The Last of US: Left Behind: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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July 8, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Last of US: Left Behind: Passage
The Last of US: Left Behind: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Supplement will tell about the life of Ellie to a meeting with Joel, as well as how she had to survive in a cruel world, when the senior friend was on the verge of life and death.

By mig back

Riley comes to the room (the first mention of it is found in the series of comics “American dreams”) and, depicting a shortcut, is attacked by Ellie. The joke turned out unsuccessful, but, nevertheless, emotions from meeting with a girlfriend, with whom no more than a month have blocked all the negative. Ellie believed that Riley died. We learn that for all the lack of absence, she safely joined the organization of Cycad. The Last of US: Left Behind: Game Walkthrough and GuideShop “American Princess”.
Convulsively search boxes and find adhesive tape. Wound the wound Joele with a piece of fabric and fasten the ribbon. It will help stop bleeding. The status of the companion leaves much to be desired. Lock the warehouse and go to search for more effective. Rising by the escalator and continue to move around the atrium. Around the angle detect the Uston’s pharmacy. The gate is discontinued, so we can easily get into. On the shelves lie empty bottles. There is no limit to indignation: the tablets were burned, and the packages were left. Behind the counter on the right side we will find a note from an unknown, which depends the distraught pharmacist and locked it in a nearby store. The kit is a first-aid kit, but the door is locked and the key is required for it. Let’s leave the pharmacy and get to the “American Princess” store, which is located on the corner. Unscrew the lock on the gate by applying a combination from the note. Waving inside, go for the counter, where we find a rag and blade. We are moving deep into the store and in the very corner from the left side you will find the body of the pharmacist. Search pockets, take the key and photo. On the back of the slide photo – Laura’s signature.

Going to the exit, I notice Nutcann. When he passes past the gate, slowly squatting, we get back to him and kill a knife. We select a bottle of water and return to the pharmacy. The key unscrewing the door behind the welcome, open the first-aid kit, which turned out to be empty. Look at the adjacent room and take the only useful item. Jump over the window and moving bypass on the right side. Shift to another right where there is a small passage. We are chosen in the store and discover the body, next to which the recruitment and first aid kit are. The group returned from a quarantine zone with a patient who had a fit and he pounced on people. As a result, the helicopter crashed in this shopping center. Let’s leave the store, go down the stairs and cigat through the fence.


Ellie decided not to lag behind the girlfriend and escaped with her from the camp. Follow her and listen to the story of how Riley was recruited by cicadas. During the surveillance for Trevor, a trustee of the Cycad (more detailed information about it, it is possible to learn from the series of comics “American dreams”), she landed into the ambush and was captured and delivered to Marlene. We climb upstairs, we leave out and watch the truck running column. Riley is preparing a surprise for us. Go down, go to the tent and select a photo Winston with bedside tables. Then you accept or refuse alcohol. Winston Asher was friends with Riley and taught her children from a quarantine zone Horse riding on his horse’s horse in exchange for drinking. Winston died from a banal heart attack. The Last of US: Left Behind: Game Walkthrough and GuideSkull predictor.
Get to the wreckage and help your girlfriend raise a metal beam. Everything collapsed, and Riley immediately noticed another passage. Send it to climb up and go after her, but through the door. We ended up in a store with Halloux attributes. We wear averse mask and interact with Riley several times. Quickly and often click on the button shown to play it. If you wish, you can walk through other rows and try various masks and entertainment. Having finished, go through the other door. Riley suggests to compete in the accuracy. We pick up bricks and aiming throwing in the windows of a red car. Change positions, moving along the hall. In total, it is necessary to break the back, windshield, side on both sides of glass and panoramic roof. Waning, ask one of the questions you are.

Go down, search the room on the left side and on the table we find a note Winston, which notifies the activity of infected in the mall. Catch up with Riley, come to the electrical wheel and pull the lever. Ta dame, yes there will be light! An even greater delight will cause the door.

So close

We go to the right and pick up the first-aid kit. We continue to explore this site, here we will find a lot of useful items. Also do not be lazy to jump over the counters. Having finished, heading to the doors leading to the service room, and select the sleeves lying in front of them. We pass inside, we are moving along the flooded corridor and choose to the warehouse. We try to start the generator – it fails, there is no fuel in the tank. Near the barrel is a note. On the contrary, in the corner of the fenced grille, there are hose and canister – we take them. Still a little right lies brick. Turn off the flashlight, jump into the water and carefully go around a wagon. Listen to to detect infected. Consistently kill them and collect drop-down cartridges. If the ammunition ended, then we rush to the brick and, quickly running, teach the enemy with a knife. Crashing with everyone, get to the loading platform on the left side. From it goes into a container of the truck and at the other end I find a bar. Selecting the outside, we get to the right side of the cabin, open the gas tank cover and drain fuel. Returning to the generator, pour gasoline and manufacture, pressing the appropriate button when the slider turns out to be at the bottom of the scale.

