THE NIGHT OF THE RABBIT: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 12, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

THE NIGHT OF THE RABBIT: Game Walkthrough and Guide

After the introductory roller, we bring the pointer to a strange creature and click the right mouse button. During the dialogue, choose any of the replicas. We follow the creature and continue to communicate.


Jerry Hazelnuts dreamed all his young life to become a magician. Waking up on the cry of the mother, we go out and understand that until the end of the holidays there are only two days left. Whole two days of adventure! It is today on the radio broadcast the morning gymnastics. We carry out simple techniques that will help get used in the game. We bring the cursor on the radio and click the left mouse button. Then again to chat with the radio. We take the basket from the windowsill and open the inventory by any of two ways. Click on basket right mouse button. In the inventory, there were two subjects, connect them by pressing the left mouse button first one subject, then on the second. Click on the left mouse button on the basket, remove it from the inventory zone and click on the mother Jerry. She will ask to fill the blackberry basket. Click on carrot beds on the left side and pull the carrots. Let’s go right and look into the disguised cache next to the bench. Remove matches, petardes and a gold coin. We continue to move along the path, and go to the next location. THE NIGHT OF THE RABBIT: Game Walkthrough and GuideCretaceous quarry (left) and stick (right).
We select a jar from the ground from Cola. We go to the right, then upstairs, to the next location. Go on the board and click on the chalk career on the left side. Take a stick at the pond on the right side. Let’s leave the forest and pass to the end right. We use a stick from the inventory on the barbed bush. Automatically select a rosehip and collect blackberries. Then we use a stick again, this time to clearing the berries from the web. Return to the house and put the basket on the windowsill.

New acquaintances

Where neither take, the envelope appears and flies directly to the mailbox. We interact with him twice. Open inventory and click on the envelope right mouse button. Inside, we detect the “recipe for carrot fire”. We go to the next location, we reach the intersection and apply a stick on the acorns on top. We collect them from the ground. We go to the forest where there is a strange stone stone near the chalk career. We use chalk on it. Next to the fungi appeared proteins and left something in the center. This is a tree bark, taking it. In the foreground, a large stone is lying on a flat stone. Put the chalk on a flat stone, click on the big stone, then in chalk. It turned out a chalk powder, which combine with Petardoy. I fall asleep the resulting mixture into a jar from Cola. In it, add bark, acorns and carrots (exactly in this order). We leave from the forest and apply the jar on the forest crossroads. Gilt the circle formed with a match. In the corner of the chest appeared hanging the poster, and behind it. Reveal it and detect the magic wand. We use it on the cylinder, which also lies in the chest. The very hare appears for which we played at the very beginning. His name is Marquis de Hoto. We accept the offer to become his student and go to the most unforgettable adventure in our life. Magic coin in inventory allows you to see what was hidden an eye, that is, active zones will be highlighted (space).

Welcome to the mouse

Follow the marquis in the forest. Press the gap, and the toad comes to life behind our back. We pass through the portal and find ourselves in the same forest, but in another world – a mouselethere. It is here that we know all the wisdom of magic and become the most real wood. We arrive at the square, after which the Marquis will leave the city council to report our arrival. Let’s talk with a protein, chubby animal and with a dancing mouse. Soon there will be a mouse with a backpack. The invisible ghost chases him, so we press the gap and we find a strange creature behind the back of a mouse. It is time to get acquainted with the members of the Council. Coming with the protein of Jonathan and the owl of Conrad, entering the dialogue with the marquis and get a new task. According to tradition, the student must alone prepare a holiday, that is, send invitations, order blue juice and baking for treats. We get the most invitation to the holiday of wood vertices, which is 90 years old. We also need a brand. Postman Plato will help send invitations.

