Rex and Mole in the Underground City: Game Walkthrough and Guide

The game is automatically saved in one save when switching to a new location or in key plot points.
Exit in the menu – gear icon in the lower right corner of the screen.
Upon receipt of a new job in the lower right corner of the screen begins to vibrate the question icon. When you read the question, the game is standing on a pause, and to return to the game, you need to click on the question mark.
Run – Right Mouse Button.
Some items can be combined in the inventory by clicking on another.
If you correctly apply the subject, the left top corner of the blue color lights up on its icon, if incorrectly yellow.
Space – top view.
Scene I.
Play for Rex.
Your first task – Find hook. Click on the hook under the ceiling – high, you need to build a staircase. In the center of the screen there is a statue, move the washing machine to it (in the left corner of the screen). Take the portrait (hid behind the washing machine) and a piece of plastic cheese (in the lower right corner of the screen). Apply to the washing machine first cheese, and then – a portrait. Click on the hook – Rex will rise by cheese on the washing machine, and then the roar will be heard.
Scene II.
Play for SokroTa.
Need to cut off a friend, and for this you need to make an elevator.
To the left of the Sokroid pick up the coil, and behind it – a bowl. Take the grains in the upper left corner of the screen and combine them with the mission. Put a bowl into a dark hole in the upper left corner of the screen. Hamster comes here, catch it and take with you. Go to the right and put a hamster on the conveyor. Tie the coil to the brown block next to the conveyor, take the end of the rope (right from the block) and tie to the coil. Go to the wall with torture guns and remove the two chains (the rightmost). Tie them in inventory and tie to the conveyor. Go to the cage and click on it. Socroty will give a hamster team with a paw and go down to the tunnel.
Map will appear in the upper left corner of the screen. You can play the mini-game “Labyrinth” or click on the card and quickly move to the next location.
If you have chosen a “labyrinth”, use the arrows to move.
Look for shovels to sometimes overcome the piles of the earth and swell on the road further (I found two), go down and go up the stairs. Use the “Space” key to see the layout of the labyrinth. Labyrinth exit – Bright Red Square.
When you get to the landfill, immediately raise the hook to the left of the prog (lying on the left wall under the mandors). Go to the right – there is a house on the landfill, on the porch of which is the sad mole. Over his head of five pipes blooms water. There are cranes on the pipes – try twisting some of them, and then talk to the mole. You must have a task – to eliminate leaks. When you finish, talk to Mole. His name is Alfredo, and he saw the Rex put to jail. You will receive a map of the city – go to prison.
Talk to the guards in prison – prisoners in prison is engaged in person personally, so he needs to submit to the audience. They will show on the map where the mayor’s office. Go there.
Talk about audience with a security guard at the entrance. He will answer that references can be hooked in the window number 5. On the right there is a stall – obviously, this is the window number 5. Talk to a woman-mole named Lucinda. She will say that the petition must be served in the window number 3. When you are interested in the window number 3, it will send you to the market. Nearby there is a tray of the seller souvenirs – ask him the road to the market, and a new location will appear on your map.
In the market, go past the sellers in the right upper corner of the screen – here is the output. You will fall into the left side of the screen, where Lucinda is already waiting for you. Talk to her – it turns out that this window No. 2, but she will say where the window No. 1 is in return on beet. Return to the Advisions and get to know Bianca, which trades beet. She says that her beets are not for sale, but only changes on the barter to other vegetables. Return to the window number 2 and take the head of the bow (lying around next to the fence). Give it to Bianke, take the beet and bring Lucinde. She will explain that window number 1 is about prison.
Go to prison. From the entrance, go to the left and find the closed window in the wood. Click on it – Lucinda sits inside. She will say that you first need to fill the form of a crash that you need to take in the window number 5.
Return to the mayor’s office, get a lasp and go to the prison from Lucinda.
Give it to the window number 1 and, finally, you will learn that the window number 3 is about three fungi (t.E., in a landfill).
A trailer appeared on the landfill – this is the window number 3. Talk to Luceind and find out that besides crap, it requires four applications for the audience: Certificate of Vacation, a revolutionar certificate, three coils and a large piece of cheese.
Talk to Alfredo about the certificate – he will send you to the city hall for the seller Souvenir Fernando.
Go to the city hall. Fernando will say that he threw a certificate of market in the sewer.
Go away to the left of his tray and pay attention to the car, about which two mobbo engineers work. Choose a bright red screwdriver on earth under the car spotlight and unscrew the first screw from some kind of crane (to the right of the engineers). Ask what engineers do. It turns out that they serve the vintacesis car that breaks through the tunnels. The vintaces can work independently, if you hang the light alarm, mark the place for the screw with a red cross and put the sign “Road work”.
Go to the market and unscrew the second screw from the fence to the left of Bianca. Explore the sewer lattice – do not open the paws, I need a fishing rod. Talk to the seller of Sergio cheese – he wants for a big piece of cheese 60 Pierso. Pick up the left of the adhesive of Bianchi coin in 5 Penos.
