Syndicate (2012): Game Walkthrough and Guide

In the yard 2069. The world captured huge corporations, the purpose of which is to control the population, or rather their minds with the help of chips that allow to manage each of the 15 billion population. However, not everyone succumbed to these innovations, at the moment “Cleared” only 47% of people. The rest live like some of the reality.
We play for Agent Eurocorp Miles Kilo. His task is simple – to carry out instructions of the corporation, thereby reaching victory in the struggle for power between syndicates.
Stage 1. Awakening.
Waking up in a certain room chained to the chair, the first thing we get a portion of blows from the enemy. While the chip submitted in us called DART 6 is initialized.1, sit calmly and do not worry. After completing the synchronization of the execution of the enemy by pressing one of the two possible buttons. Destroy the shackles by quickly pressing the corresponding button, and we run away away. We use acceleration, sliding during running (swell) and jump. We hope to the door and press the button. Once again, quickly press the button to open the door. A helicopter appears, so I hurt for the shelter. Activate the so-called DART (status strip in the lower right corner). Time slows down and we start seeing through the walls. We wake the weapon of the helicopter. To do this, look in his direction and hold the corresponding button for some time. Crashing swaying through the debris, in the same way destroy the security systems. The door can only be broken on the run by pressing the button. Fly down, grabbing a couple of opponents.
We select a gun. We can execute another living enemy and pick up ammunition. Moving forward and find yourself in the alley. Activate Dart to search for propaganda materials. In this case, this is a poster on the wall. View notes, information, articles, and you can also improve improvements through a personalized menu. There are two sections – “Agent” and “Infobank”. Agent – pumping, infoBank – all information found. Here is the execution of another helpless. We enter the building, pass through the rest room. We take a business card from the table (optional). Get to the warehouse where you need to apply to the goal to go on. Somewhere between the rows there is a staircase (opposite the entrance, from where we arrived). Climbing up and turn right. Behind the door we will be waited for two guards. Enemies are smart enough and actively use shelters. DART system will help effectively track them. We are separated with them and feed food from the chop. Returning back.
The gate is open and at the same time have new enemies. Kill them and choose out. We continue to destroy opponents. We select more powerful weapons. We enter the building, go down the stairs. We exist in the courtyard. We clean the floors one by one. To shoot long-range goals, we use another shooting mode. On the top floor, we enter the room and run a flipped wall on the run. We observe the arrived helicopter and prolamed the roof.
And here and Lily, along with her assistants. Sit down on the chair to transfer the report. When assistants leave, enter into contact chip-k-chip and get a new ability “suicide”. Boss Jack and agent Merit appears. Lily reports test results. Jack sends us to the task, even though lily and against this. Rail from the chair and follow the measure.
Stage 01. Suicide.
Let’s go through a small training in the new ability “Suicide”. To start learning a couple of techniques. We go ahead and wait for instructions. The enemy hides behind the wall. Enable Dart and hold the corresponding button. Suicide conducted! The essence is so that the chip embedded in the head of the enemy can explode with certain frauds. I will spend the same once, but now there will be four eases around the goal. Hacking chip from one, die immediately. Now fulfill a small task for speed. A couple of enemies patrol the territory are done so that with minimal hacks suffered as much as possible. If you fail, the test can be repeated.
Stage 2. Attack on aspari.
After listening to Merit, leave the ship and follow him. Penetrate the building. Merit calmly kills security, and asks us to find Chan. Here we are divided. We wake the door to the right, overload the chip from the enemy behind the glass. We get an unexpected reaction on hacking, accompanied by strange behavior of the target. We go further through the camera and go upstairs. Get to terminals and make data transfer (optional). Go down the stairs. In the laboratory we celebrate several enemies. On the right and on the left you can notice the system of control of the cryingaps, the hacking of which will lead to the valve capsules. It will help leave opponents without shelters. The easiest way to use “suicide” immediately after the appearance. Visual contact with Chan is installed, but the door is unfortunately blocked. On the right there is a false passage. We smoke the lid and go to the next room. We climb up the stairs, go to the other side, jumping on racks. Through the ventilation mine right to the chane. He will kill himself as soon as we come to him. Take his chip that we give us two points that we can spend on new improvements. To do this, it is enough to go to the personal menu, section “Agent”.
Let’s leave the room through a previously closed door. In the laboratory we again meet resistance. If you reach the center to reach the center. Hacking it, get an advantage in firing support. Turn the right and kill one more. Look at the shooting range on the left and take a weapon from an employee. On the right passes are blocked. The door is destroyed in front of us by fixing Gauss weapons on it. We increase the pressure, hacking the control panel over the door. Fix weapon on the door behind the glass and shoot. We are moving along a long corridor, destroying. We choose outward, where we also continue to deal with them. New enemies – “drone”. First we remove their protection with hacking, and then we already finish the usual weapons. The ship suffers crash literally in the top ten meters from us. Quickly press the button to climb. Need to meet with Merit. We enter the building and run to the elevator.
Stage 02. Overload.
The ability of “overload” for a while will make enemies vulnerable, which will allow us much faster to deal with them. After applying “overload”, immediately shoot a goal. One shot is quite enough to kill. We will practice, taking a gun and alternately applying the ability on a number of opponents.
Stage 3. Ways of waste.
Going down, jumping from running to another elevator. Jerk on the corpses and nail moving forward. After the pipes immediately turn to the left. We wake up the elevator, wait until it rises, and we wake up again. Now we pass through the elevator, prolamed the hatch in the floor. We destroy the occurring enemies. Adjust the elevator to the desired height to move from one part to another. Prolamed hatch in the floor and kill enemies. Now the hatch will be near the elevator on the wall. Pre-raise the elevator for the highest floor. Only then can we go through the mine. Jump over the other side and jump down. We are separated from the opponents whose shield. Then destroy the drone. It is necessary to act as an elevator, do it as usual.
