Sherlock Holmes: Sherlock Holmes VS The King of Thieves: Game Walkthrough and Guide

July 14, 1895 – Holmes House
So, the game begins in the House of Sherlock Holmes on Baker Street. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson discuss the famous French thief of Arsen Lupin. Suddenly Watson notices a letter to a tray from no one like Lupin himself. Play starting for Holmes. Take a letter from the tray and read it. Learning about the French roots of Holmes, he challenges him. Lupin left a tip in the form of a verse. Read it.
Now we play for Watson. Holmes gives a task to take a book in the store of Burns, and myself goes into my room. We leave from the house, go to the left (right to anyone can not). Then the first turn right and the first to the left. Left will be a porch to Burns Book. We are looking for the owner, talking about the book. “Helpful” owner will send us in search of a book – well, there is no to help. So be it will have to look for yourself. To the right of Barnes, there is a white door, we go there, on the left on one of the shelves of the bookcase and the book we need. Read a couple of pages from the book that will appear in the documents. Muzio Nelson is mentioned there, which amputated one hand and he lost one eye. It becomes clear that this is this admiral and mentioned in the verse of Lupin. Returning to Holmes (click on the map for a quick transition) and talk with him by the fireplace.
Question number one:
Who Arseno Lotynkho? (WHO IS ARSENO LOTINHO?)
Horatio Nelson (in the Russian version of Nelson (you can Horatio Nelson))
Holmes asks us to find a map of London. We step up to the writing desk to the left of the exit to the stairs and take the Red Book. Open in inventory London map and looking for Trafalgar Square (click on the city center and further), where the statue of Nelson is located. The National Gallery of Painting is also there. There we need. It remains to find the crew. Go down to the street, we see the crew near the house of Holmes. We talk with Kucher.
July 14, 1895 – National Gallery of Painting
We are in the lobby of the museum. On the right you see the young archivist of Pailinar. We talk with him. The director at this time talks with the artist French. Palainor has lost its accounting book, I promise to search for her. And he gives us a map of the museum (see above), on which you can now quickly move between galleries. Lost book is located in the French gallery (moving through the card). Near the door leading to the English gallery, there is a chair, the blue book is lying around. Return to Payliner and give him a book (highlight it in your inventory). Chat with him.
Question number 2:
What is concentrated by the picture showing the Trafalgar Battle? (What Does The Painting Based On The Battle Of Trafalgar Depict?)
We remember the picture in the note about Nelson ..
Ship or boat (in the Russian version of the ship)
We receive information about the picture from Payliner, where Turner depicted the ship “brave”. We go to the English gallery and inspect painting with a ship (the second right, if you leave the round room). Now to the director to the top and watch the video.
Play for Lestrade Inspector. We need to check the museum, the benefit of the director lended to us their keys from locked doors. We go around the entire museum and check all the doors (for confidence they pull them ^^), for the presence of loopholes. Next to the Dark Chulana is the reconstruction room where there is a glass ceiling, the inspector will pay attention to it, do not forget the same check the main entrance. And that’s all, now to the director. We look at the roller, as Lestrade gives orders to your assistants. Then see that the picture is still kidnapped.
July 15, 1895 – Holmes House
Watson informs Holmes that the picture is stolen. It’s time to go to the National Gallery. Watson is sent to search for a crew (well, just some kind of okay). We go out onto the street and we see the crew, we go there, we stop at some journalist and presents your business card. Hire the crew and to the gallery.
Asking Lestreed about what happened. The director in his office, together with Palinor, make up inventory of paintings, and on the walls at this time are the creepy paintings of that French artist – Horatio Veelmont. It’s time for Holmes to look for evidence. We look at the left locked box. Code so far do not know. On the right, at the table of Palainar, under the picture with the jewels of the crown are traces. Learning. Follow them to the main staircase. We see clear traces (4 pieces), we study each, find out the size. Further next, they lead to the restoration room of paintings. Inside we see a spilled bank with blue paint, study the traces near her. Pay attention to the glass ceiling. Nearby lies some kind of canvas so that someone was softer jumping out of the window in the ceiling. Nearby more traces. Also inspect. On two tables we see a jug with water and a brush with a sponge.
