THE SETTLERS 3: Game Walkthrough and Guide

As you already understood, SetTlersiii is a continuation of SetTlers: Serf City (1992.) and SetTlersii: Veni, Vidi, Vici (1995.). As in previous games, you need, skillfully dealing with the economy of our people, conquer the territory of the enemy.
What has changed, settlersiii? First of all, graphics, drawing, sound and interface, that is, almost the entire appearance of the game. Some innovations also appeared: there is no longer the main castle (in which all the shops, folding materials, food and other junk);Disappeared uncomfortable roads and porters now choose the path themselves;You can independently manage soldiers and workers (excluding porters);There are many new buildings, and the old few have modified. In short, playing it became more interesting.
Since there are more than 100 missions in the game (the avoyful gamer is enough for a long time!), I decided to stay in more detail on the economic part of the game. Undoubted the essence of the management of “natural economy”, you can easily pass the mission yourself.
Basic Concepts, Building Tactics
In every mission you are given an island, whereby your opponent is comfortable. The purpose of all missions is one – conquer the territory of the enemy.
Almost every mission or scenario starts equally: you mined the main resources for building buildings (stone, wood);Then expand its territory and build residences;After that, you can proceed to extraction of additional resources (iron, coal, gold, etc.) and the development of the food industry (bread, meat, fish);The next your step is the production of labor and weapons;Now that you are already firmly standing on your feet, continue the seizure of new territories, build additional buildings and use magic.
Mining major resources
First of all, you need to build a woodcutter hut as close to the forest and proceed to the extraction of a tree. In order to obtain building material from the fledged tree, it should be processed – for this we will need Sawmill. It needs to be built near Woodcutter Hut, so that the porters do not have to run far.
The tree rolls, processed, cut off again … The forest is slowly radically, and some hemps remain in his place. In order not to stay without building materials, you need to build Forester Hut next to Woodcutter Hut. The forester will plant trees instead of you conceded. If you want, you can build two Woodcutter Hut and Forester Hut.
Now you need to think about the mining of stone. Find a stony place on your territory and build a stonecutter hut next to him. Here you have provided themselves with the main resources.
All of the above buildings, except Sawmill, can be changed working area, that is, a place where you will plant and chop trees, hammer stone. To do this, click Left button Mice on the desired house, then click the button on the left panel, on which the circles (from red to green) are drawn, and finally select the desired location.
If you play for Asians, then you need to build in two or three times more timber processing buildings. Playing the Egyptians, carefully follow the resources, as it is not clear why, but the forest and stones are very quickly ends.
Expansion of territories and building residences
To expand its territories you need to build Small Guard Tower, Large Guard Tower or Castle. It is possible to expand the territory as you like, in all directions.
So, after the construction of the aforementioned tower or the castle, the soldiers located nearby go there. If you want a tower to take not one, but a few soldiers, then you can go to it to increase the number of soldiers and determine the genus of troops (swords, archers, spearmen). After the soldier goes to the tower or a castle, the territory engaged in you will increase depending on what kind of building you put.
But there is one advice: if you want you to have more soldiers, then demolish the previously built and standing guard towers.
Now we will deal with the construction of the residence. There are three types of residencies: Small Residence, Medium Residence, Large Residence. They need so that you have more people (porters). But we should not forget that from any porter you can make a worker or soldier.
By the way, to expand the territory you can equip pioneers . It will take care that it will rearrange the red peasants (the border of the territory) to another place, thereby increasing your territory. To create a pioneer, click on the SetTler Menu button, then Civilian Occupation and select Pioneer. Depart the pioneer to the place of the neutral territory you need to assign for the benefit of fraud.
Mining additional resources
In order to successfully conduct military actions against a competitor-conqueror, you need to extract additional resources: gold – to increase the rank and power of soldiers (from the simple rank, you can make the strongest knight);Coal and metal – for the manufacture of workers of labor and weapons. There is also a couple of types of additional resources, but this will be discussed further.
For the mining of this kind of resources, naturally, you need mines, namely – Coal Mine, Gold Mine, Iron Mine, Sulfur Mine, Gem Mine.
Sulfur Mine is only among Asians. GEM MINE is only Egyptians (these resources play the same role that gold at the Romans and Asians, that is, increase the combat capability of your soldiers).
All mines can be put in the mountains, which would be pretty good to learn – send geologists there. If the geologist finds some kind of valuable breed, he will put a sign on which will be drawn: coal – black square, gold – three golden points, iron – three points of silver color, sulfur – yellow triangle, precious stones – one golden color point andTwo red.
To invoke a geologist, go to the Control Center menu, then in Settler and Civilian Occupation. Opposite the geologist, press the button of three arrows directed upwards (in order to create five geologists at once). Then combine geologists in the group and direct them in the mountains. After they find coal and iron ore, put the relevant mines in these places.
Also for coal mining, you can use Charcoal Maker Hut, in which one bag of coal can be obtained from five boards. But, it seems to me, such a way is very overlapped.
Development of the Food Industry
The food industry includes production of bread, meat, fish and rice.
Let’s start with fish. It is mined very simply and does not require a lot of strength to plan the placement of buildings, unlike other types of food. From the south and east, your island is washed by seas where fishermen catch fish. Fisherman HUT need to build as close to the sea and mines (if possible). Fisherman will catch fish in the sea, and porters attribute it to miners. Such Fisherman HUT need to put two or three pieces, you can and more, if you can.
