The White Chamber: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » The White Chamber: Game Walkthrough and Guide
October 13, 2022
16 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The White Chamber: Passage
The White Chamber: Game Walkthrough and Guide
The White Chamber – This is a free amateur game, debut project of the beginner studio of developers – Studio Trophis. Classic drawing quest, with a very high-quality plot, in the presence of several endings. All quests with TWC should be familiar with all quests, and those who are indifferent to this genre – especially. Dedote a couple of evening hours to rescue a pretty young girl who was somehow in space, nothing can remember and without your help is hardly able to survive in this terrible and fantastic history.

The White Chamber has one significant drawback, in most cases fatal for lovers of quests – all this stunning plot, all the dialogues in the game are drawn up on… Clean English. The developers swear that in the next couple of months, transfers will be released into other languages, but when it actually happens and whether Russian will be among them – another big question… Let the real lovers of quests are not upset – on what language there is a game, all the actions that happen in it are quite logical: you opened the door with the key in English Quest or did the same in Russian – there will be no difference. When playing in the original – such as the creators thought – you, by the way, get even more pleasure (and for this game, in general, and needed). And all that can stay beyond, I will describe in my article in detail. Here you will find a description of all four possible endings with the conditions of their preparation, Easter eggs hidden by the authors of the game, and some other moments that can not be noticed during passage.

So, let’s start – because we are waiting for great cases!

The beginning of time

In the first room you will be managed with a local engine (Dead Code Development – Wintermute Engine – Take a look at this product, if you suddenly decide to start the production of your own quests). To use the object, click on it right-click – a menu will appear from two items: “Hand” – the main character will try this object to use / enclosure, and “Eye” – your ward commented on what sees in front of me – to herthe one side of the monitor knows what it is for the thing, so do not happen sometimes use this function. Inventory hides at the top of the screen (so far it is empty), and the “Save / Download” menu is called when pressed on ESC.

The inscription “Connection error” burns on the panel. Try to connect the wires to the right of it – everything should earn. Now look at the screen and honestly answer the questions: “Do you know where you are?”And” Whether you are scared?”. On the last question “are you ready?”You need to answer” yes “. Your training is successfully completed – leave this room through the open door.

Electricity ended?

Now you need to get acquainted with the setting on board the ship and understand what you need to do. Go to the warehouse (right). Here are a good coat. Get the first two items – the power key and clean ID card. With the card we try to open the door… Yeah – it needs to be programmed on a certain person. Remember… Return to the room with a console. We try to use the panel on the left. Does not work. When examining the girl will say that the elevator is controlled by this panel. She herself will be surprised where it knows. Interesting! Proceed to the third door, the one that is left. Dark, there are no light. Only auxiliary power supply. With the key found earlier the key to return the power to “Rotation of the station” (“Station Rotation”). You can try other panels, but it will be a little sense. Return to the console – now it works. Press it “Use” and look at the “Enable” button at the bottom). Now, with the help of two buttons, expand the station towards the planet (it is easy, with a good turn you will hear a beep). Food throughout the station restored – so much better.

In stock, nothing has changed, but in the room on the left now there is something to see. Unfortunately, none of these devices can be useful for you yet. On the computer on the left you can read email – one of the letters says that you need to find a notebook with a color code to activate the DROID. On the computer on the right, in fact, this code is asked to enter. Will seek…

This is an easter egg: If you enter the correct code right now, before you find a note, then do nothing with the droid will not work. On the monitor screen will be a terrible lackless face. And fetche – nothing to rush events…

Return to the central room – now the panel on the left wall is active. Turn off the fuse (the most left button) and start the elevator mechanism using the central button. After the scripting scene, look at the panel again – the inscription claims that now there is no way back. Coming together – and go to explore new locations in the door opposite you.

You fell into a kind of conference room. In the middle of the room there is a hatch in the floor. Press the button to the right of it – the table with a small screen will appear before you. It can be viewed with video engines. While we don’t have them – nothing will happen. The door on the right is blocked – this is a quarantine room. Look through the glass – you will see that there is a fire. Near the left door hangs fire extinguisher – take it just in case. Inspect the opening shelves on the left and right. To start – right. Ay-Yai – Someone’s hand. Very dead. I will take the video enc – she is no longer needed… Yes, and I also take my hand – suddenly it will come in handy? Now Left Shelf. Mentally prepared to the very bad… And nothing terrible. Some strange box yes Bank drink.

