SIMON THE SORCERER: Game Walkthrough and Guide

We look at the screensaver in which Simon gets his magical abilities and falls into the magical world. Now his task to save a good wizard Calypso from the hands of an evil mage sordo.
After the roller end and Simon read the note, we will have a card in the inventory, with which we can move through the Magic world, and a postcard that will help us upload, save the game, and also leave it. Open the desk of the writing table and take the scissors, with the refrigerator we take a magnet. We use the card and move to the village. Come to the store, open it the door and go. We speak with a two-headed seller, for the sake of interest you can try to take some thing in the store and listen to the replica of the seller, you still will not buy anything to buy. We leave from the store, step on the right side, open the restaurant’s door and go inside. In the restaurant, the dwarfs are sitting, two Valkyrie, bartender, wizards and a few more people. First of all, we take matches from the fruit apparatus next to the dwarf, then we cut off the beard of this gnome with scissors, then talk with Valkyriyi. We go to the right, in the other hall, speak with wizards. They will give us a task to find a staff if we fulfill it, then become full magicians. Come out of the tavern and go to the right, to the forge. Raising the rope near the barrels, take a tongue from the bell in front of the blacksmith, go further. We go to the pond where ducks are found. Nearby sits a stray merchant, talking to him, ask about magical objects. After talking we go to the left through the arch. We take the staircase, go to the house. Immediately it is clear that alchemist lives here. We take from the table tool from a cold, rose to the second floor, take the usual glass jar. We return to the entrance to the store, go to the left, fall into the forest. We go ahead, on the first fork we turn down, pass by a large fallen tree, next to the hemp, we turn down again, go ahead and get to a strange house. Knocking on the door, making sure that no one will open to us, open the door themselves and go. We are trying to take a broom, the sorceress appears and drives us out, trying to go once again into the house, but they drive out again. We turn the knob to the well, we get a bucket of water. We go to the right, to hemp. We are trying to go along the path to the right, how suddenly the voice suddenly hesitate, after a small conversation we learn that it says wood worms, we promise to bring them a good tree. We go to the right, to the bridge on which the troll sits. Unfortunately, the troll arranged a picket and does not give us to pass, talking to him and negotiate that we will bring him a goatatinki, and he will miss us. We go to the left three times, then up and down, we meet Varvara. Pull the bar from his feet, we get a magic whistle instead if you whistled, then a barbarian will appear and help us. From Varvara go to the right, up-to-right. We speak with a paleontologist in a hole, we go to the right, climb the stairs. Take the paper near the door. We return with the help of a map to the troll bridge, we speak with the troll until he desisils about the whistle that the barbarian gave us.
We look at the screensaver, we take a poster that kept the troll, and pass through the bridge. Go ahead, not folding until we do before the churban. Talking to him about magical beans, we say that they should be poured, water from the bucket. Bubban rushes us, come back and take beans from the puddles. We return to the city, go to the cottage, from where they started to play and go for it. Throw the compost magic beans and take a melon that immediately grew up. We go to the store, walk to the left in the forest, then right, up and again right. We are trying to talk to the wise branch, a pen falls from it, raise a feather. You can once again talk to the Filin, he will give a lot of good advice. Move to the troll bridge, the ideal is right before the place where we took magic beans. Stepping to the right, right and down. Attach the bell tongue to the bell, climb the hair. We speak with the princess, we get a pig, go down the hair. We go to the left, right, up. Find out in waterfalls. From the bottom of the left there are Liana, go down on them. Speak with Glaumm. and move to the city. We go to the lake, where the clarification is swimming and the merchant is sitting, you are leaving left, then up – left, turn out to be a “sweet” house. Piglets We use on the door of this house, the pig in turn with joyful grunts eats her. We go into the house, take a rash from the cabinet, take the hat with the hangers and leave the house. Come to the hives and use the pimple on it, take wax with a hive. We go to