Silent Hunter 3: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Mid 1939. The army of the Third Reich begin their victory marches in Europe. The case goes to a big war. The United Kingdom is preparing for a new fight with the rebels of the ashes of the Great War of Hitler’s Germany.
But Churchill still does not know that the main danger for his country will not be the soldiers of the Wehrmacht, not the Luftwaffe of Goering and not even “Pocket battleships” Crymsmarine. Unterseeboot, Captain Carla Denitian underwater boats will become the force that is hardly putting UK not ready for battle.
September 3, 1939 Submarine U-30 Topit Mirny Passenger Liner “Athenium”, opening the score of the naval robbers. Ahead of the years victories and lesions, tense arms racing and technology. To the famous order of Gross Admiral Denitis about the surrender for a long six years.
On Disk Links №6 / 2005: Watch videotours, showing the highlights of the game – a torpedo attack, the departure from the destroyers, an attack on the convoy.
You are the captain of the submarine. Your task is to trammed allies ships. For this purpose, you are issued:
Boat – One thing.
Boat crew – one set.
Torpedoes and shells for guns – one set.
Fuel – Full Tanks.
Coming out of the port of the assistant on combat duty, the boat goes to the specified square and on duty there at exactly day. After that you can return back. The company is dynamic, the place of duty is appointed randomly – therefore, most often the torpedoes are spent on the path and back. Traders swim in the sea, you can find rigging ships off the coast, and large convoyes are regularly swaying along the tracks. Can be devaway from the course, sailing for the northern polar circle or get into the Mediterranean Sea – just enough dielary. You are absolutely free.
For your information: In the first version of the game, it was possible not to return to the database to successfully finish the mission. If you ended the fuel – not trouble, the boat will still be able to return. After patchwork, this joy was removed, but they made it possible to replenish the stock torpedo and fuel in friendly ports.
And now – a little more detail about those iron devices in which we have to suffer.
The first submarine was created in the seventeenth century in England, much overwhelming his time. In the middle of the nineteenth, the first concepts of modern scuba diving began to create, but only during World War II, the submarines were successfully entered into the fleet and were used by the warring parties on direct appointment – to combat ships and courts.
Having lost all the underwater fleet after defeat in the war, Germany almost immediately began to recreate it again, financing the fake design bureau in Holland, and by 1935 the construction of the first coastal boats began.
The basic principles of the work of classical submarines of the Second World War are preserved and today. Two housings, one inside the other: the streamlined light, in which water freely penetrates, and hermetic durable in the form of a balloon. The boat is immersed, filling empty tanks with water, tilting down “fins” – the depths and rushing forward. To pop up, you need to install the steers to the float and re-fill the tanks by air. It is very important to follow the depth of immersion so that the boat does not “fail” deeper a pair of hundred meters, where its durable case will simply flatten the water pressure.
In the surface position, the boat moves diesel engines. In the underwater position they will not work – air is needed. If the boat is not equipped with a snorkel – a special “respiratory tube”, which it puts on the surface – it can only move under the energy of charged batteries. At the same time, the speed is three times less than the surface, and the batteries are discharged after some twenty miles.
The boat is usually divided into somewhat fascinated compartments: motor, torpedo, rechargeable, team, residential. Over the command compartment rises a cutting with antennas and periscopes.
Having found a ship under the enemy flag, the boat intercepts him and heats the torpedoes or shoots out of the gun (than the Germans often engaged at the beginning of the war). The main goal of German boats was a trading fleet and partly – large warships: battleships, aircraft carriers, cruiser.
Protected convoys are already so easy not to shoot. I had to sneak softly, to release the torpedoes by fan and immediately dive. The image of the bearded German captain comes to the mind of the periscope on the handles. However, the Germans always preferred to produce torpedoes from the surface position, and not at all from the periscopal depth. Around the middle of the war, the Germans used by Karl Denitz Tactic “Wolf Steakhi”. Having found a convoy, the boat gave a signal to the headquarters, and all the nearby “colleagues” were going together to at night to attack the convoy at night from several destinations, go to the depth of the next morning and repeat the attack on the next night.
