Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Game Walkthrough and Guide of side tasks

Hazardous species
This task is the only Kuvak-Yaku on the location. To take it, you must find a citizen standing in a big cowboy hat. It is located next to the entrance to the local tavern and tell about the group of manuals near Marauders. Go on the marker marked on the map, and on the spot, look at the video in which the gangster will reset one of the workers from the stairs.Place where the marauder will collide the worker.
Communicate with this worker, then go to the marker to the gangster to find out where the leader is. Follow the tavern and talk with this man who is dressed in a green shirt. So you will learn about the grief. Go to the outskirts of the city, and on the way you can detect the fresco. Coming out of the cave, you will find a child running away from the villains. Go further, end with all criminals, and then roll to the right and achieve three remaining marauders before they manage to finish off slaves. Examine this location by collecting various items, and then return to Marko and complete the task passage to get a powerful gun called “Skop” to the reward.
Game with deadSuch an outstanding task.
One of the six side tasks available in the secret city. You will unlock it after talking to the lake with the boy, while you need to be dressed in a blue heron. He will tell that some dead kidnapped his cubes. Move into the specified part of the city and talk to the Pisco, which is the dead. He will say that the cubes himself lost him in an honest game himself. Pisco will agree to give them if you study the local territory and talk to five exile sects.
To begin with, four markers will appear on the map, and you can visit them in any order. In the specified areas, look for citizens, which in the survival instinct will be highlighted in green. After communicating with each of them, the fifth marker will appear on the map. You need to go there. If suddenly the marker did not appear, then talk with a woman in a red dress, which is located at the House of Chasska.
Talk to the fifth outcast, which is the old woman of Moraka. Being clairvoyant, Granny did not miss the opportunity to earn money, so I offer you some useful items. In addition to the costume of “Scarlet Hunters” you can buy a launder with a woman and Zamamar. The first item allows you to unlock heavy treasure chests, and the second is to break reinforced barriers with a rope.
Return back to the Pisco, after the video, go to the same and return to him missing cubes.
Hearts and minds
The task will be available in the secret city. To start its execution, you must talk with a townorogo in the southern part of the city. She will tell about the trouble that happened in the Cabil family. In addition, the task can be started during a conversation with the cave in the cave. Go there and talk to him. The task will consist of three parts associated with searching for three relics, and the last stage will begin after you return from the location of the Mission of St. Juan.I study, the quest.
First you need to get the royal horn and amulet of the savors in a reservoir, which is a crypt. Go to the right place, help the office, freeing his son, taking the grass and bringing a sick wife, with the result that the royal horn will return. Now go to the next place, find a tree with white paint and climb up to be on top, where there will be a passage to the glue.
Inside there are several relics, fresco and map of the archivist, noting interesting facilities on a mini map of Lara. Next to the fresco there is a barrier. Destroy her, rub with a couple of traps and find yourself in the crypt. Go through a wooden bridge that breaks down and lara will fall down. Find near the small room with a lever. Activate it to raise the water level for one step. Next, you will need to again go to the same corridors and activate the levers hidden behind the walls to raise water for another two levels above. For the first time you will need to quickly get out of the room before it closes, and in the second – sail through the hole in the ceiling. Opening the crypt, go back to a man.
The task will continue after returning from the mission of Saint Juan. Talking to a man in a cave, you will need to find the bow of the winner. There is nothing complicated in his search: go to the jungle, go right and find the cave in which weapons are lying. After that, a smashed jaguar will appear, which will be necessary to destroy. To fight exclusively onions, so do not break to use fire arrows. Through the main settings menu, you can lower the complexity of the battle: do it if you are experiencing problems.
Another task available in the secret city of Piititi. It can only be passing after you pass a couple of scene tasks. Returning to Paititi from Senot, you will learn that the rebels are hiding in the cave not far from asylum inside. Go to where in accordance with the plot Get the Snake Guardy costume. Communicate with one of the people located inside the cave. It will be marked by a side quest marker.Poma, kestodel.