the tavern, please ask the bartender of drinking, while the bartender sits under the rack, wax the crane at the beer barrel. Barman makes this barrel to the street and gives us a coupon for drinking in the tavern. We go out and take a beer barrel. Move to the center of the forest, near the entrance to the dwarf cave, we take a stone, inspect it, it is written “beer”. We wear a beard and go to the cave, say the password “Beer”. Trying to descend from the stairs, which is left, but the gnome guard does not allow us. Let him a barrel with beer, follow him. Picking a feature of sleeping gnome and take the key that lies under it. Climb upstairs and now go down on another staircase. Speak with the gnome, who sits, take a hook next to him. Open the door of the treasury by the key, which we found under sleep gnome. In the treasury, negotiate with the dwarf, give him a coupon for drinking, and he will give us a precious stone, come out of the mine. Go to the right and right. We talk with a sad woodcase, at the end of the conversation we receive a metal detector. With the help of the card we return to the middle of the forest. We go upstairs, then step right until I do before the house in the tree. Knock on the door, pass inside. We speak with a bunker, he has a birthday today. We are talking about chowder, agree to eating it, after you eat one plate, we ask one more. We take the bank from the inventory and pour into it to chow, after that please another portion. When the windman leaves, pick up the chest, which stands next to the table and go down to the hatch. Far we will not leave because the boards on the bridge go to the chakun. Climb back to the house, and go to the swamp. We go 4 times right until I see the sleeping giant, this area will be celebrated on the map. We move to the center of the forest, you walk to the left – up, under the goal of the castle there is a stone, and under it a list of products. Moving to the village, go to the store, give the sellers this list. Go to the pond, sell the merchant a gem for 20 gold. Walk to the store and buy a hammer for this money to which a free nail and white alcohol is attached. We move to sleeping giant, we go 1 time to the left, we use the metal detector. We walk another 3 times left, in order to reach the Bolotnik’s house, go inside, go down in the hatch. We use a nail on a shaky board, pass forward. With the top of a huge skull take the bowl. Move to the troll bridge, go to the left – up. We speak with a trumpet, running away from his music. Come back to the trumpet and throw a melon in his pipe, we take this pipe under the pretext of its repair. Move to the intersection, go upstairs, descend on Lianam. Speaking with Glaumm, give him a chowder from the marshes and sang in fishing. After some time, we still catch the magic ring. We move to sleeping giant and blow in the pipe, the giant will somete the tree. We pass on the tree as on the bridge, we reach the dragon cave. Go inside and immediately fly back with flame. Once again we go and use a remedy for the cold on the dragon, take a fire extinguisher. We leave from the cave and use a hook on a boulder over the entrance, rose.
Combine a magnet and rope and omit this “rod” in the hole, we do it until we collect 41 gold coins. Go down and walk to the left. As soon as we get into a new location, under the legs are looking for a stone. Stepping to the right, jump over the ice gorge and go to a large tree with a pink spot. Speak with the tree and negotiate that we will move stain, and it will tell us magic words. Stylish with alcohol, ask the word tree. We move to the village where there was already a box next to the store. Open it and climb inward. After some time, we find yourself in some dungeon. Remove the box with us and inspect its contents, we take the book of spells. We study the book, it lies a leaf with hieroglyphs. We take a small rat crop. Wake up a leaf with hieroglyphs under the door, use a bone to the lock and stretch the sheet, we get the key to open the door. Next to the first chamber take a bucket, go down to the camera torture. Speaking with Druid, open the “iron virgin”, take the burning torch from coal and lollipops next to the grille. Remove the ring and speak again with Druid, agree to touch His Silver Cross, after which you ask him about escape. We dress the drift on the head a holey bucket, we use a torch on the bucket, Druid turn into a frog. We climb into the “iron virgin” and we are waiting for the return of the druid with a hacksaw. When he recesses back, open the “iron virgin”, we take a hacksaw of the mouth of a frog. Hacksaw peeling the grid and go out on the will. Move into the village, we go to the house of Druid. Speak with the druid, give him a