Shtyrylitz 2: Tango in Pampas: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 18, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Shtyrylitz 2: Tango in Pampas: Passage
Shtyrylitz 2: Tango in Pampas: Game Walkthrough and Guide
I. Level

First of all, we go to the village of Aboriginal and go to (middle house) big
Mommy. On the wall shelf we take a bottle with tequila. After you need to go
To the leader of this tribe (home on the left) and seducing his hot maiden from the menu
Objects take the mirror. We attribute the bottle to the house on the right (shop), removing the guard
by showing him its own reflection in the mirror, and change it from the seller
on the plug in the chane (press a bottle on the plug).
Next, you need to return to the beginning of the stage and the plug received from the seller
Click on the hose omitted into the water, after fainting Frau Razurich
It is necessary to raise fish and hose. After, we go to the right in the direction of the plate
"Titicaca". On this screen it is necessary to talk to the aliel using the right
button mouse, use the palm and you will get gold from it "Uniform".
After, we take fish and click her on the tree to the left of the drummer, after
how she squals him a little and appear rubber resin using
"Uniform" on rubber and get a wonderful non-standard condom.
Next will have to return to the village and change the piece in the shop shop
hose on the used condom (press the condom hose) which
It is necessary to use further on the aliens. After all the work done
We return to the very beginning of the screen and use an inflated condom on a tree with
proletarian pride go to seed a big mother! Going to her click on it
non-standard condom I… deal in a hat, let him live the second stage!!!

AND. Level

Here we find yourself in the nest and very proud eagle birds, trying
Click on the slope from the mountain leave the nest, after an unsuccessful attempt to press
Egg left by a bird unattended, and then – sleep quietly dear eagle!
Falling down and take between two lian bamboo seeds, go to the left, and
again fall into the pit. Follows the right mouse button using purely
Patzansky bazaar, twice chat with a dicker after which he must take
defensive pose jumping at him and we again upstairs. Next you need
catch the butterfly until it becomes such (t.E. cocoon). We go to the left immediately
We pick up a bag that is lying under the tree and come back to the elephant. Showing him
not sickly striptease (of course not yours, and Kat) pick up a full bag of fertilizers and
Go to the monkey. I plant a seedney under it, and feather it for more efficient
growth of elephant litter, and give a mackey under the ass! After the way is free
need to have a frog sitting on the tree giving her a cocoon in order to give it poison,
I smear the needle of the dickery and select the bamboo tube below. We go right to I
After talking with a snake for her inconsistency, I wake a poisoned needle for
The most glands. The path to the next screen is open! Viva Las Mexicos!!!

III. Level

First of all raise a bottle with ketchup and move up the shore
Talking with a swimming center go to the bar (ship) and talk to Frau of the Razurich
Delicious in her need for pedals to the piano. Come out of the bar through
the opposite door and at the exit we remove the prostitute by pressing it
figure Kat. Not to withstand the competition that will leave their place of work by opening you
Path next. Next, you should move to the right to the Girls cafe where you find inside
Pasteur slag in a deplorable state. Cured him from a cold by instillation in
Ketchup Chili Nose He will give you his car and full alcohol to her (car
stands when leaving the bar). Return to it and press the canister on the car.
Deciding what to fill the car with alcohol is blasphemy, you drink it and sit down
Driving steering wheel (the consequences are known to everyone). From the car little
stays after your skating but all you need from this pile of scrap metal is
pedal. Take it in the bar and give Frau of the Razurich, the one performs the incendiary melody
the rhythm of which does not withstand a couple of dancers neither she herself. Next you need
talk to the bartender using palm while talking and get a package from it
Chips with Perchikov. We go back from the bar to the side where the car stood and
we turn up after the church up the yard.
Finding a crazy horse in the stall which will become your ticket for
Next level, all you have to do is use your horse chips.

