The Elder Scrolls 3: Bloodmoon: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Riots in the Fort of Frosty Motilla (Trouble At Fort Frostmoth)
Solstheim Island, where you should go in search of adventures on your non-district… Head, located to the northwest of Wirefella, not far from the cities of Ald Velothi and Huul (Khuul). You can get to the island by any conventional way – the blade, running around the water, by air, if the mana is enough, or with the help of Hajit-ferry in the docks of Huul. You can get in Huul with a falconder from Ald’run (Ald’Ruhn), or a boat from fishing villages – Gnaar Mok (Gnaar Mok), Dagon Fel. My personal favorite option is to use your own ship from Fishing Academy. If you wish, you can ask the inhabitants of Huula about the last rumors, and they will tell you about the misadventures of the imperial garrison in Solstyim.
Arriving in the salts, talk with Argonian in the docks (or with any of the local soldiers), and you will be sent to the commander of the garrison of Falksu Karius (Falx Carius), which is just working for you. Come in the fort through residential premises (General Quarters). Cabinet Carius is on the third floor.
Carius is dissatisfied with a sharp drop of morality subordinates and confident that it is unclean. You need to find out the reason for the displeasure of the staff and, if possible, put the end of the end, until it came to the uprising. (He will also give you the direction to Carnius Magius (Carnius Magius) in the local department of the Imperial Cult, but the quests issued by the last to the main storyline do not include.) Guards, however, not going to frank with you and let go of unequivocal comments on alcohol. Get a little killed (where – see. lower) and talk to souls with any guard. The sufferer will need to make the throat, but, swallowing, complains about the lack of alcohol stocks. Report by Carius, and he will tell you his suspicions of involvement in this history of the Church named Antonius Nuzzius (Antonius Nuccius). Go through the Armory (Armory), and head to the Cabinet of Nuzcius on the second floor. Hacked his table – it will be pinned with confiscated vodka. Talk to this topic directly with the antonius (it is located in the placement of the cult), and, sobering, again report the result of the Carius. Carius will reward you with three elixirs from ordinary diseases and magic blades.
Smugglers from the Fort of Ice Motive (The Frostmoth Smugglers)
Talk to the carius on a new topic that appears from him in the dialogue (Fort Business). Carius will express his concerns about the fact that in the garrison, the chayka smugglers started. You will also be offered assistance in the form of one of two imperial soldiers of your choice – Gaea Artoria, living on the floor below the carius, or Senas Lucius (Saenus Lucius), on the lower floor of the residential premises. Reinforce your favorites Companion and head to the investigation. If you are gay with you, talk with any of the soldiers, lift his location to you and ask about smugglers. You will be sent for further information to Xeno Faustus (Zeno Faustus), local blacksmith. If Lucius is with you, then he yourself willingly tell about Xeno. Go to Xeno, raise his location of a pair of bribes and, according to his advice, head to the log of smugglers in the Gandung cave (Gandung). Exterminating the Soltheim fauna, moving to the northeast to the nearby river. There are several rivers on the island, it is quite possible to make mistakes, but the one you need, begins directly to the east of the fort and rests on the northern end of the smugglers. Further act at your own discretion: either arrange a bloody section, or find the leader of smugglers named Gualtierus Spurius and convince him to stop meaningless resistance and crash. In the latter case, humiliated recidivist will also offer you compensation. Go back to the fort report to the success of the operation.
The disappearance of the Carius (Disapping Carius)
Not there was something! During your absence to Fort, an attack was made, and Carius, according to the testimony of soldiers, disappeared. Find your companion and that (TA) will tell you about local aborigines – the Nordic tribe Scal (Skaal) – which may have information that the damnity is going on in Forte, and also lands the village of Nordling (Skaal Village) on your map. The village is on the other edge of the island, and the way there is not enough. The local residents relate to alien suspiciously, and immediately refer to their leader the christiene klykoserd (Tharsten Heart-Fang). Well, nothing, we, permanent alien, not get used to.
