Silent Hunter 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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February 9, 2022
6 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Silent Hunter 2: Passage
Silent Hunter 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Like Neither Regrettable, The Circle of Amateurs Of Realistic Simulators Is Very Narrow. One Hand, Everyone Sems to Not Mind to Attend The Destroyer, A Fighter or Sunarine and On The Other – Few Peple Want To Seriously Learn to Navigate The Military Topographic Grid or Set the Corner of the Torpedo Gyroscope. So it Turns Out That Only Single Fans Are Driving On A Disk With Another Simulator, And Developers Sell The Last Pants and Curse The DAY WHEN THE SAT DOWN AT THE KEYBOARD.
After Many Stories of Sales, Resale and Refinement Silent Hunter 2, Though Late, Still Saw The Light. Unfortunately, There Is Nothing To Rejoice. The Limited Budget of the Project Has AffecteddDD and Lack Of Time. The Game At First Sight Pleases The Eye of the Pristine Dampness, The Abundance of Juicy Bugs and The Wretched Campaign.
If You Have Already Managed To Buy A Disk and Read These Rows With A Heart Full Of Mixed Feelings – Do Not Despair. The Main Direction of this article Is to Tell You How It All Gets Well-Deserved Fun.

What is not in this article
Control of The Submarine Is Well Described in the MANUAL, Which Is Necessarily Attached to the Disk in Print or Electronic Form. For this Reason, I Will Not Stop in Managing The Depth, The Task of the Course and Other Technical Aspects of The Underwater Navigation.
IT Is Also Unlikely That It Makes Sense to Describe The Techniques – In The Game There Is An Interactive Museum, Where You Can Draw Encyclopedic Information about Military Equipment of All Countries Involved in the Conflict.
Finally, There Are No Hidden “Codes of Immortality” and other tricks. Everything IS Done Much Simpler – Before the Start of the Campaign You Can Set The Degreese of Vulnerability of the Boat (Up to Complete Invulnerability), And The Limited Reserve of Torpedoes (Notorious “Endless Cartridges”), and a lot more.

Table 1.

Battle Posts
FZNavigation Tablet
FFMotion Control
F5Torphedami Management
FSHDeck Gun
F7Anti-Aircraft Gun
F8Superwater Target Optics
F10Control Damage
F11State of Torpedo Vehicles
F12View From
Print ScreenRadiorBit
Scroll LockHydroacoustics
Num LockCabin Cabin
ThenMotion Control Panel
INTorphedami Control Panel
ETeam Panel
Page UpRaise Periskop
Page DowNLower Periskop
FromCourse on vizir
INVizier AT The Rate
FromTrack Goal
ZOptical Increase
ThenSide Torpedo Camera
Time Scale Management
Reducing The Scale Of Time
+Increase the Scale of Time
Motion Control
~Stop Machine
OneThe Smallest Forward
2Small Forward
3Middle Ahead
4Full Forward
6The Smallest Back
7Small Back
8Middle Back
NineEmergency Reverse
YuLevo Steering Wheel, Step 5 Degrees
SCHSteering Right, Stepped, With Increments of 5 Degrees
Ctrl [Leo On Board
Ctrl]Right On Board
FromFalling on the Surface
PPeriss Depth
DSTROKE DEPTH Under The Schnorkel
FRaise / Lower The Snorkel
FromEmergency Dive
INThrough Ballast
Arms Management
EnterStart Torpeda
SpaceFire From Deck Weapons
TChange of Active Torpedo
LTurning On / Off Target Capture
<Previous Anti-Aircraft Gun

Strategy and Tactics
This Section IS Devated to The Main Skills of The Survival of the Submarine, Strategy of Persecution and Tactics of Single Battles.
Silent Hunter 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Esminets – Our Main Enemy. THE REST ARE PRESY.

LightWeight Combat Ships
WHEN A SUBMARINE IS DETECTED – THERE IS A LITTLE CHANCE TO SURVIVE, IT IS A HISTORICAL FACT. Speed Under Water IS Too Small to Get Away From Persecution. Pop Up – IT Means to Get Under the Squall Fire of Deck Guns.
The Main Danger To The Submarine Represent The Light Ships of The Embes – Esminans and Corvette. THEY CAN EASILY SHY AWAY FROM TORPEDOES AND ARMED WITH DEEP BOMBS. But, on the Other Hand, Armor of Light Vessels Is Very Weak. One Hit by Torpedo of Any Type and Ready.
Favorite Tactics of Light Anti-Submarine Ships – Taran. The Grief to the Rapprocope and the grief to the rapprocope and the grief on a periscope depth. IT ALL ENDS FOR YOU.

Go to the Bottom…
WELL, NOT SO LITERALLY, OF COURSE. Emergency Dive Often Cuts Out in the Most Difficult Alterations. IF You Go Down to 100-120 Meters, You Can Relax A Bit. The Chance to Get A Bomb Still Remains, But Already Very Small. First, The Embondly, During The Dive Of Bombs Boat, You Manage To Breathe.
The Main Disadvantage Of Tactics – You Can’t Attack ThemSelves. IT It Best To Go to the Depth After Well Done Work – Overlap In The Center of The Convoy, Send Three Or Four Torpedoes to the Address and Remove in English.

Under Kiliel
Commercial Vessel Or Aircraft Carrier Can Be a Good Cover for a Submarine That Saves Just Anger. This Tactic Requires Greater Skill Than Maneuvers At A Depth, However, I SuccessFully Applied IT SEVERAL Times. IT IS NECESSARY TO DROP METERS FOR 20-25 AND TO GO EXACTLY FOR A PEACEFUL SHIP (Which No Bombs). The Main Thing IS to Agree on the Course and Speed With The “Patron”.
Silent Hunter 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Rare Frame – Transport Goes to the Bottom a Few Meters from the boat.

AS A Result, We Have A Large Set of Advantages. Military Vessels Are Not Attacked, But Ridiculously Spin Around – And What Else to Do? In addition, You can Quickly Go to the Battle Position – There Is A A A A A DIFFERENCE, From a Hundred Meters to Pop Up or From Twenty? AT Any Convenient Moment, Change the “Middle Ahead” on the “Emergency Reverse”, Climb to the Torpedo in the Cover. Cheap and angry.
Sometimes “Cover” CAN BE Arranged Manually. If A Large Transport Vessel Goes Too Fast – Torpest, And Then Come Under It. Just Do Not Get Carried Away – The Sinking Vessel Can Cause Greater Harm Than Deep Bombs.

Left On Board
OR ON THE RIGHT WHO LIKE MORE. ENEMY SHIPS ARE TRYING TO AVOID COLLISIONS WITH EACH OTHER. The Boat Running The Parallel Course On The Periscoped Depth Is Very Close to the Big Tanker, Is Protected Almost AS Good As The Bottom.
The Main Drawback Of this Tactics is unreliability. The Ship May At Your Direction and Hit The Board, Or You Yourself Do Not Calculate The Distance. But, Unlike Options, You Will Continue to Attack Other Goals.
Note That You Will Not Be Able to Hit The Ship, Next To Which You Go. In The Torpedo There Is a Special Mechanism Prohibiting Them to Explode Close to the Submarine. Even If You Are Ready to Risk The Crew Health, The Clever Glare Will Be Against.

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