of Kvinten Pervis.
Searching it, you complete the quest.

Sidelive Quest “Unfolved employee”

Where to take: The next additional task is taken in the process of listening to the Jia Kyun-ho transcriptor, the corpse of which you will find immediately after the transition from the Sagitt to the arboretum.

Continue you in data warehouse. When you are near the terminal Daniell Show at the top, then go to another terminal on the left and lend the Lockwood bracelet bracelet number – 1129 (or something like that specified in the description of the task). Activate its beacon, after which on any terminal in the Security Service Office, select Locking Grant for Tracking. Go beyond the “Talos-1” and fly around Marcéra until I find the corpse of the Lockwood grant.Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)Corpse Grand Lockwood.
Side Quest “Do not harm”

Where to get: listening to the record from the deviris transcriptor (on its corpse at the main elevator, if you come from the side of the arboretum).

To perform it, go on the elevator down, in the Hall “Talos-1”, go to the trauma and the key card open the door of the Devris Cabinet. From the terminal, download the decryption key, open the inventory, go to the “Data” section and select the Audio Day “Morgan: Hysteria”. Click ENTER to listen to it re.

You will hear some code combination – A, C, B, A, C. Go to the next Cabinet Matias Kolya and from his terminal run the test. Go to the terminal at the table to the left and answer the test questions in this order, as written above – ACBAC. A safe will appear, from which you can get 3 neurodes and the Matias Transcriptor Kolya “Session Audio Research: Morganu.Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)Hidden safe in the office of Matias Kolya.
Side Quest “Smuggler on Talos”

Where to get: After listening to the Lilly Transcriptor, Morris in the corridor arboretum leading to the main elevator.Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)Corpse Lilly Morris.
You need to find 6 points in which smugglers hid the resources. All of them are inside safes hidden behind red fire alarms. To open them, you need to knock on them three times. But the alarms on “Talos-1” more than six. So you need to recognize those that are really hidden smuggling. And make it easy – a red light burns above them. Here is the location of all cargo:

one. On the wall right above the corpse of Lilly Morris in Arndraria, where the quest is taken.Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)First cache.
2. In the hall “Talos-1” on the first floor there is an exhibition hall – on the wall near one of the doorways.Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)Second cache.
3. In the hall “Talos-1” go on the first floor to the restroom, but in front of them to roll into the corridor on the left. On the wall on the right, high.

4. In the hardware laboratory, go to an atrium with a graviliift and climb upstairs. Here there is a circular bridge and one of the walls has a large statue on a stone pedestal. On the wall hangs alarm with a light bulb.

five. In the residential compartment, go to the fitness center and turn on the corridor to the right to detect a cache on the wall.Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)Fifth cache.
6. In the cargo compartment, climb upstairs on the Piece and enter the room with Dr. Ime (if you saved it) and Alice Musayeva, sitting on the floor. Look on the wall on the left.Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)Last cache.
Quest performed!

Side Quest “Request Coca”

Where to get: when you find yourself on the location “living section”, then hear a monologue of the cook. Soon the quest will begin.Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)Kok Will Mitchell.
You need to kill the telepath in the cafeteria and neutralize or kill infectious people. After that, go to the specified window and chat with Kok. He will give you a key card from the cabins Will Mitchell. Go to the cabin and open it. Find the best chef on Tumba and give it to the quest.

Sign in the kitchen through the side door. Cook will ask to repair the water supply. If you have not yet selected the desired detail, then go back to the “Arboretum” location and in the greenhouse on one of the tables find it.Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)Water pressure regulator from greenhouse.
Install in place. Cook will open the freezer. Log in and roll you in it. Find the output by moving away the ice floes or melt them with fire (shoot in the pipe from the side). In the refrigerator you will find two corpses for the long door and one corpse near the ice floe blocking protective hatch. Also you will find the beacon. Choose from here to complete the quest.

Side Quest “Treasure Hunting”

Where to get: Read the letter in the Terminal Daniella Show (in her cabin on the territory of the residential section). You need to find four parts of the card:

one. The first will be found on the coup of Zechariah Vesta on the Locations “Arboretum” at the transition point in the data warehouse.Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)Treasure map Zechariah Vesta.
2. The second Treasure map of Emma Bitty can be found on her body in a fitness center corridor, in a place where fires from the pipes.

3. Elias Black Treasure Map is located in the recreational center, on the table on the second floor.Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)Card Treasure Elias Black.
4. Daniella Show Map can be found on the location “Data Warehouse”. Climb on the second floor and download the map from the terminal in the command center.

Now you need to go to those places that are depicted on each card, and find four numbers.

– Map of Hordinbafla (Zecharia Vesta) shows a water treatment plant in the livelihood sector. Go to the far left corner and find the number “3” on the wall. Part of the quest takes automatically when you will be near the number.Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)Digit “3”.Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)Location on the map.
– Rosaline map indicates the cargo compartment. In the cargo compartment, go to the door leading to the life support department. Standing to her face, turn right and on the wall further container Find the number “5”.Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)Figure “5”.
– Middle card leads to a room with a utilizer in the residential section. Go to the entrance door to this location and climb the stairs to the right, if you look at it. Roll into the room on the left and look at the number “6” directly opposite the door.Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)Digit “6”.
– The last card will lead you to Sagitta. Go on this location through the arboretum. It will be easier! Fly down the mine where the fuel storage is. Go inside and jump over the destroyed bridge. There will be an entrance to the shuttle compartment. Right in the corner, on the wall in front of the rivivifts, the figure “1”. Look at it to count the quest.Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)Figure “1”.
When all the numbers are found and tasks are noted, both completed, then go back to the residential section. Go to the cabin Abigail Foy and enter the code “1365” in the terminal. You will receive a reward of the Arsenal Finder Adventure. If you manufacture it on your factor, then get a chip for a suit that gives a few advantages. Read more on the screenshot. Quest performed!Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)Functions of the chip “Arsenal Finder Adventure”.
Side Quest “Gift Beloved”

Where to get: Listen to audio recordings on the Laurence Bakster transcriptor in the residential section (read the article on this location).Prey (2017): Game Walkthrough and Guide (all side quests)Lyzhik, where there is a transcriptor for taking a quest.
Go to the Location “Arbrair” and go to the fountain. A little further, the corpse of a woman is lying around – it was her a gift Baxter prepared. The corpse is under the tree with the initials. Find near the stone a stone that can be moved. Under the stone you find the key card from the pantry A2. Enter the pantry to complete the quest. Killing Phantom, you can search the last corpse on Lorenz Bakster location.

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