QUAKE 4: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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July 5, 2022
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

QUAKE 4: Passage
QUAKE 4: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Fashionable has recently to scold militants. What they so they guessed – the mind will not do. Nothing will miss critics – graphics, level design, lighting, texture, sound. Then poisonous will go through the game “physics” (often believing that it is nothing more than reliable bouncing of boxes and barrels when shooting), then the gameplay will call the linear, then the idea does not appear. The trouble is that the virtuosos of an offensive word often deprive the players of the joy of the process, replacing it with boring snobism. So I decided not to follow the fashion and not to fall into the paroxysm of criticism, but simply share fresh impressions.

So, dear friends, proceed. In many ways, Quake 4 is a game that was waiting for, in which they believed and for which they were very worried. What was aware of her? First, Raven Software took the continuation, which already instilled hope. Secondly, the game will use the optimized Doom III engine – too, I must say, not the worst choice. Thirdly, that the main emphasis, in contrast to the previous part, will be made on a single campaign. Finally, declared open spaces and vehicles.

Now, having passed the game from the beginning to the end, I can declare with confidence – she succeeded. Horrorless soul, Doom III, DOOM III (however, forced certain places to shuddered), but the real war, a merciless fight for the right to the life of the human race.

Look over the shoulder

You are probably remembering what ended the first land landing on the Planet Stroggos, the planet of the barbaric race, which absorbs, changes and destroys any civilization inserted on its path. Half of all landing ships shot down on the adjacent to the place of landing, and those who remained alive, or killed in the first minutes of battle, or captured for nightmarish experiments. In general, as they dictated the requirements of the genre, a hero was found capable of independently destroying a couple of military factories together with the entire air defense system and the leader of Stroggod – Macron. It would seem that the victory of mankind is undeniable…

However, cunning fate ordered otherwise. Strongs like a more advanced version Borg, Also were half cybernetic creatures and still managed to regroup. They created a new, more powerful macron, calculating in the near future to end with the rooted warm-blooded individualists.

Away match

Start of the plot – a few hours after the final of the second part Quake. Earthlings, find out about the militant revival in the enemy’s mill, decided not to slow down and equipped the second landing, in which the full destruction of the core of the communications and the new leader of Stroggov was.

The second wave of the cosmodeant includes several elite marine infantry units, including Rhino Squad (rhinos). As part of these most “rhinos”, a certain Croral Matthew Kane. At the tailoring, already in the atmosphere, the landing bot, where Kane is located, knock down, but the brave paratrooper can survive. Now his task is to penetrate the kernel and destroy the communication node of the enemy collective mind. All Strong Forces are thrown to stop brave earthlings.

This time, with solitude is finished. Cane from time to time will be accompanied by the same paratroopers – both from the composition of “rhinos” and from other divisions, as well as a field doctor and technician.

NPC in the game act right enough, skillfully and organized. The paratroopers are no accompaniment – no, and they will support fire. The doctor will recover shameless health, technician – will restore the worn armor.

Weapon of Victory

The whole arsenal has ten weapons. This Blaster, rifle, shotgun, hyperbluster (somewhat similar to plasmomet of Doom II), Grenomatome, large-caliber nail sample that was in the first Quake, Rachetnitsa, Railgun, electric Discharge (Again – the earliest Quake) and something that replaces the BFG, but with a strange name Dark Matter Gun. Judging by the action, probably is a kind of gravitational gun. And by the way, pay attention to which monsters from which weapon is better to kill. There is such a subtlety in the game.

It should be noted that most of the weapon during the game will be improved. Do not miss these moments, and improvements will noticeably facilitate your life.

Now – in detail about each trunk.

Blaster Pistol

The first weapons you will be armed in Stroggod. But this is not so trifling this “one”, as it may seem at first glance. Blaster, of course, weak, but, firstly, does not need ammunition and recharging, and secondly, it allows you to conduct an extremely dense continuous fire, not inferior to the assault rifle. By itself, it does not have automatic regime, and there can be no. It’s all about very small relaxation time after another shot. Perhaps the only thing that limits the frequency of shots is your ability to quickly press the “Fire” button.

There is an alternative fire. If you hold the “Fire” button, then in about two seconds, the blaster charges for a much more powerful shot. Use this mode is better by closing the button in advance and release it at the right moment.

Storm rifle (Machinegun)

Appears on the first game level, and it will have to use it not just often, but very often.

Automatic fire mode, high accuracy and store with a capacity of 40 cartridges (subsequently increasing to 80) make this weapon quite effective throughout the right.

Neat people will delight sniper regime, allowing you to calmly and not hurry to shoot a wave of the monsters. By the way, the shot in the “sniper” mode causes the enemy a greater damage than each of the fans of the queue. Competently and quickly combining the modes of firing, you can finish installing very serious opponents from the rifle.

Assault Rifle Equipment – Tactical Backlight Lantern. And it is very convenient in dark halls, corridors and transitions that are replete with many levels.


Shotgun will not immediately immediately, but when this long-awaited moment comes, your deadly in the labyrinths of the corridors will increase by. Ah, this is a sense of security and self-confidence… It is especially familiar to those who passed through the pitch hell of all parts doom.

