Spells of Gold: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 30, 2022
15 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Spells of Gold: Passage
Spells of Gold: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Coming out of Zira, and deciding questions with robber on the road, we go to the map
Mira. The first city where we will most likely be, will be scholars. In His
Streets, painted wooden sidewalks, wanders a merchant with characteristic
a sign of the plot task on the head: the question is. He asks to attribute a letter
His friend. In return, you can get information about the location of the city of Lacriot.
If the awards do not ask, then this city will still be unknown. But
Light karma raises.

Our first minimum program will be obtaining a second trading level.
The trading level increases depending on the profit gained – more
Profit, more trade experience. Earning the level, we are looking for cities and weights
man with a question on the head. He talks about the existence of communication between
various worlds, but extremely few. More data can be obtained from man,
Knowing the secret of Wayon. Practically in any building you can learn about the location
of this type, which is ready for 10,000 money to share information. Unfortunately
theottive of the topic he does not know anything, hinting foggy to the existence of some
teachers, and for fair issues “for what you took money?”Replies that they
he just needs. You can earn some amount of light karma,
leaving him money or pick them back.

Further in one of the cities, a trader with an attractive issue appears again
above head. He wishes to tell us about a certain teacher, the only thing to him for
It is necessary – it is to kill some merchant. If you do not want to paint the murder
innocent or it’s disgusting our essence, you can buy the same information for 50000
money. Decide, depending on the general goals. In any case, we
Tell about the exact location of a person who knows the teacher. Go to him.

Come, learn that this resident of Wayon knows about the location of the Dark Teacher
Gauris and tell about it if our dark karma is more light. Before,
How to talk to him to decide for yourself, whether we want to go on the dark path.

No, we do not want! It is impossible to create evil! – We read further by reference.

What do I care about darkness or light? – We read further by reference.

Yes, dark path – our way! We read on.

Dark path

Having come to the city specified on the map, Uncle Gaurida, we are surprised to learn that
Learn the latter wishes only advanced fighters or magicians. To prove our
Advanced, you need to have a combat or magical level of equal or
Large four. If this requirement is performed, we will get a task, no –
Have to learn.

The first task of Gaurida. For our further dark cases, it is necessary
Teachers Mouse of the Great Magician Chaos Dakatara. Gaurid points out the location
Cache with a sword on the map, we are left by the little things: come and pick it up
Chest, in front of the robbers. After a successful return, teacher thanks,
Provides five military or magical glasses (optional) and tells
Little story about the past. Says the story of the life and exploits of the great magician
Dakatar and his struggle with a pathetic adept of light forces sandar. The story is over
Sad: On the way to the knowledge and strength of Chaos Dakatar met the unfaited sandar,
The latter killed both and simultaneously sealed the gates in Locatarian. This caused
Insulation Wayona. Now our goal is to restore justice, impaired
light magic and open a gate.

The second task of Gaurida. To go out in Locatrian you need to accumulate some
The number of astral aura released during the murder. Alternately Gaurid
Indicates the location of man, the beast and notice, suitable for the victim. After
human murder teacher adds three magical and military points, and
Completion of the whole task – five units of the spirit.

Third task of Gaurida. Everything is already ready for the execution of our plan, but
Things managed to intervene in the witchcraft of the magician – stole a ritual dagger, without
whom nothing happens. The goal is clear – we go to the specified place and stick
everyone in the ground, not forgetting to get the dagger from the chest. Annoyed teacher Drit
20,000 coins and five military glasses.

Next, Gaurid prints the portal and gives the last lesson (five military or
Magic Points). The portal appears on the Wayon map, and also have unknown
cities. Now you need to look for a person who can put us on the path of darkness.

If you wander around the cities, then somewhere we will definitely get paid (2000
coins) information on where to look for the way of darkness. But you can immediately go to the world of Charsha
And ask there. There and move.

In one of the cities of this world you can meet a strange type with the question of
Head. He (type, not a question) requires us to transfer important information on
Ready robbery in another city, after which they returned for remuneration.
Well, another knights said that steal badly, and rob – no, therefore,
Without conscience, we transmit data and get 2000 coins as a reward.

But back to the search for the Dark Way. The purpose of the number one is to find out about the location
Correspondence darkness asking everyone in a row. Goal number two – come to this expert.
Altruists in the game there is little, especially since this person has a dream in life – to find
Book of departed. What are these past and where they left us should worry a little,
More importantly, you can search in the world of Labot. We and the road. If this
There is no world on the map – there will be a few raise the trading level.

