Sub Command: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Short description:
Without going into details, the Office of the APL looks like this:
F1 – navigation – useful there is not much, but it is there easily to change the speed,
Only there is an emergency star, air fence (!), control of the towed hydro
Acoustic Station (BGAS).
F2 – Sonar – very clever and cheered, but it is useless, an exception is a passive
Sonar, which will give us the direction of impulses of an active sonar of the enemy.
F3 – Radar – well to determine the surface ships, but he will show you, just
need to put forward Radar.
F4 – Radio – sometimes even helps (:-), just put forward the mast.
F5 – not needed.
F6 – Armament Management – Description… Here we recharge the devices,
We enter the coordinates of the goals in the weapon, shoot traps, torpedo management.
F7 – Main View.
F8 – Periscope – Sometimes in missions it is necessary to visually fix the enemy.
Torped MK 48 – Universal weapon, perfectly jits to destroy everyone
goals, but the speed of the stroke and the range are not enough.
PCR – both brands (Harpoon and Tasm) are good difference is not felt, Tasm – then beats.
Cr – Well, she and in Africa winged rocket.
TURPED 65 – CM. MK48.
Torpeda 53 and PR. – use them does not make sense if there are torpedoes 65, only
For the sake of increasing the density of the volley (at a 4-caliber shark 650 mm)
Rocketo Torpeda – (SS-N-27Asv and SS-N-16) Great weapons for the destruction of the APL
enemy, minus the small range of the Torpeda itself, but it usually grabs, SS-N-
16 more distance, but it is 650 mm.
Rocket torpedo squall – beautiful weapons, but not self-equipped, which pays off
speed, though on a moving goal to get hard.
PKR and KR are similar to American.
Torpeda beat from any positions of the submarine, but rockets need to be launched from the depths of not
more than 50 meters and speed of no more than 5 knots.
After starting the torpedoes, you can switch to F6 to choose a torpedo on the screen and
adjust her course while there is a connection with it.
Remember, compressed air is spent on each start, it is necessary to pop up and
Download it, the pointer for F1 (at 35% of the shooting is not possible).
The course is easier to set (screen F7) by pressing the C key and referring to the mouse click.
At different depths at different speed boat noise is stronger and quieter (the more
Depth – the one silently the boat is even on large revs), depends on the depth
and maximum speed.
one. By pressing the right key on the screen (F7) you can turn on the flag – show the truth.
2. When leaving the mission, the same in debrofing can be viewed about the purposes.
If a torpedo is coming on you – it is necessary to release your own on the prompt – it will force
it is turned off and cut off the control of the torpedo, to run away from the torpedo in a straight line
It is advisable to the village, when you know that the torpedoes will end fuel. That’s why
Seeing the dore, press Ctrl + C and describe the circle of its radius from the point
Carefully pop up – you can smack about ice.
Do not immerse with the radio and radar antennas extended – break.
Torpedoes-sonars good help – just run it in the oppression of the enemy and
Look for goals.
When shooting PKR, consider about the ship "Snimika" liquid volley of your missile if beat
PCR then volley no less than 6-8 (the ship is sufficiently several).
Active sonar is a double-edged (analogy with a BOOL-LAN in the dark and you
See and you… it is seen).
Mission Sivulf
one. Halifax
Exercise 1. Detect the 2 Allied Ship approaching them on the periscope depth
at a distance of at least 4 miles, but not more than 2 miles. 2. Detect the Russian Apul Shark.
Armament: It does not matter.
Opponent: APL class APL.
Tactics: We note the circumference of the distance: 4 miles on themselves, on ships (after them
detection) 2 miles, perform 1 part of the task, then looking for shark, which will
Above and right.
Interference: No, with the exception of civil courts.
2. Port Egress
Task: Detect Russians: APL Shark and Ship Cherry, after which arrive in the zone
Armament: It does not matter.
Opponent: Apul APL and Cherry Ship.
Tactics: Most importantly, detect the enemy, passive and active sonar.
Interference: a large number of civil ships.
3. Missile Test
Task: track launch missiles from a removed. If possible, stay unnoticed.
Armament: It does not matter.
Opponent: several enemy ships.
Tactics: arrive in the launch zone and periscope track the actions of a removed.
Interference: enemy ships speed and limited time.
4. Severomorsk
Exercise 1. Go to the pointing point of the landing 2. Square landing 3. Detect
enemy 4. Go to the exit zone.
Armament: does not matter.
Opponent: Victor 3 and Kilo, and 3-4 ships on the surface, one of them Cryvak, two
Tactics: move at low speed, before the landing zone half-rings are standing
mines, beat them from the mouth of the bay, to emerge in the landing zone, land
landing and retool on the way classify the enemy.
