SID Meier’s Civilization VI: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 15, 2022
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By Jonny Gamer

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SID Meier’s Civilization VI: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Civilization 6: Advantages and Disadvantages of Fractions, Game Strategy

Each leader of the states in Civilization 6 has its own unique characteristics and abilities that could be used to achieve victory in one way or another. If you started the game by the state, which was chosen randomly, if you would like to find a state that is most suitable for your game style, then read this article.

Below you will find a summary of the unique abilities and characteristics of each leader and civilization, as well as advice, how to play or against a state or another.

In addition to all this, each leader will have its own hidden plan, randomly chosen at the beginning of the game. To learn about their plans, you will need to enter them into confidence and improve diplomatic relations with the help of delegations, trade transactions and T. P. Or you can simply send a spy to them and hope that he will add to the information you need.

Faction America

Leader: Theodore Roosevelt.

Unique ability of America: “Founders”. Bonuses from government heritage are obtained faster than the usual.

Unique Yunit America: P-51 Mustang. This is a air combat unit from the new time appearing instead of fighters. Attacking fighters, you get a bonus to the attack + 5 units, a bonus to a range + 2 units and 50% of the experience.

Unique Building of America: “Film Studio”. Double influence of tourism of this city for all other civilizations in the new era.

The unique ability of Roosevelt: “Ruzvelt Amendment”. Fighting on the native continent, units of America receive a bonus + 5 units to combat strength. If there is a national park in the city, then each of its cells receive an additional bonus in the amount of one prestigious unit. After the study of “Curving trunks” you will receive a unique unit of “Music Horseman”.

Unique Unit Roosevelt: Rough “Mougon Horseman”. Appears in a new time during Roosevelt. If you kill on the continent, where the capital of America is located, thereby raise the culture. During battles on the hills, the bonus bonus is + 10 units. The costs of the content of troops are reduced.SID Meier’s Civilization VI: Game Walkthrough and GuideTheodore Roosevelt.
Tips for the game for and against Theodore Roosevelt:

If you play for Theodore Roosevelt. While at the beginning of the game this leader does not have any impressive bonuses, its actions are concentrated on a peaceful and long-term cultural strategy. His government heritage bonuses can be used to preserve the type of power over a long period of government. Or you could get weaker, but the most diverse bonuses, changing periodically type of state. Roosevelt becomes itself closer to the end of the game when he appears two modern unique combat units. These units you must use for the defense of our own state, while film studios and national parks will help you to achieve cultural victory as soon as possible.

If you play against Theodore Roosevelt. You must be aware of its plans to conquer the world – “The Politics of a Big Dubinka”. Roosevelt loves peaceful civilizations from which cities are located on their native continent. He hates civilization, novice war against state cities or other civilizations located on its continent. Preferred Religion Roosevelt – Protestantism. We continue overview of the Civilization 6 fractions on the StopGame portal.RU.

Faction England

Leader: Victoria.

Unique ability of England: “British Museum”. In all archaeological museums, you can accommodate not three, but six artifacts, as well as at the same time two archaeologists. As soon as all six artifacts will be located in the museum, it will be automatically thematic.

Unique unit of England: “Sea dog”. Appears in the revival era instead of caper. You can see this soldier exclusively with neighboring cells, it is able to capture ships.

Unique District of England: “The shipyard of the Royal Fleet”. This is a unique English district – the center of marine communications. Used as an alternative to the harbor. On the cell where such a area is located, you will not be presented with fines for loading or unloading the ship. As you understand, the construction of such an object is possible exclusively on prime or seaside cells (on the coast).

Unique Victoria Ability: Pax Britannica. This skill will allow you to receive one free unit when you capture or settle in any city outside the home continent. As soon as you learn the technology “Military Science”, you can use unique units of Victoria.

Unique Unit Victoria: “Red Uniform”. Fighter refers to industrial era. When battle on any continents, where there is no capital of England, you will receive + 10 to combat power. In addition, there is no fine when landing from a maritime vessel.SID Meier’s Civilization VI: Game Walkthrough and GuideQueen Victoria.
Tips for the game for and against Victoria:

If you play for Victoria. Expansion is a key factor for Victoria. Both peaceful way and any other. Use the shipyard of the Royal Fleet and “Sea PSA” in the average periods of the game to control the sea and expand their fleet. In the later stages of the game “Red uniforms” can be used to protect the overseas territory or for further aggressive expansion. Those who wish to move peace through can use the British Museum to quickly collect artifacts and use them to produce powerful thematic cultural bonuses that could use to compensate for cultural deficit at the beginning of the game. Victoria loves everything connected with expansion.

If you are playing against Victoria. Take into account his political plans – “The Empire, over which the sun never goes”. Victoria loves civilizations located on her native continent. He wants to expand his possessions on all continents. This leads to her hostility to other civilizations on continents, where England has no single city. Preferred religion of England – Protestantism.

Fraction Germany

Leader: Friedrich Barbarossa.

Unique ability of Germany: “Imperial cities for free”. If you remember, the game has a limit associated with how many areas can be built within the city for populations of one or another. Germany Thanks to this ability, it can be touched on one area more than it is supposed to be all the rest of the default countries.

Unique unit of Germany: “Submarine”. This unit belongs to a new time and appears instead of a submarine. Unlike the submarine boat cheaper in production, you get +1 to the review and 10 to combat power when battles occur in the ocean. Submarine will allow you to detect all other hidden units.

The unique area of Germany: “Gansa”. This area appears instead of the usual industrial. You get + 1 to production, if there is a district with resources nearby, + 2 to the production of close location to the commercial center and + 1 to the production of the neighboring location with other cities.