Preparation for the holiday

Look at the next building – Forest cafe. Click on the bell on the rack on the left side. We communicate with the appeared by Ania on all themes. Now click on the bell on the right side. Annia will give us a lollipop without sugar and dryish cupcake. Let’s leave the cafe, we bring the pointer to the top of the screen and go to the garden. We interact with a barrel on the left side and remove the crane. We select a rake near the table on the right side. Go to the adjacent location where you dry the lollipop in hive hive. We go to the tunnel leading to the Town Hall, and communicate with Mr. Church mouse. We get a gold coin on the thread. THE NIGHT OF THE RABBIT: Game Walkthrough and GuideCrane from barrel and rake.
We go to the left, go down to the city center. Again to the end of the left and pass to the city gate. On the rocky trail we choose on the field. The road was blown up baby gumbert. Give him a sweet lollipop, go through the log and then to the next location. Ursula got into trouble, you need to save her from a huge crow. We select the marsh calendula from the ground. We use a cupcake from the inventory on the ravene. Among yellow vegetation on the left side there is a boot. Remove the laces and cling with them the hook on the top of the antenna next to the crow. The resulting boarding hook, we throw on the antenna and a powerful blow to the bird. There is a mouse from which we get a poster. We put Ursula in a backpack, we also select a crows feather. Let’s leave this location and come back again. There was a frog in the form. Enter the dialogue and find out what is Plato. Near the parcels, take them and agree to help disseminate mail. On the left there is a machine with blue juice, we apply a coin on it on the thread and take the barrel with blue juice. We go to the right to the next location. Then even right. We inspect the statues, after which they press the gap and pick the scaly from the fish statue. On the path we choose in the mouse.

We return to the city center and give a purple parcel to the protein. As a reward, we get one leasehold. We go to the cafe and give a lilac envelope Ludwig Zemler, sitting on the right side. In the award we get a mug. Immediately we take a blank envelope from the table. We use a leasehold on the machine with Valerian and remove the bubble. In the forefront, in the lower right corner there is a huge cheese. Bedate a piece with the help of a boarding hook. Look at the Town Hall and give Ursulov Kov. We pass for the town hall and we pass a passionate parcel Mr. Church mouse. We go to the outskirts of the city, where in the lower left corner there is a house with a transparent door. Let’s place the green envelope in the mailbox.

Being in the city center, we turn left and go to the urban wall. Communicate with a plump animal named Spitzveg. Follow the chain: to the city center – for the town hall – on the outskirts of the city. Two hedgehogs appeared here. Speaking with them, press the gap and discover the greenoshapa. The creek lies a tree, pick it up. Traces lead to the tunnel, pass for the town hall, then go back to the outskirts and go to the gardens. When Greenoshap once again hits us, put the rake from the inventory on the slab with the image of the clover. Newly we do the route – the outskirts, at the town hall, gardens. We collect tools and go to the outskirts. Pinch a narrow tunnel, left from the usual tunnel, applying a plank from inventory on it. The path is the same: for the town hall, gardens, outskirts. Click on pumpkin, after which it will fall apart. We give tools to the hedgehogs, pushing the boat and return to Spitzvega.THE NIGHT OF THE RABBIT: Game Walkthrough and GuideBy installing a rake on a plate with a leaf of clover, we can stun green hat.
After talking with Spitzveg, install a spoon from the inventory into the boat. To her, Krepim is an abord hook, which will serve as an anchor. It remains only to drive a catfish. To do this, pour Valerianca to the water. Open the gateway and float downstream. Again the baby Gumbert decided to take up the collection of interest. We go to the cafe, calling Alonya and give it an announcement about the lessons of music. We return to the boat, plunge into it and swim further. Get white pepper from Spitzvega. We continue to sail on the boat. At the last moment I manage to cling to the branch.

Once at the dwelling of the gnome, take a spoon and snail with a huge beet on the left side. We use the nail on the window from the inventory, and then snail. Inside detect the ill-meant gnome. Take the key from the cork board to the left of the door. Be sure to communicate with the gnome. Let’s leave the home, unscrew the wicket key and get to the cafe. Informing Annia about the diseased gnome and immediately move to it. We get a recipe, cause Alonya and take the medicine. Pour in the circle in the inventory blue juice from barrel. The resulting liquid overflow into a spoon and give a dwarf. Opened secret hatch leading in a cafe. On the other end of the rack is a coffee maker. We use the glass on it and move through the hatch to the dwarf. We go out and get to Plato. We defrust the bike with a hot drink in a glass. Speaking with Plato, combine objects in this order: an ancient invitation + envelope + snail + brand. The resulting mountain of invitations pass Platon. Now we can quickly move around locations. Click on the center of the miracle, go to the Town Hall and inform the marquis about the work done.