IV. Level

Moving right on the screen and talk to the nanny (black with a coffee grinder), with
using the right mouse button by selecting the palm, after the conversation while it rises
Purchase ground coffee click on the chair and move it to the sun, after
How good nanny will grow and decrease in sleep take a coffee grinder. After that go
in the house and get into the room with supposedly your father suffering from annoying
insects. We go to the next room and find the grandfather, in the room you need
Take a venager on the machine gun. Next near the door frame where the sequel hangs
Click on the passing telephone wires, and you arrange a short circuit with my grandfather.
Shock – this is our, after a session of shocherapy, raise the scratched at the grandfather
Golden jaws lying in the chair and go back to the father’s room. Kindly
We offer him a barter deal, by pressing the venager on him we put it on him on
Heaves his head in this way from insects (from such a smell even mruh elephants)
And now we can take a bottle with a deodorant.
We go out to the street where the nanny sniffs and move to the left to the statue
Nude maiden filled in plaster. In the items menu, click grandfather’s jaws on
Coffee grinder and get a shared gold powder. Now the bottle with a spray
Click on the statue and paint it under gold (the statue must be grabbed with
by itself).
Now we go to the left in the next screen and see the aunt distributing money
kids, we offer her their material assistance by clicking the “Golden” statue on
HERE. In gratefulness get a dance with a wonderful stranger, head
which punch the wall (it will make the pins).
Get to the camp. Press the Cat figure from the items menu on the guard
And while he is enthusiastic by the resurrection of the girls who have fainted make their way into the yard.
Talking with a black man in the face of the palm, and realizing that the ball is not in Nakhalyava
breaking away leave the yard as well as you got into it, coming out moving right
In the next screen and discover there, Frau of the Gulf
stars. Make one snapshot clicking on the camera, then go for the picture and
for good so, knock the stepladder in Frau terrich from under the feet! Go back to K
Camera and make another snapshot. Then return to the yard for
prisoners and offering Negro pictures. For one of them you will get a ball in return.
I need to click on the observation chamber. In an attempt to knock down the pin pierces
wall (thanks to her glaucoma and squint) and you are at the fifth level.

V. Level

Attempts to go through the dog ends smokingly for you. More
Click on the red arrow on the wall behind you, it is on the arrow, nasty
case you can’t get anywhere and get into the guard room. Ambassador of conversation
with a security guard and an attempt to take a sausage, the guard will fall asleep and the cat appeared
sausage you need to take with you. Do not forget to grab salt
from the table near the phone and turn on the chopper. Come out and press the cat on
Dog, rest the Lord her Barn soul. After the dog is eliminated
jack lying near the tires and moving to the left of the hour in the direction
Field kitchen (designated KAFE pointer). Having reached the cook you need to click
Salon on a pack with salt, after which we return to the place where he was hanging out
hourly. Unfortunately, the poor man struck the diarrhea but the machine gun is useful to us, take!
Next, do not pose a head, we do not need to talk with him or anyone else
More than anything to search … Just find a bit above the heaps for which it is facilitated
hour place where the arrow changes the shape and click there. And you will pass on
Next screen.
Here we see our old friend visual looking out something in binoculars. Take
From the items menu, the machine gun and use it to Frau the Razurich, which is why
Progrunset. Now what to break through the steel door must be pressed
jack on the rail under the trolley to create a tilt, and with Sionar’s cry
Emboil the door and fly to the next level.

VI. Level

You got into the Mine Borman. Right next to you is electric
The shield on which you want to click. After go down the staircase click
right-click on a drunken officer and select Fuck in response to that that
will try to answer reciprocity but because of its not a change to get stuck in
Stairs. (A small note do it from the first time because the toy has
Glitch After two not successful attempts, the red button is no longer pressed). After
how you rose upstairs take numbers with a number “five” hanging on the wall on
hanger. Next will have to go down again, malicious Frau does not deign
You will start next.
Go down moving to the left to the compressor. Here you need to click on the end
the hose pulling from the feather hammer of the worker, thereby connecting it to
compressor. After the worker gives the ends not to withstand the heat, taking
a jackhammer (he is no longer needed to him) and pins into manual punctures
A hole in the landing in which the storekeeper sits. By clicking on a white bottle with
Chloroform you can take it, after which it must be taken up to Frau
Terrich under the type of import detergent. After she fell asleep,
Select Kat and use it on the booth. Equipment apparently old and
not to withstand the intensive process inside the fastening break. Go down again
down to the storage room and the right mouse button chose the palm and click on the storekeeper, that
reluctantly torment from the heart to you your last sandwich. Raise back I
Lubricate the screw of the only remaining fastening on which the cabin holds,
by pressing a sandwich. Five seconds – normal flight! Here you are at the bottom
as Windows ’98, raise the mittens lying right under you and press it on
handrails to the left of you. Friction will make her job, you are free again. Further
We raise the Red Star near the cart and we throw with all proletarian hatred
her in Borman (and again the squint led), the star cares to the pipe
Borman on deaf. Press the mouse to it and knock out its massive body
Steel door!!!

Next, sit and jumped over
Final screensaver in the style of “Highlander – 6”

Sincerely Shane Ulrich

From http: // Quest.Zone.RU

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