In the Italian gallery we see on the floor four red marks, forming a square. They left Lupin. We step on the English gallery where the stolen picture hung. Upstairs there is something, on the floor too – there are four erased traces of rubber, inspecting each. Apparently, there was a staircase. But now it is not. We step to the office of the director, but do not go. On the left we see a broken pot with a plant, it’s, as we remember, the artist tried and her heal there well. Learning his traces and find out the size. Holmes guess that Velmont is a lupin confirmed. Now we go to the director. After one of the guards of the order will come and inform that the stairs at our disposal. Come out of the office and take it. We step on the English gallery and put the stairs to the right place. Take a letter from Lupine from above, we read his riddle. It contains the key to the opening of the box locked.
So we need to find 4 paintings to open that ill-fated box.
1st picture – Venus and Mars – in the Italian gallery – 1874
2y painting – Konya and his Klyach – Flemish Gallery – 1652
3rd picture – People on the rink – Danish gallery – difference in 49 years
4th painting – Angel and Boy – German Gallery – 1894
Now it remains to reproduce mathematical actions as indicated in the message of Lupin. Namely: the first number is minus the second to multiply on the third and minus fourth. We get the number 8984 – this is our code. We step to the lobby, where the box is located, and we enter the number. Click the button on the right and when Holmes will say “open”, move away from the lock and open the drawer lid. And what we see inside? Mascination under Velmont, alcohol and painting with Napoleon Bonaparte. We inspect all this good, in the portrait we find another note from our thief. In the note, the hint of self-portrait Veelmont. So where we saw him? Of course in the French gallery, however, he himself is French. After examining the picture, Holmes comes to the conclusion that the oil layer was applied to it. You need to know how to remove it correctly – the director should help. We go to him for advice. We get the answer that you need to first moisten the cloth, and then remove the oil layer with a sponge. It can all be found in the restoration room.
Pagted from there a jug of water and a brush with a sponge (on two tables), we return to a self-portrait and we are taken to “torment”. Wet your brush in water (apply on a jar) and by clicking the button, speakers in the picture – the place where the brush visited, should darken. You can simply click the brush for each square. Having finished wetting, we use a sponge in the picture (as well as with a brush) and slowly remove the layer from the picture. Gradually, Arsen Lupin, his own person appears in the picture. In the upper pocket of the jacket, we see a piece of paper with the letter “C”. This is the first letter of the word, the hint is attached to it, where to find the next.
Going to the Round Hall of the English Gallery, where the terrible green painting hangs in a round red frame. We look at it with a magnifier and in the upper left “corner” find another message and the letter “O”. Now in search of the next letter, it is right there in this room. To the left of us, in a niche, hanging a picture of a dog. To the left of the picture there is a lamp, click on it – get another letter “R” and a prompt. In the prompt say about the dark chulad and bucket. It’s time to go to the director and borrow a lamp from his table (earlier this greedy would not give her to her – it is necessary!). With the lamp we go to the chulad and put it on the table. Then we click on the bucket on the left and get another message and the letter “O”. Now it is necessary to find a picture with a sleeping director – he is the director of this gallery. Picture hanging in the Flemish Gallery. Turn it over it and yellow envelope falls on the floor. Letter “N” and another hint. The uncle Holmes is mentioned. Grabbing the lamp, step to the French gallery. There are two identical paintings. Inspect both until Holme says that they are similar. We need the left. We inspect the magnifying glass, we see Lupin there. I burn her dottle, using the same lamp. We detect the letter “I” and the last prompt.
