PROTOTYPE 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Before starting the passage of Prototype 2 In the main menu, you can select the item “Prototype” point, and see in a small roller about the events that happened in the game of the game, when Alex Mercer was the main hero.
The level of complexity is high.
Yellow zone (Areas: Linden Park, Okherst and Fairview).
Meeting with the Creator.
The city is again in danger. Streets control the fighters of an elite detachment Black Watch. Not passed and years, as the outbreak of the epidemic returned to carry even more lives with him. We play for Sergeant James Hellor, sent to the Red Zone at his own request. Heller’s wife and daughter died, which means it makes no sense to exist. He will quit all his efforts to stop Alex Merser.
Transport in which we moved, bother. The whole group died, besides us, of course. We meet Mercer and try to kill it, but everything is in vain. Pursue him in the wreckage, at the same time we study the management. When a black watch helicopter appears, Alex in his style knocks him down, and we must evaporate, clinging forward + jump button. Then a mutated to incredible sizes of the creature will appear, pushing back + acceleration button. And again we do not have peace, less large creature attacks. Quickly press the melee button many times to hit it with a knife. We look at the roller in which Mercer pierces us and thereby infects the virus that gives unlimited forces and opportunities.
After operating the operating table, a certain amount of time is started to conduct experiments. Our first goal of a bunch of infected, apply shocks with hands, and then a powerful kick (holding the melee button). Next, we are growing up with a large number of enemies. To facilitate the process, grab the barrels and their metal. Command decides that we came out from under control and orders to set fire to the camera. Learning forces leave us, take advantage of the bodies of soldiers to restore health. We use this ability to complete healing. We continue to be separated with opponents, we will try again. We grab the table in the center and throw it to the top window. Hold the jump button to jump as above. We break freely, we meet Alex Mercer. He tries to convince us in his rightness and at the same time asking to help him paint the virus.
Survival strongest.
A group of black watch is declared to the district. Capture their commander and absorb. Then run away with acceleration and jumps. Hiding, we have to go to the outfit of the commander, it will help us to pace among the enemies and do not be exhausted. We climb on a high building marked on a mini-card, with the help of one more ability to run on the walls. To do this, it is enough to run directly on the wall with holding the acceleration button. From here we will be able to watch the familiar hero of terrain. Go to the church to meet with the father of Guerra. We receive information about two commanders, one of them is now located near the hospital. We go to this place and from the roof are observing what is happening. Run the “hunt” mode to detect the desired goal. It will emit impulses, as well as the skeleton of such a person paints in the blood-red. Capture it and absorb it, learn new events from the memory of the commander. Naturally, we need to hide, high buildings are perfect for this.
We go to the parking lot of the same hospital to find the second commander. From here to use the “hunt” mode is useless, get to a higher building. So, we launch the hunt and wait for the return impulse. That is, the first impulse comes from us, and the return impulse (where the circle begins to expand) radiates the goal. She is on the bridge, get a doom with planning. We take acceleration, jump and hold the acceleration again to fly. Absorb the commander, two helicopters appear. We run away along the catches and other winding places, as soon as you will go from the view of the enemies, immediately we have a commander in the outfit.
Free game mode.
Since I got free time, let’s get closer to the city and its features.
In the yellow zone of three areas: Linden Park, Okherst and Fairview. In each area you can find several black boxes, field posts and one lair. Open the game menu and go through items:
Map – Card She and Africa map, nothing special.
Objects – Foundated Black Boxes, Field Posts and Logov will be indicated here. We choose what interests us, and carefully study each of the districts. Not yet found objects will marry increasing circles. Logova at first will not be able to know about himself, they can be discovered gradually by performing additional tasks.
// BlackNet – section with additional tasks.
Operation trap.
Get to the roof of the building to start a task. Luis Guerra’s father knows where you can find the hands, but he will speak only when we will prevent the black dosor in the liberation of individuals. Go to the Washington Polygon. The first large part is released – quickly in the jump evad. When Krikun attacks us, we must make a jump through it and then quickly proact in the back. So we can easily deal with it. At the end absorb the enemy and become stronger, thanks to the claws that appeared. Similarly, we paint with the second cripoon. We use powerful claws against soldiers, then select a grenade launcher and destroy the armored personnel carrier. Return to the church and ask Guerru about the Arm.
Brain drain.