Unique Barbarossa Ability: Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire. If you attack the city-state, then you get an additional 7 units of combat power. Also, you have an additional cell for a political course.SID Meier’s Civilization VI: Game Walkthrough and GuideFriedrich Barbarossa.
Tips for the game for and against Friedrich Barbaras:

If you play for Friedrich Barbaros. His additional slot for the political course and Barbarossa battle bonuses uses against the states-states that previously dominated Germany. His aggressive abilities and powerful submarines will help to achieve a more easy victory by the “domination”. On the other hand, its ability to expand the cities with the possibility of building an additional area, its boost production area of the Hansa, using several other bonuses for the adjacent location with other objects, will allow you to achieve a victory for another, peaceful way.

If you play against Friedrich Barbarossa. Take into account its political preferences – “Iron Corona”. Barbarossa loves civilizations that are not associated with cities – states that consider it a hard ruler. Remember this if you count on the alliance with Friedrich. Barbarossa particularly dislikes the city-states of sissenov and civilization, which conquer city-states, not letting it. Preferred Barbarossa Religion – Catholicism.

Fraction Greece

Leader: Pericles.

The unique ability of Greece: “Republic of Plato”. Get an additional cell for a political course.

Unique unit of Greece: “Goplites”. Fighter from the ancient world, which will appear instead of a spear. Get 10 units of combat power if there is a goplit (at least one).

Unique area of Greece: “Acropolis”. Instead of theatrical area, for cultural development.

The unique ability of the pericla: “Surrounded by Glory”. Over the city, the suzenine of which you are, accrued the bonus of 5% of culture.SID Meier’s Civilization VI: Game Walkthrough and GuidePericles.
Tips for the game for and against the pericles:

If you play perix. This ruler will be an excellent option to achieve the “cultural” victory. But pericla bonuses are actually much more flexible than seem at first glance. An additional cell for the political course is well combined with a cultural advantage, which is achieved due to bonuses from its states and acropolis. More culture – faster studies that can be subsequently used to bookmark the foundation used to achieve the victory of any type. And you just look at the impressive beard of Pericla!

If you play against the pericla. Consider his political course. Pericles loves civilizations that do not compete with him for the loyalty of the same city-state. It is not surprising that he does not like those factions that do it.

Fraction Japan

Leader: Hodzodi Tokimune.

Unique ability of Japan: “Restoration of Maidzi”. With the neighborhood with other districts, all other areas get a double standard bonus.

Unique Yunit Japan: Samurai. Appears during the Middle Ages. He has no fines for combat power during damage.

Unique Building of Japan: “Electronics Factory”. All cities located within the radius of six cells receives a bonus to production + 4 units. When exploring “electricity”, the building will begin to bring additional profits in the amount of + 4 to the culture of the city in which is located.

The unique ability of Tokimune: “Divine Wind”. On coastal cells, all land units get bonus combat power in the amount of 5 units. Fighting in shallow water, you get the same bonus. Military camps, theatrical squares and sacred places are twicest.SID Meier’s Civilization VI: Game Walkthrough and GuideHodzia Tokimune.
Tips for the game for and against the Hodzda Tokimune:

If you play for the hortal of Tokimune. Using bonuses from adjacent areas, during normal time you need to create cultural, religious and military districts located with each other. His samurai fights to a victorious end with the highest possible force (the combat power does not fall when injuries). Thanks to this handful of such warriors can help the emperor in its future expansion plans. And if the battles occur near the coast, then samurai and are among the most disadvantaged opponents alone. Tokimune electronics factory at the end of the game guarantees the impulse of production, due to which it will be easy to achieve a “cultural” victory (if you have not started massive fighting earlier).

If you play against Tokimune. His program – “Bushido”. Tokimune has very specific preferences. So, he loves civilizations that are strong in military, religious and cultural development. He does not like those states who have a strong army, but weak religion and culture. Best to love you.

Faction Congo


Unique Congo’s ability: Nkisi. In addition to the cultural glasses for the presence of each artifact, relics or sculptures, you will receive an additional 4 gold, 2 foods and 2 points of production. For great people (writers, artists, musicians and merchants) you get twice points. On the territory of the palace you can find 5 slots to accommodate masterpieces.

Unique Yunit Congo: “NGAO-Mbeba”. Unit from the ancient era appearing instead of swordsman. If you are protected from distant attacks, you get 10 additional combat power points. The unit is able to pass through the usual forest or tropics, as well as see through them.

The unique area of the Congo: “Miss. The area can be erected into the territory of ordinary forests or tropics. Appears instead of the suburbs, while also before. It does not matter the level of your prestige, because you in any case receive + 5 to housing, + 2 to food and + 4 gold for its presence.

Unique Njing Ability: “Appeal”. You can not create sacred places, religion, or hiring great prophets. You get religion beliefs distributed in most of the cities. During the construction of the MBANA region or theatrical Square, you will receive the Apostle owned by the dominant religion of the current city.SID Meier’s Civilization VI: Game Walkthrough and GuideMVEMBA A Nzing.
Tips for the game for both MVEMBA A NJING:

If you play for the ning. While many leaders do not tolerate tropical and ordinary forests, the nsing with their help can and at all develop their civilization. Use such a terrain in your own interests. Remove the Mbaza district, starting with the Middle Ages and then. Next, create major cities with a large population and actively welcome other religions to get the most powerful advantages without independent creation of faith. Attract as many great people as possible on their lands.

If you play against the ning. If you plan to establish religion, then keep in mind that the Nzing loves civilizations that bring their religions to Congo. He does not like states that founded religion, but did not find it necessary to distribute it on the territory of the Congo. Nzing is perfectly related to all religions, but still committed to a greater degree of Catholicism.

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