This is an easter egg: If you look at the jar, notice that the drink is called “DR. SALT. This is a parody of the well-known brand “DR. Pepper “. If you treat the heroine DR. Salt, she will not celebrate the most pleasant taste of this drink.

Put these items (“DR. SALT “- like a souvenir, in the game he will not be useful for you) in our true unlimited inventory and proceed to the” top “door. This is some kind of work office. Many items, but almost nothing can be used. For self-defense, we will take the ax, sticking out of the elevator panel, and carefully look at the board on the left. Now it should be a maximum of one shorter chalk. Remember this until I will reveal all the secrets – you never know who could draw it?

Return to the conference room and see what is recorded on the video. Somehur Andersen will tell us what works on the ship recently. He does not trust access to the main project yet, and make me carry out boring routine work. He made several attempts to find out what they do here, but no one told him. Objects walks information about some kind of white room (White Chamber). Arthur notes that all the staff is something scared, they hide from him what happened to the previous technician. Mysteries more and more… We still have another unexplored location – the room to the left of the conference room. Let’s go back.

Some suspicious room with glass walls (for glass – space) – Looks like an observation room. We will select the mirror just in case, which lies on the floor, and look at the door on the left. Wow! Yes this is a real tropical island! How did he come here? Meanwhile, through tightly growing trees, our heroine can not squeeze. Float from here will not work either (it is not known where – the shores are not visible). We will have to go back to the black door portal hanging over the sand (from which we came). Oddly enough, we again fell into the supervisory room, but the door to the right… In general, she disappeared somewhere. I am surprised and trying to go back to the island – to float it will be easier than to pass through the wall… Island also disappeared – now outside the door open space. Fabulous! We hardly climb back to the room, look at the video and notice that the door on the right finally returned to the place. All this is very strange as you think? Raise there anywhere from where the covers appeared in one of the recesses and go through the door to the conference room. Everything is still here, so I will check from hopelessness how things are in the room below.

Wow! All walls are painted by some letters, and something terrible will move on the console! The door behind his back disappeared, so, forgetting about all precautions, we go to get acquainted with this being. “Hello, and you, in fact, who?”. Oh-her, these creatures have strange ideas about handshake. We look like a paw of the moldiness tears your body, and with a clean conscience die…

Second birth

There would be an end to the fairy tale, but no! Some wonderful way we resurrected in the observation room. I wonder, we select in one of the recesses (there, where there used to be a towel) of video school and note. On the note we read the text: “Patience While You Grill Bacon Rind”. Note that the first letters of the words coincide with the names of the colors. We have a chain “Pink, White, Yellow, Green, Blue, Red”. Now let’s go see a new videoisk. This time Arthur will tell us about the disappearance of the officer Richard Weils. The entire station was examined, but no suspicious traces were found. Dr. Goodwin told Arthur for a mug of beer that something is happening here. Artifact, which is located in the White Room, strangely affects people. No details, but it seems that the missing officer somehow fell under his influence. Riddles, riddles… Something begins to clarify, but information is still too little.

Let’s go to the computer room and with the help of the found color chain, activate the droid. Management – Using the Arrows, Space – Action. On the table lies the body, embraced by a flame. Try to open the entrance door, then – put out the fire (nothing will come out – the droid is not equipped with a fire extinguisher). Disappointed, open the door to the right – the droid will fly to outdoor space. But now the fire went out, and you can personally get into this room than immediately and deal.

On the bed remained a trace from the body. Very curious. On the table there is a laser – the power is not connected, so it will not turn it on. Survey the boxes in the lower left corner – one of them is broken handle. Open the door and remove the strange package. Now unpack it (“use” in inventory) – get a morally outdated VHS cassette. Behind the glass lies Video. I wonder before bunda, but it is impossible to get it yet – a new portion of the plot will be later. On the bed we will put the hand we found – she looked like there! We will remember this interesting fact and send (there is nothing more here) to the office…

