Star Wolves 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Selfiece, Angorets, Pirates… What we just do not find out on the outskirts of the galaxy! And what is characteristic, to fight again to us, the crew of the space base “Star Ox… As not? Already “Ramadanta”? What is being done, what is being done, it is time to urgently for the steering wheel and in battle, deal with all the news of our interstellar space…
The first “star wolves” were quite successful to expect a continuation soon. And so, when a little over a year passed, it appeared. True, feelings it causes a dual. It would seem that the game still changed. But at the same time did not happen some breakthrough, characteristic, for example, “Space Rangers 2”. However, everything has already happened, and a number 2 appeared, and not 1.5 or 1 3/4. It is done…
It is important: About the work of Starforce with “protection” of disks walks quite a few bad rumors, but “Star Wolves 2” became truly their “Star Hour”. On the forum of the game, you can find many tragic stories about how fresh DVD has not been recognized by the clock (I know it’s not when it does not appear). Therefore, if you want to keep your nerves in order and enjoy playing, choose an option on CD.
Great Space
Let’s start with the fact that a large world was created with a pseudonaline plot. And you are free to move in this world, dialing randomly generated tasks and pumping your characters. But the plot is formed clearly designated missions, which, due to the fact that the game has become much simpler, can be fully examined in just 3-4 days. True, some non-linearity remains due to the fact that there are 3 sides in the game, for each of which you can play, and at the same time you can also move several times from some employers to another. Naturally, belonging to your attention will consider ourselves offended and squeeze their patrols on your flotilla.
Based on the data set out in the introductory video, “Star Wolf” was launched untimely. Judging by the expression of the face and the characteristic voice of the voice of the main character, tribal. Along the way was soft and the skill of the hero, despite the famous saying. However, the money reversed for the relic turned out to be spent not completely, and they were bought a much more modern aircraft carrier called Ramadanta (apparently, “Star Wolf”, like antiques, went beyond the round sum). Two pilot girls are attached to a new ship, unpleasantly similar to a little-known in the far space group “Tattoo”. In addition to the fact that girls serve as a “face” of your team, they are also cool pilot and systemmaster, which allows them improve Base. Yes, if earlier, ELF was doing from idleness, now the experience of two of your pilots will go to such operations. As a result, if you put on the ship “Shiva”, SAR “Nickel” and the missile defense system “Fog”, then you will get another powerful fighter. In particular, if in the first part of the star “Star Wolf” usually flew somewhere with the edge, pretending to the rag, now he brazenly wet into the enemy system, easily knocking the fighters of the first generation and flying at the speed of the third. Trade here still do not live, however, there was an interesting trend: sometimes it is advantageous to buy something on the legal market and immediately sell the goods on the “black”. There, of course, everything appears faster, but it is more expensive. Here on this and get fat. In general, it became easier to play, the sectors became half empty, there are no infinite tasks. The number of goals in the sector, which was before, either. It makes sense to explore it, if only someone accidentally wore through the portal (about them you need to be a little more sensible). But if you suddenly do not cope with the enemy even in such “greenhouse” conditions, mercenaries are always ready to help. Unfortunately, what they will use in battle is unknown. Although these are always fighters of the first or second generation, armed in the most different way. But you can focus on the following: the more expensive the group is worth and the less fighters in it – the higher there will be their class and weapons.
This is interesting: Many mercenaries are useless. Helping you perform combat missions they are still not going to meet, but they only adhere to Ramadante and will guard it from the attackers. By the way, experience for those killed by them will not get.
Guns and leaps
Naturally, one “Ramadanty” would be little for a full-fledged game. And here it appears a new generation of fighters, only 4 fourth-generation machines. And immediately I can say, there are no universal cars among them, everyone is suitable for quite specific tasks and types of pilots.
Combat machines | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
All begins “Skoll”. This is the most quick-generation fighter fighters, well-appropriate for the role of scout. Some system with the ability to force the engines will fly on it with super-speed. Can be used precisely as a system machine. Then basically will go to the slave and finish what remains after heavy “irons”. If there is some kind of non-standard situation, it will stop shoot and turn on system devices. And thanks to the highest speed and maneuverability from their own will never be lagging behind.
