The Cursed Crusade: Game Walkthrough and Guide

1) Winter Evening
Kill five enemies, we comprehend the first aza battle. Then watch the roller and run away from death to the church, while pressing the arrows on time (you need to press at the time when the circle is approaching the arrow and become white). After the roller we get in the hiring menu. Learning to distribute skills glasses (they are spent by force, the rage of the Templar, the mastery of possession of weapons / armor, the maximum amount of health), the glasses of skills (help to master the one or another type of weapons perfectly, helps learn new combo).
1) Storming Biron Castle
We play for Denza, in assistants we have a young Spaniard Esteban. The challenges of the device, and at the right time, when enemy archers produce a hail of arrows, hiding in the shelter by pressing the gap.
Having reached the gate, take into the hands of the crossbow and shoot enemy archers, leaving the shelter, aiming (when the enemy gets into crosshairs, it becomes red) and shoot, pressing the right mouse button. When enemy archers fall in front of the gate, we look at the roller in which these gates will be undermined.
We get to the bridge leading to the main goal of the castle. Kill two enemy archers to the right of the bridge. Come to Taran, click e, thereby we get up for his management. We press Q, thereby calling the aid of Esteban, after that we click on the desired arrows.
Runs through the hole in the gate and kill the guards. When the main wave of guards will be killed, three more will appear on the stairs in the far part of the yard. Kill them from the crossbow (for this we press the arrow down, thereby the crossbow will fall to our hands). Run up to the stairs, press e, then Q and again. So we will help you to rise Esteban and bring themselves. We step in the next courtyard, we kill the shopping guards, we find three chests (see with treasures). Path Further Blocks Wagon. With the help of Esteban, roll it out and run into the castle.
Climb upstairs, there find the fourth chest. Then go down and run down the bridge on the roof of the castle, where Martin is waiting for us. Get a task to deal with martin. The fight with him passes in two stages: for the first time we defeat him in a normal condition, the second time we defeat him being able to curse. Strong these two states do not differ, only an external entourage and a couple of parts that you and this notice. Do not forget to find the fifth chest on the battlefield.
2) Competitions in Eci
This level is simple and monotonous. Just need four times to fight in the arena, between battles passing training. For the first time we learn a stunning blow (the average mouse button), the second time we study the blowing of the strikes and the removal of the enemy from the balance (the space when the opponent is blue), for the third time they are studying how to dope from the blows (the average mouse button when the enemy orange), for the fourth time we will be taught to determine the state of the sword (R button, if the sword is broken, it is painted in red). Battles are pretty simple, though the fourth time you have to fight in two sites and with several enemies. After winning competitions, we fulfill our goal, and the game transfers us in the cursing menu, where you can pump the curse.
3) chase in the lunar night
Kill the enemy squad attacked us. We are successful before the alley, which is blocking the cage, move it. Kill the archers, ahead of the ledge to which you need to climb. But be careful, two chests left on the location. After we climb on the ledge, go down and learn how to look for weak places in the wall, while in the curse.
We find a weak point in the wall, break it, pass through the house, we kill the detachment again, roll back the cart.
We fall on the square in front of the gates leading to the road from the castle. To open the gate – you need to pull the mechanism of their opening. This mechanism is in the Guardian Room. Not far from the gate to find a chest, next to double doors. We climb the stairs, in the guard room we find a mechanism, we use it. In the room with a mechanism there is a balcony – there is a chest, there is a staircase to the top floor, there is also a chest.
Just go down to the goal when everything will be done.
4) Forest roads
This mission in itself is a shortest. Our goal is to kill Baron and his minions. There is nothing special in this battle, except that it can happen so that you have to help Esteban getting out of the world. Yes, and in the curses mode, you will have to cross your blades with the old baron.
5) nightmare I
We are in the nightmare of Esteban and Danza. This nightmare is very real. The first part of the mission, we have to just run forward and kill ghosts, which, by the way, die from the first blow.
Then watch the roller, after which we learn to shoot fire in the curse mode (LSHIFT + E). Gilt the door in the form of a head, the door is located with a bunch of enemies and a cross, which will appear after the killing of all ghosts.
Then death appears that … kill. Make it this, immediately I say, I will not succeed, but you can kill, shooting in her fire and hitting a sword.
6) Interlude
Just screensaver.