The map will appear markers indicating those areas where prisoners are. You need to release four such prisoners to learn about a certain spy that lured them in the Western. Another will report that the leader is still alive. Come back to the kestodel who will offer to find the leader of the group. Sectance hides inside the cave you find on the map. There is also a tomb test “Sun Temple”. Go to the southern part of the city to find a small reservoir from one of the houses. Through it you can get into the cave.
Go down to the steps down, in the cave, and watch the video. Lara will fall into ambush. Kill multiple rebels, rugs. As with all the vicinity of Pitty, it is impossible to use here firearms. In the temple there are explosive barrels – shoot on them fiery arrows to destroy several enemies. In total, there will be about two dozen cultists, the poeta is ready for a long battle.
Delay execution
In the upper part of the game, captured by the cultures (you will get there in the plot when you get a green snake costume), on the square of the left you will see a video in which Cayar girl asks to free his father. On the left and left of the locked door there are levers. You can try to move them, but Lara will report that she needs help.Kayar, kestodel.
On the square in front of the venue of executions you can find several beneficial characters. Two men will agree to help you if you distract security. Talk to a guy with a musical horn, which will begin to drive into it, after which ask the musician with the drum play something. Guardians will leave. Tell two men to help Lara. Once inside, find the way out, destroying the wall and moved the obstacle with the prisoner. In the award, you will receive a “high-quality knife”, which increases the number of resources when collecting plants and freshness of animals.
Widow and Tears
One of the pretty difficult tasks available in the secret city. To fulfill it, you will need to go to the north part of the city and at the top, the mountain has a house, next to whom a crowd of people gathered. It follows in a green snake suit for the guards in the future allowed you to investigate the crime. So, the summa, the owner of the house, is dead, and accused of all his servant. First talk to the cultist at the entrance, but he does not want to let Laru inside. Go down the steps to the right of the house and ask the guy with the music horn to start the ceremony. This will respond to people’s attention, and Lara will be able to get into the house. Communicate with all the characters, and with some of them you need to talk twice and even three times. Be sure to inspect the corpse of the summa.
As a result, it will be necessary to go past shocked and outside through the grille to talk with a servant named Anca. She will say that the door does not open, and the hostess forbid to tell her something. After studying everything you can, go out of the house and go to the right. Instead of descent down the steps down jump on the elevation on the right. Pass past a neighbor house. You can talk with a neighbor. Jump on the beams so that resulting from the servant. You don’t need to talk to her, just before entering her back, on the right side in the grass, find a cache. Get it to discover the murder gun.Place where the murder gun is hidden.
So you find out the truth. It remains to inform about her guard and unleash the captured Taruku. As a reward, you will receive 750 EXP and the fighting tunic of Javai.
Ancient science
You need to talk with a guy named Avil in the house located in the upper left corner of the Pitty, on a small island among the reservoir. At the same time, Lara must be dressed in a snake guard costume. On the map the desired marks will appear. Examine three frescoes located in these zones. Return to Aviva and talk to him. Follow the ritual place in an abandoned village, where you need to save the girl. Kill the enemies, then go back to where the task started to get the bow “heart of an eagle” as a reward.
This task can be taken on the location “Mission of Saint Juan”. You will be near Sarah, Ebby’s girlfriend, from which you need to talk on the plot. A man stands near her. If you talk to him, you can take the current task associated with the salvation of Isabella.Guillermo.
Go to the cemetery where talk to a woman next to which is worth the guys. They need to somehow distract. Native a cemetery and one of the walls will find a cache. Dug trinkets and give them to children, stating that it is a treasure. Now help a woman restore the cross, climb him and look through the hole. After that, using survival instinct, move along the way from these crosses, which will lead you to the glue. To open it, you will need to press on a wooden cross in a huge stone cross.
Finding inside Isabella, please choose from a crypt and inform the guillermo. Go to Manu, who will indicate where to look for the ruins of Maya (who are the tomb of the test “Thied gods”). About how to pass the casting data and the tomb, we told in detail in separate manuals.