Rent-A-Hero: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 10, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Rent-A-Hero: Passage
Rent-A-Hero: Game Walkthrough and Guide
So, today the affairs of Rodrigo – our hero on hiring, again go out of the rank badly. Instead of a wonderful princess, save from a dragon of some fat man. And this is not interesting to anyone. In general, the work is not glued, it does not know anyone, and it’s somehow not foresee. Scarotic… Boring on the island of Tol Andar, in this interdimensional world of magic, where mechanisms work with the help of so-called glumstones – gold stones, which are growing with time, make things swim through the air, and zipper sparkle. The secrets of these stones hide small gnomes mining them in raw galley. The terrible pirates, who were once soldiers during the Great War, are torn to these secrets. These warriors were expelled from the island for bad things, and now after years they return to revenge in the residents of Tol Andar and gain new power with magic stones. So where Rodrigo can glorify his honest name!
After Rodrigo returned home to his office, let’s go to a friend Louis, living above the floor (on the elevator up) and talk to him about the current problems with pirates.
Now we’ll go on the glider to visit the Bar of the old friend Sanchez and argue with a stranger. He will be a spy of pirates and try to wash. Trying to delay him, Rodrigo will master his jacket. The bar sits a pair of drinking companions who could hear something or see something. Greeting for the Stalver Sancho. Let’s go back to the office.
Visit the observatory of the monastery, where Ranama dwells, Rodrigo’s mentor. Ranam shows an example of spiritual "Perfection". However, it is not very successful, in which Rodrigo will be able to make sure.
Let’s go back to the office. Rarest visitor came to Rodrigo for help – a Ramil named Ramil, who will give him a task to save his wife Jasmine, who was abducted and can seem to be held in Redevina, the city captured by recently by pirates.
After the departure of Ramil, Rodrigo will have a bag with money, which Rodrigo will grab with him. However, leaving the office, Rodrigo in his zeal will lose money in the hatch leading to the sewer. The conversation with the workers does not lead to anything. So you need to come up with something. But now fly to execute the instructions of the gnome.
Put the Smashville and fly to Enduquin. The city is guarded by pirates and apparently impregnable. Let’s go and go back to trace how pirates penetrate the city through security. A stranger from the tavern will demonstrate the security of a password, which will be needed by Rodrigo to get to the city itself. However, Rodrigo does not look like a pirate and therefore it immediately recognize. Maskpovka.
Let’s go back to the office and fly to Sancho to ask him. After a small conversation, he will lend Rodrigo pipe, with the help of which Saccho reports the working on the occurrence of a lunch break. With this pipe, Rodrigo will be able to deceive the worker at the entrance to the sewer.
Fly to the office and stand up so that the worker does not see Rodrigo. We use the pipe and get a free passage in the hatch.
In the sewage system, Rodrigo notices his bag of money and rushes behind him. Well, of course, the bag will slip again and disappears in the canal with water. We go to the right pass, then further and go to the lattice, behind which the ill-fated bag with gold. The grille after repeated attempts to raise no way. Obviously, there will be a cable. Come out up to the office.
Put the city and fly to the forest (between two cities). Go up. Here Rodrigo comes up on a little girl, which jumps through the rope. Skinny girl and strongly protects his rope from unfamiliar uncondition. We are looking for a substitute for her.
Go down, past the glider and get to the clearing, where Rodrigo remembers that he played a child here. In the shrub on the right, the beloved toy Rodrigo will accidentally be delayed, which he fell still small. Let’s try to exchange this bear on the rope at a little girl.
Now we have a rope with which we go into the sewer, repair the crank and raise the grid. The channel leads Rodrigo to the hidden gorge, which leads to the dragon lair.
After a long conversation with a dragon, Rodrigo is invited to visit the dragon cemetery, occupied by creatures, eating the remains of the dragons.
In the depths of Rodrigo will find a huge skull. Next to the ear shell dragon head grows a bush that can be easily removed. Flag inside the skull. There is still the brain of a dead dragon, which has not yet been hidden from the pudals. It turns out that the skull is closed and the creatures are not available.
Putting the club. Next to the exit from the sewage there is a road leading up to the forest. On the right in the glade, where Rodrigo dresses a song, a red mushroom grows at the foot of the tree – an amoor that can be disrupted.
