THE MEDIUM: Game Walkthrough and Guide

The Medium – Mystical Advenchur with a view from a third party, the main heroine of which is a Medium girl named Marianna. She will go to the party house of recreation “Niva” to figure out the secrets of his past.
Funeral service
After the introductory video, The Medium you will find yourself in the apartment over the funeral bureau where the level will end. During the study of game locations, pay attention to the white points, which, as approximations, turn into an image “Mouse”. So in the game, interactive objects are marked, which may contain important information, prehistory or banal scenery (for example, posters). Although the game does not provide for the achievement of all interactive objects, some of them still have to examine / collect. Moreover, there is auchevka, which only triggers if you understand at least 150 objects within one passage.
As soon as you get control over Mariana, go to the journal table where the calendar is located. Examine it to familiarize yourself with the closest affairs who planned the adopted father of the girl. When you finish, click on Q to move away, and go to double doors. Interact to go out into the corridor. This part of the level is devoted to many major game mechanics, including interaction with objects, inventory and the use of Marianna’s abilities.
Find Jack Clamp
After you see a cat in the corridor, go ahead. The door to the left side can not be discovered because it leads to the exit, but you have not found the clip for the jack tie. Technically, this is the only goal that needs to be achieved to promote the plot, but at your disposal a whole apartment, full of other information available for study. At the first door on the right there is a kitchen. There are several objects, including an empty bowl for catfish. On the left on the counter there is a bank with this most stern. Take her back to the bowl and interact. Choose cat food to feed the cat and get achievement. On the kitchen table on the right there is a fresh release of a local newspaper, which tells about world events. She also confirms that the game events unfold in 1999.
Show a photo
From the kitchen, as you guessed, you need to look into the room with a red light – photo laboratory. A manual that explains the process of manifesting photographs is glued to the wall with the duct.
– highlight photos for 5 seconds
– Immerse photos to the developer for 3 seconds
– Immerse photos in stop mortar for 3 seconds
– Immerse photos in the retainer for 3 seconds
This is not the last time you have to show photos in The Medium, so read the mechanics thoroughly. Take the top white sheet of paper stack on the right side of the table. Then place it on a wooden stand under the lamp for the manifest. Follow the instructions. Turn on the lamp and calculate 5 seconds. You can listen to how the mechanism is ticking in the device. When the time comes, turn off the lamp, take the photo and follow these steps. Add a photograph to each bath with liquid, moving on the right left. At the same time in each of them the photo should stay 3 seconds. If you get it too fast, Marianna commented on this moment, saying that you need to wait a little longer. If everything is done correctly, the name of the subject in the inventory will change. Continue actions with each bath to ultimately unlock the collection of collectibles – photo Jack.
That’s all that you can find in these two rooms. Go to the second door to the right on the corridor to be in the bathroom. There is nothing to consider here and there is nothing to consider: only the book “1984”. You can explore it, and after boldly return to the corridor.
It is time to move in the direction that the game hinted earlier. Return to the door to the first room, where they were after joining, then go along the corridor on the screen and go to the open hand on the left hand. Here you will see a cat and different items resembling Jack. After examining the wall on the left, you can look into a small box, in which the clamp for a tie must lie. But there is nothing inside. At this point, the game will first tell you about intuition, which Marianna can use. Hold the left Ctrl to detect the outline of the clips for desktop clock. After that you can interact with these clocks to move them aside and pick up the subject. Do not forget about this skill, because at some moments the game simply will not remind of intuition, although it will oh, as you need!
If you want to continue the plot, just grab the clamp and go back to the front door in the other end of the corridor and leave the apartment. If you wish to explore the apartment, inspect the collection of icons on the wall on the left. On the Table of Jack there is a photo of his and Marianna, and an icon hang on the wall on the wall. Release into the corridor and use the double door in the depths of the screen. This is the former bedroom Marianna. You can explore the collection of butterflies on the left wall, a photo from the shelter on the table and several items on the chest of dresser with a mirror on the right. Here you will begin to understand that the “talents” Marianna appeared since childhood. And in three years she entered the hospital after a fire, receiving a second degree burns (35% of the skin).Marianna, the main heroine of the game.