Guerro reports that RUX collects a secret meeting at the headquarters. Absorb military and enter the headquarters. Here in the center there is a viral sensor. He can identify us even if we are in someone else’s guise. We act quickly – absorb the infantryman and enter the building. We look at the roller in which Rux tells about a certain Schaffeld, conducting experiments on people. To kill the hands, we can not succeed only by pure chance.
Black watch discovered us. Quickly catch up with scientists and absorb them, but, in no case do not kill!
Project Longshedou.
We go to the Longshedou Science Center. By tradition, we produce the shape of a black watch by absorption, open the gate with the scanner and enter the building. Inside, we detect a chained creature – hydro. Very soon it breaks out and suits the real pogrom. We run, jump, and most importantly constantly watch the huge tentacle. Also always capture the goal to affect the enemy from the grenade launcher. The same trick literally slows down time, which will also benefit us. We do not slow down the pace and do not spend time on the replenishment of health with rare soldiers and scientists, since harm from spent time will be much more than from restored health. Steaming with the enemy, we get a new mutation – tentacle. With the help of it we destroy the soldiers and leave the scientific center.
Feeding time.
We go to the Jefferson Polygon to stop the experiments conducted by Genton on the raising of individuals on civilians. From the roof of flying on the landfill and destroy the specified fighters of the black watch, including one single armored personnel carrier. Then absorb the commander that appears and quickly hide to stop the alarm. Entering inside the landfill, immediately begin the bloody slaughter. Let’s leave the room, absorb the yellow goal and biologist. We go to the experimental laboratory, where we meet with another boss – Jaggernut. Plan with him simple enough, the main thing is not to rush and do not fuss. We run in a circle, select barrels and throw them into the enemy. Juggernaut himself passive in battle, his strong side in a strong armor, to break through quite difficult in the melee. Absorb it and get a new mutation. The shield will help reflect almost any external attacks. Including grenadeate shots. Hold the appropriate button and look towards the flying rocket and thereby reflect it in the one who fired. In such a slight way to deal with the soldiers and leave the Jefferson polygon.
Extensive rat.
Go to the place of collecting the convoy. Dr. Bellamy must evacuate the helicopter. But we overtake it and destroy. Then Belarus decide to transport land transport. Weakened with armored personnel carriers with a supreet, as claws are ineffective against strong armor. We act quickly until they have time to get to a safe zone. Combine short and powerful shuffers for greater efficiency. When Belarus is visible from the technology, we grab it and absorb. Hide from the danger zone to stop the alarm.
The rescue.
Black watch spoil about our conversations with Guerra and therefore focused on the church. Go there and destroy a bunch of grenadeometers. Then two armored personnel carriers will appear with Rocket Installations. Jump on them and pull this powerful weapon, quickly pressing the corresponding button. Be sure to use the seizure of the goals and only then shoot on enemies from their own weapons. Next, the attacks of enemies will alternate the infantry technique. Do not forget that the attention of the enemies is riveted at all to us, but to the church they are actively trying to destroy. Having understood with everyone, we enter the church to your father and bring it from there.
Mad scientist.
Guerro reports that Athena discovered Dr. Kenig. We go to his complex to punish a rascal. Absorb the commander, open the doors and pass inside. We will bypass without anxiety, so quickly climb upstairs and absorb the commander while it is there – he is without care. Further, at will absorb the remaining yellow goals. Do it without raising anxiety. The laboratory will have access to cells. Absorb it, open the cameras and wait until the croutons disappear with the protection. Only then enter the fight and absorb individuals. Behind the next door Kenig Cabinet. He reports about a certain project “Orion”, the purpose of which is to cultivate the Supervoy, with the subsequent harassment of them on us.
Let’s leave the complex and get to the Base of the Orion project. We destroy a couple of antennas on the roof, then Orion appears. The most superfold specially grown for murder. To quickly deal with it, you need to block it shields. Then the enemy will be stunned, and we will be able to draw counterattack. We do this combination several times before until we can absorb Orion. We destroy substations and a couple of Orion.
The second phase of Orion.
Dr. Koenig found out where the new Orion polygon is located. Go there to deal with stronger samples. The first phase supersoldat is practically no different from the second phase supersoldate. Unless the second. We act as usual: block the attacks of the enemy shield, and counterattack. Then absorb copying us, right up to the voice, sample and get a new mutation – mass. We were surrounded by enemies – it’s time to destroy everyone. Clear the two relevant buttons and use powerful power. To use it again, you need to absorb biological goals, that is, the usual flesh. At the same time open the cells where the cries are contained. When the scale is filled, two more Orion will appear. We destroy all the enemies, catch up by Dr. Berk and absorb it. Let’s leave the polygon with new information about Kenig.
