SEKIRO: Shadows Die Twice: Game Walkthrough and Guide

View the entrance video to learn a little about the events preceding the action of the game. When you go to the Wolf Management, select the letter lying on the ground. If you play the keyboard, then press the E key. Go ahead through the cave, jump up, using double pressing on the “space” so that the wolf can be repelled from the walls. Selecting outwards, you will find yourself on the first game location.
ASINA tank
Start location.
Go forward and press on the wall on the left to go along the edge. To do this, use the E key (to cuddle and move away from the wall later). Make sure to hide in the grass, for what you need to press the Q key. Overhear the conversation of two soldiers discussing the wounded wolf, and then in the same position we will only move under a wooden hut in front. Press the V key when a hint appears on the screen with the “Cross” gamepad. This key allows you to overheard opponents’ conversations. It follows both to understand the Laura and for obtaining various tips on the game.
Chosen out from the building and overheard the conversation of two soldiers behind the fence on the right. You will learn that the door to the lunar tower is locked, but on the side of the edge of the cliff there is a hole in the wall. Go down below, click on E to jump and grab the edges of the cliff. Locker to the left, jump forward and read the mechanics that allows you to grab the protrusions in the jump – “Space” and E. So you have to get to the hole in the wall and jump into the lunar tower, where the divine heir of Kuro sits, Mr. Wolf. See video. You will get a weapon of the main character.Mr. Koo.
Talk to Croo re-get from him Flag with medicine. This item is the selection of elixir used by the main hero of the Dark Souls series games. His charges are restored during the rest at the Idola Cranecher, which you will find later. Climb on the second floor of the tower to find the dragee. This is a spent subject, which is also used to restore health.
Get out and kill the first couple of opponents. To the nearest of them can be sneaked from behind and kill the back blow. The presence of a red point on the adversary indicates that you can put a deadly blow to him. Ordinary enemies perish after the first deadly blow, mini bosses – after two.
Also do not forget to use parry, which in SEKIRO is called deflection. Put the block on the PCM immediately before the opponent’s blow to temporarily stun it and fill the concentration scale. Concentration strip is under health scale. And if in many games you need to reduce the enemy’s endurance to make it vulnerable, then in SEKIRO it is required to raise the concentration scale, after which the enemy becomes vulnerable to death (red point appears on the body). To fill the scale, attack enemies and use timely parry.
Go across the only way, kill several more ordinary enemies and soon meet the first Mini Boss – Soseigori Yamauti commander. Over his scale of health in the upper left corner of the screen there are two red dots. They indicate that two deadly blows will be required to destroy. To fill the concentration scale, you will have to perform several successful parry. Note that all the same applies to the wolf: I cares for you or parrying them, the enemy fills your concentration scale at the bottom of the screen. After the victory over the enemy you will get another dragee. Gate locked, so go to the right of them to find a handful of ash. With it, you can distract the attention of opponents.Siengori Yamauali.
Go ahead on the branch, jump to the stand and cling to it, by clicking on E. Go to the right and see the bridge. Use a double jump and the E key to grab the beam. Locker to the right and you can overhear the conversation of soldiers on the bridge. Clear further and under the bridge kill a strange creature. Grasp the edges of the beams on the other side of the bridge, click on the left and jump down by clicking on Shift. Pick up the dragee, go down even lower in several protrusions. At the very bottom there is a lot of water with lizards, but you do not need to move there. The protrusion above is the door. Open it to call Mr. Kuro.
Move through the cave until you find yourself in the field. Here you have to fight with Ganitiro. With the first passing of the game, it is very difficult to kill it, but if you have a good pumped character, it is possible. On the other hand, even in the case of his allegedly defeat, Ganitiro will be able to cut off the hand of the wolf, and the game will continue as and conceived by the plot.Ganitiro Asina.
Destroyed church
Watch the video and then talk with a rapid to all themes. You will learn about the prosthesis, how came here in the blood of the Divine Heir. Get out and see The first idol of the carver. You can relaxed. Near the dragee, and the right is there a trail leading to immortal character. You can talk with him and practice martial arts. Next to him is the altar with a drawer for the victims. Here will sometimes be useful items. Behind the building of the temple you can find a light wallet.Cutter.
Outskirts Asina
Get out from here to be on the new location. From now on, you can use a hook for capture. All points to which you can attract will be marked with white or green circles. If a white circle, then you are outside the hook range: just close. If the circle is green, then press the F key and the main character will attract to the specified location. However, there is a third option: green circle with a white stripe. This means that you are in the throw range, but some object prevents you from throwing a hook to goal.
Sure through the abyss twice, using a tree branch, and activate New idol carver. Jump below on the roof and see the enemy below. You will be told about death blows from above. Jump to the enemy so that the red dot appears on it, and click on the attack LKM. By killing it, collect Sena, pressing the e key. Do that every time after killing the enemy. Pick up for the dragee and clay fragmentation. The latter is used to distract the attention of opponents.
Jump on the hill on the right, even higher and kill the enemy. Jump right to find a new item on the top of the cliff near the destroyed wall – Ingo Lollipop. Having eaten it, you will temporarily strengthen the protection of the wolf. Turn off and move along the break on the right. You will see a lone enemy. Having killed him, pick it up next to the clay fragment, and then look down and jump onto the ledge. There is a niche with a candy AKO. With it, you can strengthen the wolf attack.
Come back, where they killed the enemy with a jump on top, and read the yard from three opponents. One of them will use firearms, so it is desirable to destroy it in the first place. Choose near the locked gate of the Ingo lollipop, and next to the open – handful of ashes and dragee.