The electric cable landed into the water, and now it has become impossible to move. We go to the right, open the door and climb the stairs. Moving along the left ventilation pipe, which will lead us to the wagon. We turn right, jump on the hood and select useful items. Returning back, we go through the container and jump on the loading platform. Open big gate on the right side. We collect supplies and open the gate on the left side. I pull out the cut column from the boxes and install it under the large gate on the right side. We climb through the boxes between the gate, we pass on the goal yourself and jump even higher. We move on the other side of the ventilation pipe. The Last of US: Left Behind: Game Walkthrough and GuideBenzobac.
Jumping on the platform, immediately select the cartridges. Unlock the doors and go to the store. Stalkers stand still, and the shortcuts move on a specific route. Killing Stalker, finding out behind when the shortcut will go away. We will wait for the shortcut and destroy it in the same way. All the time silently moving on the karacheki to avoid risk. Search all corners, we go to the hall and spread with the second pair. We go on the right side of the last stalker at the entrance. In the hall there are quite a few nishtyakov.

We leave out, we cut the first shortcut and kill it with a knife from the back. It is better to do without the use of any items for stunning and firearms, so as not to catch the attention of the second enemy. Obtained Nutcunov, click on the green button, open the gate and go upstairs. Look at the tent on the left side, select the voice recorder and listen to the record. We rise to the debris, climb on the glass surface on the right side and, passing to the end, jump over the helicopter. Inside detect a full first aid kit.

Fun and games

Entertainment continue. We ride the carousel, take turns we read the calabura from the book and go down to the photobet. We choose any topic you like, make a few pictures and, trying to print the result, damage on the button until the device does not affect. Back climb upstairs, turn left and jump over the rack. We select a note from the table top. We catch up with Riley, climb the worker escalator and we go to the institution with slot machines. We interact with the device with a blue screen in the right row. Close your eyes, mentally present a fight between Angel Nales and a black fang. We perform combinations that will become more complicated and more complicated by pressing the buttons shown in the lower left corner. At the end, we carry out fatalith and win the unconditional victory.

Riley proposes to check what is behind the door, but Ellie pursues this idea, explaining his refusal to return to the camp. Riley admits that this is possible their last meeting, because at the direction of Marlene it will be translated into a detachment in another city. Girlfriend will ask the Council, but not waiting for him, hits the door. We go after her through the rooms with mannequins. After a short pick-up, Riley will drop water guns. It was a surprise that a friend warned at the very beginning. For such a sin not to play. Pump the air water gun and shoot a rival. Do not fit close, as it will be time to take place behind the racks and re-pump the gun weapons. Next, we consider to five and start hunting. Listen to to discover Riley. Be sure to turn off the flashlight so as not to become a light target.

Games games, but it’s time to say goodbye. Riley will offer us. We take the gun and give the player girlfriend. She will connect it to the audio system, and we will be thrown into the dance. After a frank scene, Riley will throw off the medallion of Cycad. Friendship between girls has become even stronger. Meanwhile, the noise contaminated. Riley pulls out a gun and shoots one of them.

The enemy of my enemyThe Last of US: Left Behind: Game Walkthrough and GuideHaving bandits and infected not once.
Hearing a shot, quickly out of helicopter and running through the hall. Soon there will face the gangsters that barely beat off from infected. We select onions and wait for a good moment. Very soon, the enemies are separated – this is our chance to destroy them, remaining unnoticed. We go to the right, jump over the barrier and hurt for the rack. Killing the first enemy, search for the counter. Similarly, we are painted with two remaining gangsters, waiting when they are divided. We take arrows from the corpses, pass to the corridor and penetrate the ventilation mine at the other end. Turn on the flashlight and move on the bloody track, which will lead us to the voice recorder. Listening to the recording, we return to the fork and move on another way.

Infected crowded right below us. We grab bricks and throw them towards bandits. With this action, we will kill two hares at once: chopped infected and deal with people. We use a bow for the destruction of the shortcuts or jump down, we get closed to them from the back and apply a knife. Do not forget to pick up arrows and search shop windows. We choose in the hall, get to the blocked gate and, turning right, climb upstairs. Make your way forward, waiting for the appearance of bandits and their approximation. Again, throw a brick or a bottle in the right side and thereby smearing the infected. We finish the survivors and how usually search all corners. Get to the collapsed ceiling, climb upstairs and open the gate.

Joel in danger. Bandits are actively trying to open the castle on the gate. First we clean the store on the right side – there are two gangsters. Then we will move on the left side and kill the local enemies. In two at the gate at the lower level, it is best to throw a Molotov cocktail. Before returning to the goal, necessarily the usual all corpses and collect the maximum amount of ammunition for gun. We spend all the found items for the manufacture of aid kits, Molotov cocktails and bombs. As soon as we try to open the gate, all the gangsters from the county will immediately escape. We run to the store on the left side. Listen and get ready to take the “warm” enemies descended to us. Danger lies with us from all sides, so listening to always. Soon raised infected. I hide in a secluded place and, if possible, we will install enemies on each other. We achieve the remaining, go down to the goal and unscrew them.

Escape from “Liberty Gardens”The Last of US: Left Behind: Game Walkthrough and GuideJoel in safe hands.
Riley and Ellie were in a difficult situation. Run for my girlfriend, block the door and raise the gate. We pass inside, drag and drag the red box to the goal and continue to follow Riley. Get rid of infected, quickly and often pressing the shown button. Catch up your girlfriend and help her fuck off the enemy. Climb the stairs, make your way through the doors and turn into a room on the right side. When the infected again appear on our way, jump over the fence to the right and rushing on the construction forests. Already practically choosing outward, the design is collapsed, and we fall down. Fight off from infected, helping Riley and only then we notice the bites in the hands of both girls. hope dies last. This principle decided to adhere to Riley and Ellie and left everything as it is.

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