Tales Of Monkey Island: Chapter 3 – Lair of the Leviathan: Game Walkthrough and Guide

How do you remember, Gybrash moves the W, A, S, D keys. Tab key – View inventory. Space – Pause. Green cursor means active points. SHIFT – Run.
Chapter 1: Acquaintance with Koronado de Kawa.
You were inside a huge sea cow. Morgan lost consciousness, we still look at. Pass right. You will find the camp de Kawa. Talk to him, give a medallion. Answer questions as you want, but it’s better not to annoy it. De Kawa will require lead Wife Guibrash. Well, only to find it. From the tent de Kava go to the ship. Climb on the ship on the board on the right (GangPlank). On the ship Look at the rubber mast. Rear to it upstairs. Examine the wound of the naval cow (Wound), and on the left, put the smelly ear sulfur. Go down from mast and go to Morgan and Winslow. Examine the state of Morgan. Pick up the pulse (touched your wrist), pay attention to the Tattoo “GAS”. Take the saber Morgan. Raise her behind my feet. Morgan affairs list will fall. Examine it. Give Morgan to sniff the stinking ear cow. Talk to de Kawa. Reply what you want, still find yourself in a cage. Your task is to answer three questions about Morgan. To do this, you can remember that Morgan muttered when it was unconscious, her tattoo, engraving on a saber and a list of cases. Respect as follows:
What Was The Name of Her First Love?) | Gustavo (Gustavo) |
What Was The Name of Her Favorite Pet?(What was the name of her beloved pet?) | Gomez (Gomez) |
She Was Recently Affectedd by The Death Of Someone Very Close To Her. Uncle … What? (Recently she was amazed by the death of someone very close to her.Uncle …?) | Jugbender (Jagbender) |
She Is Quite A Skilled Fighter. WHO TRAINED HER IN THE WAYS OF COMBAT? (She perfectly owns the art of fencing.Who trained it to this skill?) | Dante Dragotta (Dante Dragotta) |
Who is Her Greatest Idol. (Who is her idol?) | GUYBRUSH (Gaibrache) |
She Recently Purchased A Ship. This Vessel is Known AS “The Knave Of … Blank”. (Onannedavnoprobrekorabl. The ship is called …?) | Toro (Toro) |
De Kawa will release you. Talk to him. We need to get a snail of the eared sea cow. (Cochlea) Gybrash will fall and will be in the Nasty Cow.
Chapter 2: Entering the Club, Search Snail.
Talk to the members of the fraternity. We need to position each member of the Brotherhood, so that we are accepted into this community. Talk to a guy at the rack. His name is “elk” and he has a friend, skeleton santino. Come on to right. Job with a guy who plays on the “drums”. His name is Nougi (Noogie). He is interested in Morgan Le Flya. In addition, it can be asked to play the drums to quickly, so that the bile level in the pool at the bottom rose. But it is not necessary for us yet. Go down. Please note that there is a strange thief near Nougy. According to such growths, Gybrash can quickly move from one location to another. Pass on, down the stairs and to the right. Time to talk to the leader of the Brotherhood (he fills the “pear”). Name is his “Pucheglase”. He will offer to conduct a vote right now. You can spend, but no one will vote for you. So better to refuse. Ask Pucheglase whether he will vote for you in the election. He will say that at first Guibrash, it is necessary to defeat him in the battle of facial expressions, that is, grimaces. (Face-Off) Try to participate. While you do not know many facial expressions. In order to defeat Pucheglase, you will need to learn all the possible types of eyebrows, eyes, and mouths. So far, just repeat the grimace shown by Pucheglase. He accuse you in the plagiarism, the battle will be lost, and Morgan will be disappointed in Gaibrah and will throw his picture near Nugi. Well, still ahead. Go to Nugi and pick up a photo of Gaibrash. (relevant strange outgrowth) go down again. Take a look at the spike strands. Let’s look at the treasury on the left. We don’t need a bunch of gold, but in the chest on the left it seems someone is. Take the hook of Hybrush from the inventory and open the chest. Look at the roller, and then open the chest again. Oh, old familiar! We will take it to myself. Come even to the left. There is a picture, but the outlines of her fuzzy. In addition, 3 lift tubes (2 strange outflow and cluttered tubercle).