Find a man in Labardoving the book. That agrees to convey
A book worthy to the representative of the dark path for a modest remuneration of 100,000
local money. The advantage of the representative is determined by the amount of dark karma:
if more than 100, then worthy. We buy a book and go back to Charsha.

A daily new owner for a long time and with an expression tells the sensitive
The story of the times past summary of the shortage: once ordered
with chaos, and simple magicians used the expiring force. Then and was created
Dark Alliance, consisting of seven of the most powerful sorcerers. How much is done
Great Affairs and Strait of the River of the Blood, Sejoy left this world. So thought everything. But
The truth is that one of them – andaletset still lives in the world of Darg.
It needs to be found.

We run into this world, we go to any of the two cities and ask about aaletzeta.
We are told that he walks through the streets of another city, where we meet him. Bed
that the great magician does not remember anything, even his name. It is necessary to help him
Return memory. In the method of questioning, we establish that in the guild of black magicians
Once it was possible to buy a memory elixir. We go to another world (in this guild
There are no black magicians) and go to the right building. Alas, but got something in the world,
Now in the guild is not the fact that the elixir of memory is not to get – a simple pottery of beauty
No. But the mercenary interlocutor is ready to tell us where you can find the desired
Drug. Just 40000 money (if you bargain, then for 10,000) learn about
the existence of a talented and crazy alchemist, a long time ago
Guild. He currently lives in the world of beige.

Having come to the world, I learn in what specifically the city lives alchemist, and we meet it on
Street. On our innocent question, he knows about the elixir of memory, alchemist
outraged and pronounces Tirada, during which we learn a lot about our own
mental development that pushed us in doubt about the memory of Alchemist. Several
I was surprised by a similar turn, we continue to politely cut, maybe he has
accidentally poured bubble. In response to this, we tell us that accidentally only
Dwarves marry, and his elixir is ready for him specially. It can be obtained in
Exchange on the Pharmacon Book. Good crazy alchemist even points on the map
The place where the book is. Our work is to transport the product from
Point A (protected by the nebidity of the chest) to point B (alchemist) followed by exchange.

If the path of darkness is somewhat bored, then this is exactly the place where you can collapse
On the path of favorites. For this you need to paint about it alchemist and read
Further by reference.

We return to the andaletzet and sing it with a mixture. We listen to the story during which
We learn new information about the ancient battle of order and chaos. The battle is not able
Complete, as the third force appeared – the equilibrium keeper divided
enemies. However, Chaos did not want to give up and created a dark portal, which in
A certain hour was supposed to swing and destroy all the living. Magi Alliance
decided to prevent this, but this could be done only by human
suffering and blood. Living on the principle of “the goal justifies funds”, the magicians won
His reputation for villains. Having accumulated enough strength, they retired to another world,
Leaving andaletseta coordinator. But chaos hit and deprived the last memory.
To restore the connection with the rest of the seven, you need to collect one thing,
Alliance belonging to members. Things are these aaletzet, being insane, cried
All Locatriana.

The first goal is the staff of the Siegerat, which is located in the world of Zer-di Rinn. We use
portal, learn about the location of the staff and come to his current owner.
He turns out to be a collector of all kinds of magic utensils and a magical staff
He needs himself. But during the conversation it turns out that the true amulet deterona him
need more, so he is ready to go on a barter deal. We go to any alchemist
and we buy this amulet for 150000 coins, after which we exchange to the staff and
Return to andaletzetu. That time in vain did not lose, the 20000 coins found us.
We get money, gratitude and new task.

Second goal – Maohhrie’s shoes from the world of Kaastis. Here the task is somewhat simpler: her
The current owner does not ask anywhere to walk and does not want to change anything but
per 500,000 local.E. Expensive but necessary. We buy and come back. Ialetzet already
Prepared for us 50,000 coins and a new task.

Third purpose – Tytelam Ring. It lives in the world of Torsen. Ring owner
consistently denotes us on the map three points in which you need to destroy
evil spirits. You can get a ring for it. Ialetzet sacrifies us 75,000 money and
Sends on.

Fourth goal – Bowl of Tatchetar from the world of Hohishuss. Here is the usual and familiar act
Sales is replaced by the service associated with the repayment of the debt of the current owner
Bowl. Debt is 300,000, after transferring money to the creditor and return to
Debtor, the last gives the bowl. Ialetceta award – 100000 and fifth information

Fifth goal – Necklace East. Learning that it is in the world of ito, go there and
We find it. However, a man whose chest lies this necklace craves
take revenge on some robbers through us. Traveling in Laugh Bandits,
all are distinguished, we return to the customer and get an item belonging to
Sometime IAST. We go to hand over it to a poorette for storage. Contribution of the last –

Sixth and last goal – Uruchtas’s avid smokership tube. She is B
Oraform world. Very much asks this already subnamed running around the worlds,
that her current owner gives us a phone free, that is, for nothing. Trifle, but
nice. Return to andaletzetu.

