The Aura 2: Sacred Rings: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 12, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Aura 2: Sacred Rings: Passage
The Aura 2: Sacred Rings: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Passage of Aura 2: Rings of Fate

House Nikifora

While Nikifor sleeps, we will get to inspect his house. In the inventory we have an amulet and a tetrahedron. In the corner of the bedroom we find a closet. Open it, read the book, which gives descriptions of animals and other different items, as well as their images. A little later the book will come in handy.

We leave the bedroom. Turn to the left. Approach bivalve doors. Left see the door on which a white symbol is attached. It is still closed. Turn to the left. We pass through bivalve doors. Do not go down. We go to the left, go to the door.


Come to the bookcase. It has a locked compartment. The key can be found on the same bookcase on the shelf to the left of the stepladder. The key is hidden for the scroll. We take the key, open them locked compartment. We read the paper found in the compartment. Especially observant notice that the proposals written on the paper were spotted in the book from the bedroom.

We return to the bedroom and in the book lying in the closet, we find these suggestions to establish what subjects or animals are we talking about.

I Depend Only Om MySelf (it depends only on himself) – the elephant says

Decisiveness Is More Important Than Eloquence (tide is more important than eloquence) – the stories about the owl

IT Belong To The Grazer, Instead Of The Reaper (it belongs to grazing animals instead of the harvested car) – Speaks about wheat.

We go to the globe to the right of empty bird cells. The globe is divided into 4 sections, each of which has various images. Curtain Globe Sections to bring down (top down) to the fore: wheat, -, owl and elephant. Method of selecting as a second drawing, you need to install a crocodile (visual solution, look at the picture).

The Aura 2: Sacred Rings: Game Walkthrough and Guide

From the opened globe, we take 4 keys from the door of the generator. We look at the table behind us. We read the diary of Captain. After reading a lot of keys and tips will fall into our magazine. Nikifor will also go to the office. After conversation with him, click the mouse cursor on a strange shape box, which stands on the table. Paper will lie in it. We read them. The paper contains important information about the mechanisms, generator and crystals.

Now pass to the door. To the left of it we see the stand. We view the magazine on the subject of keys, we find in it similar characters that we see on the booth. Following this tip, set the numbers on the stand: VI, II, V.

If everything is done correctly, the right part with the button is activated on the stand. Slitting this button, upstairs the stand will change the symbols, the number of sticks symbolizing the amount of crystals for a particular symbol will change near the button. This stand only shows how many crystals are needed in order to activate the mechanism with one or another symbol. For example, previously near the bedroom Nikifora, we found the door on which a white symbol was attached. Judging by this stand, in order to open the door, only one crystal is needed. I think you understand what about what if not, then later I will definitely understand.

We leave from the Cabinet. Go down the stairs. Turn to the right. Approach the door leading to the room with the generator.

Door with four locking wells:

Insert the keys to the lock wells that we managed to get from the globe. Keys can be inserted in any order. The main thing then turn them to reproduce these characters:

The Aura 2: Sacred Rings: Game Walkthrough and Guide
But there is also the easiest way that the most extreme left key in the inventory insert into the left keyhole and continue to continue in the same spirit left to right.

After Ulang pronounces “success”, you can go inside. Next should go down the stairs down.

Room with generator:

Before we do anything here, first pass through the door to the right. To the right on the shelves we find and take the adjustable key. On the wall notice a piece of paper on the diagonal. Go down to the generator. Ulang will pay attention to the missing lever on the left. Insert the adjustable key instead.

Next focusing on those crosses that we saw on a piece of paper, the adjustable key of the left is translated to the lowest position, the lever in the middle install on the second division, if you count below, and the left right of the lever is set to one division higher than the previous lever. The mechanism will begin its work.

Near the doors we find a mechanism similar to what we can see on the vessels. Transfer the handle on the third drawing – yellow. Find out whether the drawing is right was chosen by the roller, in which a similar pattern is activated on the board unknown to us.

We leave out of the room. Find not far from the door and stairs Similar mechanism. Transfer the handle to the green division. We see how a similar green drawing is activated on some board.

We pass forward to the panel on which 6 multicolored buttons are located. Open the sash below these buttons. We see that there are 2 crystals in their places.