Test of loyalty
So, Pastren was definitely waiting for your arrival. He has something to say, but to disclose confidential information to the first oncoming he is not going. In order to win his trust, it follows how it happens in such plots, to fulfill a certain ritual, the details of which you should find out from the local chaman of the wind-eyed (KORST WIND-EYE). His hut (Shaman’s Hut) is a little west of the habitat of christian. After a conversation with the corst, you will open all the unsightly essence of the ritual mentioned: you have to find and activate the magic monoliths scattered throughout the island in any arbitrary order – Mengirov, after which it returns to it. To facilitate the process, the CST will provide you with a map with the location of all Mengirov, as well as a book containing, in addition to interesting history, and prompts to activate each of Mengirov – Water, Earth, Sun, Wind, Plants and Animals.
Water Stone (Water Stone): This Mengir sticks out of the snow just north of the center of the West Bank of the Island. In order to see it, you should rise to the elevation. Activate the symbol on Mengire. According to the prompt, you need to proceed to a small island to the west (and a little north), find "Plovman" (The Swimmer), which is a major harder, and proceed to the underwater cave called him "Gorge Stalmanna" STAHLMAN’S GORGE). I recommend in advance to stock up the equivalent of scuba. Cave is right under the place where Horker stops. Having understood with a skeleton inhabiting in a cave, take a flashing flask "Live water" (Waters of Life), Take it to Mengir and activate it again.
Stone Stone (Earth Stone) You will find south of the water of water, in the depths of the west coast on a small hill. Activate it, and, according to the prompt in the book, head to the Cave of Hiddy Music (Cave Of Hidden Music). The cave is located at a short distance to the northeast of Mengira, and the entrance to it is marked with rock sticks. In the cave you need to find a song of songs (Chamber of Song), for what should go from the entrance to the south. There you have to solve a hard puzzle in the form of three stalagmites and the three musical machines – weapon strikes on stalagmitams should be selected by the melody, and then one more. The number of attempts is not limited, so even those who have come to the sound card will be able to cope with the scientific presentation. After you successfully select both sequences, come back to the stone and activate it.
Animal Stone (Beast Stone) is located at a short distance to the south and a little west of the village of Nordling, on a snow-covered hill. After its activation, you should find "Good beast" (The Good Beast) and save it from the wound caused by the arrow. Go to the frozen lake to southwest, get to his southern coast, and from there go to the east. Soon you will see a big polar bear, which attacks the pain ricling. Observe with ricling, but do not get along the bear, otherwise he attacks you. Nature Bear key "space", and pull the arrow from its inventory, after which wait a little while the bear does not recover. The recovered bear will begin to follow you. Take it to Mengir and activate it.
Plant Stone (Tree Stone) is located southwest of the frozen lake, between him and the river in the West, on a grassy hill. Activate it. Tip in the Shaman’s book requires the eradicated forests of Sprigganov, settled to the northeast of the stone. I warn you: Spriggans there will be five pieces, and each of them come to life after death twice. There is also a fair contingent of ricling. Afterby interrupting everything that moves, a hotel is aimed at the corpses of Rickling and take seeds from them. Return to the stone and activate it. However, this stage is not completed – you need to burl off the seeds found in the meadow to the northwest. Go in this direction and soon the game itself will ask if you want to plant these seeds.
Sun Stone (Sun Stone) is located in the southeastern part of the island, not far from the eastern river, on a large snowy hill. Activate symbol. Now you need to follow the chamber of the Penumbra (Halls of Penumbra) so that "freeze". From stone, go straight to the west, across the river, and then – between two sharp stones denoting the way. Soon you will find yourself in a snowy hill, where is the entrance to the cave. Once inside, turn left at the first intersection, and right on the following. Ahead of you is waiting for a fight with very stupid, even by local standards, Grall – Ice Toll (LightKeeper Grahl). Killing him, take his eyes. Go to the end of the passage where the light comes from behind ice. Activate the ice space and confirm your decision. The ice wall will turn apart, and torches on the walls will again be lit in this cave. Return to the stone and activate it.
