Sherlock Holmes: CRIMES & PUNISHMENTS: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Chapter 1. Fate of black Peter
Baker Street
After reading the book reading, Watson runs into the living room on the sounds of shots. Sherlock Holmes started the next game: he faced his eyes and began to shoot from a revolver on the collection of VAZ, driving from a satisfied client from Limoges. We bring the pointer to the active subject – sofa – and move to it. Similarly, you get to the table for tea drinking and the Sherlock itself. A little later, the Lestrade inspector is guided and reported to the murder of Peter Keri – a fifty-year-old sailor, known as “Black Peter”, which has achieved great success in the hunt for seals and whales in Scandinavia. He resigned at the age of thirty nine years and acquired a place in Woodmans-Lee.
We start passing the game Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments.
Open the magazine of investigations and view the sections of the “tasks”, “Map” and “Excidence”. We go to my room, open the closet and wear any of the available costumes. We choose “Woodmans-Lee” on the map and go to the crime scene.
Woodmans LieShip Associations.
Having become acquainted with Judith Keri, a widow of the murdered, create her portrait: By changing the position of the camera, we draw attention to the birdhouse, gloves and a book on the table, on the Catholic rosary on the right hand and the medallion on the neck. Asking Mrs. Keri about the events of the last night. Having received an answer to the last question, quickly click on the button shown and choose the replica “Pilgrimage”. We look at the garden and we are interested in the victim about the presence of a gardener. Go down to the hut and interact with the door. Inspector will pay attention to traces of hacking attempts. We consider the door closer, turn on the concentration mode and, tracing behind the chain of phrases, click on the scratches on the locking well.
Entering inside, inspect the table. Take into the hands of a tobacco brisket, turn and open it. Scroll down, look inside the back and, sniffing to tobacco, collect associations to a whole picture. Moving a tobacco leaf and tobacco tube, connect them with a ship according to the image. After looking at the shelf to the right of the entrance, activate the concentration mode and, having traced the chain of phrases, click on the trail in dust. We study ship magazines on the shelves over the bed. Open the chest opposite the table and take from it the boots of Peter Keri. We consider harpunes on a wall rack. Studying blood on the floor, select the sea knife: we consider the blade and a wooden handle. We also select a notebook from the floor and click on initial and dried blood in the lower right corner. Opening a notepad, study abbreviation. The deductive icon appeared in the upper right corner of the screen, suggests that on the basis of the evidence found, you can make a deductive conclusion. Open a deductive evidence analysis and connect the “notebook” and “trying to hack”. Click on an element with an exclamation mark and make the only available output. Go to Peter Keri’s body: Pay attention to the harpoon, breakaged by breasts, clothes and face.
Leaning a hut, communicate with Lestrade. We get up between the police and wheelbarrow with pumpkins, activate the concentration mode and detect traces on Earth. Considering the traces, we apply the shoe, grabbing him and, without letting go, pulling down. We are interested in Mrs. Keri about tobacco hand and personal papers of her late husband.
Bypassing the hut, we interact with the window and, with the onset of the night, are watching the cracker penetrates inside. Following the inspector of Hurjens in the hut for detention.
Scotland Yard
Arriving in the plot, pass to the corridor and go to the street for evidence (the first door to the right). On the table there is a box with the things of the suspect – we study them. Take the ring and, rotating it, click on three different words engraved on the inside. We go to the interrogation room, passing to the end along the corridor. We make up the portrait of John Neliga: we draw attention to the cap, neck, a piping on the right shoulder, clothes, lower jacket, cuff, scars and corn on hand. In matters related to the ring, choose the replica “Engraving on the ring” and “Father’s jacket”. In a deductive analysis of evidence we connect the “Neligan notebook” and “trying to hack”.Inspector Lestrade.
Baker Street
In the newspapers, the right of the fireplace we find information related to the engraved inscription on the ring (section “1883” – “Bankruptcy of Dawon and Neligan”).
Open a deductive evidence analysis and combine “nail to the wall” and “reaction speed”. We ask Watson to provide us with everything necessary for the experiment, and go to a new location, pre-taking with you harpoon from the hut in Woodmans-Lee.