With a clogged protuberance) so far nothing to do. Pass a little further, to the pool with biliary. Right look at the monkey on the wreckage of the ship. You will learn a new grimace. Return to Morgan. To begin with, in conversation with it, select Replica “ARRR!”To get another grimace. Talk to her about everything, and then look at the roller about helen and the sequence. Let’s visit de Kavu. Climb the passage to his camp. De Kawa will give you a mug and ask you to bring him something to drink. Good. Go back and go to the moose (Moose). When talking with elk, select a replica “ARRR!”. Then talk to Else again and suggest toast. (I Propose A Toast!) Reason Choose any. While elk distracted, quickly take a saber from the inventory and cut off the Santino head (unnoticed). Suggest toast again. This time, I can drink, take a skull Murray from the inventory and put it instead of Santino skull. Talking skeleton at your service. Now fill an empty mug of orange liquid. (Crane hangs over Else) Next go to Nougi. To begin with, in a conversation with it, select Replica “ARRR!”. Ask Nougy About Brotherhood. Tell him that for the sake of him So Morgan go to date with him. Nougy will agree, and at the same time will give you a guide for new members of the Brotherhood (New Member’s Manual). It remains only to make a date. Come to Morgan. Tell her about nougat. Offer her to go from Nougy not on a date, but to conduct exploration. (Did I Say Date? I Meant Recon Mission) Morgan immediately agree. Operation consists of three stages. For the first stage, select: Slyly Interrogate HIM (Imperceptibly surprising him all). For the second stage: Test His Grips, In Case It Comes to Fisticuffs (just in case, check it with a grip, suddenly it comes to fist fights). And for the third stage: Check for Weapons (check if he has a weapon). Nougat’s voice in your pocket. Go down to the wreckage of the ship, go to the left, to the clutch clutch. Pour orange pump bumps from a mug.
Now use this tubercle. You will find yourself on the island with iron monkey. Open it and take the book about modern torture. Open inventory. In the inventory, connect the book about torture with the manual for new members of the Brotherhood. Gybrash will change book covers. Return to the three bumps. Use the extreme left tuber. You will be near Nougy. Ask Nugi to play anything more fun (Up-Tempo). Then immediately dive into the hole of the tubercle, run to the pool with bile (near the wreckage of the ship, left) and quickly pick up a complete mug of bile. Pour a little bile on the picture opposite. (to the right of three tubercles) Another grimace is yours. Let’s go back with Murray and Salo. Check with Murrey, ask whether he will vote for you. Show him a torture benefit with a manual for new members of the Brotherhood. (Torture’s MANUAL WITH Member’s Cover). Now we will rise again to the Camp de Kawa. You will call Winslow. Take the head of the sea skate. Come to de Kawa. So just he will not drink bile. From the table de Kava imperceptibly pick it up his monocular (it periodically puts on it, and then puts on the table again) In the inventory, connect the fish eye of the sea cow in the inventory (Fish Eye of the Manatee) with a monocular. Redoned Monocular Give De Kawa. Now give de Kawa mug with bile. Return to the Brotherhood Camp. You have all the necessary grimaces. (The missing two will teach Pucheglase in the process of the battle) Go to Pucheglase and again call it on a damage for grimaces. (Let’s Face-OFF!) This strategy is – remember what Pucheglase shows, and then make yourself a grimace, completely different from the Purateglase grimace. No view should be repeated or copying the pureglase. (Do not forget to use Grima De Kava). If everything is done correctly, Pucheglase will demonstrate its corona number that Gaibrash will give out and he will win this difficult duel. Go to the Puchglase and ask him to start a vote. All vote for Gaibrash. Also, he will give the ear of the sea cow. Return to your ship, pick up the mast. Put the snail ear in place. You accuse you to betrayal. Ask Morgan to help you. Return her to her sable (Your Sword!).
Chapter 3: Wonder-Yudo Fish Kit.
