Prince of Qin: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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May 12, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Prince of Qin: Passage
Prince of Qin: Game Walkthrough and Guide

In the game – 4 types of resources. Leather, bones, wood and ore. With the help of them Palladin can make items (weapons, protection and t.D.). Stones can be inserted into weapons and gear.

Health and Manu can be restored. They are also restored during the battle (fast) and recreation (slow). Upon receipt of the level of health and mana are completely restored.

General remarks.

After the card examination, there are passages to other locations. Some transitions will be closed to the time. Move on the map is especially convenient if you install the auto suite in the settings after finding the enemy. It is possible to move between the studied locations with the help of courier horses.

There is an opportunity almost all dialogs to solve peacefully. After the fight, many side quests become inaccessible. This happens and after the failure to perform this or that task.

CHAPTER 1. Return to Xinyang.

Talk to the old man at the entrance to the village of Zhaokun. Learn about the roads leading from the village to other locations. Learn about tiger – fish.

Zhao Cheng asks to find the perfect house. Meet Jao Kian. After saving the village in the second part, she can join you.

Bring the hunter antidote. Learn about the theory of magic 5 elements. Kill the bear, return the ax of logger.

Meet Jao S. Learn about two legendary swords, gaghang and mine that are in the grave of the ruler Wu in Khikiu. Help the old woman find the book recipes. If you give a reward twice, she will say about the sword.

Yangzhou. Joined Kong Gang (strong). Meet Meng Tian in prison. Get the cook in the tavern fresh dates.

At carpenter. Learn to make a vessel and kpyuk, saddle, fishing rod. For each science it is necessary to pay 300 gold.

From Yangzhou we go to the Yanmensky Passion (he also pass Yansen).

In the tavern help fashion to deal with hired killers. Take a task to help fashion capture power. Get a formal document from the security official (access to the barracks of the Huns).

Restore admission to a well at the house of Kui Kiao. Learn to sew leather rash.

Find a cave leading to Yansen’s pass with a hole in the form of a heel in a stone wall at the entrance.

Courier post Bedy. On the courier post you can get a second document (for the passage of one). You can deceive courier or fill it.

Prefecture Beyi. Sell a hunter of wolves. In the west location in the cave kill tigers, free the spirit of man.

Come in the city by presenting a document (you can already have 2).

On the postal station from the servant to find out that the emperor hunts in the hunting territories in the north of Kiayang. It is necessary to go there at night.

Talk to my wife Peng Yu, convince Peng Yu quit drinking and returning home.

In the tavern help the owner to knock out debt. Convince the waiter to use water from your own well. You can attach to the Liao Yi team (Mage).

Northern Territories. Learn from the logger about the cave in the north leading to the mountain. Through the cave to get into the tent of immunetor. View cartoon and return to Bedy. From Bey go to Xinyang.

Xinyang. Get the key from the black move into the residence of the Prince of Le Bo (standing near the Pagoda). Meet Juan Feng – Scene Quest. He has learned about the strange death of the emperor and about the tomb.

Get a quest for an artisan search. The rest of the quests in Xinjang directly do not have the plot.

You can penetrate the Prince’s residence and read the wife’s letter, help mineer to correct the embroidery on the scarf (embroidery), help the girl to convince her father to a wedding with Lins, buy a wine jug for Pinger, get a hairpin (entrance to the cave in the YanMen pass). Old Man get a book songs, buy leather raincoat for servant.

Jongksian. In Lombard, the script scene with gem. Find out how jade pendant brother got to the girl.

On the hill script scene. Yuao Yun cums suicide. Help Prince Yingg Gao. After the cartoon can be in Lixian to attach YUAO Tong (Witch).

Help the guy get treasures. You can open any chest. In one chest – a book, in another – gold. When passing the task, the result is the same.

If you help a scientist to convey the recognition in the love of a girl, then later he will give you one of the seven legendary swords.

Liksian. Make rod. In return, the old man will give you a gorgeous meteor – a crossbow for a murderer.

Will pretend the father of the girl.

Peasant learn to make toys.

Attach Yao Tong.

For the sign, repeal the valuable mushroom from the bandits.

Through Bey and Yangzhou return to the village of Heakun.

Chapter 2. help Wanted.

The village of Zhaokun. We help residents to destroy the invaders. After that, Jao Quian (killer) can join. By the way, now when the team has a killer, you will be very useful for her skill to open locks on the chests. After a conversation with a hunter and woodcase, we get experience.

Let us leave the help of fashion for later, especially since this is not a story quest. Find the accommodation of hermit wizard Gui Guzi and restore the village. Complete tests at the king beasts. Guess the mysteries at the monster – cannibal. The old man has a heart lamp. Go to the garden of peaches.

If you win a guy to chess at the master, he will give a shield of spirits and a book.

Take a quest to the passage about the garden of peaches and Jao Congo about the perfect house. Having finished the formation of the team, you can proceed to the fulfillment of plot quests.

Our path lies on the eastern plains, in search of a master who will help get to the tomb and learn the mystery of the death of the first emperor. Return to Xinyang, and from there to the East, in Santuan.

