Star Trek (2013): Game Walkthrough and Guide

Character – Spock.
Being in the ambush, aims and shoot enemies. After some time, the roller will begin, and we will be in the cabin of the captain of the ship enterprise.
Six o’clock earlier.
After a short game and disputes about the predictability of Kirk, Uhura reports a distress signal from the nearby space station. We pass through the door and moving along the corridor. Holding the corresponding button, activate the “Tricoder” and can view current tasks. Get to the bridge and learn about the position at the station. Kirk decides to independently visit the station tolerant. We pass into the turbochapt and use it to get to the hangars with shuttle. Then go to the left where we can change clothes and plunge on board the shuttle.
Space station.
Dasting with the station, go ahead and pass through the gateway. Once in the center of the scanner, we turn left and jump over the obstacles. Then the oxide of ventilation on the wall. Turn left, grab about the ledge and jump down. Together with a partner open the door. We run to the next, we guide the tricoder on the panel in the wall and press the corresponding button to unlock the door. We go to the room and help the Vulcan. We go to the corridor and continue to move on it.
Having broken down, on the ledges we move right. We use a tricodemer, aims to the center of the manipulator with a laser and turn off it by pressing the button. Now we can shift to the left and climb upstairs. Turn to the left, again stop the restless manipulator again, we pass to the end and jump even higher. Having met with a partner, approach the locked passage and cling to fastening. We are moving to the left and at the same time we climb upstairs. Share open the door and find yourself in front of the scanner. Cutting, pass under the rays. We choose in the corridor and go straight.
Vulcan Lieutenant reports those who fell into the trap of scientists on the other side of the station. We use the elevator, we pass a bit forward and turn the right to the gateway chamber. Regeneration is quite dangerous, so we set the direction and hold the jerk button to get to the next shelter. It is necessary to do it strictly at a certain time – when the regeneration subsides. Moving forward, then on the sides. Thus, we get to the kernel of the station, we open the door and get into the gateway. Here you can become to be found, interacting with the dock station on the wall.
To go further, you need to stop the rings. To do this, we act together: one must scan the management console, and the other is to activate the lock mechanism. Since we play for Spock, then we go on the left and get to the control panel. Connect to it using a tricodera, clamp the button and make activation. After some time, the partner will perform his part of the work, and we can go to the next control panel. We repeat similar actions and stop the second and third rings. Do not forget to hide behind the shelter during regeneration. We are looking for yellow displays, these are the same control panels. However, with difficulty we can use the tricoder. Next, we get to the door, we open it and pass to the room of the emergency teleport.
Regeneration does not stop, and shelters is becoming less and less. We shoot in the blue capsules in the floor and thereby create new protective structures. We meet surviving scientists and follow the captain T’mar. We get to the teleportator, but do not have time to use it. All survivors take into open space and only to us with T’Mar manage to avoid this fate. Rush behind the allies, avoiding explosive sites. At the very last moment we manage to jump onto the shuttle.
We fly to the hangar and immediately go to the bridge, using a tricoder. T’Maro explains that their station was intended to collect energy from double stars with the goal of the helium generator on the new volcano. The zerok turned off the power to the station and the fact that the station could not resist the strength of the attraction of stars. Summer – Father T’mar and part-time authority for the entire Vulcan People. After talking with Chekhov, get to the conveyor. We get weapons and teleport to a new volcano.
Follow T’Mar, we arrive at the building and together we wake the door. To do this, we interact with the control panel and bring the cross to the center and hold on it for a while.
New volcano.
T’Mar will stay here, and we will get out on the other hand. Come to the edge, we guide the tricoder on the console and hack it. We move to the unfinished tower and get to the elevator. We meet the enemy, kill him and examine his body with a tricodera. Rising upstairs on the elevator, we use the fuel to stun the enemy. Then quickly run up to it and neutralize. We use the “Ritual of Merge” on the body to find out the code from the door. It is not necessary to use only paralyzing weapons. Moving forward, pressing the doors and paint with enemies. Get to the laboratory of the Snival and we meet with Vulcans and with the lean. He informs us that creatures appeared from the rupture, calling themselves “mines”. If they steal the helium generator, they will be able to create gaps in any point of the Universe. Get to the closed door, in front of which the energy module lies. Insert it into the appropriate connector to the right of the door. Moving nourishing to avoid detection. We enter the first room and neutralize the Vulcan. We use the “Ritual of Lights” to find out the code. Now we can freely move on the complex. We are growing with the enemies, go down and get to the elevator.