Money can be earned in three ways.
Talk to the third seller named Ramon. In that empty counter, because the battles are delayed. Agree to bring 10 battles from the farm in exchange for 30 Perso. The entrance to the farm is near the landfill.
Go to the landfill and go through the tunnel, next to which there is a road sign.
You can choose a short path or “labyrinth”.
Arriving on the farm, you will see Santiago Sleeping in the chair. To the right of it lies the bag, take it and go to the batam. Batats grow in multi-level caves with many passages. As soon as you try to enter some door, Santiago will wake up and forbade it to do. Imagine him and Mole will allow you to collect 10 battles. We walk around the caves and collect ripe battles with two yellow dots on the side (their exactly 10). After that, go to Santiago and take the battles (to the left of it).
Return to the market, give Ramona Batata and get 30 Perso.
The second way to make money is to talk to Alfredo on a landfill, and he will offer sorting garbage.
Go left from his home and turn on the machine for sorting. The conveyor will begin crawling three types of trash – paper, glass and metallic. Using the mouse, drive three traps and substitute the correct trailer under the conveyor (on each of them there is an image for which garbage it is intended). This task for a while, and the tape of the conveyor will begin to accelerate. For the first portion of garbage Alfredo will pay 10 Penos.
Third way to make money – talk to Fernando at the City Hall. Revolutionary posters are needed, for each of which he is ready to pay 5 Penos. Posters are on the house of Alfredo, in prison, on the fence in the market, on the house of Santiago on the farm.
Earning 60 Piers, buy cheese from Sergio.
In the inventory combine the hook and the bathata whip to get a rod. Write from the sewage to the certificate of the revolutionary.
Go to prison and unscrew the third coil from the board where the worker sleeps (under the prison wall on the right). Talk to the guards about the vaccination, and one of them will offer to go beyond the screen, where the checkbox is hanging with the image of the syringe (to the left of the entrance).
Return to the landfill – and the windows number 3 is no longer! Ask Alfredo – he advises to go in the footsteps. Traces lead to Santiago Farm. You will have to overcome all the caves once again to get to the location of the right, where the trailer is. Give Lucunde all applications and take the petition (cheese will remain in your inventory).
Go to the city hall. Fernando will stop you and ask for a photographer. Unfortunately, the Grador will refuse to free Rex. Give the cheese, take a picture of it and pay attention to the big poster with a picture of a monument.
Scene III.
Coming out from the Grador, give Fernando cameras. He will suggest to enter into the movement of resistance and help free rex. Go to the landfill in the house of Alfredo. Pay attention to the toilet in the hallway and pull the rope hanging from the tank. A secret pass will open. To go down the stairs, turn on the light (badly noticeable switch on the green wall over the railings). The second switch is located below the right on the screen near the stairs. Go down and click on the third switch of near the left left door. Go on another floor down.
Alfredo and Fernando are waiting for you here. They will offer to explore the portrait of a city holder under the magnifying glass. Take a magnifying glass and click on the photo on the table. You will have a photo on which you need to find 6 active points: strange eyes, some incision near the ear, cheese in a paw, crumbs of cheese on the floor, lower paw under clothes and rat tail.
Talk to Alfredo – they had pictures of the city holder, made during the revolution, but they were thrown into the garbage chute. All residents of the city, including the Socrot, made vaccinations, and they cannot leave the city, so the garbage chute will have to go Rex. Photos are lying in a red box in the form of a heart. The garbage chute opens from the house of Alfredo with the help of the “Insert crocodile in pudding”. Check the elevator – the door to the left of Alfredo (it needs to be activated, because it will be needed later).
Climb the floor above and go to the door with three levers. The left lever changes the left eye of the crocodile, the middle – the color of the pudding, the right – the right eye. Press on the levers and make both eyes crocodile green, and pudding – yellow.
Now you need to release Rex. For this you can use automatic vintacesis. Go to prison.
Pick up the shovel (the shovel from the tunnel is not suitable) and the stone near the sleeping worker. Automatically you will see that Alfredo and Fernando were arrested and imprisoned. Throw the stone into the middle floor window to find the camera where Rex sits.
Go to the market. Bianca hung over his welcome a new sign. Ask, how did she get red paint. That will answer that I made a sign with a red aerosol, and the bottle with the residues of paint thrown into a landfill.
Go to the landfill. Drop the shovel road sign, go to the left and select a bright red bottle from a piece of garbage.
Go to the city hall. Engineers have already left, and the signaling device remained hanging on the rock. Unscrew it with a screwdriver and go back to prison.
Draw a red cross on the wall, put the road sign on the wall and hang an alarm. Talk to Rex once again and tell about the red box.
After the roller, the Rex will be on the landfill and jump into the garbage chute.