Resident Evil 3: Nemesis: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Twenty eighth of September, noon
Something rushed and here you are on the street Rakun – City. Near something burns and zombies slide on all sides. Nothing reminds? Right, very similar to the beginning of the second part. Do not waste on zombies of cartridges, they will be more useful to you (in the sense of cartridges, zombies you do not need nafig), but better confrete from them and run forward, before the garbage container. Now climb over a trash can (o button) and watch the video. Here you are in stock. Some bold guy runs in the refrigerator and never wants to go out from there, claiming that he is not bad here. Well, let them sits in your refrigerator, you need you like a fish umbrella. The door to the street is locked, so you have to look for a key. Climb the stairs to the second floor go to the room. Here you can record the game (printing machine on the table), study the contents of the chest (if you play on a light level, then it will lie all weapons, except for a grenade launcher, and a bunch of cartridges), and pick up the key. Yeah, now you can break the door to locked up, just do not forget to pick up a first-staircuit. Once on the street, find a narrow corridor, very similar to the abandoned tunnel, check whether the weapon is charged and open the door. Because of this door, a bundle of a zombie, which will have to shoot. Concepting the last zomboid go inside and pick up gasoline shelf for lighter. Now take a shotgun at the corpse (he does not need him anymore). So you can go on. Note that the shotgun is just perfect, against a large crowd of zombies, since from one shot can be put on the whole crowd at once (well, if not all, then at least a few exactly. Now go straight along the corridor and do not turn anywhere. When you get to the stairs leading up, take the container and rise up. Here you can read green grass and do not forget to remove the Uptown`s map from the wall (Upper City). Now run on until you get to the site with a small staircase down and zombie crowd. Run past these zombies (cartridges – this is the most important thing in the game) and you will find yourself in the store, where you will show a movie with Brad`a. Now take a lighter from the table and fill it with gasoline (click Start then select a lighter, click on it O and select the middle inscription and re-press O gasoline). Now you have a fastened and quite working lighter. Get out of the store and run to the very playground with zombies, just now do not go down, and go straight. After a while you will be in an impasse – ambush. You will be attached to the crowd of overgrowing zombies and try to eat you. To make minced mefish from zombies, you just have enough to run a little back and shoot in a red barrel, which is right there (the main thing is not too close to the barrel, and then in this town will become one zombie more). Well, zombies are interrupted, you can and do things. See, the door in this impasse something is accustomed. Let’s get a lighter and try to burn. Well, it is necessary, burning. Now through this door you can go on. Now run ahead and after a while, you will find yourself at the entrance to the police station (yes, that is the most of the second resident). After you enter the courtyard of the police station, you will show you a small video and a terrible Montster will be painted on you. As soon as he pounce you, you will be offered two options for:
I advise you to fight the first option, it’s just that at the difficult level of complexity from this monster, useful items fall out (for example, parts to the gun, allowing to make Magnum from it, which is incomparably powerful). If you chose the first option, you can choose a magnetic map with a corpse – key.
So, here he is an old good police station, though most doors for some reason are clipped (and when they just managed, well, you can not leave anything). If you already have a magnetic card, you can immediately go to the computer behind the counter, and if there is no, then you will have to get it. Go to the second door to the right of the entrance. You were in the registration. Do not forget to remove the map from the wall. From the registry there is an exit to the police warehouse, and since there is a way out, you will have to take advantage. Immediately outside the door you will come across a few zombies, go ahead, a warehouse of material evidence will be behind the door. Inspect the two boxes. In the first you will find a blue crystal, in the second – the key to the office. To open it, apply password. Obtain both items, leave the room. The door from the next room will lead you to the map s. T. BUT. R. S. Jill. If you have a card of nonsense, you can not worry. Climb the stairs and enter the next door. To get into the middle room will help you the key from the office. Find a set of bars and pick up a weapon. Now leave the police station.
