SAM & MAX: Episode 201 – Ice Station Santa: Game Walkthrough and Guide

According to the plot of sam & Max Season 2: Episode 1 – Ice Station Santa Insissessing Paruch of Detectives – Dog Sam and Rabbit Maniac Max – go to the North Pole, where they are waiting for a fucking Santa Claus with a machine gun. Not very interesting, although the funny moments in the game abound.
If you played at least one of the episodes of the first season, the control and interface will be familiar to you. For all others – the next cognitive library. Myself & Max Episodes – Classic Quest with Point’n’Click interface. Inventory is in the lower left corner of the screen in the form of a cardboard box. When we bring the cursor to the box, we show all the contents of the “pockets” of the main characters. At first, there is only an indispensable friend of the PSA PSA – a gun (Big Gun). The left mouse button is responsible for moving the character on game screens, double click – and Sam turns to run. There is no combination of objects, but the series returned mini-games, and they became more. In mini-games management characters and transport a little different. What exactly? We will talk about it a little later – when the time comes.
If any problems arise, at your service a training mode – one of the newest episodes. Also do not forget to seek help to Max: he will always tell me what to do and where to go.
As in the previous episodes, problems begin at the Sam and Max office. The attack of a huge MAIMTRON 9000 robot was as unexpected as the appearance of another hole in the wall. But now you can chat with the new character of the Universe Games – Detective Flint Popper. While Flint does not take part in our investigation, but let’s hope that soon he will manifest himself in the following episodes. Come to the window and talk to the robot. Does not work. Go down to the street, and with an attacker an educational conversation following the following content:
-I Have a Question.
-Why Do Fools Fall in Love?
While the robot is thinking about the answer, go back to the office. Go to the window and pull the key out of the back Maimtron 9000. Go to the street. Inspect the leg of the robot – there is a note. It turns out that the robot Tugamum sent Santa Claus living on the North Pole. I will visit him.
North Pole
Well, yes, of course, where without them. Soda Poppers True in the Vizer Brothers, Spex and Pepes. The guys are frozen in the cold, but it is not entirely clear that they are doing here in general. Running forward, let’s say that guys (like Flint) will not participate in the investigation. They are here in the role of New Year’s tinsel: they look beautiful, mixes to colic in the stomach, but benefits from them – zero. Talk to the guys, listen to their funny jokes. You can also take a snowball nearby and throw in someone from the brothers. Do not miss the moment: then we will not be up to it. When Soda Poppers will be bored, looked around around. On the scenery of full of active points, many of which in the process of passing will not be useful to us. Having finished all things, go to the Santa House.
In the shelter of the crazy grandfather warm and cozy. First pay attention to the Christmas tree: next to two “gift” – Boxing Betty doll and a simple labyrinth toy (World’s Simplest Maze), without which we can not do. Go forward to a pillar with pointers;Look at it. Near – computer for sending gifts. On the table lay stickers (Gift Tags), take them too. Return to the Christmas tree and talk to the elf in a green suit:
-What Are You Doing?
-We Could Make You Cry.
-Santa Isn’t Real.
The last sentence must say Sam, not Max. After conversation with the elf Take the watering can with his tears. Return to the street. Turn left, inspect the snowman and a pot with a strange little tree. Pour it with water – grows a big tree. Climb on it to chimney, and from there you will get into the santa room. After Sam and Max are driven for the first time, it is better not to bring to the second doubling. Step Left, Step Right – Execution. be careful. On the left on the table is a piece of paper – an instruction on the expulsion of unclean strength (Exorcism Instructions), and on the right in the closet you will find a musical plate (Satanic Records). Capture both items. Through the chimney get to the street, then – to the house. Talk to the elf in a red suit:
-Do You Have Any Horsemen?
-See You Later.
Next – to the street. Sit down in Desoto – Machine of the main characters. Next goal – Bosco’s shop.
Bosco’s shop
Since our last meeting, the location of some active points and buildings has changed. As a result of the pogroms, the office of Sibyl (it is now closed) is two steps from Bosco’s shop. Still available new location – Stink bar, new character in the series. But you must first visit Bosco.
-What’s in the Package?
-Your Package IS A BOMB?
-SO Long.
Then go to the bar Stinky and chat with the hostess:
-How’s Business?
-SO Long.
Finally, the last stop of our route is the same bar. If specifically, the table, followed by Sybil and the head of the Lincoln statue. First of all, talk to an old friend:
-Let’s Talk Trivia.
-We Think It’s A.
-SO Long.
Then show with Lincoln’s head:
-Let’s Talk Trivia.
-We Think It’s C.
-SO Long.
Moment of truth. Stinky announced the contest: only one question, four answers, and only one of them is the right. Who guess he won. On the first table (near the output) there is a computer;Turn it on. The correct answer is the option B (“20,000 Years B.FROM.”). Sibyl and Lincoln, chosen by love, will be chosen, respectively, A and C – that is, what you asked them to say. Sitting at one of the tables of the spy table preferably option D. In the end, it turns out that the answer was guessed by Sam and Max. If you are all done correctly, then the reward will receive a unicorn statuette (Horseman of Pestilence). Rest on the street again. Turn right towards a closed garage. open the door. Opa familiar all persons! Organization C.ABOUT.P.FROM. Again with us. It’s time to talk with them:
-We Want That Horseman.
-Yes, please!
