Star Wars: Battlefront (2004): Game Walkthrough and Guide

We divided Tathuene –
Many of our flight.
Children’s song
Is it easy to be clone? Hard. It is difficult from all sides. We have vegetable clones, and it is completely buried in the ground. Lamb Dolly merged;not saved her and worldwide fame. The army of clones from the second episode of the “Star Wars” Master of iodine threw in battle with a confederation, having surprised for a joke in white plastics. The last living clone – Bob Fetta – in general, they dropped the monster to four episodes later (or earlier?).
With computer games – the same story. Nickname “Clone” – insisted stigma on brow any game. And now the players are frowning, their fine soulful device will face to play some vulgar clone famous in every game club Battlefield 1942.
And they will not prove to them that the game itself is good. Video set – miracle as good! Yes, and the graphics are also wonderful. As you said? Multiplatform? Well, yes, there is such. The low resolution of the texture, in some places, the relief is unsuccessful, triangles are not enough. But look at these shader effects. How beautiful shore waves are splashing! What a gloomy fog stands on the rainy fireily. How the rays of the sun are made through the foggy edorian forest canopy. Stop picky triangles, and you will understand – multiplatform could not spoil the appearance of the game.
And sound… I already see that all lovers of the “Star Wars” universe quietly giggle. And right, well, what kind of sound design can be in the next game “Based on”. Of course, the music of John Williams, an assassial hero of ion fighters, the evacuation of stationary lasers and a measured sparkling buzz, who know what swords. No, with the form everything is in order, otherwise I could not. And what with content?
Working out the game and Lucasarts, And Pandemic knew – they would have brutal competition. On the way to the hearts of the players stood Galactic Conquest, Amateur modification to BF 1942 – huge (more than four hundred megabytes), but free. From the developers site (Galactic-Conquest.No) Now you can, of course, immediately imagine the essence of Battlefront. Two teams fight each other on the map for the number of murders and for key points (Revival sites). When the same team fully exhausted the rebirth reserve, it loses. Players choose the class of the character and can use the technique of kind put on the map. Maps are large (true, here they are noticeably less than in BF 1942), and you will not play all the four-time here. Therefore, artificial players come to the rescue, creating the visibility of the crowd.
As it is now accepted, Lucasarts built a few options for a single game in the game: two short campaigns, fast contamination and semi-end-toegic capture mode. But it is necessary to understand that Star Wars Battlefront – the game initially multiplayer. Its full-fledged single modes can not be called. Therefore, if you are not going to play a grid or online (Broadband required), then you will note that so the game estimate goes to the medal.
For all other parameters, the game has deserved a full order. And not only because the gameplay in it is glad, and the balance of cards, classes and technology is well debugged. The developers managed to catch the elusive spirit of “Star Wars”, to make from levels not just cards for battles, but small works of art.
I do not even remember when it was with me for the last time. At a certain point, the game is all forgotten – manual, screenshots, articles. The most precious state of gaming nirvana comes, seasoned with a sense of involvement in the saga. Who did not hurt “Star Wars”, he just won’t understand what it was: to jump in the snow on the “kangaroo” to the saving trench through the explosions and roaring the flow of plasma shots. Hear the noise flying over the side of the Snowpider. See the threatening silhouette of the walking AT-AT, which must be stopped at any cost.
Basic principles of the game
Command centers
Command centers are rebirth points, looking like holographic projectors. On the map they are usually five to six pieces. The team that captures most of the Renaissions receives a tactical advantage and controls the level. If one side captures all command centers, in twenty seconds it will be awarded victory – rivals simply will not be able to revive on the map. The deceased infantryman or droid is revived, not directly on the command paragraph, and beside the tens of two meters.
Near the centers often boil the supply droids. High cylindrical droids slowly restore health if you stand next to (capturing the center, always get up near – the droid does not distinguish between their own and strangers). Small walking “garbage tanks” distribute ammunition.
Capture occurs in the following rules. If the center is neutral (gray on the map), then the character of one of the commands is enough to stand next to it for a few seconds while the meter indicator crashes. After that, the hologram will change the color to green, and players will be able to choose it for rebirth.
If the center is already captured or originally given to someone, the time of his “assignment” is lengthened. At the same time, it is necessary so that there was no enemy soldier, otherwise the capture counter will stop.
The more soldiers next to the command center, the faster the counter comes.
It is important: Capture the center, while inside the equipment, it is impossible – you will have to get out or wait for friends. This is a hint that the technique in the game is only for support, and it must interact with infantry.
Press the key to the screen causes a map. It is also visible in the Renaissance menu, where you choose a class and command post. However, it is not very often impressed, since a good and informative minic truck is always visible on the screen.
Green symbols on it displays your comrades (triangles), command centers (circles), stationary guns and equipment (schematic silhouettes). Red on the map shows troops, rebirth points and rival techniques. Gray or white – neutral centers, unoccupied guns, empty technique.
On the map are visible only those soldiers of the enemy who have already been discovered by someone from your team.
I remember that Quake was composed very good and adequate bots (artificial players, t.E. “Robots”). Real vertices Bot construction reached at Counter-Strike. In Star Wars Battlefront on the behavior of bots the whole single mode is kept, and it was impossible to make a mistake here.
Fortunately, everything cost. Of course, these guys will not stand the Turing Test, but they fight quite believable. Glitches like jams at the corners are very rare.