Now, when we found a tie clamp, you can return to another end of the corridor and go out through the door to the left, which was not previously. Outside there are no collectible items, so boldly move the only route. Go down, go through the balcony and move the stairs to the first floor. Go to an open courtyard. In addition to the plane on the wall on the left with the inscription THE LAST GOODBYE FUNERAL HOME, there is nothing more interesting here. The door through which you need to go through the right hand. She is locked, but fortunately, the key of the funeral bureau fell in the inventory. On the left of the left there is graffiti, which Marianna may comment. As soon as you finish, apply the key to the Bureau door and go inside. The room for preparing the bodies is on the left side of the screen (or on the right, if you focus on the movement of Marianna), but it is also locked. The previous key does not fit, so you have to look for another. Go to the fore and roll into an open door to the right to find yourself in the work office of Jack. You can carefully look around, but most importantly, you need to learn – Jack’s table.
The key to find is not difficult – focus on the book. You can also find notes about the recent deceased person and another joint photo of Jack and Marianna. Return to the previous door with the key and open it. Go to the Niza himself to get into a kind of morgue. You can look around, but there is nothing to do – you have to open one of the freezer trays to find the body of Jack. The game will not allow you to apply the clip right on Jack, because there is no tie on it. However, this very tie lies nearby, a little left, on a chair. Take this item, then discover the inventory and combine the tie with the clip. Done? Now all this can be applied to Jack to run the cat-scene.
Climb the stairs
It becomes crazy. Starting light bulbs will start, the goal will be updated – you need to check the office from above. Return to the same way, look into the Jack office in the funeral bureau and go to the distant corner to discover the fallen vase in the floor. Interact with it to launch a long cat-scene.
Party holiday home “Niva”
Soon Marianna will get to the main location of the game – the party home of the recreation “Niva”. You need to do something to get to the hotel, but by that time when it happens, you will already get some idea about how you have to do throughout the passage of the game.
Path to “Niva”
Although we are at the main gate, but to get inside will not work directly. On the right side of you there is a stand with a map of the complex, ahead is a locked gate, and to the left of them – the wagon. Inside the wagon, on the floor lies a lifted suitcase, from which you can pick up the next object of collectibles – the postcard of the caretaker. Take her before getting out of the wagon on the street and go along it left. Rear to the garbage container and jump from it through the fence. Go on the road to the development until the cat scene starts. After it, you can use intuition to see children’s traces on Earth. Inspect this place, but before moving in the footsteps to the right, turn to the left to detect a monument to the soldiers who died in World War II. After studying it, go back to the footsteps and go to the right. In the end, you will find a tree, the heart will be cut on the crown. Inspect the object, keep moving until you reach the old fort. Go inside the stairs before going down the stairs.
Here the game will again divide the screen into two parts. But this time it will not be just a cat scene, but a play moment. Climb up on the ledge on the right and see that the way forward in the real world blocks the lattice. You need to restore meals on the right hand fuse block. Move to the right and in the dark world. Examine the floor on which the next collection will be lying – a terrible drawing. The way to the left leads to a spiritual well, which can be used to charge the energy. This mechanic will chase you throughout the game. After charging the energy, go back to the fuse block and activate the spiritual explosion (the “Space” key) to spill the energy and charge the device. After go out out of the fort, go along the path. On my right hand there will be a dead deer, but a little further – another fork. Rate to detect another monument with a terrible mechanical monkey from above. Keep moving until you see the fallen tree. Sense under it to detect the Niva holiday home.
Get inside the holiday home
When finally get to the hotel, you will see a huge parking. This is the largest outdoor area in the game, and the search for each hidden collectors will take a lot of time. However, I will get rid of you from unnecessary effort and tell you where you need to go. Move left to the point review shift. You can stay on the road or descend on a small staircase for a walking alley with benches. Go here, keep going to the left and look for a magazine lying on a bench. Pay attention to the asphalt: there are different arrows on it, indicating where to go on. For example, where the magazine is located, you can detect a yellow cross, partially covered with fallen leaves. Follow the signs left and up the stairs. The camera will again shift, and after that a red machine will appear. It was for her that we strive all this time. If you do not learn it now, you still have to come back here later.
Next to the car will be depicted butterfly. Look inside. Here obviously someone lived. You will find inside a caretaker’s postcard, which is easy to skip. Take a look at the left side to find the button on the dashboard opening the hood. Click on it and get a screwdriver from under the hood, which will come in handy later. Can leave this place and go along the parking to the right. In front of the courtyard there is a pillar with information about the “Niva” complex. Keep moving while the camera will not direct you in the opposite side of the courtyard. Go there to see on the asphalt drawing, reminding our childhood game with you – “Classics”. Use intuition to see the traces depicted on this part of the asphalt.
