PUZZLE AGENT 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Standard Point – & – Click Adventorchura. Management is carried out with the mouse.
Day 1
Moon Focus
Purpose and rules (if any): Perhaps Nelson can see some unique details on the moon? Rotate the rings of the picking pipe until each ring is recorded, while the characters in columns should not be repeated.
How to act: In order to rotate the rings, hover the mouse over the green ledge on every ring. Hold the left mouse button and move the mouse itself clockwise. Rotate the rings until the characters in six columns are different.
Talk to the Jim agent on all topics. When choosing a “violation” string (TRESPASSING), then the puzzle will begin.
Monosaki Puzzle # 320
Purpose and rules (if any): Is it possible to solve the “Four Dragon” puzzle, developed by PUZZLE-Master Khanzy Monosaki? What is the next number in this sequence?
How to act: Before you a sequence of four numbers. After guessing the correct answer, enter this number using the keys at the bottom of the screen and click “Confirm” (submit).
Decision and answer: Pay attention to the big difference in the sequence between the number 12 and the number 1. Where maybe such a gap? Not on watch? Thus, the next digit in the sequence “11, 12, 1, 2” will be the figure 3.
Go inside the hotel (you can pre-collect all chewing gums on location). Chat on all topics with Mrs. Garrett. Choose a row “Vacancy” and solve the puzzle.
Finding Vacancy
Purpose and rules (if any): Martha argues that all hotel rooms are booked. Will you find such a distribution of numbers, according to which all customers will be pleased with satisfied, while Nelson can also settle in the hotel. And the conditions are as follows:
– in the hotel 6 rooms, 3 for each floor
– Mr. Maxwell instructed him to settle in the room above Mrs. Laru (Larue)
– Mrs. Dimpton does not wish to settle on the floor, where more men than women
– Mr. Blessson and Mr. Carlman always get numbers on the same floor
How to act: Move the icons with tenants to six empty cells inside the house on the right side of the screen. Observe the above conditions.
Leave the hotel and go to the courtyard by clicking on a wooden fence, a little right of the hotel. Look at the video. Once in the room, click on the table lamp with the dwarf in the lower left corner of the screen.
Hidden Sightings
Purpose and rules (if any): Arrange photos so that you can figure out who appeared on the location earlier, and who – later.
How to act: Mouse over to any of the photos, hold down the left mouse button and move the photo to any of the four numbered positions.
Decision and answer: Hidden little man appeared on locations before all, t. to. no longer in the snow no traces. Further, two people who went to meet each other. After that, Nelson drove, and then several hidden men appeared on the location. Go to bed and look at the video. Nelson automatically picks up a paper sheet that left us a man in a cosmonaut costume, and you are offered to start a decision of the “Missing People” puzzle. Move the two names on the right side of the screen to the left side of the screen. Nelson stops you because you do not have any tip to solve this task. It will be necessary to get them! Day 2 Talk to Darril (not to be confused with Darrel) trying to stick flyer. Choose the phrase “fliers” and start the decision of the riddles.
Stacks of Flyers
Purpose and rules (if any): Darryl spreads leaflets with missing residents throughout the city, but on freedom of flyer-gangster, which intends to steal these flyers from passersby! Find out, in what places it is best to distribute flyers so that they remain in 50 inhabitants. In this case, we use the following facts:
– Every person will take one paper
– on the fork, half of the passersby will choose the turn left
– the gangster will steal leaflets from those who pass by him
– The gangster hid at one of the three places marked on the map. But in which one, no one knows.
How to act: Move the leaflets from the right side of the screen to any 5 seats at the beginning of the road. At the end of the road, 5 squares are installed, which indicates the number of residents with leaflets that have passed through these locations. Three parts of the expensive, where the question mark is drawn – possible habitats of the gangster. The trail on which the question mark is not safe – safe.
Decision and answer: Obviously, if the gangster is sitting only in one of the three places marked on the map, then the townspeople with leaflets who passed through two other places will not be attacked. T.about., It is necessary to place leaflets so that the amount of numbers at the end of two safe roads and at the end of two (out of three) unsafe roads with the smallest numbers (t. E., If in the end of unsafe routes there are numbers 11, 20 and 30, then we choose the first two numbers – 11 + 20 = 31) there was no less than 50! Place the leaflets so that the numbers at the end of unsafe routes are the same and equal to 12.
If you summarize the number of the method that is listed above, then you will get the number 50 (11 + 15 + 12 + 12). Click on the snowmobile, and the map opens. Choose a holiday facilities on the map with tents (Campgrounds). Talk to the doctor a verset on all themes. Sit down in a snowmobile and go to the Sheriff’s office (Station Sheriff).
Drain and travel to the ears of the Earland Ear (Moose Ear Dinner). Go inside the room and start a conversation with the sheriff. Choose all the dialog options and say goodbye. Not having time to get a voice recorder, you are calling for a waitress. Consume it and also say goodbye. Click on Mr. Scratphfing and start the puzzle solution.
Power Grid
Purpose and rules (if any): Connect 5 generators to electrical appliances so that they are fully secured by power. If the generator is connected to two devices at the same time, the energy to distribute between these electrical devices is evenly.
How to act: At the top of the screen are five generators. At the bottom of the screen – four electrical appliances. The numbers on the generators show their voltage – 10, 30, 50, and t. D. Figures located on electrical appliances show the amount of voltage that is necessary for the full operation of these devices. In order to connect the generator to any of the electrical appliances, Mouse over the end of one of the two generator wires, hold down the left mouse button and drive the cursor to the end of the wire of any electrical appliance.
