Star Wolves: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 16, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Star Wolves: Passage
Star Wolves: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Only space gives freedom. But are you ready to pay for it a real price?
Background game
Geography of the Russian Irodelic Industry Run every year. New developers teams pour into slim sherny colleagues. Games Mastery Already throughout the country – from Kaliningrad to Tyumen and Vladivostok. Let’s put on the map a new checkbox – now in the Krasnodar area.

It was there that the team settled Xbow Software, To make your first project in the shade of southern cypresses – “Star Wolves”. I must say, the debut projects fall in the “LCI”. Let in the “wolves” there are roughness and not fully debugged balance. They have the main thing – novelty and the gameplay at the junction of genres.

By clothes

“Star Wolves” in the screenshots Easily adopt for the classic style strategy Homeworld or ABOUT.R.IN. But this is not like this: there are no ordinary databases, construction of detachments and bulk battles. The easiest game is to compare with the “Allods”: the main character will acquire faithful friends, and the whole team goes to the tasks together. Total in battle can participate up to six characters – the strategy turns into tactics. Important the interaction between characters, mutual support and role elements.

Each character refers to one of four specializations and has the opportunity to acquire a good set of skills. The branched tree of these “perks” can be seen from the very beginning, so that the player from the very beginning could count where he wants to develop a hero. Each skill costs experience points that characters get during missions.

The plot here is “semulinar”, it has a lot of development and squirrel paths. And it’s not even that you can choose a story or side. The mission itself can imperceptibly “shifting” you on the side branch of the plot. Which hero will go to the team, who will leave it and how – it depends on the little things. All of all: where they turned, whom they destroyed, took or rejected by the side task. The passage of the game can vary greatly from different players – and understand from which place you stepped on different ways, often simply impossible.

Between the tasks, the player buys weapons, equipment and ammunition, changes the experience of characters on skills, sells part of the extraction and deals with heroes to fighters. Change the “layout” of pilots and fighters during missions, but to spend freshly accustomed experience in the process of completing the task is not allowed.

The game was definitely influenced “Space Rangers”: Between the tasks, the player not only reads not only letters from employers, but also the world’s news: the course of battles with pirates, the economy, rumors about the mysterious Red Corsaire.

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Externally, “star wolves” came out very cute. Pyrotechnics performed simply flawlessly. Space watercolor background causes the second “HOMEWORLD » With its brightness, but in places the sky texture even claim some realism – remember “Hubblovsk” photos of nebulae. Stations look impressively and functionally, although sometimes a little bit more. Models of ships sometimes before pain resemble the technique of the Universe “Star Wars”, Wing Commander and Disney series “DarkWing Duck”. Triangles in models are often lacking, but the textures are good, sometimes very original: what is the yacht “Girl-Cosmos” asters or cargo containers “Kosmstroytekhsbyt”.

The impression of the game spoils voice acting. She was clearly made in a hurry, among the predicted hassle. The actors play sluggish, cheaply, and their work makes an impression of incompleteness, incompleteness (d’incohieve). Sometimes due to the inhibition and strange intonations of the speech, it seems that almost all the characters are slightly subeer – and the drunk of heroes in the introductory roller only enhances the feeling.

This is interesting: In the introductory video of newly formed “star wolves” Unknown character steals a fighter. The name is a heretic, he will join the team on the very stolen fighter in one of the plots of the plot.

It is worth saying that certain difficulties with voice acting are found in almost all domestic developers. I would like to “star wolves” there was an opportunity to turn off the sound design of dialogs within the mission. Property for each news and every letter to the chief hero may generally seem to be superfluous. Disable it, alas, it is impossible.

Learn ship management in space with unusual hard. This is not a lack of a game – this is the overall sick place of all cosmic three-dimensional strategies. Inertia, “flattened” space, top and bottom, friction “air” – ordinary assumptions help, but they do not save from the problem. Sending a carrier ship for the collection of mining has to be “on the eye”.

Relieved with control in space will help the training mode. Finally, I want to note that the game is equipped with a very detailed and explanatory manual in Adobe Acrobat format. In it you will find a description of the interface, game history, a list of ships, fighters, weapons and equipment, a consolidated table of characteristics of fighters, missiles and guns.


The world of “star wolves” is a classic gloomy “beautiful far away”, in which the opening of technologies of hyperpherry and flights to the stars did not lead to universal prosperity.

Human authoritarian empire mired in corruption. The real power eludes the hands of the emperor;She focused in the hands of three powerful corporations. USS owns industrial capacities. INOCO is responsible for the latest developments and the front edge of science. Asian Triada, using her old connections in a criminal world, faced everywhere gramnog. All three mega corporations are deadly hate each other – they agreed in a fatal clinch, but no one can win. Observing the visibility of legality, use political levers, mercenaries and secret operations.

Universal confusion used sly computers. The main supercomputer inoco under the skeins was disconnected from the system, plunged into the transport ship and ran. He returned in the company of advanced space cyborgs, organized a real beating of distant colonies. Meetings with these robots (they are called “berserkers” here) will be the first to truly dangerous moments at the beginning of the game.

The weakness of the state led to the emergence of a new powerful force – cosmic pirates, thunderstorms of interstellar spaces. They regularly rob transport workers, attack the remote colonies and fly there, where it smells like a profit – for example, recently open uranium mines. Regular army and corporate protection often do not cope with experienced and well-equipped pirates. You have to use the work of “hunters for heads” – experienced warriors with their spacecraft. However, the mercenaries themselves are cunning guys themselves: they can do dark divids, and what they have in mind – is unknown.

