The ODYSSEY: The Search for Ulysses: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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June 24, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The ODYSSEY: The Search for Ulysses: Passage
The ODYSSEY: The Search for Ulysses: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Mission 1.

Episode 1. Troy ruins

On the shore to talk with the guardian and merchant.
Among the merchant things to take the fabric to the city of.
In the city throw a fabric and go to Natos (house in the city center).
Having received a refusal in the immediate conversation, go take a walk in the city.
Walking, return and talk to Natos.
Taking a skip from Natos, get out of the city through the second gate.
You can talk to a woman.
Holding the right side, go bend the wall and get to the blacksmith.
Talk to the blacksmith, then with Mikis.
Go for Mikis.
Waking up in the temple near the corpse of Mikis, raise the trident.
Showing a trident to the blacksmith, we return to the city to Natos.

In prison, speak with copper.
Picing the basket, drop it and carry the rope (causing an inventory, turning to the fallen basket with his back).
Climb on the roof through the hole in the ceiling using Coppe.
We throw off the stone on the head of the guard.
Jump on the ground, we are out of prison coppe.
We go to Natos, in the house we take the fear of warrior.
We leave from the city, when leaving the guards, we talk about Natos.

Koppay leads us to the gake.


Episode 2. Temple of Eol.

We speak with a gake.
We drink the drink offered by them, watch the movie.
After the death of the gake, take from the table Brilliant Eol.
We go to the temple (vglub mountains, right).
Under the tree near the temple lift from the ground one of the raised flowers from the tree.

In the temple we pass for the columns, with the left and right of walls from each mosaic, we take on the tile.
We approach the aisle with six jets of a couple in the center of the hall and insert stones with winds: Southern wind – upper right corner, oriental wind – lower right. Western – top left. North – Lower Left. Hot and wet wind – the bottom and upper holes (for them it is not important). If the stone is inserted correctly, the radiance and sound occur.
Place the flower in the center of the circle behind your back (where ribbons are pegged).
We leave the temple and from the desired ship to take six statues.
Back to the temple to the aisle with the jets and go inside.

On the altar (in the form of a lamp), set the statue of the North Wind (leads to the unknown) – the door opens.
Install the statue of the rising wind (leads to the gods) and quickly run into the closing door.


Mission 2.

Episode 1. Lotofagi.

We go around the city and speak with everyone we see, while collecting pieces of filtering matter.
We pass to the lake near the embankment and raise the lotus seeds from the water.
We select one of the pots scattered around the city and gain marine in it (!!!) water
We go to the temple and on the second floor we read the inscriptions on the walls.
We go to the Osiris machine (moving through the ditch).
Over the fire we put a water container.
To the right of the car on the circle put the filter (any of the available), put on it the lotus seeds.
Become the left of the car, click on the handle (the bowler should fall to the fire).
Raise the bowler by pressing the handle.
We get up opposite the kitte and pour water into the filter from it (if all the allops are done correctly, then the liquid changes the color).
Take an empty bowler and use it to filtered liquid.
Drink the resulting drink.

Once in the reality of lotophias, you can wander around the city, talking to people. Periodically, you need to drink a drink from kotelets at the pursuing people (time of its action is limited).
Go to a green-blue building from the side of the temple.
We will see a man who leaves for the building (something we will lose control, anxious music begins to sound).
After returning control to quickly run after a person, having endured the building, at its end, turn right, run to the second packer and run through it, trying to speak with the man until he disappeared.
If you do not have time to – repeat first.
In case of success, we will again be in our reality.
Speak with Chrisia, we talk twice about the lotus.

Once in the forest, run for owl.
Having met Athena, take a shield from her.
Returning to the starting place, run twice for the owl. then turn left – we will go to the Palace Gorgon.
Log in to the palace and to the left of the entrance to hang the shield on the stone statue (pressing ENTER).
Beat the sword on the shield, attracting the attention of the gorgon (there must be a characteristic sound).
Gorgon, trying to order us, herself bowels – at this moment you need to quickly approach her and kill her.
Pick down the gorgon.
Climb the stairs to the second floor.
Put the head gorgon on stone scales – water will go in the well.
Jump into the well.

On the beach to talk to Chrisia.


Episode 2. Cyclop Island.

We speak with Copper.
We go to his house (through the forest), we select the rope on the way (remembering this place).
In the house of Coppey in conversation, choose a conversation about Koppea.
Koppay is recognized in betrayal, cyclops appear.
You can kill the cyclope in two ways, we describe more simple (in a more complex, the statue and seeds of the lotus): When the cyclops are turned away, leave the house and, while staying under the roof, go to the hill behind the house, rise to it, holding a gorgon’s head in her hand.
On the top we are waiting for the cyclops at us and show him the head of the gorgon.
Return to home.
Speaking with Coppey, he runs away into the forest, where he finds a decent traitor to death :).

Near the house Coppey, we take a sharpened log (sticks out in the Cyclope skull).
With a log going through the forest to the place where the rope was raised – there is a giant crossbow. When moving it is better to press to the edge of the forest, so as not to get caught.
Install in the Cross Truck.
We use rope on the crossbow.
We stretch the rope and wait when the cyclops stop and look at us).
Shooting from the crossbow and kill the cyclope.

Return to shore to the ship.


Episode 3. Palace Test.

Listen to Poseidona.
In the first hall we notice the cycle of movement of the tridents.
By choosing the right moment, run through the hall, open the door, go out.
In the second hall, approach the first statue (Minotaur), click “Space” and listen to the question.
Stepping on the circle on the floor, listen. Who indicates this symbol. Hearing the right answer, click the gap – the statue goes under the ground. Similarly to the second and third statues.
Reply to the first question – Teskey, on the second – gera, on the third – man.
In the third hall, we speak with the “Odyssey”, after turning it, we use the head Gorgon.