In response, small warships were engaged in boat hunting (destroyers, destroyers, traverters) and boats. They were tracking the boat to shoot with impunity in an overworn position or throw deep bombs if it was under water. However, the main misfortune for the Germans became the aviation of allies – especially from the middle of war, when the aircraft began to equip the radar and powerful spotlights. Successes of submarines have decreased dramatically. At the end of the war, when the ships began to flush the deep bombs by a volley in front of them, and the aircraft had a “chi” torpedo, leaving the noise of screws hurriedly diverse boats, the life of German submariners has become so acidic that it is impossible to imagine: no success, losses are huge.
And all these things (except intelligent torpedoes) developers inserted into the campaign mode. Therefore, if it seems to you that across the tonnage is given too easy, – do not share. “Fat years” will be fast.
Developers recently recreated in the game four major series of German submarines.
Series II (II-A, II-D). A small coastal boat created four years before the start of the war. For the simplicity of the device and for the characteristic appearance, it was called “Canoe”. Displacement 250-300 tons. Armament – three torpedo apparatus, five torpedoes and twenty millimeter machine gun. Not the most successful model: fuel enough only to get to the UK from the port in Germany and back. Torpeda little, no guns. About intercepting convoy, even speech does not go. From this boat you will start a campaign if you want to participate in the war from its very beginning – since 1939. Fortunately, for two good hikes, you can dial enough authority to transfer to VII.
Series VII (VII-B, VII-C, VII-C / 41, VII-C / 42). I’ll just say: this is the most massive series of submarines in the world – seven hundred pieces, the record does not break until now. “Sevenki” constituted the basis, most of the underwater fleet of Germany – in many ways because they perfectly combined contradictory qualities. They were inexpensive and easy to produce (half-andpress system), were easily exploited, far went and had a good stock torpedo with them. Displacement – from 750 to 1000 (VII-C / 42) tons, five torpedo devices (four nasal and one feed), fifteen or more torpedo, 88 mm gun. Maximum immersion depth – from 150 to 250 meters. Fuel supply allows you to get even to the coast of the United States if you go to a quiet move. When they say “German submarine” – they mean the series VII.
IX series (IX-B, IX-C, IX-C / 40, IX-D2). Ocean submarine with high autonomy and torpedo reserve. Displacement from 1000 tons and above, six torpedo devices, twenty-one torpedo, 105 mm gun. Because of its size boats, the IX series is worse maneuver, it is easier for radar and “asdics”, but very many players prefer them to – because of the large stock of the torpedo and the opportunity to hunt off the coast of America.
- Series XXI. When fascist Germany was driven by allies to the angle, the forcing of promising projects “Wonder-weapons”, “Wunderwaff” began. Fau-2, ME-262 jet and submarine XXI – single portion phenomena. They are united and the fact that they were created when the Soviet army has already stormed Europe, and they could not change the course of war. They began to build them just a year before the end of the war and managed to make 119 pieces. But only a few boats of the XXI went on combat duty. And now – attention, specifications: displacement of 1600 tons (large fish), movement speed – 15 knots on the surface and… 17 knots under water, that is, the boat could drive convoys under water. She did not need a “shnorkel” and air using a closed cycle closed walter turbine. Despite the huge sizes, the boat was immersed in just half a minute and for twenty minutes it could shoot a volley for six torpedoes. The gun from the deck had to be removed – at such a velocity under water, the case should be the most streamlined. And besides, at the end of the war, it was not for anyone at the end of the war: alone, the ships were not swimming.