Talk to the electrician and come back to the hotel. Ask Mrs. Garrett All available questions, then travel to the sheriff office. Click on the door located in the dark space between the two windows.
Sheriff’s Door
Purpose and rules (if any): Break all obstacles to open the door to the sheriff office.
How to act: At the edges of the door there are active points. You need to connect two points one line so as to cut those obstacles that, in your opinion, interfere with the opening of the door.
Decision and answer: Please note that the chains are held on wooden boards and, if these boards break, then the chains will fall too. Therefore, spend a line so that it goes through all the boards: Go inside and click on the archive drawer on the left side of the room.
Sheriff’s Office
Purpose and rules (if any): Help Nelson imperceptibly move to the other side of the room.
How to act: Move the furniture so that the light from the windows does not get into the room. You can only move the chair and two sofas in the form of the letter “g”. Indicate the sofa in the form of the letter “g”, looking into the left side, like a vertical sofa, and the sofa in the form of a lying letter “G” – a horizontal sofa.
Decision and answer: Here is the correct sequence of movements:
one. Vertical sofa – right, down, down. Armchair – up, left, left, left, left.
2. Vertical Sofa – Up, Up, Right, Right, Down, Down. Armchair – right, right, right, right. Horizontal sofa – up.
After the end of the conversation with the sheriff, click on the archive drawer.
Missing Persons
Purpose and rules (if any): Sold down the secret message, putting the names of the missing residents of Skoggins in the order in which they disappeared. It is necessary to take into account the following details:
– Isaac was the last who was kidnapped before Derrhel, who, in turn, was the last among all the abducted
– Ellor and Will were kidnapped to Ted
How to act: Move the names of the stolen inhabitants of Skoggins from the right side of the screen to a person’s note, dressed in a cosmonaut costume. In this case, consider the conditions mentioned above.
Decision and answer: From the first condition it follows that Darrel should be placed in the lower line, and in the line over Darrel – Isaac. Ellor and Will were abducted to Ted, which means that Ted is the third or fourth abducted, otherwise the two names (Will and Ellor) will not be included in the note to Ted. But, according to the third condition, Ted was not abducted by the fourth. So the third position occupies Ted. Will and Ellor are located in the first and second place in the list. According to the fourth condition, Will was not abducted first. It means first in the list – Ellor, and the second – Will. And in fourth install Bradley. As a result, we get a code word in the lower right corner of the “TETERDOTTIR” screen.
Sit in the snowmobile and go to the house of the crust. Click on the entrance door and find yourself inside the house. If you want to solve additional riddles, then do not rush to start a dialogue with a crust! Explore two rectangular patterns hanging on the wall, on the left side of the entrance door.
Digits in Space
Purpose and rules (if any): Find out which two-digit number the following in this sequence.
How to act: Number Insert using the keys with numbers at the bottom of the screen.
Decision and answer: Before you the following sequence – 31415926. Put the comma after the figure 3. Do not recognize anything? Yes, the same number of Archimedes – the number Pi! The following numbers after the number “6” are 5 and 3. Answer: 53.
At the same wall, only a little left, the cabinet is. Click on this cabinet.
Coins in a Box
Purpose and rules (if any): Which or which coins need to be placed in the fourth box if one cent is one cent or pens, in the second – coin with a denomination of 10 cents, and in the third – Pens and 10 cents?
How to act: Move the mouse over the desired coin, clamp the left mouse button and move the coin to the fourth box.
Decision and answer: Consider the content of boxes from the point of view of binary number with three positions. The first box contains 1 cent, t. E. Number 001. In the second box – 10 cents, t. E. 010. In the third box 001 + 010 = 011. In the fourth box, it turns out, there must be one dollar. The dollar is the largest of the five available coins.
Communicize with a crust on all themes. Sit down in a snowmobile and go to the forest using a red label. See video.
Find Edward!
Purpose and rules (if any): Help Nelson choose the way to catch up with Edward. All parts of the forest must be involved.
How to act: Move the six parts of the forest from the left side of the screen in the center field. Nelson must be able to go through all six parts of the forest and as a result, to get out of it.
Inspect the brilliant item located in the fallen fir. Re-click the cosmonaut suite and look at the video.
Talk to all themes with a crust.
Day 3
Go to the hunting house (Lodge). Go inside the house and start the conversation with the Bjorn.
Bjorn’s Sanity
Purpose and rules (if any): Help Nelson bring Biorn in feelings. Slide the light of the mind on the core of his brain, while:
– Avoid green synapses at any cost!
– The light must pass all parts of the mind in the form of the letter “L” before reaching the blue core of the brain!
– mirrors in the lower right corner of the screen change the direction of light by 90 degrees.
How to act: Move the mirrors in the field, while observing the conditions above. The light is included in the brain Biorn in the area of the eye.
Ask Bjorn all questions and find yourself on the street. Repeat in the hunting house and inspect the table, behind Bjorn.
Clearing The Ice
Purpose and rules (if any): Tracking cameras installed on the skogins rink changed in places. Place them in the order in which the shooting was made.
How to act: Change the cameras in some places with each other with the usual method. First place the frame on which pure ice is depicted. After all, at first there was no one on the rink! Next, continue to change the cameras in some places with each other until you have a holistic picture.
Get out of the house, sit down in a snowmobile and go to Olav’s hut (Olav’s Cabin). Click Olav’s input door.
Olav’s Cabin
Purpose and rules (if any): Break all obstacles to open the door to the hut.
How to act: There are several active points around the door. You need to connect the line two of them so that this line so that it crosses all obstacles and thereby broken.
Examine a wooden cabinet in the center of the room.