The Witness: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 2, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Witness: Passage
The Witness: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Purpose of the game

The first thing is worth writing – the ultimate goal of the game. Player’s task – solve all puzzles, which are a total of about six hundred pieces. In addition, on the map scattered secrets that you can find. You must activate several lasers that will point to the mountain.

These lasers can be activated only after you decide all the riddles in a specific area. In addition to mandatory mysteries, you will see several ordinary puzzles that serve as a training manual.

All puzzles are a map of a labyrinth shown in monitors of one or another color. You must connect the starting point (circle) and the end point. There are four different groups of collectible items in the game. First – audio files. Fallen monitors that are not related to anything on the island. Keys to the cinema that can be found in closed rooms. If you use these keys in the cinema, the location of which will be indicated in the passage, then you can view a number of videos.

Start the passage of the Witness on StopGame.RU.

To begin with, I propose to familiarize yourself with the map of the island, to which the player falls in incomprehensible for what reason. Yes, and in general, what is this island and who is our player? Your assumptions express in the comments!The Witness: Game Walkthrough and Guide– map of the island with all more or less important locations and notation.
On the marker map signumes the following:

one. Initial territory, closed garden.
2. Training Polyana, where you can solve puzzles of two different types on blue and green monitors.
3. Apple Garden with Sakura.
4. House on water.
five. “Symmetry” – puzzles associated with symmetric motion of lines. First laser.
6. Ruins in the desert. Second laser.
7. Autumn garden (trees with yellow leaves). Third laser.
8. Fortress. Fourth laser.
I. Monastery. Fifth laser.
10. Swamp. Sixth laser.
eleven. Jungle (rainforest and bamboo grove). Seventh laser.
12. Orangery, house with flowers. Eighth laser.
13. Tree house. Ninth Laser.
fourteen. Quarry and sawmill. Tenth laser.
15. City. Eleventh laser.
16. Mountain – Final Location.
17. Pier from which you can call the boat for the first time. Make it can also be on the sawmill.
eighteen. Ruins of an abandoned lighthouse. Mark on the map for reference.
19. House underground, where you can find the code for the first video.
twenty. Lake. Marked on the map for landmark.
21. Mill. At the bottom of the mill you can find a kind of cinema. There are six monitors and one input panel. When entering the correct combination, you can view a video that the author wanted to share with the players. This is the bonus part of the game.

Advice. Do not descend inside the mountain if you want to find and solve secret puzzles, view all video. After graduating from the game, everything you have managed to unravel, will be reset.

one. Initial territory, closed garden.

As soon as the control will go, move forward and inspect the yellow square on the door. Click the left mouse button, then spend the cursor to the left, in a large circle. Repeat a click and spend the cursor to the right to paint the blank section. Re-clicking with the left mouse button and the door is open.

With the next door you need to repeat the same thing, just a form of an empty area other. Climb the steps up to be outside. Go to the long right corner and see a big gate. They are locked. On the right side of them there are three graysov, which proceed three wires. You can trace where these cables go. If you did not guessed, you will need to solve the riddles associated with the grains.

Come to the only workshop working monitor. Click on a big empty circle. See shining point? You need to spend a white line to it. Do it. Affect the entire empty area optional. After solving this task, you will need to go on a yellow cable to find a new monitor. Here again will need to connect a large circle with a shiny point. And here’s the decision:The Witness: Game Walkthrough and GuideAn example of solving one of the first stage puzzles.
Follow the cable and disperse with another mystery. She is simple. Move to the main door and see that one of the casov disappeared. Stand your back to the door and go to the construction ahead. Here you will need to guess a new riddle. Please note that this time there are two large circles. You can spend a line to a glowing point from any of them. More precisely, you are allowed to spend from any circle, but if you look at the drawing, it becomes clear: the line can only be held from the big circle to the right below.The Witness: Game Walkthrough and GuideAnother of the lung puzzles.
So, go back to the big door and trace where the last black cable leads. You will find another monitor. This time there will be one big circle and two glowing points. Because you are interested in a cable that is connected to the door, then you need to connect a large circle with the right bottom glowing point. So that the cable to the right at the bottom became yellow.