Every captain leaving for a submarine in the ocean, hopes to become famous in order to take his place among such well-known asces as Gunther Pros, Wolfgang Lut or Otto Krechmer. For this, the developers inserted a meter of across a tonnage to the game – returning to the database, you can always compare your achievements. But not a tonnage one alive captain. In the campaign, he earns a fame that is used in the game as “currency” to buy new submarines, upgraded logging, weapons, appliances and torpedoes. In addition, in exchange for fame, the captain gets the opportunity to hire the most best sailors and officers in the crew. The system is very simple and convenient – how you swim, so you belong to you. It does not work with the drumming of ships – not see you new, improved sudine.
True, there is a funny situation here: why, buying a “valuable” submarine, captain loses fame? It seems that the headquarters and German “folk” are reasoned like this: “Yeah, any fool can turn the British on the Uber-boat”.
Fame in the campaign is calculated by the number of accepted ships (military and civilian), by the number of remaining integer and unsculting crew members, on the integrity of the boat. If you sink a neutral vessel (for example, attacked an American until 1941), wait for a fine. If you suddenly drowned German agelbot, then the fine will be huge.
There is another moment that affects fame: the level of complexity is exposed in the game. Earn more than three hundred units (new boat costs 2500) at minimal complexity for one trip is impossible. But you should sink a couple of ships at the level of complete realism, and wait thousands of units. I usually use 54 percent tolerant (everything is realistic, except for the authoring of the torpedo attacks, automatic icons on the map and the ability to use external types) and, in principle, I get your eight hundred units in hike.
For your information: The level of realism can be changed before the start of each campaign.
The crew in the campaign of mothers and gains valuable experience. In a literal sense – every member of the crew, up to the last sailor in the campaign, XP are accrued. Come on the database, you can distribute the medals, increase some kind of well-staged nonsense officer in the level (in rank) and teach someone specialty. Sailors and Unter-Officers can master only one profession, officers – two or three immediately. After each hike, you can teach only one person of one specialty: torpedo edging, radio system / acoustics, motorist, doctor, repairman, arrows or observer. At first, Motorists, torpedoes and observers are most appreciated.
The crew, filling the compartment, increases the strip of its “efficiency”. If there is no one for diesel engines – the boat does not swim. A pair of sailors, too, weather will not do. To start the motors, you need to either score the compartment under the prominent newbies, or put a pair of motorists there. The same with torpedo compartments, with electric motors. Inexperienced sailors carrying a watch from the fence of cutting, will not notice a convoy, while the boat is not under fire: squeeze observers there, and better – a whole officer, preferably with an observer profession. You can change the crew and one person by dragging them from place to place with the mouse. On time asked in the right place an officer can help out at a difficult moment.
Note: Your actions affect the crew martial spirit. Skilled the ship – all rejoice, the spirit takes off to heaven. Sit under deep bombs – everything is bad, the sailors are sad and weakly react to teams. But the morale of special problems will not be delivered. The tired of the crew is the real beach of all captains. In stormy weather, motorists in an hour are blown away – exclamation marks will appear in the crew of them, and diesel engines will stop. Click on the symbol of the floating boat, and the tired sailors from all over the boat are on the bed of Kubinkov, and in return to the post will go fresh (if there are, of course). You can click on the compartment efficiency strip – then the watch will be changed only in one compartment. Experienced sailors get tired slower, but the sailors themselves themselves do not guess, and it is very sad.
For your information: It is possible to correct fatigue settings in setting files. Find the file Basic.CFG and in the section [Fatigue_coef] cross all the values on zero. Five o’clock the sailors will preserve before you fuss.
In the game you can speed up the time to scale thousand to one. Imagine that it would turn the swimming, if the engine stopped every three seconds. A terrible thing – and developers decided to “freeze” fatigue, if time is accelerated in sixty four times and above. Therefore, the Council is simple: do not want to mess around with “Tamagotchi” in long-distance transitions – put the compression ratio of time 64x and above.
Did you know: By pressing the DEL key on the numeric keypad, you can remove all menus to remove the beautiful screenshot.