Next, consider the production of meat. You will need four buildings: Grain Farm, Pig Farm, Slaughterhouse, WaterWorks. So, build Grain Farm, to the right of it – Pig Farm, to the right of Pig Farm – SlaughterHouse, but WaterWorks need to build next to the river. Why next to the river? In the sea, water is salted, and it is unsuitable for production. So it turns out that in Grain Farm grown wheat and carry it on Pig Farm. Water from WaterWorks also carry on Pig Farm. Grown pigs lead on the SlaughterHouse, where they are killed and separated, thereby getting meat that is carried by miners.
For the production of bread you will need three buildings: Grain Farm, Grain Mill and Bakery. Best of all, of course, to build them alongside (in order not to run). With Grain Farm Wheat goes on Grain Mill, and from there Flour is lucky in Bakery. Ready bread is delivered to miners.
When playing for Asians of miners from Sulfur Mine, you need to feed or bread, or rice. For rice cultivation there is a structure of Rice Farm. It is best to put it near the marshes, since rice is grown in water. But if there is no such possibility, then put this structure elsewhere, and then reassign the place for growing.
Production of work and weapons
For adjustment of production tools (shovels, hammers, hoes, axes, etc.), two buildings are needed – Iron Smelting Works and Tool Smith. They are, as usual, are built nearby: Iron Smelting Works interpret iron ore with the help of coal into iron bars, and in the Tool Smith, as everyone knows, they are spoiled by their iron bars, the necessary tools (also not without coal participation).
For the manufacture of weapons, two buildings are also needed – Iron Smelting Works and Weapons Smith. Stlikely, as in the previous version, simply instead of the tools of labor makes a weapon (Luke, spears, swords). For the production of workers and weapons, you will be quite just one Iron Smelting Works.
Romans can make a catapult by building Catapult Hall. For the catapult you need a tree, boards and stone.
If you play for Asians, then the gun can be added to your weapon list. Build Gunpowdermaker Hut and Cannon Hall. Gunpowdermaker makes powder made of sulfur and coal, and the cannon will make guns and charges to them from wood, iron and coal.
If you play for the Egyptians, then you have the opportunity to build ballists. To do this, build Ballista Hall. You will need the following resources: stone, boards and logs.
In all of the above buildings also produce shells.
Building additional buildings
In addition to the main, you can build and additional buildings. These include: Gold Smelting Works, Storage Area, Barracks, Healer Quarters and Shipyard.
Let’s start, perhaps, with Barracks – this is the most important structure, without which you will not have soldiers. To use this building, at least one is needed (but in general – as much as you need) a porter and weapons (sword, onions, spear), which is made in Weapons Smith (so Barracks are best put next to WEAPONS smith). So, Barracks enters a simple porter, and an ordinary soldier comes out – a ladder, archer or spear.
Gold Smelting Works is needed to smell gold bars, used for this mined gold and coal.
Storage Area is your warehouse. If there is gold bars and precious stones (when playing Egyptians), then the combat power of your soldiers will rise. Also here you can store other items, such as weapons and tools. Otherwise, as soon as the blacksmith or gunsight will make eight items and fold them near his home, production will stop until Porters dismiss things and do not drag them to the warehouse. Build Storage Area anywhere.
HEALER QUARTSERS FUNCTION – Treat wounded soldiers. The soldier is considered wounded if it is not green square, but a yellowish or red.
Shipyard is also needed, but only to move across the sea to the otherside or island. Buinging Shipyard, you can create two types of ships: trade and transport. On the trading you can transport any cargoes, and in transport – people (from porters to soldiers).
Use of magic
If you play for the Romans, then for the accumulation of mana required for magical power, you will need Small Temple, Large Temple and Winery. First build Winery next to the river for growing grapes (and later – for the manufacture of wine). Then next to Winery Build Small Temple to recycle wine in Manu. And finally, Large Temple – for the issue of priests with magical forces. These priests actually do wonders.
When playing asiates, you will need Small and Large Temple, as well as Distillery (serves for rice processing in rice wine). This is the same as Romans Wine. Just before producing wine, you need to build Rice Farm.
In the game for the Egyptians you will need Sphinx, Pyramid and Brewery. Sphinx can be equated to Small Temple, and Pyramid – to Large Temple. But Brewery replaces Winery, but not only with one name. To make beer, need water and wheat. That is, you will need to build WaterWorks and Grain Farm.
And here is the list of magical miracles in order from the bottom up.
Romans: “Magic Eye” – allows you to open any hidden part of the card; “Big steppes” – turns the steppe into the meadow; “Giant thickets” – turns frail forests into normal; “Glance Fear” – your enemies are afraid of you; “Heavenly Gifts” – some material will appear at the selected place; “Touch of Midasa” – turns the simple metal ingot into the gold ingot; “Fingering resources” – by choosing a place with resources on the territory of the enemy, destroy them with this spell; “Appeal of the enemy soldier” – choose any of the opponent’s warriors, and it will immediately go to your side.
Asians: “melting snow” – melts snow in the mountains; “Stone Curse” – makes big stones; “Sea of Fish” – doubles the number of fish; “Heavenly Gifts” – some material will appear at the selected place; “Stone in iron” – turns the stone into the iron; “Shield Chi-Yu” – applied on your soldiers, gives a powerful shield during the battle; “Sword of Samurai” – kills any enemy soldier; “Fast reinforcement” – the battles double the number of soldiers.
Egyptians: “Heat Zhoras” – turns meadows into the steppe;”Siphon swamp” – turns the swamps in the meadow;”Fish in meat” – turns fish into meat;”Forest Fire” – the whole forest massif gradually burns;”Heavenly Gifts” – some material will appear at the selected place;”Strengthening soldiers” – all of your soldiers increase (not much) combat force;”Overclocking of enemies” – apply other people’s people on the creation, and they run in a panic on the sides;”Archers in border guards” – archers turn into a launder or spear.