“Bastard”. Multifunctional that can exist in full solitude. 2 system cells will allow him to put him a passive missile defense system and a power shield amplifier. The guns will be enough to fight off from everyone, and in a rocket compartment you can stick a torpedo, which you can kill big ships. Good choice for heretic.
“Raven”. A funny feature of this fighter is that it is very short, therefore all sorts of ballistic weapons (gatling, light guns and t.P.) Almost do not fall on it. But for this, it is deprived of any cells under the system and is not able to even at least restore shields in battle. So, if… Therefore, if you shot down the shield, you should urgently fly to the database and change the car (or ask the ghost to restore it). But look at the maneuverability of this car, the same pilot dream! Therefore, putting the right person on this car, you can not give an opponent at all.
“Mataris”. The slowest, the most fat, most seriously armed. Another cell of the systems that makes it possible to quickly restore rather big shields. However, there is a serious problem, the vehicle is almost equivalent to rockets and cannons, and most pilots can work either with the other. So something can always stand idle. Ideal for a new character named Bavard, who knows how to work with all types of weapons. Can fly and the Corsair on it, while it will not be killed right away, which can happen on a light rocketo.
This is interesting: For some reason, the official guide to the game completely releasing the characteristics of new fighters. With the new weapon, everything is somewhat worse – it is not enough, but very little. Yes, and what is… The Angora gun in its characteristics corresponds to “Inferno”, and no prose for the player in it (it is forbidden to use it). Well at least to sell. The same can be said about the rocket, although it is quite difficult to find them, since Angorets shoot these missiles with a long distance and try to release them as soon as possible. Finally, there is a torpedo of others, about which we only heard in the first part. Then she exploded the cloud, and all the fighters that fell into it began to lose life. That’s all. Even strange for a new game.
New people on this holiday of life
All new heroes we have 4, with the rest we are familiar from the first part of the game. With the first two you are almost familiar – these are Pilots “Ramadants” TO.T. And Brina. Unfortunately, they do not differ special abilities, but also that set, that they have, enough for a lot. Brinus need to quickly pump in the direction of sniper shooting, and then raise the piloting skill (let faster flies and better maneuver). TO.T. Let it quickly pumps all Cheap skills, and then let it be engaged in an increase in firing and improving skills in anti-missile defense. Two more new mercenaries can be found only if you started playing pirates. It is necessary to turn to another branch – and they will immediately leave the team. First to you come Jaker, which is a strange version of the system. The fact is that he is not enough professional skills, but there is a set of military skills (although also strongly chopped). As a result, I give him an ordinary fighter, and let it engage in hacking, for no really useful systemic skills (missile defense, repair, influence on power shields) has no. Special properties of him 2- Sniper Shot (1 level) and hacker attack (3 levels). The most important drawback is to achieve something from it, it is necessary to pour into it a huge amount of experience…
Bavard– this is generally someone else’s. He flies to us on his own fighter, but it’s no sense from this machine, after Bavard leaves, his device is tightly stuck in the hold and sit there even he himself. However, why do you need a fighter in which there are only 2 light guns from weapons? Dream of any player – wagon. Possesses the skills of all 4 specialties that can be pumped to the highest level. Never learn only to restore power shields. It is recommended to pump in the direction of the arrows / pilot with some rocket skills. Ideal fighter- “Mataris”. Perfectly studies the technology of other people and berserkers (though, whether it is often necessary?).
Survive in hostile space
New conditions of existence in space suggest new tactics. For example, a small number of opponents on missions (on average) and always very serious start of the game suggest that the hero will become a hacker. Initially, this will help to survive much stronger than what he could fill out of the gun. Then the systematic removal of the opponent (stop and depriving the shields, after which it will easily figure out the partners) will greatly facilitate life, and more than three hacker attacks for the round and do not need. Of the same considerations, the practice of weapons of your pilots. At the same time, the presenter is armed with powerful and heavy guns. This is usually the shooter, and it is tasked with as much damage to the enemy fighters as possible. But the slave gets in their hands the rapid weapon. They are set up what remains from the lead and keep up. Because the enemy is not enough, and we just go across. Finally, due to the fact that the enemy’s big ships are now in the afternoon with fire, “the deadly rocket” from the Corsary there was much better use. Now it is perfectly combined with rockets with separating warheads, if you need to cover the whole link of the enemy in such a shot. After that, there are almost defenseless, it will only have a little finish.