Go ahead, open the door to the launder and find yourself on shopping street. Pass it until the next door. Behind her, on the right, will lie to BronsboT, but until you can take it. Enter the left door, then – through an open place – the next and find yourself in the garage. Pick over the blue wires. There will be a room with a printing machine. From do not go forward until the next door. Remove the map from the wall and, having passed a short distance, see a short roller. Roll to the left, because to the right you will need batteries to start the lift that you do not have any.
You will find yourself in front of the choice where to turn:
To the right to the left course of the game will change somewhat depending on your decision. Keep in mind that the right corridor leads to the restaurant. If you go there, in the future of the room, open the safe safe. Looking out the lamp work over the hatch in the floor, then the roller will begin. You can descend on the stairs or hide from the monster. Carlos can throw a lamp in Nemesis. Of course, the explosion will be heard, and for some time it will be possible to collect useful items. But be careful: Soon the monster will stand. In any case, soon you will see another video. The way to the left of the place where you choose the direction will lead you to the next fork. The right corridor will also lead you to the restaurant, so turn left again and enter the door. Rate right and enter the newspaper office. Install the staircase opposite the machine for the sale of carbonated water, get used to the top and turn on the electricity. Go down and activate another device you find for blinds. When the passage opens, climb the stairs and enter the door. In the next room you will see a roller.
Now you can hide from Nemesis or jump into the window to the landfill. In any case, you will show the video. In the room near the restaurant, lift the rust handle and green crystal. Activate green and blue crystals on the closed gate panel, the gate will open. Enter the inside, pass by the green door and turn right. Go ahead through the doors until you find green grass. If you want, you can enter the next door, followed by several monsters. Rear to the chest and enter the tram through the back door, because the front is closed from the inside. Get ready for viewing the next roller. Behind the door you look another screensaver. Carlos will give you a small bag in which you can wear useful items. On one of the seats tram you will find the adjustable key. Return the front door and exit tram. You should have four subjects (two of them are combined) necessary to launch the tram.
If something is missing, enter the car again. You will see Mikhail protects against zombies. Go to the benzokolontka. Once before the locked door, enter a rusty handle into a hexagonal hole for the blinds. The lever will break, apply the adjustable key on it. Enter the door. After a short roller, go ahead. Find a mechanism and solve the task so that one indicator lit in front of the selected button. Having coped with the task, you take the machine oil and look at the roller. Exit the room and, after the roller, further to the exit. The only path will lead you to the crystal panel. From the opened door, zombies will be pounce. Enter this door and take a stone book from the hands of the statue. Put the book in a niche inside the restaurant (water begins to flow as soon as you take out a blue round disk. Return to the statue and put the disc to her in hand, then you will get the battery. Apply the battery to the mechanism near the ski lift in the place where you received the third card. The lift will work. Go down on it and go ahead to the substation. Through a small corridor enter the next door. At the substation you will see a couple of blinds (15 – 25 – 115 – 125 volts) and locked door. Turn on the mechanism near the closed door. Take advantage of the other mechanism near the blinds (15 – 25 volts). Press the red button (high voltage) and a green button (low voltage) to achieve the average between 115 – 125 volts and 15 – 25. To open the first blinds Press High, Low, Low, Low. Second – low, high, low, high. For the blinds 15 – 25 volts you will find Fuse (remember such a detail in the second “resident”), which will help run the tram. Behind the door 115 -125 volts in the closet lies weapons. Of course, first of all, take Fuse. When leaving the room you will see a roller. In response to the attack you can:
Run to kill enemies with high voltage jill can hack the door and hide behind her. Depending on your level, the video will follow. In the second case, lift the voltage on the remote control at the locked door. If you do not choose, zombies themselves crap the door and you can use any of the options. Be sure to make sure they have not forgot to take fuse. Climb on the elevator and go back to the place where Brunsbot saw. With the help of a confounding key lift it. Return to the place where the fire continues and use the hose. When the fire goes out, go to the unattainable door. In the corridor you will find another handle. Go ahead and find yourself in the office. You will see a short roller there. Find a remote remote and use it on the table. You will see an advertisement of umbrellas. In the title of the product you will find a password. Enter it in a computer standing near the console. You can enter the door that was locked. Find the oil for the tram on one of the shelves. Get out of here and see a short roller. Shoot the valve on the pipe, and the exhaust smoke destroys zombies.