Return to the main door and see that there is no more Zasov. Find the answer to the task shown on the monitor on the right – connect the upper circle at the lowest point that is not immediately, but starts glowing.

Move along the path. Left will be a white door with a mystery (№19 on the map above). Until it, we will not solve, because the meaning is not clear.

2. Training Polyana.

Go forward along the path and see several black monitors. The first monitor on the left side will be purple. Click on it. You need to spend the same line from a large circle to a glowing point. But you need to do it so as to separate the black and white squares. Here are the right actions:

one. On the first screen just spend the line to the left.
2. On the second screen, spend the line up, right, up.
3. On the third screen – up, right, twice up.
4. On the fourth screen – right, up, right, up.
five. On the fifth screen – up, right, up, right, down, right, up, up.
6. On the sixth screen – right, right, right, up, left, up, left, down, left.
7. On the seventh screen – up, right, up, right, down, right, down, right, four times up, left, down, left, up, left, up. Below the seventh screen is shown in the screenshot.
8. On the eighth screen – right, right, right, up, left, up, left, down, left, three times up, right, right, down, right, up, right, twice down and right.
I. On the ninth monitor – up, right, up, up, right, up, right, down, down, left, down, right, down.The Witness: Game Walkthrough and GuideOne of the tasks described above (seventh screen).
Nearby there is a building with five monitors. The first of them is painted in green colors. Come to him and start the decision of the riddles. This puzzle series requires you to spend the same line, but be sure to go through all black points.

one. On the first monitor, spend the line like this: up, up, right, down, down, right, up, up.
2. On the second monitor – up, up, right, up, right, down, down, left, down, right, right, three times up.
3. On the third monitor, the solution is similar. Weird.
4. There are two large circles on the fourth monitor. Start drawing a line from the circle that the right and below relative to the other. So, move in this way: up, left, up, right, right, until it is down, twice left, up, left, up, left.
five. On the fifth monitor of large circles at once. The line must be drawn to draw from a circle located in the upper right corner of the screen. So, move as follows: down, down, down, left, left, left, up, right, right, up, up, left, down, left, left. The solution is shown in the screenshot below.The Witness: Game Walkthrough and GuideSolution of puzzle on the fifth green monitor.
4. House on water.

Continue to follow the path past two of these monitors clusters. Go through the canyon and on the left will see the door with the next puzzle. This time a blue monitor. Click on it. You will simultaneously lead a line of two large circles. Spend two lines in glowing points. Make it easy. Enter the inside of the house.

Go to the far left corner and see five monitors. The left monitor will be active. Start the decision of the puzzle. Here you need to move both lines at the same time. Remember that you move the mouse that line, which comes from the big circle, for which you closed. Another line moves mirror.

Choose the leftmost bottom circle all the time and move the lines from there so (if you have a solution from us, then do not pay attention to the second line):

one. First monitor – up, right, twice up.
2. Second Monitor – Right, Up, Left, Up, Up, Right, Up.
3. Third Monitor – Right, Up, Up, Left, Left, Up, Up, Right, Up, Right, Up.
4. Fourth monitor – twice up, right, up, left, up, left, up, right, right, up, left, up, right, up.
five. Fifth monitor (on the screenshot below) – left, up, right, up, left, up, left, up, twice right, up, left, up, left, up, twice to the right, up, left, up.The Witness: Game Walkthrough and GuideFifth monitor with a puzzle solution on the inner wall of the house standing on the water.
Follow the luminous green wire, which will lead you to three new monitors of this type. The solution is described below:

one. On the first monitor, drive a line from the left left corner so: up, up, up, right, right, up.
2. On the second monitor – up, up, right, right, up, up.
3. On the third monitor – right, right, right, up, left, left, up, left, up, up, left.