gown, get a potion. We go to the blacksmith, put the stone on the anvil, we get fossil. Move through the map to the Wise Owl tree, we go 2 times right, then up-to-right. Speak with the archaeologist in the hole, throw it the fossil. Move to sleeping giant, step left. Next to the excavations there are a lot of dirt, and in it I need my ore, we take this ore. Move into the village, we go to the blacksmith, give him ore and ask to make an ax. When we get an ax, move to the middle of the forest and go to the right, to the sad woodcutter, which gives the ax. Go to his dwelling, fire extinguisher in the fireplace, turn the hook. With the shelves in the cellar, we take the red tree and go back to the house. We take a peg from the table. We go out and move to the witch house. We go twice the right, we talk with a hemp, get worms. Move to the intersection, go down, rose to the hair tower. We use worms on the floorboard, after you fall down, we take the staircase and descend it into the bottom hole. Go down to the sarcophagus, open the coffin. A terrible mummy rushes to us, Simon will run in horror. We return to the sarcophagus, reiterate the coffin and when the mummy comes out, just pull for a bandage that hangs from the back of the mummy. We take the staff, we go out and move to the village. We go to the tavern, give the sorcerers staff and membership fees. Now Simon Full Magician, in our inventory a magic wallet appeared. Moving to the house of the Witch, go inside, negotiate a duel. When the duel starts, choosing the “Focus Pokus” spell, then the very first spell and finally again “Focus-Pokus”. When we get broom, the witch will turn into a dragon. Speak the spell “Abrakadabra”, turn into a mouse and run away through a small hole in the floor. Move to the dragon cave, go up-topoint, then stepping right. We insert the peg in the hole and pass through the dangerous ladder. We speak with a snowman, during the conversation eat lollipops, pass forward. Stepping to the right, to the Tower of Fate. When the floor under us fails, sit down on the broom and fly to the door. Drink a potion that Druid gave us and sew in the gap.
After the screensaver we find yourself in some kind of garden. We take a sheet, inspect the bucket, get a match, raise the stone from the paths. We go to the left. We throw the hair of our peel as Lasso on the crane. We take a leaf of the pitchers, stick a match – it will be a mast, and like a sail on the leaf. Swim to seeds, take one thing. Stone rubbing seeds, we get butter that lubricate the crane, after which I pull the hair and swim by the middle of the puddles. Differed the road a frog. We look at the water behind us, take tasty. We speak with a frog and choose the second answer. We let go of the tasty, come to mushrooms and tear one thing. Eat fungus and grow to normal sizes. We laugh the branch of the tree, open the doors and pass to the tower. A terrible chest meets us, go back to the tower and insert the chest in the mouth of the branch. Take a shield and spear. Go down on the stairs. Speed a skull over our head, take it. Take the chest, pull the lever that raises the stone. Put the chest on the block, pull the lever, after which they pull again. We take a candle and climb the stairs twice, fall into the bedroom. In the bedroom from the bed we take a bag, next to the bed we take a sock, with a red missile, we grab the book, and from the table a magic wand. Raise the stairs. With bookshelves take a book. With the pedestal we take chemicals, rub the shield, weigh the shield on the hook. We read both books, talk to demons. Go down to the bedroom, combine in inventory sock and bag. We use the resulting trap on the crack in the stairs, get a mouse. Climb upstairs, speak with demons, please say their names and give us Melot, blacksmith magic square. Go down to the bedroom, speak with a mirror and spy of the demons. Climb upstairs and say that everything is ready. Demons will tell how the teleporter works and disappear. Go to the teleporter and move to hell. Take horns and pebbles. We speak with the seller, we get brochy. We inspect these brochures, there are gum in them. Combine horns and gum, shoot from slingshot into a red call. The seller runs away and leaves matches on the table that we take without a remorse of conscience. We go to the right, take a bucket with wax, go to hell. We use a magic wand on the sidelide. Gilt the underworld and throw a magic wand. The sordide comes to life and he is clearly full of intentions to kill us. After a small screensaver, chatting with the villain, we turn out next to the bridge. We go to hell and use a bucket with waxed. Here, actually, and all! We look at the screensaver, having fun under fun music and enjoy victory.