ShellShock 2: Blood Trails: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 6, 2022
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

ShellShock 2: Blood Trails: Passage
ShellShock 2: Blood Trails: Game Walkthrough and Guide

The action takes place in Vietnam, you are a special room sent here to deliver the cargo lost by Ceerstuchniki in the jungle. The load was transported by plane and he crashed. You need to get out of the building.

Go ahead to the left, climb the stairs, there will be a narrow-eyed, press the keys appeared on the screen for 1 time. From the narrow-eyed to the inheritance you will go knife. Select from the building and follow the Griffin, soon you will give a gun. Now you need to meet with griffin at the school building. Go between buildings to the courtyard with two palm trees, there will be three Vietnamese, pick up the machine there and go up to the second floor. When you rise, behind two Vietnamese run out, there will be a hand-to-hand fight on the second floor, go to the third floor.

Find the open door, go to the outside window and jump down, there you will meet with your own, and find M-16, pierced forward, to the wooden stairs on the left. Follow the wooden flooring, straighten with Vietnamese until you leave to the water, there will be several American soldiers to the right, you need to capture the bridge with them, there will be a hatch in the sewer in the bridge.

Facel there, on the surface you will meet with Griffin and select with him on a truck. On the way you are in the jungle you will come across the ambush.


This level consists of barricades and hidden everywhere Vietnamese, the cartridges are not very much, I recommend to climb into the house on the right, you can kill most of the Vietnamese from there. Go ahead until you get to the truck with Griffin.

You are haunted by Vietnamese Duck-Kong, who needs a weapon former on a fallen plane, where it knows only the brother of the Main Hero. When you fall out, get up to the machine gun for the barricade, beat off and go to the jungle on the right, behind a soldier.

When you get to a wooden bridge, you will need to protect it, kill the Vietnamese twisted through the bridge until the inscription will appear what task is made. Weapons there enough, on the left, the machine gun, right grenades and RPG. Then you need to protect the church.

Go through the exploded passage to her, the Vietnamese will jump from above.


You are in some basement in which they jumped in the previous level. Goal – to find the trenches of the Americans to move to need to sit down. There is no danger in the basement, go to exit, you can capture several signal missiles, they are convenient to illuminate dark places.

The jungle is polished by traps, go to the left – you will fall into the pit, go to the right – will somete the logs with spikes, that’s just neither to the left, we do not need to go right away, but you need to right. Passing 50 meters, you will meet with American soldiers and immediately from behind, where did you come from, will be attacked by Vietnamese. Bring away from them and go on to the command item, a few more meters in the trenches to the shelter with a glamorous mannequin killer. From there you need to get to the engine boat, on the way you will be stopped and you will put it off to cover the military running to the helicopter. Slow out from the machine gun and go on, at the entrance to the basement you need to shoot the Vietnamese standing at the top of the semicircle. When everyone kill everyone, the entrance to the basement cracks the soldiers. In the basement is dark and scary, and also the bloodthirsty Vietnamese together with rats and the cartridges are not enough. Weapons from Vietnamese this time, for some reason, it does not take, but you will be given a gun. Closer to the exit you will be attacked in turns two infected. The engine boat is at the exit from the cave, send a pair of infected and sit down in it.


Climb up to the rope bridge, it will turn around when you pass on it, you need to press multiple keys, as usual. Collect ammunition from a dead soldier. Next will be a pit with spikes, you also need to have time to press the desired key or bypass the pit. Another trap, spiked log and on the shootout with Vietnamese.

Granate range is regulated by the time of pressing G, however, they explode too quickly, so it is better to throw at a low trajectory. We will have to pour from the machine. Well, go straight, actually more go and nowhere, on the left there will be a trap, a stick with a spike. When the wild pig will explode on a mine, then be careful to blow up mines shots or bypass. Not to notice them is not easy, for sure they installed the cloiaruca Vietnamese.

Go to the bridge, on the left of the house we needed in the house infected at every step, shoot only in the head, die from the first shot, on the second floor in the room you will find Vietnamese Changa. Now the task is to get out of the house quickly, go to the third floor. There on another staircase go down to the hall. In the lobby there will be a supermutant with two daggers, it will take it, somewhere two full queues from M-16.

From there, descend to the basement, in the basement of pieces of 30 zombies, but also enough ammunition. Get out of the house and get into the boat.