Chapter II
1) Zain Tower
Climb to the ledge. If you immediately go to a weak point in the wall, you can find a chest. We break the wall in its weak spot, pass through the wine cellar. In the hall we find two ballots that can be broken in the curse mode. We rise, kill the guard, we find a mechanism, climb even higher. Under the stairs we find the second chest. Killing the guard, we find and use the mechanism, climb the roof. Go to the curses mode, we find a cross. I liquidate the sacrup, go back to the curse, we blow the door, go down and turn the mechanism. We again go down, temper two enemies, after which we go through the main gate.
2) landing in the port
Run forward, hiding behind the shield, we are successful to powerful gates that just do not open. They open with damned fire (LSHIFT + E). Not far from the gate stands the chest. Run forward, along with Esteban raise the gate. The task is to destroy all the ballists in the number of three pieces. They are destroyed, as in the previous mission, fire from curse. Having destroyed all the balleys, watch the video and turn the lever.
3) old streets of Zara
Run forward, raise the gate, then by overgrowing another area and raise one more gate (in front of them the chest). On the square behind the next goal you can find a cross and a chest. We run through a couple of heavy gates and find ourselves at the destination.
4) forward on the peninsula
The meaning of this mission is to hold a ballast to the bridge. In essence, the task is simple – just protect the ballast from the incoming enemies, we do not give it to destroy. When the ballest stops in front of the closed gates, we run on the workaround and open the gate on the other side. Closer to the end of the mission it will be necessary to replace the place of one of the soldiers, because it will be killed.
5) fortified bridge
At the very beginning of the mission, we need to destroy protective structures on the other side of the bridge with the help of Billists. Aims the ballast on them (such wooden structures from above) and shoot (when we guide it correctly, the dotted line of the flight path will turn into a red color). Having destroyed the fortifications, take the chest, which is on the ladder on the left, and run on the bridge.
In the curse we blame the door, we run to the next passage, wrap in the extraction of the right, where the chest is waiting for us. To the left of the passage, in the fence there is a weak point that we find being in the curse. Jump down and turn out on the shore.
Run back, find a chest. Run forward, in the curse we blow the wall, go into the sewer. If you go right, you can find a chest. As we find, we immediately return to the entrance to the sewer and turn to another go. Coming out on fresh air, we turn out to be near the room where the mechanism is located, which will open the Gate Baron. We kill enemies, we use the mechanism, climb the stairs, run a little forward, go down again. On this alleka you can find a chest and cross. Raise to the tower.
6) five wells burdens
If you do not descend and turn right, you can find a chest. Let’s go down and run left, find a cross and a chest. Fight with the boss – captain guaranium-fat. The battle happens to him in two worlds: Curse and Real. To get into the real world and start damaging the captain (and the injury to him are exactly in the curse), you need to kill all the ghosts that they are walking on the battlefield.
7) Next to the burrow
Take the chest lying at the very beginning of the mission. We go ahead, get trapped. Shoot archers, climb the second floor. Switch in the curse, find the chest, two ghosts and destroy the door. Go down, we find a cross directly opposite the stairs with which they descended. Being in the curse we find a weak point in the wall, we divide pass. On the left, finding the chest, run right, there is another chest behind the barrel. Weching a cart that interferes with passing, run into a large area. In front of the large bivalve doors there is a chest. Shoot all archers, and blast the door
8) Drop Discount
If you go straight and right – you can find a chest and two ghosts. Prowing the ballist, raise the gate. Kill archers, blast the gate to find and kill the ghost. We run on, find the chest around the turn. Prowing another ballast, blast the gate to find a cross. Run forward, raise one more gate. We look at the screensaver and get ready for the battle with the boss.
The tactics of the battle is the same as with the captain-fat man. Except that a bunch of ghosts do not need to be killed, you need to approve only two.
9) nightmare II
We are again in a nightmare. Climb upside down, after the second lift we wrap the right, find the cross. We continue the rise, we look at the screensaver in which we learn aimed to shoot fire (LSHIFT + lmouse + space). Aimally explode the door in the form of a tank and run into it. We again celebrate death, fight her again. The tactic of the battle is: when death stands on the mountain, hit it with fire (button E), when death goes down, beat it and a sword, and fire. It is important to note that the death of death, when it is on the pedestal, you can only after all the ghosts are killed (otherwise Esteban will be engaged in ghosts and can not help, and his assistance is obligatory).
10) Empire Salvation
Just screensaver.