We look long roller.


Mission 3.

Episode 1. Lestigons.

Speak with merchants.
Go to the city, left, to the tent.
Near the tent we click “Space” – appears Borea (trader in white).
We speak with Boree, agree to its proposal to hold us to Lescroins.

Once at the top, we go to the hillock, we are waiting for the appearance of a pair of ledrangons.
Carefully fade by NIAM when they return to the city.
We go to the right in the camp when lednigons stop, quickly running to the bridge.
After the ledrangle guarding the entrance to the cave. Leaves, running inside.

In the cave we go to the left, we go to the sleeping lendrigon, go to the right, carefully go around, pressed to the wall.
In the camork take the board, trying not to grow.
Lestergar wakes up and runs away.
With a board in hands we return to the first sleeping lenderon and go to the left of it.
Reaching the niche with dripping water hiding in it.
After the lendergon running leaves, we continue to go to the edge of the abyss.
Apply the board to the abyss.
Go through it and go down to the first sleeping lendergon.
Gently go around and go deep into the premises behind him.
Speak with the prisoner, agree to save it.
Prisoner runs away, lednigons are resorted.

Once in captivity, speak with the prisoner.
If we refuse to relax, then run first way, otherwise – 2nd.
It is possible to run in two ways:

1st: We go to the second room, pushing the ham hanging around the second exit.
We go to this scene – lednigon comes.
Running back.
Litriped runs for us and knocking on the ham, dies.
In this room we take the basket with firewood and go to the dura, that in the room where there was a lestron.
Near the holes set the basket and click Enter.

2nd way. Raise the Skull of the Baran (with horns) and the rope.
We go to the balcony.
Put on the ground the barractions of the skull, then Rerre – they are binding.
We raise the bundle and ending the edge of the balcony in the middle, throw it.

Get out of the water, go to Bore, take your things.
We pass to the guard tower, climb onto the stairs to the right.
We are on the horn lying on Earth (“Blancher”).

Return to our ship.


Episode 2. Meeting with circcery.

Go to the house.
We rise to the second floor and speak with the circces.
Agree to drink her drink and turn into a pig.
Go down on the stairs to the first floor and climb again.
After listening to the conversation of the circces and meropeps, climb to the gallery.
Speak with Ne.
Come out of the house and not getting up Merops, go to the roof.
On the roof, moving clockwise, we enter inside and the stairs are chosen even above.
Continuing to go clockwise, get to the illuminated auditory window.
Vlamini in the window, snack the first rope (with canvas).
Raise the green pillow and go down.
Put the pillow behind the canvas (further from the circces) so that the canvas gets between her and the pillow.
We repeat the way through the roof.
Sing the second rope – the medicine should be a fence on the pillow.
Let’s go down, take the medicine and bring it to the cereal.
Speak with the circces and take a trident.
We remember recipes.

Return to the ship.


Mission 4.

Episode 1. welcome to Hell.

Log in Grotto.
Go down on the stairs.
Speak with the soul of coppe.
Agree to give him a fee for charon.
Go down to Charon.
Give him a sword, get a duffer in return.

We go on the shore.
Carefully – so that Cerberry does not close – we move to the entrance to the Palace of Judges (on the finish line – running).
In a conversation with the judges there are three options: with disinterested behavior – first we are experiencing the death of Mikis (with the appearance of Geryiti, we run away from him to a statue and jump from the stairs; I’m getting up behind the “space” push it down), then get to the tartar.
With neutral behavior, we fall into the Champs Elysees.
In case of selfish behavior – in the field of asphoderelic.


Episode 2. Champs Elysees.

Brotherly in the park.
Come to the oven, ask the girl to flour.
Take souls at the River Bread (quickly, so that he does not have time to cool), we return to the oven.
Take flour.
We go to the vineyards, near the Chan take a burdyuk with wine.

We go to the river, we call Dudka Charon, please take a tartar.


Episode 3. Tartarus.

We run around Tartar in search of tantalum (right on the point of appearance).
Talking to him, take an empty glass, barrel and honey plate.
Go further for tantalum on the road.
On the road we can talk to Sisyphoma, but we do not agree to his proposal.
Having reached Prometheus. which the eagle pecks the liver, raise the stone and throw in the eagle.
After the eagle flew away, we say with Promethem and take blood from him in the barrel.

Returning to the point of appearance and go to the other side until we find Danaid.
As soon as they turn away, we recruit the water into the glass. Tanteda taken.
We can attribute water to Tantalon – then we will have to go again for water, taking another glass. For this, he can give one of the following ingredients: honey, flour, wine.

We return to the disembarkation point and call chance, asphyches to the field of asphodereels.


Episode 4th. Asphodelia fields.

White cliff (on the right, if you stand back to the river) to put the stone in the form of the table in the following order: honey, wine, water, flour.
Speak spell.
We put blood.
Driven the trident of the soul and wait for the arrival of Tiresia.
Speak with a tireimem three times.
We get three crystals.

Come to a rock labeled with red signs on top and round holes at the base.
In the hole in the central part, we put the pink crystal, on the right side to the central hole – blue, on the left side to the central hole – white.
Raised up the same cliff and take a new crystal.


Episode 5th. Final battle.

We go to the right to mole.
Speak with Poseidon.
It is possible to choose three types of weapons for attack, our winning combination – Gorgon head, shield, sword (order is important). Attack is considered successful if Poseidon fell to his knees.


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IN. Efimov,

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