Remember the locked room on the second floor, over the door of which was seen white symbol. For him, as we have already found out, only one crystal is needed. Therefore, we make an active one crystal on the panel and then click on the white button.

Next will happen a small scene with the participation of Nickyphor and Umanha. After it climb the second floor.

Storage room:

We go into the room near the bedroom, in the one above which the white symbol is hanging, activated by us just. Watch out. We take the rope hanging on the left hand. From the barrels we select a water lamp. Let’s fit to the closet. Open the second top compartment. We take oil and capsule for crystals. Come to the sash window. Open it. We look down. To the place where the pipes pass and where the hook is visible, tie the rope. On it go down. On the ground we find and select scrap. Returning back. We leave from the storage room. Turn to the left and pass through bivalve doors.


We pass through the door to the left or right in front of us. Watch out. We notice on the right wall of the room with a color fee, two colors on which we have already activated with the help of the handles in the room with the generator.

Go down down. We pass to the bookcase. Click on the button in the middle of the cabinet. Does not work. Returning to the panel with crystals in the room with a generator. We make active both crystals. Then click on the black button.

Returning to the bridge. This time, by clicking on the button, the cabinet will move.

Secret room:

In the secret room from the table we take a pickle pipe. Press the button that was hidden under the pickle pipe. In another part of the room will open a wardrobe with a mystery. While interacting with it will not be able, since 6 crystals need to activate the mechanism. Magazine will enter an important drawing. Before leaving the room we select a crystal lying on the chest to the right of the riddle. Let’s leave the bridge.

Activate elevator:

In the corridor, jerk the lever, which is located near the right door. Luke will open on the ceiling, but only for a moment. Something keeps the mechanism. Turn to the right. Go through the door to the balcony. Be sure to close the door. Then climb upstairs. Left see symbol. Based on the stand with symbols in the office, it is not difficult to find out that in order to activate the mechanism you need 5 crystals. We look right. We see that a stone stuck between the gears. Pull it off by scrap. Go down, go inside the house.

Telescope room:

Pull the lever. This time the lift drops to the end. Go to the lift, then get on the button on the wall to climb upstairs. Pass from the lift to the right. We see yellow symbol. In order to activate it, you need 3 crystals.

We return to the panel with crystals in the engine room. In the inventory we take a capsule for crystals. We use it on the slot where there is no crystal. The crystal selected in the secret room will take its place. Now we make active three crystals and then click on the yellow button. Mechanisms in the room with a telescope are activated. Return to the room with a telescope.

We look at the stand on the right of the lift. We see the picture of the spacecraft, divided into four sections. The purpose of the riddles is to remove all sections to the parties, which are layered in three layers. For the last two combinations in the magazine there is a hint.

Click on: vertex, reason, right and left.

Click on: right, base, vertex and left.

Click on: reason, right, top and left.

Take the key telescope. We go to the left. On the mechanism like the steering wheel of the ship we translate the lever to the second left of the division. To the right of the steering wheel we find a mechanism. Open the lid, put on an empty place key telescope. Then look into the eyepiece of the activated telescope. We notice the movement of the Legion of Shadows traveling to the house of Nikifora.

Nikifor and Ulang ready. After conversation, Ubang decides to wait for the night to steal the crystals from the Legion.

Crystal theft:

We leave the bedroom. Last time we went outside through the window in the storage room. Check whether it is open. The door is on the left of the bedroom. Unfortunately, it is closed. Go down to the panel with crystals in the engine room. We leave only one crystal active, click on the white button. Return to the storage room. We go inside. Use the rope on the pipes under the window. Get out through the window to the street.

We go twice ahead. If you go left, then we will get straight in the hands of soldiers. Therefore, step right. When the path becomes completely invisible, we use the water lamp. When Ulang says “careful”, the lamp should be removed from sin away (I recommend keeping the game in this place).

We pass to two tricycle vehicles. We look close to one of them. Ulank will report that the cover is very rusted. So as not to attract too much attention, lubricate with machine oil. Then we get with the help of a capsule for crystal crystals, thanks to which the vehicle acts actually. I do the same for another three-wheeled transport to get another crystal.

We return to the house in the same way, what we came here. Where you need to use a water lamp. Rising by rope upstairs. We leave from the storage room. Nikifor will offer to continue to act tomorrow in the morning.

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