However, nothing revolutionary weapons is not. Like any shotgun, it is extremely convincingly on a short distance and is almost useless at a distance. Yes, I almost forgot. Tactical illumination lantern is on it, so use and be healthy.

After some time, your shotgun is upgraded. The capacity of its store will increase, and the recharge will be instantaneous.

Grenadomette (Grenade Launcher)

Powerful, but wayward and unpredictable weapons. Its inactive use can sometimes apply to you and your accompanying more damage than all enemies taken together. The bombard of the grenade flies in fairly steep parabole, and after the fall, it will slide for a long time, jumps and spinning. At the same time, it can bounce back from any obstacle and break from you under your feet.

Pomegnet’s rapidity is high enough to destroy the accumulation of enemies in seconds.

The most appropriate and effective two ways of applying a grenade launcher. The first is aiming (with a vertical correction) shot into the body of the enemy, in which the grenade explodes when they hit. The second is based on the ability of the grenade bounce from the walls. The shot of two or three grenades for the corner corridor will allow you to violate the plans of various “Committees on the Meeting” that will come across more than once. With this method, the delay of the grenade explosion is about four seconds.

Also note that the grenade launcher can be used to receive “Rocket Jump”, but the main difficulty here is to correctly predict the moment of detonation.

Hyperblaster (HyperBlaster)

As I said, the hyperblaster is functionally similar to his thesis from Quake 2. In essence, this is a machine gun that shoots high-temperature plasma clots. High rapidity and serious fire damage make it a formidable weapon. Additional advantage – a spacious shop.

From the disadvantages, you can note the low speed of the flight of plasma charges, which reduces the value of this weapon when the fire is carried out by moving target. Hyperblaster is very good with continuous fire in narrow spaces, if at the same time let the enemy closer and, retreating, maintain a constant distance.

The hyperblaster will later be subjected to an improvement in the fact that plasma bunches will be ricked from the walls. Such a peculiar “prohibiting action” will allow to apply an unrequited damage to enemies, at the uncompretation not having hyperblasters.


Nail – one of the inventions of the military science of strict. Continuous rain of metallic pointed rods exclusively fatal. It is necessary to pay a relatively low flight speed of shells and long-term preparation for shooting. Therefore, as a weapon of instant use of a nail is unfording. But on medium distances works fine.

For the nailway there are as many as two modernization. The first provides an additional store (recharging both independent) and increases rapidity, the second – provides automatic search for purposes and makes shells self-rooting.

Rocket Launcher

Is the rocket launcher needs any ideas or explanations? However, it’s nice to talk about good weapons. So, the rocket is obvious, shoots rockets. Do not believe, but this is a confirmed fact. And these rockets are very well exploded when hitting.

The situation, when a bunch of unstelphels came somewhere nearby, is just a gift for a player armed with such a rocketometer. Well, and, of course, “bosses”. As they say, a large ship is a big torpedo. And a big boss – a small rocket. And even better – a lot of small missiles.

Improvement provided here. Raucker gets two new opportunities at once. The first is the possibility of a quick queue of three missiles, the second – the guidance of the released rocket on the laser marker (in the “optical sight” mode).

Quake veterans, of course, do not explain what “Rocket Jump” is. So be patient, while I tell me in a nutshell in two words, who for any reason passed by such a beautiful phenomenon. It is a very dizzy trick. To fulfill it, it is enough to shoot a rocket for yourself under my feet, while bouncing. As a result, you take off the height of which before and you could not dream. In a single-user game, such a reception is low, but sometimes it’s not a sin. Especially if you are clamped into the angle and it is possible to wash it out by vertical. Or if too lazy to look for an elevator. And even though they pay for such a convenience, you will have health and armor, there are cases when the sheepnik is even such a pyrotechnic release.

Railgan (Railgun)

Realgan – invention, first appeared in QUAKE 2. It has nothing to do with the reality of the Railotron, since the rail is a linear accelerator of metal shells, and its analogue of its analogue is rather similar to radiation weapons. Nevertheless, with a light hand id Software Realgan moved into many futuristic militants.

I remember in Quake 3 Realgan was a curse of newcomers and modems. Stop in an open place or a half-second pause of the game because of the next bad connection failure – and a non-painted player dies from the only accurate shot.

The current Realgan has become noticeably weaker, but still managed to save the remnants of the former glory. Especially it will become attractive after modernization, which will allow you to pierce several enemies in a row. Yes, and an automatic amendment to the goal offset with distant distances of the fire is also likely to meet the approval of connoisseurs of accuracy.

Archroom (Lightning Gun)

In fact, it is probably about some futuristic modification of the Tesla High Voltage Transmitter. For the first time, this device appeared in the first part of Quake, if my memory serves me. Continuous spark discharge destroys and kills no worse than a bullet or rocket. Yes, and paralyzes some enemies, forcing them to stand the post in anticipation of death.

Full splitting of the arrester – four hundred conditional units (three replaceable storage drives plus “Cartridge in the trunk”). Action Mode – Continuous. Everything would be fine, but ammunition to this weapon come across quite rarely. Effective impact distance, as it seemed to me, noticeably more than in Quake 3, but, as it should, is not infinite.

After modernization, the arrester will acquire a very useful feature in some cases – the “chain” defeat of near-locked targets. This is especially convenient when dealing with several at the same time attacking, but rather weak enemies.

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