Interference: enemy and mines.
five. Shark Port Egress
Task: penetrate the mouth and follow shark
Armament: It does not matter.
Opponent: at least 3 submarines and 4 ships and shark 2.
Tactics: quietly arrive at the mouth, detect the outgoing shark coming from Tudv and follow
her. If your actions are excessively aggressive (example: sharp rapprochement)
Shark you just destroy.
Interference: Shallow depth and opponent.
6. Ocean vulture
Task: detect a convoy of 4-5 ships, then destroy submarines
enemy (optional) and nim the exit zone.
Armament: MK48.
Opponent: surface ships and 3 submarines: Kilo, Victor 3 and Shark2.
Tactics: the enemy passes above us on the map, so calmly approach
I detect ships, and then begin the hunt for the enemy’s submarines,
I recommend first to destroy shark. The enemy’s submarines do not go along with
ships, but remain in this square, it is not difficult to detect them, but as soon as
Your APL will issue his location – Seloze will follow: Esminets, Shark and Victor.
Interference: opponent.
7. Satellite Hunt
Task: Detect the satellite, pick it up onto the flight to surface in the exit zone, pass
Destroy Russian Apple.
Armament: MK48.
Opponent: 2 Avas Akula.
Tactics: immediately detect and destroy the enemy’s concrete – they will not far from
Points with satellite coordinates. Then detect the satellite, at the speed of 2 nodes
approach no less than 200 yards and emerge on the periscopal depth after
satellite fence to float in the exit zone.
Interference: Ice Cover.
8. Escort Nato Sag
Task: Circling NATO Ship Grouping.
Arms: anti-submarine.
Opponent: 4 enemy boats, 1 of them Kilo and 1 shark2.
Tactics: With the destruction of the enemy’s boats, there are not many difficulties, but
Destruction of sharks The task is not simple, the APL is near the feature for which
Must be a grouping, the Apul immediately finds you or ships opens fire,
and releases a complete set and torpedoes 65, 53 and rockets on ships and rocket-
Torpedoes for you. You can scare it on the torpedo and get closer to her, most importantly
do not give shark well to visit, and your torpedo (5 or 7 will reach the goal), but
save all your ships is very difficult.
Interference: the enemy boats and especially the arrival of the shark, as well as 2 civilians.
I. Baltic Breakout
Task: Detect and destroy 3 Russian ship.
Armament: MK48 (necessarily against PL), but the PCR does not help well
Opponent: 2 pls Kilo, 2 destroyers, 1 cruiser.
Tactics: Easy – We find it right in front of yourself 2 kilos and destroying, convoy
goes to the north-west if you find it that there will be no problems.
Interference: 2 civilian vessels and small depth.
10. Mine Severomorsk
Task: Set 4 mines at a given point to the depth of 300 f.
Armament: MK48 and Mobile Mines.
Opponent: ships in bay and 2 kilo patrolling water.
Tactics: We enter the coordinates of the points into mines (the depth in this place should not be
Less than 300 F.), we move to the start of the launch, do you extend and destroy
2 kilo. Arriving on the start of the launch (approximately 7 miles) – we release mines.
Interference: 2 pl.
eleven. Harbor Shoot-Out
Task: destroy the enemy ships (the more – the better)
Armament: MK48 (Better) or PCR.
Opponent: Squades of ships, kilo, 2 aircraft.
Tactics: We produce 4 torpedoes in extreme goals, and after the squadron
stretches on operational space (pre-injured on mines) begin
hunting for ships, trying to lick and dial air.
Interference: airplanes and shortage of compressed air.
12. Land Strike
Task: 4 rockets to destroy the airport (preferably from the start point), and
destroy tracking station.
Armament: at least 8 TLAM and MK48 missiles.
Opponent: 2 aircraft, 1 kilo.
Tactics: We destroy Kilo, go to the start point, introduce the coordinates of the goals in the rocket
and volley.
Interference: airplanes.
13. Frozen Tyfoon
Task: Destroy the APL Typhoon.
Armament: MK48.
Opponent: Typhoon, Victor, Shark.
Tactics: We start with sharks (it is closer and more updated), then Victor and Typhoon. Here
will help exclusively tactical thinking – salvo, care and t.D. Very neat
maneuvering depth – iceberg.
Interference: ice.
fourteen. Final Battle
Task: destroy so kuznetsov.
Armament: MK 48.
Opponent: Lightweight Ships and Aviation.
Tactics: to detect a convoy with Kuznetsov (by impulses of its active sonar),
The convoy comes from the point 79-45N / 52-25E to the east, approaching it (it is better to get up
Right at the rate) and as soon as the convoy approaches 7-10 miles to give a volley 6 torked
in Kuznetsov – he is in the center (a little in front of the left and the right of his destroyer, behind Tark
Peter Great and Creiser).
Interference: Russian fleet.