Prefecture of Santuan. Hyu Ksun asks to return the gem that the butcher Yang took. Near the pagoda you will be taught to make a shovel. In Podgoda, after the victory over the wanderer, the latter will tell that he stole the Golden Dragon Helmet of the First Emperor and hid it in a well near the tavern in Derene Hegeng. Near the tavern convince the beggar to work – get experience. In the tavern from the drunkard for 400 gold, you can find out that Jin Hai is preparing mercenaries and bodyguards. If necessary, you can now join the killer Yao Tong. Need to have 6000 gold. But the team is formed, and newly joined members do not have any unique skills. So the choice is yours.

Personally, I never took anyone else. By the end of the game, my characters reached the 50th level. And this is not the limit. Ksun Huo asks to deal with a neighbor. Descend. Get expuations and glory. On this study of this province completed. It’s time to move on. In the south – west there is a road to Ingchuan (young city).

Ingchuan. At the entrance to the city, return the boys a wooden sword. You can investigate why Wang Yang went to jail. Here is noticed by his neighbor, whether Duo, but you can also free the young man. Kuznez can learn how to make a wooden sword. The main plot quest here will be the task of a rich merchant. He has bandits demand family jewels and he asks you for help. To do this, we go to the mountain of Ingchulin and arrange a disassembly there.

Mount Ingchulin. On the way to the camp of the robbers, help Village to get a plant from the cliff. To do this, you must have a rope and hook (Carpenter in Bey). In return, he will give you a wonderful staff for the magician.

At the entrance to the camp you will meet gangsters. Tell me that you are a friend of the genga – and calmly go to the camp. In the hall of meetings are already waiting for you. You will be offered to defeat King Banditov Khan Cheng. At the same time you can put all his supporters. After the victory, the king of gangsters will tell his fighters to leave the merchant alone. Geng Lang will inform (if you ask him) that the famous person lives in the district of Palkyan and names His Lou Bang. If you have enough glory, you can attach it to the team (MAG).

Narchar will give a green staff for the magician. Unique weapons. Then you can immediately go to Palkian. From Mountain Ingchulin there is a way out. But it is better to return to Ingchuan and pass the quest rich, and only then go to look for Liu Bang.

Palkian. Ask residents about Liu Bang and his family. Mistress Taverns will tell you his story. In Podgoda, meet with Hu Wu. Defeat it three times. He will give a good sword. Can get rid of wild dogs passer. To search for Liu Bang there is at least three options.

one. Dog feature to find out that Liu Bang in Danghang mountains.

2. Talk to the Chinese in the tavern.

3. Son Liu Bang can tell you where to look for a father if you buy him a wooden sword. Now it’s time to go to visit Liu Bangu.

Mora Dangshan. The old woman in the hut asks to find the grandson. Return the jewel of the logger. Learn about sunny bow.

Camp rebel. In the tent Liu Banga Script Scene. After it, be sure to warn Liu Banga that he is looking for troops. Otherwise the quest is not credited. Liu Bangan you will learn that the person you are looking for, I went to Penverg. Exit to Penverg is just where you took the keys at the old man when I was looking for a boy toy.

Pencheng. Save a girl from bears. Find House Woodi. Meet xiao ki. Find for him an iron tree with Tianshan and meteoric iron from Judzhanga. Before you, you can task the tipples. Her shuttle broke, and it must be bought or make it. Carpenter will help here.

In the tavern you meet Pen Ji. He drinks wine. In the future it will be needed. Remember it.

Before leaving, be afraid of layeks on the full program at the grocers. Next is a serious fight.

Tianshan Mountains. Near the tavern is old beggar. He asks wine. We buy it in the tavern. The second request is a jug of Holy Wine. You can immediately buy it from the Taisther. But more interesting to take the task for the search for fruit wine monkeys, which is stored in trees. You will find it in the west of the Idemic of Queen, in the cloud valley, and it is still very far.

Iron Tree is located in the south – western corner of the map. We take the iron wood, or a wooden piece of iron (as to whom it is more like) – and for meteorite. On Tianshhan we will come back. And maybe more than once.

Judzhang. We take a piece of meteorite gland a little south of the entrance point if you go from Penverg.

We begin to explore location. To begin with, talk to Fu Guy. He raises the wolf house. Well, poor animal not long to suffer. Neighboring house is empty, but in the following, with blue bedspreads, you need to reconcile Libe with your son. In case of good luck, get one of the legendary swords – Gamba. Next to their homes, the baby will ask you to find your brother in the cave. Can be returned to Penverg.

Pencheng. Give the iron tree and a piece of meteorite xiao ki and tell him that you do not have time to wait. He will offer to take already familiar to you Jing Judi (killer). Next, he will tell about the secret tunnel and artisan Tian Ganges. It needs to be found. Jing Woodja can not take. Everything you need can do Zhao Kian. Let’s leave Pencheng.

Chapter 3. Craftsman Tian Gang.

Village Hengeshan. We learn about the blacksmith. Return him the hammer. We learn about the book Tian Ganga. We go to the cave. We find Tian Ganga. He will instruct you to bring him a nephite pendant from a rich Wu Ji merchant in Hungshan.

Hengshan. Saw the son of a merchant from bandits. We get a pendant and books, we return to Tiang Gangu. Give jade tian gangu. We learn about the secret tunnel on Mount Lishhan.

To enter the tomb, you will need the pearl of the golden toad, and one of the legendary swords capable of cutting metal – for victory over mechanical monsters inside the tomb. Swords Gangjiang, Moye, Zhanlu, Tai’e, Yuchang, Gongbu and Juque.

When leaving the cave begins 4 chapters.

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