Wind Stone (Wind Stone) is slightly north of the center of the island itself, where the river from the lake closes with another river. Activate it. The last of the tasks of the stones is to find the tomb of Glenshul (Glenshul’s Tomb) and "release air from the mind" (Metaphor denoting to get rid of false pride). The south of the village of Nordlings is Harchevnya "Tych" (Thirsk), and the tomb is located southeast of Tyrsk, in rocky gorge. The tomb is small, and monsters there are not ahti (draped and wolf skeletons). Here is a crystal coffin, next to which there is a bag that is to activate. After that, you can safely return to Mengir, activate it, and tie with this painful task. For his execution, Pasten will give you a very good enchanted tool, but the information will not provide, saying that you need two more tasks for this.
Testing wisdom
Simple and infertility detective quest. You get to figure out whether the edge of the edge of valuable fur is fairly deemed. To do this, talk to the Holiday Ice-Mane (RISI ICE-Mane), then read a note on one of the mattresses next to the pillow. Note confirms that Risi had an affair with her husband’s prosecutor, Rigmor Halfhand (Rigmor Halfhand). Talk to Rii again, and it will explain that Rigmor did not stop his harassment after she broke with him, and now intends to go with the light of her husband. Go to visit to the Rigramor. Irrefutable evidence to make the rhigmor honestly confess their intent. Take it to christmas, and he will give you the opportunity to sentence a german or to exile, or to the honorable execution through the feeding wolves. In any case, you will receive remuneration from the Magic Helmet from the Rhigmor. Now you have only one test.
Test power
Pastrene will send you to Shaman the Crest Busts, waiting for you on the eastern shore of the Frozen Lake. Shaman for the first time in the plot, it will be mentioned about the prophecy of the bloody moon, and will also tell about your next task. In the middle of the lake burns the magic fire, and the shaman believes that the leader of the trecdom named Eislip (Aesliip) is involved in its emergence, from which you should now get rid of. To do this, you will first have to join the molding and find on the bottom of the lake, directly under the fire, entrance to the Fialding cave (Fjalding Caves). Soon you will find Eyslipa, who will start a dialogue with you and ask to join him in order to eradicate the seemingly seizing control over the Lake Lake Great Ice Atronachs (DIRE Frost Atronachs). If you agree, you will have to wear a cave from these creatures with it, the passage to which Eyslip will open, after which he will give you his enchanted ring and concerns safely. If you refuse to collaborate with him, you will have to find out the wallpaper wall on the wall, which also should not deliver special problems. Talk to Shaman on the shore, and he will send you to christmas, report on the successful implementation of the last task.
Siege of Nordling village
Pastrene will congratulate you on the successful task execution, but no awards, no direction for the next task will not give. But when leaving the throne hall, you are quite unpleasant (however, someone as) is a surprise: a flourish was attacked on the village. Reflect the attack of special work will not be. However, try not to hurt you helping the guards – it hurts the nervous. From now on, such animals will meet you with enviable regularity, so be a silver weapon – its slaughter force increases exactly twice when applied against aorticulated. Cut off the wolves, talk to the guards, and they will send you to report about the chosen. However, Pastren disappeared without a trace, and in his throne hall you will be waited for two more werewolves. Here you will be mandatory to infect some mutability, even if you have immunity. Outside you are already waiting for the shaman, which will give a diagnosis – Likantropy. However, like vampirism, this disease during the first three days is quite amenable to cure conventional medicine. I advise you to recover, perhaps rather, otherwise the corust will no longer talk to you. You will still have a chance to pick up a lycantrophopy in the future if you did not break the corprup. If you have immunity to diseases, you will be able to run in the wolf skin with the help of a certain artifact, which will soon be able to find. In any case, after healing, talk to Shaman again. Shaman will provide you with the status of an honorary member of the Skalian community, will give you to your full disposal of the house that previously belonged to the semiconductor you, and also inform you your next task.