Go around this cube and see that the green cable activated three other monitors. Decide them. On the first monitor, enter the line as follows (from the left left corner): up, up, right, right, up, up, right, up, up, left, left, left. On the second monitor, move as follows: up, up, right, right, up, up, right, up, up, left, left, left. The third monitor is the same as the second. It’s just a little distorted in space.


Note that now the green cable leads away from home. Go behind it through the canyon and find yourself near a large door with a mystery. Here you need to spend the lines so as to capture all black points. Start point one. You need to move like this: right, up, left, up, up, right, right, right, down, down, left, down, right, right, up, up, up, right. The gate is now open.The Witness: Game Walkthrough and GuideThe gate was discovered, but for them some more.
Go forward and immediately see new gates. But the monitor is not connected to the power. Do not rise to the second goal, and go around them on the left side. Move in a circle, as the cable goes, and, in the end, see a new puzzle. In front of you five monitors. You need to double the double line again, but also to capture the black marks. Running forward, it is worth emphasizing that although the lines are always mirror, but black dots can be placed in a completely different way. The sequential decision of the five monitors is presented below:

one. The first monitor (start from the top large circle) – right, up, right, down, right, right.
2. The second monitor (start from the top large circle) – up, right, down, right, up, right, down, right.
3. The third monitor (start from the top large circle) – up, up, right, right, right, down, left, left, down, right, right, right, up, up, right, down, down, right.
4. Fourth monitor (start from the left big circle) – up, up, right, right, right, down, left, down, down, left, down, left, up, left. Shown in the screenshot below.
five. Fifth monitor (start from the left top circle) – until it is left to the right, down, left, down, down, left, up, up, up to the left.The Witness: Game Walkthrough and GuideSolution of puzzle on the fourth screen.
Move on the blue cable that will lead you to four new monitors. This time the task will complicate. Every time you choose, from what circle to start, you control the blue line. In this case, the mirror line becomes yellow. In addition to black points on the monitor, blue and yellow flowers appear now. Through these points only the line of the corresponding color should pass, while any other can pass through the black dots. On the right left on six monitors the solution is:

one. Blue Line Left: Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Up.
2. Second monitor (blue line from the left left corner): up, up, right, right, up, up to the left.
3. The third monitor (the blue line comes out of the upper right corner): left, down, right, down, down, left, left, left, down, down, right, right, down.
4. Fourth monitor (blue line from the left left corner) – up, up, right, up, up.
five. Fifth monitor (blue line from the left left corner): right, right, right, up, left, left, three times up, left, up.
6. The sixth monitor (blue line from the left left corner is shown in the screenshot below): up, right, down, right, up, right, up, up, right, right, down, left, down, down, right, down.The Witness: Game Walkthrough and GuideDecision puzzle on the last screen.
Move to the following monitors where blue and yellow cables lead. There are only seven monitors here, but there is one feature – with each new monitor, the yellow line becomes more transparent and more transparent. On the top three monitors, it is not at all. How to live with it? Turn on imagination! In any case, we will tell you the right decision.

one. The first monitor (the blue line takes its beginning on the left): down, right, right, up, up, left, left, up, up, right, down, right, up, right, right, right, down, right, upwardsup.
2. Second monitor (blue line all from there – left): up, up, up, right, down, down, right, down, down, left, left, down, right, down, left, down.
3. The third monitor (the blue line begins on the left above): up, four times right, twice down, until it stops left, down and left.
4. Fourth Monitor (Blue Line Right): Up, Left, Up, Right, Up.
five. Fifth Monitor (Blue Line Right): Down, Left, Up, Up, Right, Up, Up. The solution of this and subsequent example is shown in the screenshot below.
6. The sixth monitor (the blue line begins to the right below): left, left, left, up, up, right, right, up, up, right, down, right.
7. The last monitor (the blue line begins to the right below): four times left, up, right, right, up, up, right, right, right.The Witness: Game Walkthrough and GuideSolution of puzzles on the fifth and sixth screens.
Now go back to the second goal and decide the riddle. Both lines will be one color. Start moving from the left left corner as: right, up, left, until the stop is up and diagonally in the right place. Gate open!

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