Natural selection.
We get into the ambush, designed by Kenig. Enough to destroy helicopters to move on. The location of the doctor is classified, so we are separated with armored personnel carriers. The commander gets out of the last, grab it and absorb. Get to the base 7, where König has been hidden at the moment. Let’s destroy fuel tanks. The main mistake of Kenig, that he did not evacuated from sin in time, but decided to select us so to speak. We are separated with a helicopter and watch the movie. It turns out that Kenig is not as simple as it seemed. He is the same mutant as we. However, bye, he does not compare with us. Attack him in the near battle, in the jump evading the strikes of the enemy. Use claws in combination with tentacles. Absorb Kenig and watch the video, which it turns out that he worked on Alex Mercer. And in their plans to assemble the army and commit to the Black Watch and Gentcom. At least we heard such a version from Mercer.
Air bridge.
Guerro is waiting for us in the green zone. To get there, you need to get to the air bridge and absorb the machine commander. You can do it imperceptibly. We use the “hunt” mode and select the right moment. Jerk on the take-off site and fly to the green zone. On the map in the green zone choose the site icon “H”, where we can land.
Additional tasks in the yellow zone.
Operation: Orion Belt.
Get to the system // BlackNet. To take advantage of it, you need to fit in a black watch soldier. Find out about a certain Dr. Sandra Billigsley. In the “hunt” mode, we find it and absorb. Then go to the set of Gentka. According to the father, getting there pretty difficult, but everything turned out to be much easier. Absorb the soldier near the gate when he would go away from the gate. Use the scanner and open the gate. Absorb the commander (blue target) and hide from alarm. Open the doors leading inside the complex. We go to the next room and use the “hunt” mode. As we see, ordinary soldiers are covered with gray, and the commander is red. This means that we can absorb the soldier imperceptibly, for no one follows him. Then absorb the commander, now it is also released from the guardianship. Climb upstairs and open the door. Over the following purpose, scientists, two soldiers are watching at once. This can be found by capturing the goal and using the hunt – the heads of the following will be yellow eyes. Eliminate the soldiers when nobody goes. Only then absorb the scientist. We use a computer to learn more information. Leaving the complex.
Operation: Black Tulip.
In the terminal // Blacknet collect information about the CPR Jeffrey Facolo. We absorb it and go to the place of capture, where Krikun hold. Before you free it, you need to get rid of the alarm and be in a black watch costume. As soon as we release a person, immediately let go of her in the chase and attacks bring her attention. We use claws to destroy and absorb it as soon as possible. Then hide from enemies and complete the task.
Similarly, we do in the second part of the same task. Go to the terminal, then leaving underground in the lair. We liberate scream and destroy it. So that it is easier, with all sorts of explosive substances that there are many.
Operation: Stripping.
Get to the place of crashing on the roof of the building. From there We begin the race on other roofs, collecting the routes of Patrols from the boxes. Time is limited, so running / fly / jumping because of all my might. With each selected route for time, priceless seconds are added. Total twenty four boxes.
Operation: Manticor.
Get to scientists to stop bio-weapons. They are divided into two groups. If you absorb at least two out of five, without raising the alarm, then we get a bonus. Complete the first part of the task, successfully eliminating scientists.
Get to Logova J-10 to trace the operation. Penetrate inside and run forward until we get to scientists who are safely destroyed together with marked fighters of a black watch. We leave out and separated with armored personnel carriers, then absorb the dried commander.
Arrangements of black boxes:
Location of field posts
Log locations
Green Zone (Areas: Fulton, Lincoln Midos, Salt Yard Plains).
Enemies and allies.
Arriving in the city, first of all we go to the father of Gürre to talk about Mercer. As we remember, the pilot has already reported to us about a certain operation, because of which Riley is going to hold a meeting. We go to the highest command of the Lieutenant Riley meeting. After talking with a soldier, sit down in the armored personnel carrier. Ride through the streets until we meet infected. They are best putting, but large opponents of Krikunov and Jaggernauts are best attacked from the distance. Drive through the park, bridge and then we meet two hydra. In no case come to them. Attacking exclusively from the distance, constantly moving, so as not to be affected by various items flying to us. Next, we get to the base of the black watch for instructing.