Hall of students

Move into the hall of students, where we will start learning. We select two semicircular details and fix them on the apparatus on the right side. Then with the help of cobalt Leprechaun remove the ball of glass pipe in the foreground. It is also fixed on the device. We select the key from the serving of the portals. Moving to the Town Hall, go on the outskirts of the city. Unscrew the transparent door in the lower left corner, previously selected key. Entering inside, go further through a broken window. In the foreground a little left lies chocolate in foil. Away on the edge of the cup hanging napkin. We are moving to the right and throw a boarding hook to ivy (green plant). We move to the clock and first move the iron needle. THE NIGHT OF THE RABBIT: Game Walkthrough and GuideOil drop and iron handle with narrow slit.
Combine a napkin from inventory with an oil drop on the clock. Wipe the iron needle with an oil napkin. Fix the needles on fur. Now scroll through the iron handle with a narrow slit under the mechanism. Mousetherapy Wizard – Aro Mol. Wake up it, get a new task. You need to go through four portals and learn four new spells. Return the book to the forest spirit and plunge into sleep. Casting all day, get a book of the day and night, which allows you to quickly change the time of day. Play or miss the Quartets. Further route is: the outskirts of the city – for the town hall – the city center – the city gate – Forest Crossroads – Forest. The first portal for us will open teachers.

Search portals and spells

Moving to the usual world for us, communicate with an ancient toak. Get to your own home and click on empty barrel near the bicycle. Return to the intersection and use a stick on a lamppost. Choose replicas until the woodpecker flies. Come back to the toad and apply Indian white pepper on it. In the dialogue, the first replica can be any, in the second – “River Time?”, In the third -” Stone whisper?”. We get the spell “whisper of stones”. Speak again with toak and pass through the portal. Open inventory and choose “Stones whisper”. All spells are located on the right side on the circle border. Apply spell on a strange crystal near the trees.

Go to: City Center – Gardens. Press the gap and detect greenoshapa. On the table lies his clothes, taking it. Having agreed to meet with Zelenoshap, go to the town hall, open the inventory and click on the “interesting book” (at the top on the right outside of the circle). Night came, now we can penetrate the Town Hall itself through the window. We bring the pointer to the top and climb the roof. Zelenoshap is on the other side. Touching with him, try to move to it by clicking on a big branch.

Get to the gardens where the real feast. We speak with the grilling owner of the garden, constantly choosing the first replica. We replace the night in the afternoon and go to the cafe. Calling Alonya and tell her about a cake that the hare family is waiting. For festive treats require ingredients. Inventory lacks beet juice and forest berries. Through the secret hatch in the cafe, we move to the dwarf and go out on the right side. We use a crane from inventory on a large beet from the left side. Choose a mug from the inventory and fill it with beet juice. Returning to the dwelling of the Gnome, we leave the left on the left side and get to the radio station. THE NIGHT OF THE RABBIT: Game Walkthrough and GuideBonfire for cooking and bush with forest berries.
We replace the day at night, get foil from the inventory and apply it on the fire. Put on a piece of foil cheese and season with all this white pepper. Now we can freely collect the right amount of berries. Changing Night Day. Go back to the cafe, we call Aniyu and give her all the ingredients. We go out, replace the day and night, night and day immediately. We go to the cafe, pick up the finished cake. It remains only to take it to the grouchy owner in gardens, replacing a pre-day night. Pick up the glowing nut from the barrel on the right side.

In the afternoon we take a look at the cafe, and put the item in the form of a key to the key next to the coffee maker. Having waited until the mouse will use a fake, we go to the gardens and replace day night. The passage in the cafe is open, so we enter inside and pour coffee into empty cup. Go to: City Center – the city gates. We are filled in a cup and give drink valerian gunner. We interact with the gun, then put into it from the inventory nut glowing. We leave behind the town hall, we enter inside, climb on top of the tower and climb to Zelenoshlyapu by clicking on the large branch.

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