Shade: Wrath Of Angels: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Part 1 Our time
Railroad station
Everything here is abandoned. Run from station, a couple of quarters – and you are already at the door of the hotel. Go.
Come over the rack of the receptionist. Take the key and read the book in which it is written that the brother lives in the room 13. Rise on the third floor. Come in the room. Take a gun and go down. There appeared zombies. Kill it and take the key from the rear door. Go to the door to the right of the receptionist. Now your path lies in the church.
Ahead under the altar there is a passage to the basement to open it you need to go up to the altar and click on the back of the button (first kill a couple of zombies). Go down when you find yourself indoors with columns – right in break. In the next room, jump into the pit, and there on a wooden stairs down. In the room where you will find yourself need to turn with the help of three pillars of the face on the wall so that they will arrange all the chin down, then the passage will open on the right.
Turn the middle post, the left pillar, the middle post, the right post, twice the left pillar.
Go to the door and go down.
Get down to the room, left there. Get in the big hall. Jump to the left. Go along the wall. On the opposite wall there is a small protrusion, practically imperceptible. Jump with scatter on the wall and cling to the ledge. Climb on the hands to fragments of the floor at the illuminated door. Come inside and go down. Downstairs, go up the stairs to the room where you can take the heart of the angel of faith. When the angel himself will come out of the room, it will tell that the world was divided into four parts, and only brother can connect it, but he is cursed, and so that everything works out to be gathering the hearts of the rest of the angels. As a gift, get a demon and sword.
Part 2 Middle Ages
Abandoned city 1
Here you need to go through the city to the church to get a scepter.
Get out of the room, collect yellow lights. They will be needed later to get new skills in a special place for a demon.
Going out on the street run right and jump down. Kill zombies. Now left in the arch to which three steps lead. More zombie eating corpse. Go further under a big arch. Here, use the chain to raise the grid. Now, by going to the Demon mode, push the drawer to the wall. Close up and left. Here are a couple of zombies, a magic well (it can be treated in it) and the place of recording.
There is a wicket, but you need a key. Over the key you need to go where Zombie eating a corpse. Here are a box to the balcony. Close up. There is a key in the room.
Go to the gate and go to the house. Passing through a couple of rooms will go into the yard. Go away. There is a zombie and guard, well magic. The camera will show the playground, here you need to make a box to open the gate. Go to them.
Abandoned city 2
Go forward. In the courtyard when kidding the knight, get the first combo. Go to the house, here the well of life, gave the door. Come there, go up to the very top. Select the key and go down to the door, in the middle of the stairs. Open, pass, go down. Behind the next door hall and many enemies. Kill and go further.
Left will be recording, right well magic. Behind him a secret door. Release into the courtyard. Kill the knight and run into the passage in the opposite wall in the second yard. There are two more knights. Right under the canopy there is a well magic. Run right, into the yard where three statues of knights. Close up and run for the key. Now come back to the first yard. Come under the canopy to the right of the grid. Open the door. Fall into the courtyard behind the grille. Go to the next door. This is something like a hospital. Kill knights. In the far end, the recording and the second room is smaller. On the sides of the entrance inside the second room, turn two bust. A secret pass will open. Go there, come to a small church. By killing two knights, turn the bust of lions on the sides of the altar. Take a scepter on the altar and talk to the angel.
Castle ruins 1
Here the angel will tell you that you will find the first part of the Heart of Angel, using the Scepter.
Through the break you fall into the yard. On the right at the end there is a grid, but it will open when you kill all enemies. Go for it. Kill skeleton. Take the torch and ignite them boxes covering the passage. To the left of the boxes in the thickets secret room with lights for the demon.
Rise on a wooden staircase. Then jump on the wreckage upstairs. In the first room – recording. From the second room, go out on fresh air. There is an archer. You can kill him out of a pistol, so as not to bother to jump. Jump on the debris to the wall in the wall. Go on. Jump on the first platform, from there to the right, from there on the wall. Cancel in. In the room well magic. Move the stone block near the door. Press the buttons on both sides of it. Go to the hall with columns, one of them is broken. On the right window, h Jerue him go on. In the hall there are records in the far corner. By columns you can jump behind the lights for the demon.
From the window, jump off from running on a wooden platform. From there pass to the room. Jump on the site below. Watch movies. Go down on the stairs. Hang on your hands and jump down. Now even down, even if life is spoiled – it’s not scary. There is a white door with a white door – a place of receiving updates for a demon, the number of cartridges and life will be restored. Go out and jump to the door. Ignite next to her the second torch, the door will open. Go.
Castle ruins 2
Right take the gold skull. Go to the right and upstairs. Kill the skeleton. Right pass with chain at the end. But the floor falls there, so run away from the run and jump. Try chain. The door opens upstairs. Go there.
Run along the corridor. Jump down. Left in Barrel Well Well. Rentally grid. To the left of the grille chain raising it. Come inside. Passages will close. Kill those skeletons. Now go up the stairs upstairs. There will be an entry. Close up on wooden stairs. Kill two monks throwing fire, and swordsmen. Jump through a break in the wall on the wooden flooring opposite. Run to right to the end. Here use a chain. The grille opens. Pass. Left will be a hike, there is a well magic. But let’s go here a little later. Now right and right to the room behind the skull. Jump, wear the box to the place from where they jumped. On the wall next to the recording, use a chain. The cell will drop with an iron skull. Now you can go to the passage with the well.
