The Temple Of Elemental Evil: A Classic Greyhawk Adventure: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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June 21, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Temple Of Elemental Evil: A Classic Greyhawk Adventure: Passage
The Temple Of Elemental Evil: A Classic Greyhawk Adventure: Game Walkthrough and Guide
This salt is not presented for completeness and inclusion, but concerns only the most important points. The authors declare the procedure for fifty side quests, so, most of them remained overboard of this narration. Before starting, as you know, you choose Alignment, which will affect starting locations and initial quests. You can choose any of the nine, to taste, we will go on “True Neutral”. Next, you can pose on the team already ready pre-Made heroes or create them on the pool on yourself, choosing a whole crowd of indicators, ranging from the abilities and profession and ending with the color of the hair. Of course, you are free to set the team of your dreams as you will be pleased, but I advise you to do it balanced, as they say, for all occasions of life. That is, let’s say, from Faera, maybe couples, breaking bones and tearing undead on pieces in hand-to-hand, visrid attacking rods at a distance, Cleric, so that he treated shabby comrades, and threesome for tissue, which lies badly, and hackinglocks on nothing. Here, by the way, take into account that, the smaller you have characters in the party, the more experience they will receive, but at first it will be harder to restrain the onslaught of attacking creatures.

Let’s go. Yes, I hope you did not choose the game mode “Ironman” at the very beginning, designed exclusively for D & D’Manyakov D & D? How are you? Then, please tell me how much such wind is brought to this page? Leave the immediate class of students and do not slap the door at the exit. So where we stopped… Oh yes. You materialize next to the destroyed temple in the forest, inside which Hrudek’s mighty druid is waiting for you with a couple of bears. He is looking for people to fulfill their task, you just for these purposes and make it. He is needed to find himself in the village of Hommlet Druid named Jaroo Ashstaff, and something long ago from him did not have any news. You will not have time to slap your eyes how you already find yourself in the village Hommlet.

Go to the house to the druid, it is easy to notice – it is built around the tree in the center of the village – and talk there with Jaroo. He will tell you already, it was already, to send a report to the authorities represented by the Chief Druid Hrudek’a, but so far I did not fully understand with a gangster activity in the Moat House area. There further and go, you can immediately choose a replica in a conversation or later choose location on the map. Previously you can run around the village, chat with people, enhance various quests and see the NPC command. Just one such a fighter-drunko is mistaken next to the tavern and agree to join your brigade just half a total revenue that you will achieve in the process of traveling. Well, in general, decide for yourself, you need such a warrior, eating half of the common cake, or let him pour a quiet on.

On the map “Moat House” go along the path in its northwestern part. On the way, spread the pack of thick frogs, which will certainly lean out of their minded swamps when you pass by. You will come to the destroyed fortress, where bandits will be drawn on you, shelling arrows from the corners of the courtyard. You can go down to the corner tower and stuff there a dishearsal spider. Then descend inside the ruins through the main gate.

Owl down with your legs like rats like rats and disperse with a gang in the room in the north, then two secret passages will open in the same time. One leads to the surface from another part of the structure, and the other to the next level. Bear there with a hefty huge, and then free the gnomes in the next room. They will thank, will give a ring, and will tell about strange types in the rascoats that fussed here, and which OGR did not touch, precisely because of their cape. In the room with columns, please give a bundle of zombies, and in the north, take from the chest, apparently, the very capes, black with a sunny pattern.

Go to the next level, and in the center of the map, talk to the Gnoll Leader. He will tell about his terrible master and literally for one hundred coins will agree to leave you alone, and in the whole two, tell us where the shelter is. Do not want to pay – fight, and if you pay, it will indicate this place flag on the map. This is a little south, next to the room with a pentagram on the floor, where the road is blocked by soldiers. Come on the corpses and enter the room with a bunch of brave guys who guard the relatives LareTha. You can surrender, but you can protect yourself from attacks. After traveling, go to the rest of the leader and talk there with a master of Laret. He will tell that he is the main thing here, and that this place was chosen as a branch of Temple of Elemental Evil, which began to reborn. Crash masters, take and read his diary, there is also mentioned there is another village Nulb, as well as its contacts with the Temple government. By the way, before death, he will want to surrender and even wishes to tell about a secret passage in Temple of Elemental Evil. If you save my life, he will be able to join your party, if you do not wish to cooperate with him, you will have to fill.

Return to Hommlet and talk again with Druid Jaroo, it is in the same place. Druid will be happy with the way you coped with trouble, but immediately think about the revival of Temple, at the lower levels of which something is happening. And will advise you to investigate the situation in the village of Nulb, where we just go. In Nulb, you can perform a few conversion, but the main thing is to find out the location of the temple, if you do not know it yet. Talk to Mother Screng, the owner of the pharmaceutical bench, it will indicate this place on the map. Or you can make a map of the girl Alira in the tavern, as a last resort, take from her corpse.

Even before a visit to the temple, you can visit the valley, where there was a “Great Battle”. Talk to the town of Hommlet with the main cleric in Church of St. Cuthbert, for a little offering the guard will miss you to him. He will tell about the temple and about the fact that somewhere in the Emridy Meadow, in the very place where the battle of good forces with a dark Temple took place, he lost his thing. Location with valley will appear on the map. You can go there and find it.