“Star Wolves” – one of the teams of mercenaries, moving in the galaxy on its ship-database called name. After the merchant, the main character of the game, lost his cargo and the ship when attacking the pirates, he left nothing, how to enter the “Volkov” team. He and his friend Ace (in appearance – poured Pushkin) went to look for a mercenary happiness with a ship and a pair of fighters. On the way to them, a cunning heretic, frivolous Astra, gloomy Gurez and a few more characters. All of them in the game nine, but only six can go into battle. The rest, if that, you have to sit on the “wolf”.


And somewhere there, in a distance, the first alien race is unnoticed by the first alien race, the lacquer issued himself a bunch of garbage “by lem”.


Each gaming character has a stuffy personality. Of course, before the disputes in the spirit of Baldur’s Gate and Fallout does not reach, but the hero can leave the team in its motives.

The most important thing is the character – specialization. There are four of them four: piloting, shooting, rockets and systems. Each has its own skills, including unique to specialization.

• The pilot will be able to develop excellent maneuverability (and the battles in the game resemble the air – the same turns, rolls, goal sites and so on).

• the shooter does not have the abilities of the pilot, but the label and beautifully shoots, if it goes on purpose.

• Racket, as it is not difficult to guess, likes to use rockets in battle and knows how to do it. They are better to apply against large sedentary purposes.

• Systems specialist goes to the “Support Group” – engaged in enemy rockets and treats heroes.

At the very beginning of the game, you will have the opportunity to choose the specialization of the main character. I advise you to take pilotings or shooting: rackets and system specialists will be in the team later.

It is important: Choosing the level of complexity, remember: “Middle” in a certain sense is easier “Light”. On average and especially difficult level, the characters are hampered much faster, and skills are very strongly affected by the gameplay.

In addition, the characters may have one unique individual ability. They can only apply once for the whole mission. For example, Astra uses its paradoxical good luck. Ace is able to become a supermeter shooter for fifteen seconds. The main thing in the application of these abilities is to understand that the very moment came in battle when they can be spent.

Did you know: Acea has a black market handling skill – if you do not regret it with experience, you will get access to an alternative market with robbing prices and rare goods.

“Star Wolf”

Main spacecraft for you – of course, “Star Wolf”. This is a major transporter playing the role of the mobile base of mercenaries. All your fighters and belongings are stored on it. In the process of performing the task “Wolf” can be used as a flying fortress. Four seats under the turret and five places under the system make a former peaceful transportist of a very dangerous opponent. However, like all transport ships, the “wolf” is very vulnerable for rocket attacks of fighters and to guns of large ships. Loss of “Star Wolf” means the end of the game, so take care of the station. Use it to support your links in battle, to safety rear. If the base suffered – wait until the housing is repaired, and the protective screens will not receive.

Since the “Star Wolf” accompanies your fighters and is a mobile base, it can be used in direct intended. Repair of any fighter can be produced directly in space, but for the resumption of the stock of spent rockets and emergency repair systems (local “aid kits”) will have to return to the base. The ship or link after the order come from below to the “Star Wolf” and one by one flying to the hangar. The process is leisurely, and in battle it will not be possible to return to the database – the fighter queue is simply shooting enemies.

Of course, on the basis there should be a supply of rockets and equipment to re-educate the team. In case the hero will lose the fighter, it is not bad to have a spare. The fact is that the death of the fighter in battle is the corrected business, since the base is alike. The ship in front of the explosion will throw into space a rescue capsule with a pilot. She will calmly hang in space, waiting until the base is closer and will not tighten it in the hangar by a special field. Immediately after that, the hero can be planted for a new fighter, to arm, and five seconds from the Star Wolf’s belly, hero on the new “combat horse” crashes. Although it is better not to lose valuable ships.

This is a bug: Sometimes it happens that the capsule with a unlucky hero disappears from the space in the unknown direction. Nothing terrible – just finish the task without a character;He from the team will not disappear and will be available for the next mission.

Throw capsules not only your fighters. Pirates after death are also “converted” into capsules – they can be passed like bottles and receive a well-deserved award from the fleet (as not to remember the protoplasm of Clean!).


The main battle occurs with the participation of fighters. The main character and comrades on the team, saddled the fighting vehicles, fight with superior enemy’s forces. “Star Wolf” Autonomy – He can move and fight even without a crew, responding to teams in a tricky female voice recorded on a wire.

All characters will come to the team with their fighters. But at any time you can transplant from one ship to another, if required. No one will forbate you to arrange “exchange of minds” right in the middle of the mission.

Each ship has four basic parameters: protective screens, armor, speed and maneuverability. Detailed description of all available ships you will find in the game manual and in the game itself – EIS will provide you with a certificate for the main types of fighters.

Did you know: Space stations and bases on asteroids weapons do not possess. They serve here the points of development of the plot and landmarks.

Weapons and equipment

Each fighter and the base has several seats for weapons, rockets or systems. These places are filled in the menu, a simple mouse dragging. At the same time, the requirements for weapons are hard: a large cannon can only be installed in the appropriate place – you will not put a small weapon there.

Did you know: To use aliens and robots weapons, it is necessary that the character possessed the skill. It is difficult to get it hard, so sometimes it is better to simply sell selected in the space of the guns “Aliens”.

Heavy guns

Most often, a heavy fighter has only one place under heavy gun. Only closer to the end of the game you can get ships with two “heavy” connectors.

Heavy guns are represented by classic guns with podcalibe ammunition. After a few missions, you will break the rapid “volcano” and “Gatling” – joy for not a particularly joyful hero. Later there will appear plasma guns, which can be effectively used only against large ships.

Light guns

Most of the initial level fighters has at the disposal of two “light” connector. You can install light weight weapons. This category includes machine guns, automatic guns. A little later – lasers shooting rarely, but strongly. Lasers – the strongest weapon from the “weak”. For the first time with them you will come across very early, at the first meetings with the “Berriskers”.

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