So they went – the road to the door is closed by a grid. Do not pass. Judging by strange sounds, you again got into a certain other world. We go to the door below. Something strange here is going. After several screens each time we run in the door below. We try not to look at the terrible eye hanging on the wall, and it is not clear where the traffic lights took here. In the end you will find yourself in the room where there used to be a console. Now it is not, and in front of you gaps hell. The bottom is not visible, so the last hope – go on the door to the left. Wow! In the glass pipe now someone is there, and all the walls are written in blood. Scratching… With the help of an ax, we try to smash the glass and free the unfortunate – nothing comes. Looks like a hermetic tube. Press the button on the left… Ouch. Looks like we were washed off the man who was inside. The point is bad… It seems that something is stuck in the pipe to the right of you – you need to check. With the help of the ax, we destroy it and get… Another hand! Poor fellow, apparently, he had to… Need to remember – henceforth does not press any buttons. We leave out of the room and discover that we again fell into our reality. This time I didn’t even die!

We go to the observation room – under the glass on the floor there is something! We are trying to open the cover. For the hair we catch from the green liquid head, watch the movie. The heroine seemed that this creation was still living. Soothe yourself – nerves, nerves… Eyes cut out the poor. I wonder why? Let’s leave it a terrible place.

Now we go to the office and try to watch the VHS Cassette on the projector. On the cassette is recorded a video on which our heroine is riveted to the table. What does it mean? Watch the video – in fact, you really rocked to the table.

This is a bug: If you go to the side before the roller, then after it you will have two main characters on the screen. One – moving around the room, and the second – lying on the table. Bug completely harmless – you can easily play on.

Raise the laser cutter from the table. It does not work – throw him into the video player with anger. Playback stops, and you again free. “I frightened that, damn it happened?”- commetes your ward. The same feelings – we still do not understand anything… Raise the battery from the floor, and from the table – the scalpel and sample of blood (there were no there before). Get out of the room.

Stunning! What else will pour a sore imagination? Under the ceiling hanging refrigerator tied with chain. “What a terrible smell!”- celebrate the heroine. You know, dear, good, that we do not feel it!

This ending: Get out of the room and return back. Repeat this simple process several times. As a result – from the terrible smell of the heroine… (no less) will explode head! I wonder how much the black humor of the developers, and put a tick for ourselves – one ending (her name is Venomous) we already have.

We mean to continue. Click on the switch on the right – instead of the traditional video screen, you will see a terrible hellgy throat in the floor. Take the ax and overripe the chain – as a result, the refrigerator will drop down. Pick up the fallen corpse (Fu, the abomination!) And go to the quarantine on the right. Place your head, body and second hand on the bed. Now you lack only eyes and left legs. Why do we do it – it’s very difficult to understand, but not the essence. Open the door under the laser and paste the batteries there. Now cut with this unit a strange iron box. The inscription on the wall reads: “Where we go, we will not need her eyes”. Inside the box lie, actually eyes. Take them out and return to the rightful owner (it lies on the bed on the right). We admire your creation (“IT I gathered him! I!”) And we go to the side of the room where we saw a strange person in the pipe. Refuel the blood sample into the device, then insert an empty ID card. Now you have a good access card.

This is interesting: For the sake of interest you can approach the analyzer, open the lid and cut the wiring of the scalpel. After such a procedure, the unit will break and will produce strange cracked images on the screen.

Start to the warehouse – now with the access card you should be taken inside. Pick up explosive from the floor (as it was not possible to leave it here!).

If you wish, you can familiarize yourself with the magazine lying on one of the boxes.

This is an easter egg: Try several times to use the prefix standing on the shelf. At first, your ward will unlock that, they say, the submissive games are stupid – you can play infinitely until the protagonist perdition. But then it will become interesting to her, and here – you are in the seating world. Characteristic music, you can’t go left, because scrolling scrolling is not supported. Neither open the door nor turn off the console will not work either, since everything is too strongly pixelized – your heroine can not even see his hands! The only salvation is to hit an ax in an explosive, which from somewhere again appeared. Everyone explodes, you will die, on the screen – Game Over, and the real heroine – again in reality!

Now go to the right, open the door to the freezer. Although everything is fine! No bloody tracks on the walls. Open the freezer… Looks like we hurried with conclusions. Inside lies a living person. Video clip. Our heroine was again in the other world! With the help of the ax cut off the leg at the body on the wall – she is no longer needed, but we will use it! Get out of the freezer. Wow! Someone left a bloody trail on the floor. He leads to the exit. Leave the warehouse and go to a quarantine room.

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