Now we have to find nine similar on the subject of paintings (frame and size identical), which then form one. Here we have nine villains with pictures, in each can find the necessary us, in one room, namely in the Flemish gallery, there will be two. When all nine paintings are in the inventory, go to the Italian gallery, and click on a labeled red paint square. Here we have to gather a drawing of nine mini-paintings. They can be moved and rotate right. There should be such an image:
This is the last letter – “S”. No longer tips, you need to discuss everything with the director.
Question number three:
What word I discovered Sherlock Holmes? (What Word Did Sherlock Holmes Find?)
The answer will serve the word from those found letters
– Coronis. (in the Russian version of the Koronid)
We listen to the argument of the director about the painting with Apollo. Watson appears, he has a note from Lupin for us. We have to go to the London Tower (this is in the east on the London map).
Night from July 15 to July 16, 1895 – London Tower
Come to the goal, near them, on the right, we consider the inscription on the wall. After the main guard appears, we observe the roller. We learn about the replacement of crows. He gives us a black envelope, a lantern and a map of the area (see above, the designations on it appear as the territory studies).
So, we need to find 6 birds. On the green lawn we see seeds with which Lupin loved birds. Moving to the wooden staircase of a white tower, hearing bird singing. Need to find it. Trees grow on the lawn, inspect them in search of a bird (between the branches will appear the hand cursor). Scare the bird, it will turn to another tree and drops a black feather – select.
It is necessary to bypass the whole territory, go to the left left along the wall. Study We start with bedrooms security (Queen’s House). This is such a blue door with a sign “DORMITORY”, for her room with three beds. We take there a forgotten sow forgotten some sock, from the shelf a book about the birds, in the middle bed we see an old camera with a photo flash. We leave and go on, along the house, to the door, which is lying bags with flour. This is the entrance to the storage room. Under the door in the flour we see traces – we study them. A gatekeeper Smith appears, listen to the conversation. He tells about the code and gives us the key to the room of the cook. His room is a little further than the storage room, go there and unscrew the right door with the key. We take a letter, recipe and photo in the frame. Holmes reports that he had already met somewhere surname Makadams.
Move to the entrance and that wall with inscriptions. We are looking for the right surname, you see the date: Makadams, 21.8.1632 – this will be the code. Returning to the storage room and go inside. Carefully inspect this room. With the buffet shelves, we take a blue plate, on the right on the shelves we see the box with tomatoes – we study, take a thread near and cold bag from below. In the middle aisle there is a bucket with sunflower seeds, we gain about the reserve. There are many boxes with royal seals. We step further and the path blocks the grille with the code. We enter the number 2181632, click the button on the right and, voila, the grille opens. Here a bunch of corpses from small to great. We are looking for the right of a thunderous pot covered with a wooden lid, inside a black chicken, we get an inseparable written sheet of paper.
We leave from the storage room. If you go along the house further, to the bushes, heard the birds trill. Let’s leave for now and go back. Move through the card to the main entrance and go ahead. We need to find a weapon (Weapon’s Room). To do this, you need to climb the stone stairs to the right, break through the door, followed by a room with a weapon. Carefully inspect it: weapons, armor, shields and t.D. From the table we get a blue cartridge box, from the fireplace – coal, at the table with marine trophies take a pickle pipe. In the middle of the room we find a box with bird whistles. It will be necessary to choose one of whistles. But first we move to the White Tower and with the help of a pickled pipe inspecting the bird whose feather we took. Reminds the partridge from the book about the birds. Returning to the weapon and take the right to us: females of the Sardinian partridge (in the upper left corner). Again to the white tower and use the whistle on the bird. We get a second sheet of paper.
Now let’s take a bird on the birds (not far from the pantry). We go around the bushes, we are a gatekeeper, who lost her tobacco (or rather, the bird he touched that tobacco). After his care we study the bird tracks to the right of the staircase leading down. Holmes identifies the bird – Blue Paradise Bird (on the book). We must now wash it out. To do this, place three blue items right on top of her traces, what we have: plate, cartridges and sock. When the bird appears, we catch it with a cold bag. We get another sheet of paper.