Return twice back, and when you approach the holiday home, Marianna will feel the tide of energy. Will start calling the phone nearby. Go to the booth, remove the tube, activate the intuition and start rotating the subject. You need to detect a glowing line that a couple of seconds later activates the voice on that side. Such memories are called the game “Echo”. And this is another kind of collectible items in The Medium. Climb the steps to the main entrance and come to the main doors “Niva”. Try to open them, but nothing will come out – the doors are completely locked with chain. Look for another way inside. Go to the right and find another butterfly image. It’s time to take advantage of the newly found screwdriver to unlock this door. Go inside and go to the trash container on the wheels. Move it forward to make it easier to climb the trump card and get into the party house.
Find Thomasa
Instead of looking for Thomas, to begin with, we will collect all the collectors on the location. Immediately after entering the hotel on the left hand there will be a boot. Examine it intuition to detect echo. Climb the stairs to the left to find yourself in the reception area. There are three chairs on the right, and on one of them – the magazine. On the wall behind hanging a poster. On the opposite side are windows aimed at the newly studied parking. On the table is another magazine, and the map of the holiday home is hanging on the wall. Among all this there is nothing really important, though, I repeat, there is achivka in the game related to the study of 150 different facilities.
Here finished, so go to the registration. Two posts near the walls near the elevators hide the next poster of Vivienne ballerina, but the collector, a caretaker’s postcard, will be able to pick up on a high ashtray behind the block with elevators, in the depths of the hotel. Finally, the administrator rack is a guest book. After studying all this, move to shimmering lights in the depths of the hotel, behind the metal grille that needs to be studied. It will be locked, and on the ground there will be a flashlight. Pour the sound bell at the administrator rack. Return to her and interact with the bell to meet the first inhabitant of the Niva holiday home – sadness.
Rise to the third floor
Now, re-divided into two worlds, you need to find a way to deliver Marianne on both parts of the screen on the third floor of the hotel. Elevator earned, so go to it, enter inside and start moving up. As expected, the elevator will break, and you will be locked in the real world. The game will educate you with a new mechanic – separation of the soul and body. To do this, clamp the F key, after which you can move in the dark world regardless of the body (it will stand motionless, the left part of the screen will darken). You can stay in this mode for some time until the connection is broken. In this case, the game automatically teleports you back into the body. Or you can do it yourself by holding the F key.
Exit to the second floor in the world of spirits and pay attention to the fuse block to the left of the door. Like the last time you need to find a way and charge it with spiritual energy. If you look carefully, you will notice the luminous white area in the background of the second floor. There you need to go. Go down the stairs and go back to the hotel entrance. Then go to the shower well to absorb energy. Go back there is no no, and no need. Instead, clamp the F key to return to the body, then leave it again, go to the floor and activate the spiritual explosion to charge the safety unit.
Having done this, you can explore the second floor and in the real world, although there is nothing about the elevators, except for the other floor plan and another poster, leaning to the railing. But it is better to re-separate from the body and in the world of the spirits go down to the first floor to go into the corridor behind the bars and pick up the next creepy drawing on the place where the lantern saw in the cat-scene. When you are ready, go back to the elevator and climb on the third floor. At the beginning of the corridor there is only a floor scheme that fell to the floor.
Meet sadness
I hope you adore long corridors because it will be the first of many. After you frighten the swarm butterflies, keep going ahead. In the real world there will be a barricade door, and in the dark – the door, locked on the key. This is your next goal. Make a few steps forward, and the swarm of butterflies will fall on you. Call a spiritual shield while holding the mouse wheel to survive when a collision and go on. On the left hand there will be a door through which you can only go through the world of perfume, so you will again have to separate from the body, holding the F key. In this room hidden the key from the same door seen earlier. If there is a desire, you can go to the end of the corridor, but everything that is waiting for you – a piece of skin, blocking the further path. After you take the key from the room to the left in the world of perfume, go back and open the locked door to the right in the same world of spirits. Sign in Apartments.
There is nothing inside the room, only a giant hole in the wall, through which you can see. She just allows you to see the way forward. Next to the door – a passing bathroom, through which you can go to the long room, seen through the hole in the wall. Next to the window is the phone with another echo. It’s time to jump down. Getting into the second floor apartments, look around. On the end of the right there is a vase in which it is necessary to insert a certain object that the spiritual well in the dark world can be used to obtain energy. So you need to find this subject.