You were under water. Left you will find a familiar marine cow. Talking to her useless – we do not know the language of these beasts. Pass right. You will find a chest. Name it. Take all. Let’s go right, by arrows. Try to go to the cave. Wow. Talk to de Kawa. You need not only to find a means of communication with marine cows, but also to learn their language. First of all interrogate all prisoners. We need to know where to be “the language of the marine cow”. Pucheglase does not know anything. Nougy and elk are not recognized. Right from Pucheglase Take Beating Fish. Threaten Murray-Santino that throw it overboard. Bite. Talk to Morgan – she will offer their strategy of taming sea cows. Climb on the captain’s bridge to de Kawa. Ask de Cava permission to read the dossier from the suitcase. File Trunk). He will be allowed. Read all dossiers, they are very interesting. Pay attention to the grimace that is afraid of nougat. Remember it. Come to Nugu. Choose a replica “ARRR!”Select Stinky (vile), Crosseyed (Skotpasy), Geezer (Chokutnaya Granny). Now we know exactly what the secret knows only elk. Talk again with Murray. Order him asking the moose to issue information. Time throw it overboard. Ask Morgan her saber. This saber cut off the Murray “Head”. Elk will tell everything. The rye horror remained inside the naval cow. We’ll have to get him. Jump from boards to the ocean. So that the sea cow on the left swallowed you, just show her the head of the sea skate (there is in inventory). Go where I used to sit down Nugi and played on my “drums”. Put mad fish on the “Musical Instrument”. Bile level will be high all the time. Go down to the pool with biliary and take the horn. Language of marine cow your. To get out from here, pour a laxative (Manatee Lax) to a joyal pool. Arrange the ship by anchors. It remains only to learn to speak the language of sea cows. Lear to de Kawa. On the barbed lies medallion. Examine it. Instead of the photo de Kava, stick a photo of Guibrash (in inventory). Golden key from the inventory, unscrew the arrow and change its direction. Press on the arrows. You ended up in the sorcerer body. Funny. Look at the table. Here you have Tarot Cards. Let’s start killy. We have three slots: “Artist”, “Action”, “Purpose”. Put the map with the image of a scientist in the first slot, in the second place the tarot with the image of Gybrash, and in the third card with the image of the sorcerer. Press the call. A scientist will come. In the third dialog box, choose the option “I know you know the language of marine cows”. Scientist will refuse to give you a book. Tell him that I will find a curse on him if he disagrees. De Sin will not believe and leave. Let’s take avenge him. Now distribute Tarot’s cards as follows: In the first slot – Gaibrash, in the second – sorceress, in the third – scientist. Dzin! De Sin will bring you a book. Read it. Time to return. In the first slot, place the sorceress, in the second – scientist, in the third – Gaibrash. Dzin. Return to the ocean, to our marine cows. Go to the male on the left. Start with him a conversation with the help of a horns (“Language of marine cows”). Start with a polite greeting (Courtesy). So time to help our new friend. The words of the female must be answered as follows:
Female Lamytin | Gybrash |
I’m not Going to Let Some Lummox Buy My Love with Clever Words. (I won’t let any respect for smart words to buy my love) | How MUCH IS IT? (How much does it cost?) (Category Money) |
Why Shld I Give You Time Of the Day? (Why should I spend your time at you?) | I LOST MY Watch (I lost my watch) (category Emergency) |
Let’s Say I Let You Keep Your Pathetic Life and I Take Swim With You, Where Will We Go? (Suppose I will save your miserable life and agree to swim with you, where we will swim?) | I’d Like To Visit The Aquarium. (I would like to visit aquarium) (category Getting Around) |
You’re Not Nervous, Aren’t You? (You are not nervous?) | Where Is the Bathroom? (Where to the restroom?) (Category Emergency) |
What Will You Say WHEN I Rip Your Head for My Collection? (What do you say if I toss your head for my collection?) | Stop, Thief! (Stop, thief!) (Category Emergency) |
I don’t Want Anyone with a Lot of Baggage. (I do not need someone too burdened with thoughts) | I Have Nothing To Declare. (I have nothing to say) (Category Money) |
ALL You Manatees Are Imbeciles. Why Do I Even Bother? (All of you are Lamantins such immobils. Why do I need to get involved in it?) | The TV DOESN’T Work. (TV does not work) (Hotels category) |
You Males Are Bunch of Cold Fish. (All of you are men, just a bunch of insensitive logs) | I Prefer IT Hot and Spicy. (I like everything hot and pepped) (Category Hotels) |
Nobody Knows The Way to My Heart. (No one knows the path to my heart) | Do You Have A Map? (You have a map?) (Category Getting Around) |
You know what i’ll say after i device you’re Your Bloody Heart? (You know what I will say, after I swallow your bloody heart?) | The Meal Was Excellent. (The food was excellent) (Category Hotels) |
You SHOLD KNOW THAT I DETEST KNOW-IT-ALLS. (I hate all times) | I’m Sorry, I Don’t Understand. (Sorry, I do not understand you) (Category Courtesy) |
What Are You, A Glutton for Punishment? Haven’tyou Had Enough? (You’re like a fan of suffering? You have had little?) | Please, Repeat That. (Also please) (Category Courtesy) |
A couple will go for a walk, and Gybrash will be able to finally swim in the cave. Here is a sponge!
You locked in cells. Give Morgan Sable. Pull out the rope on which your cage hangs. Gibrash cell drops. Ask Morgan to reflect the saber rope. (Just ask her if it can reach your cell) Gaibrash is free, it remains only to get rid of de Kawa. Try climb on the mast. While sailors change the gun, quickly charge their gun of the head of the sea ice skate. That’s all. Be sure to look at the titles to the end! Murray – just charm!