The magazine coordinator of the Alliance focuses and tries to establish communication with
others, but… It can be seen, the years of unconsciousness were not in vain, nothing he had nothing
it turns out. Again you need help us. This time it is necessary to personally see
all self-aletcet comrades to transfer them a communication channel. Canal this magician hangs
on us. So the path lies in the opened magic world of ETERNEL.

We go into place of stay of the first magician – Sigerat and see that the developers
We decided to entertain us: To get to the MAG, you need to choose the right pillar from
dozen equally. Well, we define the necessary and imagine before light
Maga’s eyes. He removes the communication channel from us and sends back.

Such an operation is repeated with the remaining five magicians: Maohli, Tytelam,
Gatherat, Iaste and Urukhtas. After which we return to the pooltzet and look
The final roller who tells about the end of the fight against the Great Seven Mages,
sacrificed for the sake of destroying the dark portal and the survival of humanity.
The world of keepers – Eterniel was destroyed with the portal, the temple of eternity and
sorcerers themselves. Locatian saved and the game is over.

Way of Light.

After we left a person who knows about the dark teacher, you need to start
ask the population about teacher with light. This will be necessary and will indicate
Location of teacher Elyuchard, if our bright karma will be more karma
Dark. Go to him.

The first task of Elyuriga. Immediately at the meeting, the teacher adds several military
Points and sends to help one good person, name and place of residence
which he indicates. This will concluded this help, he is not
says, but it is not long held in secret – our Issue assistance is estimated at
35,000 coins, and as Ostap Ibrahimovich said – better not parts, but immediately.
Give them to him (if there is no such amount, then you earn first) and come back to
teacher. That will congratulate us and rewards with an increase in strength and mind for five units.

The second task of Elyuchard. Now it is necessary to help, but not a separate person, but
immediately some community – destroy the dead raids on peaceful
residents. We go to the specified place and we move them. Upon returning to Eliauru
We get three martial glasses and the story about the great Mage Sandar and his cheap student
Dakatar. Dakatar betrayed his teacher, heavily wounded him when he found
Source of magic chaos. Many atrocities managed to make Dakatar, but never could
take advantage of the vile power of chaos, at the last moment Sandar, who was considered
long dead, managed to prevent the former student, perishing himself and sealing the gate to
Locarten. Now we have to fix this state of affairs.

The third task of ELIRA – you need to find an amulet sandar. Start searching with poll
local population. At one point, we will find a person who knows about
The location of the owner of Amuleta. The latter asks to kill the beast in one of
Wild Seats Wayona, for which the amulet gives.

The fourth task of Elyg – to complete the preparation for the opening of the gate remains
Only find a book of bloody sorcerer. In general, it is not necessary to look for her, Elygour immediately
Indicates location, go and take it from the chest. True, some types in
the form of the gnomes will be in every way to resist, but we are also not left
blow the rooking, we can give. And we can not give, but take a book and retreat on
Source positions. In any case, the teacher will add five magical and military
Points and open the location of the portal in Locatrian. And in the form of a bonus will open
and the remaining cities of Wayon. His last instruction will offer
Immediately look for the way of light.

Looking through the worlds, you can learn (for a symbolic fee) that someone possessing
Information about this path lives in the world of Santka. Come to this world and pershelling
In aborigines, we calculate the exact address of the connoisseur of the path of the world and do to it
pilgrimage. But he has trouble, and only we can help – you need to find the missing
Brother trader. Last seen in the world of Fagiery. Reassuring a person and promising
help, serving in the specified world. If this world is not yet on the map – you have to
slightly raise the trading level.

Asking in the world of Pheagi, we understand that there is no need for the right merchant, it has long been
Gone to Norakan. We have to travel on. In Norakan we find a resident,
familiar with our goal. Without any additional conditions, he says that
The brother of a resident of Santki left this world and is now in the world of Araks. Further on
asks to help him and beat the undead in a definite place. Why was it asking?
Such an adept of the world like us, it is enough to specify the place where these bodies are
Chaos and they will be destroyed! To his gratitude customer of destruction
Skeletons attached a flask with the infusion of amansorov. Where to adapt it yet
It is clear, but let him lies in a backpack, the stock of the pocket does not pull, but in the farm and
The machine gun is useful.

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