Temple of Elemental Evil. Well, here we are at home, where so long have sought. The main entrance is closed, so you have to break through a small door to the left of the central entrance. In the chests you can find the raincoat of air, earthly, fiery and water temples. Accordingly, when you will be on the territory under the controlled temple (Temple of Elemental Evil levels are divided into different schools) in the right raincoat, you will not be touched. Can, of course, some stupid zombies run away, and the rest will not be. No one else to meet you more here, so descend to “Dungeon Level 1”. At this level, expect a warm reception from small zombie groups, Garpius and Ghoull.

In the south of the card free the prisoners, one sailor wants to join you, take if there is a hunt. It will not far be the entrance to the tower where you can go down to the next level, “Dungeon LEVEL 2”. There you can go there with other ways, but there will be the doors, locked with magic locks, with which you will have to tinker. There is a lot of interesting things, very beautiful scenery at once in several styles and clouds of monsters (attack immediately pieces of 10-13). In general, explore your health, and we go further, the next stop – “Dungeon Level 3”.

In the room on the left there will be a giant Scorpp with a “dog”. How would you not talk to him, climbs into a fight. As of death, he will ask for a mercy, and will also tell me how to go down below, and agree to you to join. You have long dreamed of walking in the company with giant? Go to a round room in the south, the hatch will open there and the staircase will appear. With her, you will go to another part of the same level. Next to open the door, a woman will attack you immediately, take the key, get acquainted with the contents of her chest at the wall.

Opposite this room there will be a room with Visard Falrinth and his handtle, a small flying Quazit’om. Fall them, then take the key from the body of the magician and open the chest in the side room. Now in the place where you fought with a magician, go to the floor to the wall and click on the wall from above. She will travel to the side by opening you the secret room. Peel into the chest and grab a gold skull with you – “Magic ORB”. It is necessary to finish the game, however, it is quite possible and without it. Once you find it, next to the throne at the main level Temple’A will open a new secret pass (you will be shown on this case).

Go on to the West, and you will be taken to “Escape Tunnel”. If you follow this route further, you will see the door to the left and stairs in the northern part of the map. The door will bring out in Ramshakie Farm, to a destroyed house where it is easy to get to the card and to travel anywhere. A good opportunity to deal with things and lick the wound. The staircase leads to Tower Ruins, from where you can go to Temple Tower.

If you continue the way to the eastern part of the card, returning back through the hatch, to brake with exploding mushrooms and a centaur on the road, then there will be a passage to “Dungeon LEVEL 4”. Go straight along the corridor to the north-west, do not turn anywhere, and you drink the room with the Supreme Priest, the whole red one glows. Call Hedrak, it seems like emissary luz. In general, it will not talk for a long time to talk for a long time, but rushes on you with fists. All the surrounding ridges, two-headed giants, vises and every chaw smaller will escape to him. The battle will be…

The next one is much easier, there will be pegless puddings on you, overflowing jelly and poisonous mushrooms, attackers at a short distance long tentacles. There are four drawers with rates of four elements. Dress them according to the portal where you are going. Miscellaneous portals will transfer you to different locations where you can perform quests, collect things, and fight with a whole beam of various “Bad Creatures”. Say, if you click on the orange with a triangle, which will be transferred to “Earth NOD”. There will be a healthy monster, Glabezu Guardian, which will help earth elements. Kill it, take Magic Gem and go to the portal for his back. You will be announced in the portal on the other side, in the fourth level. A luminous portal of white color teleports you to the area where one of the stones, between which the pavements are extended, you will find a leaving Cleric, who will agree to join you. Why not? Red Portal will cross you in “Fire Nod”. After the fiery salamander, deal with Balor Guardian and go to the portal behind him. Well, T.D., With the remaining portals you can figure it out on your own.

To significantly facilitate the final battle, you can destroy the malicious skull, then to fight with the main villain of Zuggtmoy will be easier. To do this, talk to the Burne magician in his tower in the eastern part of Hommlet’a. He will tell about the skull and will declare that he must be immediately destroyed, in order to prevent the revival of evil forces. For this ritual you will need: hammer (MAUL), which can be found in the barrel in the southern part of Dungeon Level 1;Wind Scroll from Banshee Chest in Dungeon Level 3;Fireball Scroll (Before showing him a skull, you can take Burne’a to yourself and make him write a scroll) and holy water that can be bought from Cleric in Church of St. Cuthbert.

After return, you can try with a gold skull, that is, not destroying it, to the throne in Toee and go down to the passage at his foot. Position in Temple Locked Level. Go southwest. There will be one ancient old woman, talk to her. Instead of the skull, she will offer you a silver column. You can agree with her or abandon such a tempting offer. If you refuse, then zuggtmoy will appear and the final battle will begin. In principle, all, put the creature with my feet and see the final video about the zuggtmoy cake or tormented in the cords, and listen to the further fate of all the main actors in Temple of Elemental Evil. If you destroyed the skull, you can get a GEM HOARD thing from Throne of Gems and see what happens later. And now – Thank you all, everyone is free. The game is over, you won.

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