If you do not need cartridges, skip the following paragraph. Exit through the rear door of the store to the place where I saw Breda for the first time. Apply the handle that you found, extinguishing the flame, on the hole near the locked blinds. Take the cartridges. It’s time to return to the beginning of the game, check how the fat guy is doing there in my shelter. Unfortunately, he is already dead, but in the refrigerator you will find a lot of useful items. Bring to FUSE tram, two types of oil and blue wires. Mix the oil, finally you got all the components for launching tram. On the way you will come across some difficulties. In the garage, the Earth will leave – under the feet and you will find yourself in the pit. From there there are two ways
Climb upstairs jump down in the first case Gill will quickly get out of the trap and can continue. In the second – quickly jump, go to the hole and climb the stairs. You will return to the garage.
Continue move. On the way to tram you will once again come across Nemesis. Avoid collisions, or kill it if you can. After some time, the floor will fall again. You will come to yourself in the pit, and a huge worm will be painted. Do not try to fight him, it is better to find two switches and click them as quickly as possible. The staircase drops, and you can get to the surface. Now nothing hurts to get to the tram. Sign in to it. Apply mixed oil, fuse and blue wires on the panel in the back of the tram. Roller starts, Carlos will enter the tram and give you cartridges. Enter the door, followed by another roller and Nemesis will be in the tram. Go to the next Salon. You will see that Michael expires blood, and the monster is approaching. Do not waste on Nemesis cartridges, run into the next salon. Mikhail will prepare for the last battle and, the heroic will die. Tram Losses Management. You stay:
jump out of the car try to stop the tram in the first case Jill will be in the bedroom. Get out of it and log in again. In the closet you will find a small key. Return to the room where you can save and exit it. In the classroom Carlos will give you cartridges. Pay attention to the locked green door. Exit through another to the main hall. Take the fourth card from the table and weapon from the corpse. On the right and left of the stairs are two music box. Remove left door. It will be a dining room, and then – a music room. In the chapel behind the next door you will find the key to the stairs. Return to the main hall.
If you try to harm a burning tram on the brake, the car will die in the clock tower (it is not true, she resembles a vampire castle). Since the main entrance is locked from the inside, enter through the music room. Get to the room with a printing machine and take a small key from the closet. Exit to the main hall, pick a map and, if you want, weapons. Through the classroom, go to the bedroom. Several movements and painting will fall from the wall, and you get the key from the stairs. Return to the main hall.
If you do not accept any solution in a burning tram, Jill breaks down. From the main hall, climb the stairs. On the way you will meet several zombies. Ensure the battle, or kill them. At the end of the corridor, enter the door. You will find yourself on the balcony of the clock tower. The switch is still not needed. Insert the key clock tower in the well and lower the stairs. Climb the mechanical room in which the printed machine is standing. Left will be a musical mechanism. Listen to music and by clicking on top and bottom switches, select the desired fragment for each disk segment. “A” or “B” in the first menu change the melody inside the segment. The second menu switches the disk segments. The third allows you to reproduce the whole melody. Fully repeat the heard composition and the task will be solved. Unfortunately, it is impossible to bring the exact sequence of actions, since the puzzle is created random with each passage.
Gold box will open. Take the key from it and align with a small key. Choose a silver gear from the bookshelf.
Go down to the classroom and open the green door combined from the two key. Behind the corridor and one more door there will be a room with three statues. Take them three colored eggs (white, gold and black). On the picture on the wall, three goddesses are depicted. Left – the goddess of the past, in the center – the present and right – the future. Distribute eggs in front of the images so that the arrows on the middle clock show twelve. Golden gear appears from the mid-hours. Align it with silver and climb on the third floor. Install the gear in the clockwork and prepare the most powerful weapon that you have. Go down and see the roller. Old familiar monster with a bazooka again caught up with you. It will be a difficult fight, especially since Nemesis will infect you by an unknown virus. Perhaps under his action, you will soon replenish the army of the wandering dead.