You need to beat off from Vietnamese at your disposal a large-caliber machine gun, M-16, grenades. When you get together, gas will go and you will need to go ahead and attack the temple. Before the church, the barricades lies a lot of grenades and RPGs, it is better not to pull, and immediately throw a couple of grenades in a bunch and attack right in the forehead, as soon as you come to the temple, the rocket will fall into it and you fall down. At the bottom he will have a vision of some kind of deceased aunt.

In one of the caves you can find a machine gun, to another small tunnel, climb into it. When you get to the bridge, if you pass, on the right, it can explode, on the side you can go through a thin face right. Select to the street, there is a bunch of zombies below. Next to the red signal rocket, the entrance to the cave with the statue of the Buddha, there are many high-speed zombies in it and go out of the temple. Helicopter will pick you up. But Griffin is infected and wakes up in flight. As a result, you will find yourself in the jungle, without a walk and weapons, only a knife.


In front of the right of the fire lies a machine gun, grab it and run. The cartridges are not very much, so shoot in the head, the next place where ammunition is lying – a large fallen tree, with a branch above the water. You need to get to the American Patrol. While they will minimize the passage, beat away from Vietnamese, then go to the temple. The temple you need to last a couple of minutes, you will attack the infected and Vietnamese, they agreed that.

Pots will explode another passage, go to it and left. Close up, at the very top there is a hole, there you can take ammunition for the machine gun, but not necessarily go there. On the rope bridge you will overtake zombies, and you jump into the river. Go on the line of the river to the dead end, the right will be a group of Vietnamese aspecting on a grenade. There you will be caught.


Click on the button many times when it will appear on the screen to survive torture. When zombie bursts, take the dagger on the right. Find the staircase in the room, the Vietnamese will attack you on top, press the buttons as it should be. In the next house on the table there will be a gun with a silencer, this is what you need. Go on bridges and further along houses killing Vietnamese, until the fence explodes. Through the hole you can escape.

There will be a checkpoint with a dead soldier and ammunition, there will be a lot of zombies on you, go to the rights from this control point to the development along the road. On the way you will entertain Vietnamese. If you turn left on the development machine on you, the car will go and need it to evade it, but there is nothing to do there, unless you want to kill all Vietnamese to the last.

The right will be the red signal rocket and now next to her entrance to the cave. In the cave lies a lot of ammunition, get to the water and jump there, you will be covered. You need to go through this cave, at the end there are passing around him, as soon as you enter it from behind there will be a whole crowd zombie, you can simply escape to your.


Peel into the camp through the gate, then go beyond the soldier, when descend down, on the same stairs you go down about 10 Vietnamese. Next you will be filled, you need to have time to press the key. Select from these tunnels. You will find yourself in the trenches, go up the stairs to the house, bother off the bunch of zombies and run straight, on the left at the end there will be a house with a machine gun.
From there you can kill a lot of Vietnamese, how everyone will kill, go out and go on. To the left of the descent in the trenches, in one of the houses Chang, will show the video as you are severely dealing with him, and run to the helicopter.


You need to go through the village to the command item, you start your journey from the roof of the building. Two floors below on the floor lies a rifle and 7 ammunition. Get out of the building, on the right there is a rifle and 6 more cartridges, then go to the left, find there the staircase there. Upstairs you will throw zombies and throw you off the roof.
Almost in every building there is a door from which if you go jumped zombies. There you can find ammunition. Go straight, pick up the wooden flooring and right, climb the window there, take the ammunition and grenades. In the building, on the contrary, on the second floor there is a complete ammunition of cartridges to a rifle. Ladder on the other side of the building. Find the building with a roof staircase, the corpse hangs on it, shove in it, whatever he fell. In the same building, if climbing the window you can find M-16 with a complete ammunition. Take up the top and there on the roofs wake up killing infected, before the command item in the temple. From the basement of the temple of the stairs lead to the roof, on the penultimate floor you will meet with a super zombie with two daggers, in the same room and ammunition lie. On the roof command post.


Here is the final fight. You will immediately throw 6 zombies on you, go straight to the village, go to the iron gateway, on the second floor there are ammunition, go on. Now go down, through holes in the balconies, below a bunch of zombies, the machine gun is lying on the left, on the right in the building there are cartridges, go straight through the broken wooden gates in the jungle. I’ll go around the stairs to the right side of the stairs, on the porch in front of the temple there are cartridges when you start climbing the stairs there, it will come crash and you need to press W.
In the temple again zombies, come from all sides, but in the temple is scattered enough, when you kill everyone, then a super zombie will come out. In the end, you will choose to save the apolion or keyl, depending on the choice will be different final roller.

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