We go through the center of the forest (where Rodrigo glider landed) left and up on the clearing, where the bush grows with poor smelling leaves. We use the found mushroom on the leaves of the bush. A snail will appear on this delicacy to get off "seasoned" Leaves. = (As a result, we get a bunch of poisoned leaves.
Returning to the cemetery in a large skull. We use the leaves on the dragon brain and the livingly wash off. After this successful maneuver, the dragon will thank Rodrigo and will save from a nasty pirate hiding in the sewage.
After the pirate, several valuable items left, which will allow Rodrigo to change appearance (hat and prosthesis). However, each pirate in the ear must be a ring or earring. We fly to the wound, maybe what will adequate.
Talk to Ranama. When he distracts, I will notice earring on his ear.
Now it all depends on the reaction – grab and run! =) Poor wound with torn ears = ‘(
With an earring, pirated hatch, prosthesis and rodrigo hat can penetrate the city engaged in pirates. Dressing around, Rodrigo enters Retuquin.
We will examine the neighborhood. Rodrigo will find a prison, tavern and heaps of garbage in Rodrigo. All pirates of course in the tavern.
Cast an old pirate and in the tavern. Try to chat with pirates.
Called Gruzd – Fly in Lukoshko. Oil painting – "bottoms Up". Drinking something uncertain, Rodrigo is safely disconnected.
In prison, Rodrigo meets another or one prisoner. In conversation it turns out that she is the one that Ramil is looking for, that is, this jasmine. Of course she asks Rodrigo to free her.
Picking up the window, Rodrigo must hear a conversation that happens in front of the prison window. It will find out important information about the plans of pirates.
In search of the exit, grab a snack straw from the floor of the camera. After moving away the remains of straw to the side, a secret move will open, which obviously dug out other prisoners (Jasmine is probably so stupid to figure it out).
As a result of Rodrigo’s chase, Rodrigo falls from the glider and Jasmine leads him through the forest in Escragot – city of dwarfs.
Here Rodrigo after a conversation with one of the gnomoms again meets Ramil, who says that Smashville is the hometown of Rodrigo, the attack of pirates, and therefore Ramil is hidden in esragot. Apparently save the Smashville except Rodrigo. Meanwhile, Jasmine runs away to bring himself in order.
When Rodrigo wanted to remember to save friends in his native Smashville, Tarain appears, an Esragot Librarian, and leads with Rodrigo to a secret library of gnomes.
Rodrigo learns about the Book of the Soroannov, which contains along with the teaching about Glumstone, the information that the key must be a key that can harden the strength of.
Since pirates will be able to get to Smashville only on volatile ships with the help of Glumstones, Rodrigo decides "switch off" Move stream and repel the attack. To help Rodrigo Tarain gives the hero of a stone, which must together with the other five to pay off the power of all.
When Rodrigo follows the mine, Ramil and Jasmine will come to him again with gratitude. Suddenly Rodrigo will notice that Jasmine decorated himself with a luxurious chain, which she stole in Endavina in pirates. Rodrigo recalls the overheard of the captain of Pirates and finds out the missing stones for the magic key in this chain.
Contrary to requests, Jasmine will refuse to give the Rodrigo chain and will run away from him into the forest.
In the forest go through the glade where we found a mushroom and down. Rodrigo will find Jasmine, hidden in the tree branches on the right. All persuasions and attempts to climb on a tree do not help Rodrigo remove jasmine from the tree.
Then go to the mountain min. Rodrigo’s mine finds a shovel and pickax that take with you. From the intersection with the rail switch, we go all the time to the right on the diverse tunnel until you fall into a dead end where the gnomes are resting from work. Between the two stones at the Wall Rodrigo will find a Glumstone, which is so hot that it is possible to take it only to a shovel.
Let’s come out of a dead end and return to the intersection. We go to the central passage and on the tracks we get to the drilling machine of the gnomes, which can be started using hot depthsstone.
We launch this drilling machine and send it to another mine room. Machine we find on the ways going to the right from the intersection with the switch. Indoors where the machine came to drill the wall. Mountain breed is shilling, but not enough. Pour again to drill the wall. Useless. However, next to the output from this room detects boxes with matches, which apparently lost the gnomes. Take boxes with you.