So, there was a turn of the first mini-game – a trip to desoto. Rules are extremely simple: it is necessary exactly in a minute to crush 30 ELO dolls (“Sesame Street”, yes) scattered on the road. You can control the car in several ways. First, using the keyboard. Keys a and d – turns to the left and right respectively. W – Gas, S – brake. There should be no problems. If you do not manage to set the task for the allotted time, add gas and knock down on your way: kegli, garbage tanks, dolls. Will help – checked. Second way to control the machine – using a mouse. But it is not very convenient, it is better to use the keyboard. After completion of the test, the mini-game will be available at any time, it is enough to click on desoto and select the item you need.
Return to the office where the lifeless body of the Maimtron robot is lying. Talk to the rat Jimmy TWO-Teeth. When the rodent hides, get a Betty doll and get ready: the second mini game will start. Boxing with rats – it sounds beautiful. Here the rules are more complicated. Let’s start with the control: the keys A and D are responsible for the attacks on the left and right;Second version – left and right mouse buttons. To donate from the blows-rat boxers, you need to drag the mouse to the left or right. Opponents of all three – the further, the harder. The first rat is very weak, passes almost all the attacks, especially when it raises one of the hands. With the second boxer, it will be more difficult to dealt. His Achilles Fifth – Power, Your Advantage – Speed. When the rat strikes, you need to instantly answer. Here the main thing is to wait when the boxer wins. In the last battle participates by Jimmy himself. On his right hand – a hefty glove;One blow to such a thing – and Betty in knockout. Tactics, however, familiar to us by the previous battle. The main thing is to have time to hit. At the end of the battle you will get a second statuette (Horseman of War).
Killed Grief Jimmy stands on the roof of the house and does not give a boxing glove. Say goodbye to the greedy rat and come back to desoto. On the hood of the car you will find another statuette (Horseman of Death). Next stop, of course, – North Pole.
North Pole
Come in the house of Santa. Come to the computer (where stickers were before). In the main menu, select “OBSESS-O-MATIC STOPWATCH”. Use the sticker and send a gift to the Bosco shop. Now in the menu, select “Foot Bath and Piranha Aquarium”, use the sticker and depride a stinking surprise. All, the main work is made. We are reversed.
Bosco’s shop
First scribble to Bosco. While the owner of the shop is trying to determine, and at the same time eliminating the gift presented by Sam and Max, quickly take the last, fourth, statuette. Without losing a minute we run to stunk. The owner of the bar is pleased with the gift that pleases. Near the rack is a stink sock (Stinky’s Sock). Take it with me. We leave the bar, sit down in the car – and again to the North Pole.
North Pole
As before, we go to the shelter of Santa. Near the computer that we recently used, there is a pillar with pointers. Put all four figurines around it. No effect. Go further: inspect the active points in the house, especially the basket with mucus and the computer, which is next to the elf in the Red Suit. Go back to the post. Next to the door there is a record player. One of the plates is just lying in our inventory. Unfortunately, she was defective, so the words of the song will have to sing Sam. There are many options, but the correct of them are as follows:
-Like Gelatinous Goo!
-In Lower Manitoba!
-Hey, Shambling Corporate Presence!
After the cowardish escape of Santa, go in his room, which was locked until. Repeat active points again. Discover the safe, take a bottle (Spirit Bottle), get acquainted with three new Santa Claus. Put the stinking toe in the oven, after “cooking” take it yourself. Through the chimney impose on the street. On the scenery new active points – portals. Total three of them: the portal of the future, present and past.
Disposion as follows: We need to close holes in the portals, solving the global problems of Sam and Max. Let’s start with the future. The portal is near Santa Claus. Log in to the portal, look back, leave the portal. Use the sock to the sleigh and send them to the future. If you did everything right, then the hole disappears, and the spirit of one of the Sant will return to the bottle.
Next – jump in the portal of the present (near the door). The path is the same: there and back. Two meters from the Soda Poppers trio you will find snowball (Yellow Snow Reclamation). Do not tighten: over time it melts. We again use the portal of this. Let’s get the snowball and use it on the spy beetle (he is in the bar, on one of the tables with all his relatives). All – this portal is also closed.
Destroy the last hole problematic. We enter the recent past (the famous interrogation scene from Episode 3: The Mole, The Mob and The Meatball). After a quarrel in the family, Jimmy put a toy labyrinth near the rat hole. Turn on the TV and wait until Mary, the wife of Jimmy, falls into the trap. Get out of the portal, sit down in the car and go to the office.
After that scene Jimmy is all there, on the roof of the house. Remove Mary: let them chat. In the end, a love couple will leave us, and in return they will give a boxing glove (Boxing Glove). She will be useful for us to close the portal.
North Pole
Again go to the past. Take a boxing glove and thoroughly smear Jimmy. It will become the last straw for the portal – and soon he will close. Then use the bottle and install the three clauses in the monster, which arose from non-existence. The unclean power is expelled, but remained angry Santa.
So, the final battle. In order to get rid of the main villain, just one blow. To do this, you need to do this. First turn on the computer – a gift will appear. Then get a gun and make the first shot on the lever that near the exit. Toy airplane will begin to cut the circles on the ceiling of the house of Santa. Again get along the lever, but at that moment when the plane will fly over the trampoline. Last shot – for mini-copies of gun. We look at how mechanisms will make funny, and Santa will be in a muffle box! On this, our investigation is completed. Enjoy the last scene and beautifully decorated final titers.