In the next yard there will be three wolves, and on the protrusion right – Idol Colver. There is a clay fragment. On the high protrusion, you can find a big rooster on the right, but you will not get anything for his murder. Over the goal when leaving the courtyard, where there is an idol of the cutter, there is room. You can get into it through a hole in the wall or roof. Inside lies the corpse with Wheel for Syricenov. This is the first tool that can be installed on a syntopa prosthesis. To do this, go back to the destroyed temple with any idol and talk to a rapid. To activate the tools it will be necessary to spend the emblems of the shower.Wheel for Syricenov.
Go to the next courtyard where there will be another Mini boss – warlord Nomori Cavarad. You will learn about dangerous attacks. Depending on the type of dangerous attack, you need to use a jump, squirrel or parry. In this case, the enemy will make attacks, so you need to pay his attacks in a timely manner. Such actions will lead to a significant increase in its concentration. To kill the boss, you need to apply two fatal blows. If the concentration scale is too quickly devastated, then for starters, apply damage to the head of the enemy health. After victory you will receive two new subjects – Pumpkin seeds And Bead from Roskov.Nasori Kavarada.
Seeds need to give Emma in the destroyed temple to increase the maximum possible number of charges for the flask with the medicine. One seed gives +1 charge. Beads – items that allow you to increase the maximum stock of the health and concentrations of the wolf. To do this, you need to collect four beads and take advantage of any oman. On the side of the wall falls a handful of ash.
Go to the next part of the yard. It will be much more enemies here, and opponents right at the top can be overheard. In the building, at the top of which the soldiers are with a musket, there are two subjects: the bowl of wealth is below, and at the top – a clay fragment. When activating the ball of wealth, you will temporarily increase the number of SEN, falling out of the killed opponents. On the roof of the same building there is a light wallet. By the way, 100 SEN in the lung wallets. In addition to ordinary enemies here will be a healthy with a hammer. Damage to his attacks, making the battlefields to the sides, and attack a couple of times. Repeat actions until you destroy the goal.
Go away a little further and pay attention to the woman inside the destroyed building. Talk to her to get Bell Mr. Koo. It needs to be applied to the Buddha in the destroyed temple, next to the dramatic. This will allow access to additional location! Near the building is a wounded son of a woman. You can talk to him.Woman who gives a bell.
In a building where a woman is, at the bottom you can find a hole in the wall. Destroy the jugs and in the basement, look for three lung wallets. Going further and see a long path, at the end of which there are locked gates. On the top of the wall stands the enemy with a huge gun. Barely noticing you, he will start shooting out of it. Falling shells can damage both wolves and other enemy soldiers. To get rid of the enemy, first run away from him so that he lost the mark of the wolf. Next, go to the arc leading to the gate ahead, and hooked for the top of the cliff on the left. Before moving through the grass, you can climb on the speakers on the left, to the very top of the cliff, where the merchant is sitting in the tent. He can buy consumables and even New tool for prosthesis – Petarda Robert.Merchant on Mount.
Return to the arch, pick up the rock on the left. Mute, move through the grass and keep on the other side, hacking a hook to the tree. Jump on the wall, go around the enemy and kill it. You will get a black powder that is used to improve the prosthetic.Enemy with gun.
Jump down to be on the other side of the gate. Here is the dragee. Go to the right and see on the edge of the protrusion Capture for hook. Look down and see tree branches. Jump forward and stick to the branch. Then depart on the mountain on the right. Behind the mountain there are two balls of trophies, increasing the number of objects dropping out of enemies. Wrap and see a branch with a “green triangle”. This means that with the help of a hook from such an object, you can only push off. Sense through the ravine and take the iron used for basic improvements. Follow the fortress wall, move along it and pick up the protrusions to be in the courtyard where the merchant is sitting.
Job with him. You can pay 50 SEN for information. If you give him another 100 SEN, then he will tell about the new tool for the prosthesis. Fire tube hidden in the estate of Hirata. Pick up the protrusions on the right to find a rooster and Idol Colver. There is where the merchant is, in the courtyard there is a red glow. Interact with him to view the memoil with Emma and Kuro. Go to the next yard and overheard the conversation of two opponents. One of them will say that the red-eyed fire is afraid of fire. Climb the steps and come across this opponent. Wirning Mini Boss Giant in Pads, You’ll get Bead from Roskov And The first passive skill “Corottus drug: 1 level”. It increases the effectiveness of treatment when using the flasks with the medicine. To kill the enemy, evaporate and apply one or two blows maximum.Giant in pads.
To the left of the place where the giant was, hidden a bowl of wealth. Now you can climb the building, near which the giant was, using a hook. Pick up the aircraft pipe lying nearby, allowing it to find objects at a distance. Go left and find in another room Pumpkin seeds and clay fragl.
Go out into the yard and try to clean it from enemies. Here will be Mini boss – warlord Testsen Yamauti, the next military leader, when killing which you will get Bead from Roskov. Also on the fence there is a strange creature that instantly takes an alarm at the sight of you. Best get rid of the enemy as soon as possible. By the way, killing a warlord is optional. If you are experiencing problems, then just go further. In the yard is glazed.Tenzen Yamauali.
Exit the yard through the open gate and the wall on the right pick divine confetti. These items will be needed to make ghosts susceptible to attacks. On the building ahead hangs a note with a warning that ahead of you is waiting for the hemless and kill him with swords and peaks people could not.