Merit is associated with us and reports that we must meet with him at the station. Through the resulting elevator pass forward and get to a party where there are a lot of civil. Kill the first guard, go further. On the glass elevator on the right go down. Enemies will be a lot and all of them in armor. We do not give to surround yourself, the opponents do it very skillfully. Let’s leave the institution through the door, from where a couple more of them are breaking. Choose in the hall, where to go down and get to the exit.
Stage 4. Catch the train.
We turn right and prohibit the door. Kill two, Merit asks to hurry, t. to. He does not want to skip the train. We go on corridors and choose in a long hall. Follow the upper positions, snipers so much so that we swept forward, becoming an easy goal for them. Finally, we meet with Merit on the platform. He sat down at the top and reports the emergency forces of the enemy. We run there and here to have time to deal with the enemies that appear on both sides. When a train arrives, Merit will try to penetrate inside him and hack the door from the inside. But here the ASPARI agent appears and spoils all plans. We try to open the train door on your own, but the agent does not give it to do.
You need to kill this agent and pick up his chip. Everything is simple enough: a circulation near various objects and shoot around the enemy. He has a couple of features that allows him for a long time to survive. First, fast teleportation for short distances;Secondly, cloning itself. The smaller he has health, the more clones at the same time appear. However, if you quickly move and often use Dart, then death will come very soon. If the ammunition ended, we hack flying near the drops of drones that will definitely reset the weapon. We finish the agent by applying the appropriate ability, and remove the chip.
Open the train door and see the lying Merit. He gets up and follows to the head car, killing on the path of unarmed citizens. After Merit pulled the lever, we wake the control panel.
Stage 5. Escape from Los Angeles.
We are moving along the train until we meet with enemies. We destroy them and go to the next car. There are already just hacking the turret and wait until she read the car. In the next car, we take a multiform machine gun from the box. The door is literally drinking, it is advisable to quickly react. Activate Dart and pour your enemies lead. Get to the control system and turn off it. We return to the train before entering inside, weakened with numerous opponents. We rise to the roof of the train, with the help of a lift. Activate the valves one by one to use them as a shelter from enemies. Opponents on aircraft that can be hacked and destroy. Do not forget about Dart, because the slowdown of time will be how it is impossible by the way. Get to the last car, and soon there will be a combat ship “Aspari”. If it is on the side, then it means you need to hack his weapon. Then he takes up the top and only now you can start shooting on it. Mines that he drops preferably to destroy immediately.
Stage 6. Eurocorp.
Returning to headquarters, moving forward until you meet Jack. We get together to the laboratory, where at the moment Lily “repairs” Merita. We will need to keep it when it starts the seizure.
Go further for jack. After a short conversation, on the elevator climb the roof.
Stage 03. Suggestion.
New ability allows you to use enemies against their allies. The effect of suggestion lasts long, but if all our enemies are killed in the field of view, the goal will commit suicide. We will practic a little and do a little task.
Our task is to protect the courier that will run directly to the output from the sector. At our disposal six pistol cartridges and the ability to “suggest. This ability must be used as efficient as possible. For example, to decline in our side of that opponent, in the field of view of which the greatest number of our enemies.
Stage 7. Observer.
Plant from the ship on the roof. Moving forward until you get to Merit. He has already prepared all the equipment for lily. We use zoom to get closer closer, and hack the cameras. We listen to the conversations of Lily by phone. Soon in her apartment will burst “Cayman Global” and will take it. On the rebel, we get straight to the apartment. Merit promptly grows with a couple of enemies. We select weapons and follow the enemies. We use “suggestion” to make it easier to destroy groups of enemies. A special kind of enemy appears from the elevator, which first to “hack”, then continuously shoot on it until half of health. If we do not have time, you will have to repeat again. Raise upstairs, where there are also many enemies. After the explosion, we get up, pull out a fragment from the hand and prolamed the wall on the right. Go down, we choose in the hall. We meet two guards, one of which is wounded. We pass on.
Stage 8. Cayman Global.
We go to the next room. In the waiting room right in front of us, lily take up the top. Here we meet many enemies and one special kind. Next, there will be a long corridor, it’s time to use “suggestion”. We rise upstairs on the stairs, quickly hack the elevator to crush the enemies being inside. Climb further and get to the hall. We are afraid of opponents, including with a special kind. We approach the door of the elevator, from where two more enemy will appear and a new special enemy in “active armor”. First kill two ordinary soldiers, then you will begin a special type. He has a multi-power machine gun and a very powerful armor in several layers. As usual we are hacking his armor and begin to continuously shoot until you destroy the first layer. Do it preferably in Dart mode. Then we wake the second layer of armor and shoot up to complete destruction. It remains only to hack the last time and deduce the enemy.
We select a machine gun, hack the control panel to the left of the door of the elevator and increase the cry. We shoot frozen glass, go inside the elevator. Rising on it upstairs where we will meet serious resistance. Machine gun bows all in a row, even those in liquid arm. Especially breaking should not be, enemies take a number and can easily kill us, we will be in the open space. Get to the evacuation zone and grab about the flying ship.
Stage 9. Floating city.
Wow, we are practically in heaven, but it is not for long. Soon the ship will hang in the air, next to the building. Right look a little higher and produce hacking a shield. Let’s leave the ship, jumping out the window. Sintering up to the employee and remove the chip. We wake the control panel, come to the door and wait until it opens. Get to the elevator, we need the one that. We wait until it opens. Inside hack the control panel. In the way the elevator stops. Gas allow us, quickly pick up a shield and wait again.