In the energy station you can replenish the charge of the energy of a tricoder or a weapon’s ammunition. We go further to the locked passage. In the corner of the room we scan the tricoder of the hatch in the floor. Go down on the stairs, move on the other side and climb upstairs. As soon as I open the hatch, we will immediately grab the unknown creature. His health scale will be displayed on the screen center. Shoot the enemy and shy away from Taran on time. When he tries to get energy modulus, shoot on the device and thereby create an explosion. Winning, pass through a barn door. Unknown Cow Helio Generator. We destroy enemies, after which T’mar will restore the power supply so that we can intercept the kidnapper on the elevator.
Rising upstairs, select paralyzing grenades. With the help of them we can neutralize whole groups of enemies. Follow the corridors, taking them from the enemies. Jointly open the door and get into the flooded room. Jump on the generator right in front of us. Activate the tricodor and put forward the generator to which we jumped. Jump over to the generator on the right and cling to its yellow-black protrusions. Thus, pulling out the generators with the use of a tricodera, we move on the other side. Having done this, we interact with the console and turn off the electricity. We go to the corridor, climb on the box in the center and with the help of a partner jumping up. We move into the room, where the wall is removed from the wall, unscrew the door and insert this module into the connector to the right door in the corridor. We pass to the elevator on which go upstairs.
We are chosen out and, using shelters, are separated with enemies. Then manage to jump onto their shuttle. Quickly press the button shown on the screen, after which we stun the opponent. We destroy all those who have resistance, and leave the transport of enemies. Kirk landed unsuccessfully, so let down and help him. First, of course, we kill all the nearby enemies nearby. Deliver a partner to the medical compartment. To find out where it is, we use a tricoder. Put it on a bed in the center and wound healing. To do this, move the sight on red tissues on the screen and press the corresponding button. Let’s leave the scientific complex, passing up with mines. We choose on the landing site and continue to fight back from them. Soon we can use the aircraft using a tricoder.
We take the ship control and proceed to the destruction of enemies. Perform instructions shown on the screen. Later, the main enemy ship hys up for other ships. Manage the ledging charge and maneuvering between enemies. Under the pressure of the allies, Kirk decides to give the rear and stop the persecution of the aliens not to jeopardize the lives of scientists and teams.
Appeal 17.
Kirk puts the target before the team – deliver all the Vulcans to a safe zone. We go ahead and meet Abarana. Follow him in the control center to the commodity. On the way it will be necessary to fold the weapon in the specified room. Daniels Commander is dissatisfied with the situation and advises us to return the helium generator as soon as possible. During communication, the alarm is triggered, since the mountain was attacked. Follow T’Mar in the dining room. We also do not forget to return our weapons. When the fire will break the path for the second time, go around it on the right side. We use the elevator and get to the specified point. Together with the security service, we clean the dining room from the city. Next, we use the elevator and get to the bio laboratory.
In the corridor is a turret. At the very beginning, we use a tricoder in the fallen ally and create a transparent shelter. Then, without falling under the rays of the turret, we move to shelters on the left side. Kill the enemy and interact with the turret. Adjust the signals by matching signals with identical distortions. Fix them by pressing the corresponding button. We use an elevator and climb upstairs. All the same make up the corridors neutralizing enemies. Complete the next turret through the neighboring room. We go to it and jump up the top with a partner. We move on the other side, unscrew the hatch and jump down. Get to the next Tour, which stands right at the passage. There is a console, you equalize the signals and continue to move to Bonsu. Jointly open the door and meet with a bonx.
Power supply recovered, and a new group of enemies appeared accordingly. We get to each marked germina device, destroy the enemies and shoot the device itself. Time is limited, so do not delay with the task. The path to the last instrument barded turret. As usual nearby is a console for hacking. Deferaging all the devices, we move to the next level of the laboratory. Neutralize turret, we go to the room and find a mine. We are hacking a mine with the help of a tricodera and then it will start reacting to enemies. Undergrass Mini will attract the attention of the nearby city and turrets. Therefore, if we decided to act secretly, it is best not to touch them at all. We take samples for research and go to the hangar for shuttles. Mountains blocked the door, you can hack it through the central console. Also we wake the turret, the console of which is at the wall on the right. Get to the elevator, climb upstairs and meet with Abaran.
We help allies to destroy enemies. And only a cowardly Daniels decides to escape on the shuttle, leaving everyone overboard. Clearing the platform, will open the bridge. The second shuttle suffers collapse. We move on the other side and unscrew the hatch in the floor. Go down, pass to the stairs and climb it. We continue to advance, painting with mines. Having finished with them with everyone, we run out and jump over the other way. According to the corridors, we get to the power plant.