That the local bots can:
Run and shoot. Fill with the absorption so that the rigs and jumps do not help;
Beautifully and effectively throw grenades, enjoy almost all kinds of weapons, including additional (so, in the near battle, the grenadeometer snags blaster pistol;
Lack under dense fire. However, I noticed that they never enjoy the opportunity to fire from the position of lying;
Well and adequately move along levels by competently arranged key points;
Take and give off the rebirth;
Control favorable firepoints (“Clemented”);
Use stationary tools;
Effectively use all the appropriate techniques: both tanks, fighters, and transport workers, and even the most fastening soaring motorcycles. Atmospheric fighters from the planet Although in the world “Snow Speakers”) with bots on board without much voltage excavation of the feet of AT-AT cables. After such bots you will no longer call “stupid”.
Obey player teams.
Alas, Battlefront – this is not a rainbow Six and not Operation Flashpoint. The number of commands here is limited to four (the F1-F4 keys are responsible for them). In the usual battle only two: “Go after me” (the nearest bots go beyond you, covering in case of unpleasant meetings) and “stand on the spot”.
By climbing the vehicle, which takes place more than for one person, you can give two more useful teams: “Strike inside” (if you need a crew) and “all outward!”(If you need to land the fighters in the right place or simply evacuate them from the threat to rush tank).
Do you know: I remind you – to make a carbonate, you need to hold the direction key and click “Jump”.
In the game – two time intervals. “War of clones” (second episode of the film) and “Civil War” (the fourth-sixth episode of the film). In the first, the Republican clone army fights with the cybernetic Armada separatists of the Confederation. In the second case, the galactic empire and rebels.
Each party has a set of equipment, weapons and classes.
Republic Good soldiers and very good techniques. The only drawback of the army of clones is white armor, well visible on any background, except snow.
A unique fighter – soaring “anti-water” infantryman, very comfortable for covering comrades from above.
Confederation Confederate technique is weak – and fighters are not very, and the tanks are intense. But they have two very useful detachments. First – heavy droids with comfortable small pomegranates in the wrist. The second detachment is unique. These are the famous “Koloboki” Drodek from the first episode.
Empire Classic imperial attack aircraft and medium equipment. Turn around almost impenetrable AT-AT you will be allowed only for hot. Other their technique is very vulnerable for anti-tank rebels. “Chickens” AT-ET are not bad shoot, there is no dispute, but it’s very uncomfortable to aim from the hatch.
A unique soldier – bouncing (not to be confused with soaring) a dark attack aircraft with a blaster shotgun.
Rebel Middling in all parameters. They have no tanks, but funds against heavy machinery – abound! And fighters are good, although not so maneuverane, like imperial.
A unique detachment – powerful vices with mortars and bottkers (you probably remember the beams more by “Jedi Knight” – these are “crossbows” shooting green plasma fan).
Unfortunately, to play for the knight-jedi you will not give you. But sometimes (depends on the plot or your choice in fast battle mode) The so-called heroes appear on the map – Jedi with laser swords. Destroy the Jedi can not be destroyed, if only not to shove him into the abyss or in the mouth of the underground monster on Tatooin. Shoot in Knight-Jedi from blasters almost useless – he will reflect the shots (okay, even though not in your direction). It makes sense to constantly fill the Jedi rockets and heavy duty blasters from the tank: if it’s not aimed at the hero himself, and in the ground next to him, then every explosion will throw it into the air, drop and not give to crush your bots. Equipment knight for some reason does not touch.
Enjoys Jedi exclusively by the sword – he runs from one soldier to another and chops them into the cabbage. For one game, the Jedi can distort twenty-thirty “frags”. The knight on your side effectively covers individual sections of the card. Unfortunately, it does not capture command centers and does not listen to your orders.
Run from enemy jedy very easy. Actually, this is the only way to stay alive when meeting him.
This is interesting: If on the map two Jedi, they avoid each other. At least I have never seen two Jedi to grab each other. And sorry – it would be worth seeing.
Total in the game four Jedi:
Empire: Darth Vader (“xxx-pshshsh!”).
Rebels: Luke Skywalker, dressed in a pilot costume.
Republic: Mais Windu, Character “Attack Clones”.
Confederation: Count Duku, the only in the “Star Wars” owner of a purple sword.
Means of transport
Wheel vehicles in the game are not at all – only walking and flying machines. They are conditionally divided into several types.
Fighters fight with each other and can provide small support for land forces. X-wing and y-wing stronger, they shoot not only blasters, but also torpedoes. Tie Fighter, as usual, weak, but Tie Bomber justifies its name. The republican “helicopter” with ball turbines (gunship) is characterized by the fact that it can be motionless in the air – it looks like a Tank AAT. On the HOTH card you will meet a unique “Snowpider”, designed exclusively to combat the heavy technique of the Empire.
Lightwells or air motorcycles serve to quickly transport a person from one edge of the card to another. They are easily knocked and broken. The speaker can shoot, just with his speed to fall into the goal very hard. Droids have the role of the speaker playing STAP – a slow “motorcycle”, soaring vertically.
Average spedrers (on such a hatch saucer in the “New Hope”) serve mainly for transportation of infantry.
SPIDER WALKER, AT-ST) support infantry. They should be feared by anti-tank infantry and heavy armored vehicles.
Heavy armored cars are a famous soaring “Iron” of droids (AAT), Republican tank and imperial walking AT-AT name “The death of everything, except for these damned Snowpriders”. They exterminate lightweight equipment, stationary guns. Sometimes go down to shooting in individual citizens.
Rocket speakers are designed to combat any technique. They, as a rule, have a huge supply of rockets with them, demonstrate good survivability and maneuverability.
Separately, all of all stands a couple of transport animals – Gungan Kaadu (found only on the map of Naboo: Plains) and Tonton, on which the rebels moved around the ice planet (Map Hoth: Echo Base).
Empty equipment can occupy any soldier. If you occupy the arrow and call bots in the crew, then the control will take.