Hidden collecting
If collecting collected items, move to the right on the screen. So you get to the bathroom, where in the sink is a bubble for tablets (there is an echo on it) and a mentor diary. You can also see that there are even more butterflies in the next corridor. That’s why energy needs! Exit the corridor and go to his beginning to find the world of perfume in the world. Return to the apartments and interact with the book on the left, surrounded by some white fragments in the world of perfume. This is your first acquaintance with memories – another kind of collecting. So, to restore such a memory, you need to interact with the nearest subject in the real world, and then move the mouse to the side so as to connect puzzles into a single picture. If everything is correct, it will start glowing, and after 3-4 seconds a memory will start. The last thing remained indoors is the old recipe located in the foreground.
Go out, on the balcony, and move on it to the right side (the camera will unfold). In the real world, the floor will collapse, but you can fly from the body to get a little further. Complete by another passage with the skin and move along the balcony by thin protrusion. Getting into the apartment, get to the bathroom. It will be closed, so look at the eyes first. As soon as the door opens, you will see the bath itself filled with blood. Interact with her to pull blood from the bath, and then take a razor lying on the bottom. This item can be used to cut any skin! Return to your body, go to the skin, blocking the way, and cut it to get into those very apartments. Take a look at the bathroom, but this time find a mirror with echo. Take the flower lying on the end. It needs to be returned to the vase of previous apartments. As a result, Marianna in the spiritual world will be able to charge the energy from the well. To the right of the flower there is another object that allows you to restore the memory.
Now that the heroine is charged with energy, use the spiritual shield to get through butterflies. You will find an open door. Enter the staircase and raise upstairs. There will be a door blocked for linen truck. Push it and go inside the corridor. You will return to the very sector with the skin, and now it needs to be cut. Next will be another segment with butterflies, by which you need to go along with the spiritual shield. Move quickly because energy can run out and you will start getting damage. Even if the shield disappears, you will still have some time to hide from butterflies. Just run ahead. In the neighboring room to the right there will be a newspaper and a drawer from a note of a concerned person lying on the floor. In the world of spirits in the same corner there is a terrible drawing. Interact with the door to run the cat-scene.So the screen is divided into two worlds.
Tomasa office
So we got to the office of Thomas. It is time for real puzzles. Examine Tomas’s table, thanks to which Marianna will notice that it was clearly and recently someone was. On the floor lying a flashlight and a small key from high o’clock. In one of the boxes you can find a note of a concerned person – an excellent find for lovers of collecting and trophies! The scheme hanging in the frame on the wall, signed by Thomas, and inside the cabinet on the opposite side there is a blurry image. Marianna commetes both subjects.
Puzzle with a clock in the Tomas office
We now turn to the riddle. Come to the outdoor hours and apply the key on the dial door. Rotating the arrows of the clock, you will change the state of the Dark World. If there is a desire, periodically stop and interact with Echo Thomas. Every time a new one appears. Continue to rotate the arrows to see how the passage opens in the hidden zone. It happens at 7 and 5 hours. At 4 o’clock in the room there is a well shower from which you can draw energy. He will be on the Tomas table. Inside the hidden room there is a fuse block to be charged with a spiritual explosion. Come to the closet and use intuition to detect the button hidden by the picture. Click on this button to get into the room already in the real world.
Now go back to the body and go to the room. Here you will need to show a photo. Previously take a collectible note on the floor in the center. You can also explore two books, although it is particularly reading there. While doing this, find all the missing accessories for the technique of photography. So that they become active, you need to explore two empty baths and a third place. Next, collect three canisters and a bath, put the last on her place. Each canister in inventory has label from “1” to “3”. Pour them on the right left in the bathroom, and then show how it did in Jack’s apartment.
Run away
Now running! That’s all you can do. Try to predict the turns where butterflies appear, and run in the opposite direction. In the end, you will find a room with a shower well. Next to such a well you will be safe! Burst spiritual energy and keep moving forward. Here you will need to show secrecy skills. Be sure to bend and explore the patterns of movement of the monster. If he does not see you, then moves on the same line. You need to follow him deep into the room, pick up the moment and get into the long room. Hide behind stones and drawers. As soon as you finish, repaid the energy again and activate the spiritual shield to go through insects. Soon you will return to the hotel.