Returning to the crossroads with the rail switch and use the shovel.
We go back to the drill and send it to another room.
On the rails we go to the left side of the tunnel. In the new room, twice we drill the wall and there will be a passage to the hidden cave with crystals in which the console is off, turning off the power of the Depthoullow.
Now you need to get a jasmine necklace. Go back to the forest. Under a tree on which jasmine is covered, put a straw and use matches to light fire. As a result, jasmine will cover the chain down. Take the chain and gash fire.
Go back to the library. On the floor there are secret magic tiles, which, upon advancing, each color becomes. Seeing the colors of all tiles, you can learn the sequence in which the stones of the magic key must be inserted into the cave console with crystals.
Now we go to this cave and, starting with the stone from Tarian, install all the stones from the alarm jasmine in the console. Proper order Next: Red, Blue, Blue, Yellow, Purple, Green.
Turning off the power of the Moonstones, Rodrigo managed to deprive the pirates of their main power and their ships fall into the water. However, Rodrigo also releases six dark magicians, which, having gained freedom, immediately build a dark castle and lowered darkness to the dark. Rodrigo throws out of the mountain and it falls in unattended land.
Rodrigo wakes up in some village where the girl named Cynthia cares about him. She tells him about the occurrence of the catastrophe and what happened to Tol Andar. Her words return the power of Rodrigo and now he decides that he must atone for his mistake and save the island from dark magicians.
Come out of the village in the forest, now gloomy and creepy. We go along the old memory to the dragon, which can tell more about the dark plans of the magicians. Let’s go back to the Cynthia in the village. Next to the house there is a well, which turns out to be the source of wish performance. Lacking only gold coins.
Let’s return to the exit from the sewage and exploring it very carefully. Lost bag with money will be discovered here. Now you can donate coins of the source of desires.
Oracle, living in a well, will explain Rodrigo as he can get to the island behind a foggy cloud and how to defeat evil. Now all hope for the dragon, which is the only one can transport Rodrigo to the island.
On the island there is a small house. After a thorough inspection of the floor and the central window, Rodrigo will open a sweating passage (cats the wall) into the room in which the magician of the name of MegoFias is hidden. The magician will tell you how he wanted to save the island from evil and locked six mages in the mountain. Now Rodrigo must find a helmet that will help to hire dark magicians.
We leave from the house and go deep into the island to seek a helmet, which I told Megoias. However, only empty pit will be discovered.
Let’s go back to mego. Rodrigo understands that it is about the helmet that was on the captain of pirates. So you need to find captain of pirates.
Fly back on the dragon on Tol Andar. Dragon will tell Rodrigo, which, in addition to the airway on the glider, there is a way through the forest to the harbor.
The road to the harbor begins in the meadow, where we found a red mushroom. In the harbor behind the barrels, someone hides. This is a stranger, which Rodrigo has already met somewhere. She will show Rodrigo the secret move, which will lead to a boat, on which it would be possible to sail to the ship of the main pirate. However, pirates can recognize the boat and destroy in the sea as hostile.
To disguise the boat Rodrigo should go back the island of megohias and there to find some kind of pipat. In search of Rodrigo will find the banner of pirates in the depths of the island next to the empty pit.
With this banner you can disguise the wooden boat and sail to the pirate ship.
On the upper deck with a cheat back in front of the door and open the passage inside the truma.
In the hold, the captain of the pirates suddenly appears, with which the brave stranger is connected. Meanwhile Rodrigo, as a real "Knight", Frames around the room in search of a magic helmet.
With a found helmet, we leave the ship and a stranger and cut back to the island. Flying on the dragon again to mego. Rodrigo connects the helmet from the machine of megohias, but the magician is too old and no longer able to repeat his feat. So Rodrigo himself should go to the magic dimension and defeat six magicians.
In the magical dimension of Rodrigo, must correctly indicate the sequence of the heads of people familiar to him, putting them in the ages of. The right order is: a girl from the forest, stranger, Cynthia, Louis, Sancho and Dragon. Mages behaved and mp again saved.
Finally, Rodrigo finally glorified his name and became a real hero, whose adventures will enter the glorious history of Tol Andara!


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