Through a break on the opposite wall, from there on the central beam. On it jump to the end, then left, nourished, in the opening. Let’s go to the courtyard with a destroyed bridge. On the bridge kill enemies. Jump on the site on the left. There by pulling the chain, lower the cage with a silver skull. Jump back and go to the end of the bridge. Right, then put on your hands to the far corner. Close to the site. Further jump around the courts to the place where the skeleton goes. Rise on a wooden staircase. Come inside. Go down. Kill the monk in the corridor. Set the skull to the fees. There is a record and well magic. When the skulls are placed, go to the opened door. Severe enemies. After that, the main monster will appear. Being him, you can take the first part of the heart of the blood angel. To take it Put on the pedestal found earlier.
Burning city
Angel will say you now need to find four alchemical extracts to get the second part of the heart.
Kill two enemies in the next yard. On the steps – archer. Go to the pass straight. Here Well Magic. Left. Shift boxes forward. Go on. Run along the catches, until you see the key. Pick it. You can go through the corridor near, raising the grid chain. Get to the first courtyard. Go on the stairs where there was an archer. Open the door there found the key. Bow in the room Alchemy heart extract. Kill monks, write down. Go down and go out into the yard. Load all enemies. Gate will open. There will be two archers and a knight. If you run right in the next courtyard – there is a magic well under the arch. In the first courtyard – on the left behind the barrels record. Go from here to the left. Kill enemies, go on. In the next courtyard on the wooden stairs key. Open the grid. There will be two archers and monster. Kill. Pick the torch and go to the left. Ignite boxes blocking passage. Knight will appear. Kill. Go to the liberated arch.
Talk to the angel. Go across the bridge. Will be in front of the mausoleum. Kill zombies. To the left of the bridge, where the wall is destroyed, go down the debris down. Go, nourishing, on the wall. Jump onto the bottom, hanging on the hands. Jump over the stone parapet. Further jump on the debris. When you find yourself where there is a passage to the Upgrades room for the demon, jump on the right to the right, then on the opposite wall. Select upstairs. You ha Mausoleum. Go on the bridge. Jump over. Kill zombies. Go to the next courtyard. Next to the mausoleum there is a well magic. Open the mausoleum, kill the skeleton. Come and sign up. Take the book of sin. As soon as you take the floor fail and you will fly down. Splash, run along the wall, jump over. Then again on the wooden platform, it is not the next, then to the wall. Looks down on your arms. Camera will show where to go. Hand on your hands on the inside of the coastal. Click on the rugs, jump. Gang away and go to the ground in the big hall. Jump on the columns to the angel sculpture. Take the second part of the heart of the blood angel. Jump further around the columns (I managed to jump from the wooden platform immediately to the second pillar according to which to return and lose life). From the last pillar in a niche. There’s record. Jump up top. Right and farther. Spread on the narrow bridge, jump over. Further by which you went up to the back of the mausoleum. The column fell here. Now you can climb the roof. Descend on the rope, then follow. Sign up. Kill monsters. Then the main one. From the pistol, he will be enough for five bullets. Go to doors.
Temple of Necropolis
Get out of the church. Rate right, killing zombies. Jump down into the water. Space. Severe enemies. Here, near the place. Where you left the water there is a well magic, and at the far end extract alchemy. Go to the doors with columns. Kill the knight, come inside. Sign up. To the left into the room. Here is the extract of the Moon. Top stairs – well magic. Get back to the corridor with a failed floor. Jump straight and left. There is an extract of the sun. Doors on the contrary will open. Jump there. Take the Arbalet. Kill monsters. Go forward. Near the well magic will rise another monster. Kill it. Extract extracts in places. In the floor near the door will open the dial. Over the door it is written that you need to press: I, IV, VII, X, XII. If you pressed not what you need, the central button only cancels. Go to the door, jump over the barricade.
Sphew nest
Run forward to the yard. Kill spiders. Right and even right in the door. Kill spiders. In the far left corner on the stones upstairs. Jump over the fire. Get down in the hall with sculptures. Drown. Go through the doors to the hall with columns. Here recording. Kill spiders, the following doors will open. Pass. Left room updates. Right next room with an angel sculpture. Kill three spiders. A big spider will appear. Kill it. Take the third part of the Heart of the Blood Angel. Speak with angel.
Run forward, kill two knights and monster. Further forward. Left – Monster. Right – Monk. Behind the corridors go into one room. So all the same where to run. Here record and altar. Put on it a book of sin. Press the open buttons in the specified order – 4, 2, 3, 1. Go to the opened door. Kill skeletons. Run through the yard to the next doors. Go. Sign up, kill two monks. Behind the statue there is a well magic. Rise on the stairs. Kill the archers. Twirl lever between stone blocks. Kill the monster. Close to elevator. From the elevator to the left pass. Kill the monster. Come to the room, set the hearts. Take ready. Upgate power can either a demon or yourself by choosing respectively. Get out of doors. Speak with angel.
Part 3 Egypt
Ancient crypt
Open the door. Go on the corridor through the hall, destroying the mummies. Near the magic well select Golden Ankh. Jump over the stairs. Pick another Ankh. Go on the corridor. Go to the cave. On the elevation of the third Ankh. Return to the Magic Well. Spread the cross on the columns near the door. Rise on the stairs.
Temple Set
In the first hall only to mummy. Near the stairs up – there is a passage to the daisy of the demon.
Close the stairs to the end. Take a pink key from the crocodile statue. In the wall opposite the ladder there is a door, it is activated if you will be in two deepening walls on the sides of the entrance in this room. In the next room, several mummies and skeletons, also.
Coming out of this room, get into the yard. There are many archers here. Opposite the door to open. To do this, at the foot of the statues need to put keys in the bowl. The first you have already taken. For the second, go to the right, opposite the obelisk there is a stone in the hay. Pull out his demon. Come inside. Here you can fix health and get the key. Put it in the bowl. Doors will open and a couple of guards will appear. Come after the victory through the door.