Whitechepel meat shop
Coming with Watson, proceed to the experiment. Aims by label on pork pasheus, delay your breath and make a throw, as soon as the slider is exactly in the middle. In the deductive analysis of the evidence we connect “efforts” and “nailed to the wall”.
Woodmans Lie
Having received new information from John Neligan, we are transferred to Woodmans and study ship logs on the shelves over the bed in the hut. Open the “August” tab and click on the promotion of the action.
Baker Street
We interact with the window to suggest Wiggins and instruct him the task of finding members of the crew of the ship “Marine Unicorn”.
Scotland Yard
Lestrade will announce a new suspect – Liam Hartley. In the room for evidence from things Neligan, we take into the hands of a notebook with abbreviations and celebrate the fifth line from the end on it (C.P.R). In a deductive analysis of the evidence, combine “disappeared shares” and “missing box”, “disappeared shares” and “trying to hack”. From things Hartley take boots and a letter in ink. We interact with Laiama Hartley, located behind bars opposite the room for interrogation, and make it a portrait: pay attention to the scar on the neck, the handkerchief in the right pocket of the jacket, traces of plants on pants and hands. We ask Neligan the question of hacking and choose the replica “Promotion”.
Woodmans Lie
Hartley’s shoe compare with a trail on Earth and in a deductive analysis of evidence we connect “Traces of Hartley” and “No Gardener”.
Baker Street
In the corner, to the left of the window, there is a laboratory table on which the Hartley letter is restoring. I prepare a chemical composition by mixing multi-colored reagents in the flask in the following order: blue – green – blue – orange – colorless – orange – colorless. Clear the shown button and a piece of fabric clean the letter from ink.
Scotland Yard
We call for questioning Liam Hartley. In the question “Woodmans-Lee” choose the replica “Hartley’s Boots fit”, in the question “Presence in Woodmans-Lee” – “Gardener”, in the question “What you hid” – “Letter Hartley”.
Woodmans LieHacking castle.
We ask Mrs. Kerry, whether she knows Liama Hartley and about where garden tools are. Go to the barn, activate the concentration mode and detect a cache in the floor. Without leaving the concentration mode, we interact with a wooden floor, we remove the poorly fitted board to the side and remove the box. We start hacking the castle: Switching between three cylinders, connect the segments into a single line according to the image. Get out of the box a pack of letters, ask Mrs. Keri question “You and Liam Hartley” and choose the replica “Love letters”. In a deductive analysis of the evidence, we combine the “Recognition of Judith Keri” and “Letter Judith Keri”, “Recognition of Judith Keri” and “Letter Liama Hartley”.
Baker Street
Wiggins and his guys managed to get information about the members of the crew of the vessel “Marine Unicorn”. In the list presented, highlight the harpiner of Patrick Kerns. After some time, it will be known that Kerns is almost constantly in the pub “Sea Witch”. In the deductive analysis of the evidence, we connect “Peter Keri did not smoke” and “Patrick Kerns”. We go to your room and change clothes into a sailor costume.
Pub “Sea Witch”
We offer Patrick Cuns, sitting at the table at the other end of the bar rack, compete on the hands. Carefully follow the face of the opponent and quickly react to changes to the Mimici: With strong tensions – we protect by holding down the protection button, when relaxed – attacking, quickly and often pressing the attack button, and with light tension – inactivity, thereby misunderstood. Waking several times, drink and make up a character portrait: Pay attention to earring in ear, clothes, strong hands, yellow nails and a tattoo on his right hand. Talking, Patrick will start unflattering to respond about Peter Keri, who, as it turned out, killed the father of John Neligan. Having finished the conversation, put a tobacco pussy in Patrick jacket pocket. We ask tobacco to the cerns and before leaving you will be interested in his new work. In a deductive analysis of evidence, combine “Patrick Kerns” and “Patrick Cairns”.
Disclosure of the crimeStructure of faithful conclusions.
Having gathered all the evidence, restore the full picture of the events and calculate the real killer, namely Patrick Kerns.
If you pardon Kerns, then he will agree to give most of the assigned shares and leave the country for several years.
If you blame Kerns, we will meet it in Lestreyda. The killer does not want to give up so easy to surrender and the first thing knocks out the inspector. Encouraging, whenever time slows down, we bring the pointer to the enemy’s face and put a blow. At the end we carry out that quickly clicking on the button shown.